Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 79: Sad reunion


Hua Sheng nodded.

"Is today a good day?" He sat down with a smile.

Only one casual white shirt on Jiang Liu's body was a limited edition of a luxury brand.

The cuffs are all glittering with gold and diamonds. He is the kind of person who will feel expensive even if he wears simple clothes.

To put it bluntly, it is full of aura, born with extravagance.

"It's not."

"Then do you want something from me? You want a loan from me?" Jiang Liu joked.

Hua Sheng shook his head, "I'm not short of money."

"Then what's going on, A Sheng... If you don't explain it clearly, I really don't dare to eat it, I'm afraid it's a Hongmen banquet."

Hua Sheng couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth slightly, "Actually, I just wanted to express my gratitude, so don't worry."

"Thank you? Thank you for what?" Jiang Liu froze for a moment.

After thinking about it, is it because of the two Audi A8s I bought before

Hua Sheng glanced at him calmly, "During the days when my grandma passed away, you still took care of me after busy work at Hua's house... the day you announced your also spoke for me...Although I am cold-tempered, I never I’m not a person who doesn’t know how to be grateful. If you want to come to your status, you don’t need anything. I don’t know what to buy, so just today when my mother came over, I asked her about your favorite dishes, so I made some. You can try it. How is the taste?"

Before Jiang Liu could speak, Hua Sheng added another sentence.

"I don't cook often, so the craftsmanship may not be so good."

"It's okay, I'll give it a try."

Jiang Liu was not too polite, picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs with his chopsticks.

Then chew carefully and enjoy with your eyes closed.

"Well, it's delicious and the craftsmanship is good." He praised.

In fact, it is not easy for Hua Sheng to be able to say these words for her personality.

Jiang Liu really didn't lack for anything, Hua Sheng was able to make a meal for him with his own hands, this move was undoubtedly very heartwarming.

Jiang Liu only felt that being nice to her was worth it.

Hua Sheng did ask Mrs. Jiang in the afternoon. Jiang Liu is a very stubborn person. Over the years, what he liked to eat when he was a child is now what he likes, almost unchanged.

Hua Sheng made sweet and sour pork ribs, fried okra with vegetables, fried shredded pork with yam, steamed sea bass, beef with sauce, and an fried egg with whitebait.

Add a sour tomato beef brisket soup, it's not too delicious.

It's true that Hua Sheng doesn't cook much, but she is extremely talented.

Chuntao and Gingko are on the side to guide and help, and Hua Sheng is the chef himself, and the food he cooks is really not inferior to the hotel chef.

Jiang Liu had a great appetite that night and ate three bowls of rice in one go.

Hua Sheng couldn't tell what it was like, it should be a sense of satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment

eight o'clock in the evening

A wounding incident occurred on a university campus in Jiangcheng.

A boy proposed to break up with his girlfriend because of cheating. The girl couldn't accept the fact and stabbed her boyfriend with a fruit knife in anger.

Some students called the police, and the police dispatched three vehicles.

Bai Hao followed the team leader and his colleagues to perform tasks nearby, and came as soon as he received the call.

The student who had the accident happened to be known to Hua Lin, so she was also there.

When the two met, it was extremely embarrassing.

After Bai Hao proposed to break up last time, he deleted all Hua Lin's contact information.

Hua Lin has been sad for a long time, and she has been out of shape recently, and she is listless during class.

"are you OK?"

In private, Bai Hao called Hua Lin aside alone.

Hua Lin looked at him sadly, "What do you think?"

"Xiaolin, love is not everything... You have to take good care of your body and live a good life."

Bai Hao saw that Hua Lin's mental state was not very good. In just a few days, she lost a lot of weight.

"Bai Hao, don't you think it's ridiculous to say this now?"