Former Cannon Fodder’s Self-help Manual

Chapter 19


Jian Yixian thoughtfully prepared the interview venue for Xia Changhan. It was in the largest conference hall of the Charleston Hotel. Although Xia Changhan could afford it with his current wealth, it must be quite painful.

Before the interview, she tidied up specially, and she also put on a pair of gold-rimmed glasses like Jian Yixian, trying to keep a dignified image in their hearts on the first meeting.

When Xia Changhan arrived, there were already many actors waiting outside the conference hall. They gathered together in twos and threes, smiling and whispering, as if they were on an outing, without the tension of an interview.

They know about the company’s star-making plan, but a mere web drama, even if it becomes popular, won’t be able to get on the stage. Due to Mr. Fu’s face, it’s already very cheap to participate in this interview. If colleagues from other companies know that they come to interview A web drama has already started to laugh at them.

There are still some smart people who can see that the company is willing to make such a big effort to promote a web drama, so the web drama must have its unique features, but these smart people are very few, and most of them are still loose Slacking off and not caring.

When Xia Changhan saw this scene, she couldn't get angry. She had already decided to wipe out this group of people. When she turned around, she would never allow anyone behind her to hold her back.

With a flick of her hair, she was full of aura, and walked towards the conference hall with her head held high and her chest held high. With her arrival, the atmosphere gradually became more heated.

"Look, that's Xia Changhan."

"She's so pretty, no wonder Jian Jian is fascinated by her."

"I made a mistake, Jian Ming and her are almost at odds."

"If the two of them don't live together, why did the company give her the green light all the way? I heard that their old relationship revived, and they begged Boss Jian to invest in Xia Changhan's web drama to create momentum for Xia Changhan. The reason why Boss Fu spared no effort to support her This drama, but according to the assignment from above."

"Really, what about Bai Youyou?"

"Bai Youyou has fallen out of favor. The feelings of a wealthy son are like fog, rain, and wind. It's impossible to fathom."

"You're quite artistic..."

The conference hall was very large, magnificently decorated, and beautiful. Mingming Xia Changhan walked in alone, but the people standing outside felt that she had stepped out of a tens of thousands of troops.

The qualifications are not enough, and the aura comes to make up.

Standing in the hall were two young men sent by Jian Yixian to help Xia Changhan, a man and a woman, the man was mature and stable, and the woman was cute and cute. Seeing Xia Changhan came up to say hello: "Hello Director Xia, I It's Zhan Hongtu, and the person next to me is Zhao Chen, who belongs to the secretariat of Nianhua Group, Mr. Jian sent us here to help you with this interview, if you need anything, just ask."

Those who can be secretaries are all good people, and Jian Yixian's secretary is even more outstanding. Although they can't figure out the relationship between Jian Yixian and Xia Changhan, but Jian Yixian's attitude is here, which is enough for them to mention He paid more attention to Xia Changhan.

With the help of Zhan Hongtu and Zhao Chen, the interview will proceed in an orderly manner.

Zhan Hongtu took out the roster and said, "Director Xia, shall we interview one by one in the order listed on the roster?"

Xia Changhan took the roster, glanced at it casually, and handed it back to Zhan Hongtu. Anyway, she didn't know any of them, so it didn't matter if they came in the order of the roster.

"no problem."

"Then I'll call the first person to come in first, and the rest of the artists will arrange for them to wait in the living room next door."

From just now, Xia Changhan felt strange why those artists would stand in the corridor. It stands to reason that the people who participated in the interview would wait in the living room before the interview started, and it was somewhat unseemly to stand in the corridor. She thought it was a common practice in this world, so she asked, "Why didn't you invite them to the living room?"

Zhan Hongtu replied briefly, "This is Mr. Jian's arrangement."

Not only that, but even the roster was written by Jian Yixian. The reason why they were arranged to wait in the corridor was to suppress their arrogance and make their moves shine. Xia Changhan was covered by someone.

The people on the roster, the more newcomers, the higher the ranking. There are two main considerations. One of them is to kill the prestige of these artists, and the other is to single out those who are unruly and disobedient.

The longer the waiting time, the more she can reveal her true nature. If there is someone who is not open-eyed and bumps into the muzzle, she can find out and deal with it in time.

Xia Changhan is a rookie director after all, and some second-tier artists with high-spirited eyes may participate in the interview because of Fu Meijia, and they may also complain at the same time. Yixian wants to nip this possibility in the bud, and hand it over to Xia Changhan, a group of obedient artists. After that, the filming work can't be dictated by, and her little dessert is dissatisfied with her.

Cao Feng had already guessed Jian Yixian's intentions, and he sighed in his heart that Mr. Jian never cared so much about his son. It seems that Jian Ming will definitely call his ex-girlfriend's mother in the near future.

Jian Yixian never thought that her good intentions would be of no avail, Xia Changhan had already decided to brush everyone off.

With a decision in her heart, the interview naturally went quickly.

Xia Changhan picked his nose and eyes vertically, criticized the entertainer he was interviewing as worthless, and even made a little girl who was psychologically fragile cry.

The little girl is not very old, she looks quite beautiful, she is a beauty, but unfortunately she is not enlightened like a piece of wood, and her acting skills are blunt and contrived. Xia Changhan said that she will just be a vase in the future, and the angry little girl ran out crying up.

The artistes outside once again confirmed that Director Xia is not a good match. The newcomers were nervous, fearing that they would not pass the interview. Some well-known entertainers felt that Xia Changhan was arrogant and liked to show off. In their hearts, new directors had to cater to each other and act with their tails between their legs. Xia Changhan did the opposite. In short, a slight dissatisfaction with her could not help but arise in his heart.

Zhan Hongtu and Zhao Chen, who had witnessed the whole interview process, were secretly dumbfounded. Director Xia was just a smiling tiger, looking at the little girl with a smile on his face, and kept poking her like a poisoned knife with his mouth, causing a bloody hole. One after another, the two of them who watched felt miserable.

Xia Changhan accidentally saw the strange eyes of these two people, and asked the system: "Did I say too much?"

System: "What you said is the truth."

Xia Changhan felt relieved, and continued to poke the knife at the next person.

Halfway through the interview, no one passed. Xia Changhan found that Nianhua Media's artists were of average level, and they had a handsome face, and their acting skills were worrying. Even giant companies have a phenomenon that there is a shortage of new and old actors. One can imagine the current status of the entertainment industry. No wonder Fu Meijia will start the star-making plan. The acting skills are not enough, and the traffic is coming.

Although acting depends on aura, it depends more on persistent accumulation. Today's entertainment industry is too impetuous, and there are not many actors who are willing to polish their acting skills. She can already foresee the grand occasion when "Dawn Will Come".

From the interview till now, the second-tier staff who couldn't bear it had left.