Former Cannon Fodder’s Self-help Manual

Chapter 14


Jian Yixian walked to the window and gazed into the distance, relaxing her tired spirit, and protecting her poor eyesight by the way.

When the whole person calmed down, she estimated the time, the popularity of Weibo had almost subsided, walked to the desk, picked up the IPAD, and registered a Weibo account.

Jian Yixian has always been insensitive to these social software, and it took a long time to register successfully.

After registration, she passed the account number to Cao Feng and asked him to verify it.

Cao Feng acted quickly and directly contacted the Weibo head office. Weibo executives learned that it was Jian Yixian who wanted Weibo certification, and he quickly passed the review. Not long after, Cao Feng told Jian Yixian that the certification was successful.

Jian Yixian plucked the IPAD, logged into the Weibo account, with a clear goal, and went straight to the official Weibo of "Dawn is Coming".

She swiped the screen twice with her thin and white fingers like onion roots, and typed a few words, and four gray words "Forwarded successfully" popped up on the interface.

Looking forward to Xia Dao's new drama, looking forward to the next collaboration[笑脸]/#Expect Xia Dao's maiden drama, I heard that the big boss personally signed the drama, the boss said, Xia Dao used to be a good actor, now he must be a good director, I don’t know if it’s too late for me to lick Xia Dao now and [distressed]#

As soon as this Weibo post came out, it was like stabbing a hornet's nest. The heat that had just subsided was like gasoline being poured on it, and the "hula" came on again.

Jian Yixian found Xia Changhan's Weibo, followed it, and after finishing all this, she smiled lightly, threw down the iPad, brushed off her clothes, and hid her achievements and fame.

After a night of fermenting, Xia Changhan was shocked when he woke up the next day and clicked on Weibo.

Four of the top ten searches are related to her.

Xia Changhan was quite puzzled. Buying too many meaningless hot searches can easily make people bored, and it is very popular with passers-by. Doesn't Nianhua Media, a big company, even understand these things

The system was quite interesting, so Xia Changhan was urged to click on it quickly.

Xia Changhan stopped poking his finger on the screen, "Why do you like to join in the fun so much?"

The system felt aggrieved: "I don't care about you."

Alas, let me go, the system is getting more and more eloquent, and it is even more slick in lying than her.

"Are you in a hurry?" Xia Changhan asked with his eyes hanging.

The system only followed her as a host, of course it was idle, but it would not admit it, it disappeared without a word as usual.

Xia Changhan didn't care, and clicked on Hot Search to browse.

She learned about her on Weibo from the beginning to the end, and couldn't help but sigh: Jian Yixian is so interesting!

Although she is Jane's scumbag! But it's not at all the same as the insidious and cunning bastard like Jane's scum!

Her series of operations not only promoted "Dawn is Coming", but also showed her attitude towards Xia Changhan, which directly represented the attitude of the behemoth Jane's towards Xia Changhan. Swept away, Jian Yixian showed with practical actions that Xia Changhan was under her cover, and if someone wanted to deal with Xia Changhan in the future, he would have to weigh his weight first.

Xia Changhan wondered if it was necessary to treat Jian Yixian to a meal to express his gratitude for helping Jian Yixian so much. There was no one around her, so he planned to ask the system.

"System, should I treat Jian Yixian to a meal to thank her?"

The system doesn't understand the world very well: "You didn't treat her to a meal when she slept, thank you."

Xia Changhan's old face flushed, and then he was furious at the system's crude conversion method: "Bah, bah, why don't you eat and sleep for a night, it's not so cheap."

The system data was confused for a moment, and it thought that Xia Changhan was equating a night's sleep with a meal, so he thought about it and said: "Jian Yixian proposed 300 million packages for you a year, which is 300 yuan a year. Sixty-five days, this year is a leap year, one more day has to be added, so it is 366 days, three hundred million divided by three hundred and sixty-six, one night's sleep is 810,000!"

The system then searched for the price of nurturing in this world, and happily said to Xia Changhan: "The highest turnover in this world in one night is 300,000 yuan. Congratulations, you are the most expensive!"

Xia Changhan was almost pissed off by the system's uprightness.

After arguing with the system, she also calmed down, remembering that Jian Yixian is still her friend/friend, it would definitely be awkward to eat together, but

Jian Yixian has a lot of things going on every day, maybe she won't go to her appointment, she just mentions it casually, and Jian Yixian finds a reason to refuse it casually, it doesn't need to meet to increase embarrassment, but also expresses her gratitude, which is perfect.

Xia Changhan thought of doing it right away, found Jian Yixian's contact information from his phone, deleted, deleted and deleted many times, and finally edited a text message about a meal, thought for a while and added a sentence at the end: Can Jane always add a Q?

She thought confidently, the SMS fee is ten cents a time, and all her belongings have been invested in online dramas. She is already poor, so adding a Q to get in touch is not only convenient but also saves money.

It didn't take long for Jian Yixian's reply to come, only two very short words: OK, followed by a string of Q numbers.

Xia Changhan: "..."

It was well planned, but Jane didn't follow the routine.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Changhan received another message: Don't spend too much money, I'll just go to your house for a quick meal.

Yes, I have to cook for her.

Xia Changhan really wanted to order some takeaway for her when she came. It was delicious and affordable, and he didn't need to wash the dishes after eating, just throw it in the trash can.

Xia Changhan entered the Q number sent by Jian Yixian, and after searching, a person whose nickname was Yixian Yizhu Sihua Nian popped up. After clicking on it, Xia Changhan almost laughed and split.

Jian Yixian's Q is too simple, and the avatar is still the original avatar when Q first came out. Xia Changhan finally felt a sense of age from Jian Yixian.

After Xia Changhan applied to add a friend, the other side passed it quickly, and Jian Yixian sent a smiling expression.

Even the expressions are so old-fashioned.

[When will Boss Jian come to my humble house?]

[How about tomorrow (smile)]

[Waiting for Mr. Jane at any time]


Xia Changhan was overjoyed, and President Jian's expression was very spiritual.

The next day, at dawn, Xia Changhan was splashing water on his face when the doorbell rang suddenly.

After Xia Changhan slapped the water three times, five times and two times, he opened the door and saw Jian Yixian standing at the door, holding a bottle of red wine in his hand.