Former Cannon Fodder’s Self-help Manual

Chapter 22


Jian Yixian is as cold as Tuanxue, but only after a meal, his face is green and black, and Xia Changhan is also a capable person.

Jian Yixian is interested in Xia Changhan, every time he sees her, he can't wait to eat the skin and bones, so naturally he can't hear Xia Changhan calling her mother-in-law.

Jian Yixian picked up Xia Changhan's cartilage, slapped her on the back, stroked down, and straightened her waist. When he stroked to the end, he accidentally encountered a sudden arc, and couldn't hold back the pinch. one time.

Xia Changhan looked at her quietly.

It is rare for Jian Yixian to feel a little embarrassed.

She coughed, straightened Xia Changhan, and corrected her: "I'm not your mother-in-law."

"You have already broken up with Jianming, and you have never seen each other again. Recently, the two of us have been in close contact. Speaking of seniority, we should be two of the same generation. If we really want to talk about it, Jianming's child has to be called your aunt."

Xia Changhan: "Understood, I understand, we are friends who have forgotten the year."

Jian Yixian hesitated to speak, opened his mouth and finally closed it. Mr. Jian, who is omnipotent in the vertical and horizontal shopping malls, was blocked by Xia Changhan's words and couldn't speak.

Xia Changhan leaned forward, and Taohua's eyes sparkled, "Mr. Jian, you are thirty-seven years old, haven't you considered getting married yet?"

Jian Yixian said: "I haven't met anyone I like before."

Xia Changhan: "What about now?"

Jian Yixian looked at her and didn't speak, just smiled, the smile was like the scorching sun in June, making Xia Changhan dizzy from the sun.

Her brain twitched, and she blurted out: "Then your falling in love will become Twilight Love."

In June, the baby's face was still scorching hot just now, but now it was covered with cloudy clouds.

It is rare for Jian Yixian to care about her age, and she told Xia Changhan solemnly: "I am only older in the family. My mother was already forty-three when I was born, and my cousins of the same generation were all twenty-three. I'm many years old, so I'm actually not very old, only thirty-seven years old," she said, moving her fingers, and added, "I'm in my prime."

Even though Jian Yixian said that, she was secretly worried that Xia Changhan thought she was old.

Seeing her move her fingers, Xia Changhan's pretty face turned red.

Jian Yixian's heart moved, "Patriarch Jian's birthday is usually celebrated in the old house, tomorrow I will send someone to pick you up to the old house."

Xia Changhan hesitated: "Old house, is it appropriate for me to go?"

Jian Yixian said with a smile: "It's not a big birthday, the family just have a simple meal together."

Xia Changhan agreed. Jian Yixian wanted to spend another day at her house, but Cao Feng called again.

Jian Yixian answered the phone, feeling depressed all over his body: "Hello."

It was still a sunny day outside, Cao Feng suddenly shivered, rubbed the goose bumps on his arms, and whispered a few words, Jian Yixian regretfully said to Xia Changhan: "The company has something to deal with."

Xia Changhan complained: "Why does your company always have accidents?"

Jian Yixian: "..."

Xia Changhan couldn't think of any gift for Jian Yixian's birthday. She is so rich that she must have everything, so Xia Changhan simply baked a box of cookies and brought them over.

When the driver came to pick her up, the cookies were just out of the oven, steaming hot.

After arriving at the old house, the cookies were still warm, and Jian Yixian came out to pick her up in person. Xia Changhan saw Jian Yixian stuff the cookies into her arms and said, "Happy birthday."

The box containing the cookies was specially bought by Xia Changhan from the Internet. It is worth 199 yuan. It is made of high-grade materials and fine workmanship. The outside is wrapped with a milky white ribbon into a bow.

Xia Changhan even sprayed some perfume on the outside of the box

Jian Yixian didn't expect Xia Changhan to prepare a gift for her in just one day. Judging from the packaging, a lot of thought must have been spent on the gift. Her voice was filled with joy, "Thank you, I like it very much."

Xia Changhan: "Take it apart and have a look."

Jian Yixian carefully unwrapped the bow, held her breath, and slowly opened the box. What caught her eye was eight cookies, which were quietly placed in the box, and the aromas rushed out.

Jian Yixian closed the lid as if nothing had happened, and led Xia Changhan towards the main house.

The system laughed wildly from the side: "I have spent a lot of thought, and it was wasted on packaging."

Xia Changhan: "You know a hammer, and you can send goose feathers from thousands of miles away. The gift is light and the affection is heavy."

It seems that Jian Yixian underestimated Xia Changhan's shamelessness, and wrapped the cheapest gift in the most expensive packaging.

System: "I suspect this is the cheapest gift Jian Yixian has ever received."

Xia Changhan: "That's not bad, I wanted to buy some cookies."

System: "..." It also underestimated the thickness of Xia Changhan's skin.

Xia Changhan raised his chin at the box: "Do you like it, open it and try it while it's hot."

Jian Yixian pinched a cookie, and she could feel the residual heat in her fingertips. She took a bite, and the strong milk flavor filled her mouth, and the taste was quite good.

Xia Changhan said, "This one is goat milk flavored."

Jian Yixian pointed to the osmanthus-shaped cookie in the upper right corner and asked, "Is this one flavored with osmanthus?"

Xia Changhan shook his head: "I also added some Fenjiu, which tastes like fermented rice balls."

Jian Yixian: "..."

"And this one, I found another way, added green tea, the taste is even better than matcha."

"In addition, there are egg pudding flavors, Shuixinxuan cake flavors, mung bean cake flavors, mint flavors, and red dates flavors."

Jian Yixian: " bothered"

Such a variety of cookies enriched Jian Yixian's mouth. Xia Changhan stared at Jian Yixian with bright eyes, as if seeking praise. Jian Yixian raised his hand and rubbed her head: "It tastes good, I will give it all Finished."

The system gave a "tsk". If Jian Yixian knew that Xia Changhan was researching the flavor of leek and egg, he would definitely not have answered like this with the flavor of preserved meat and Laoganma.

The Jian family has a long history, and its ancestors can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty. The old house was also left by the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty. It has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years.

During this period, some unusable buildings eroded by the years have been renovated and rebuilt, and the main house is one of the renovated buildings.

The small bridges and flowing water in the courtyard of the old house are antique, and all kinds of modern electrical appliances are available in the main house.

Jian Yixian took Xia Changhan through the stairs to the second floor, opened the door of the room at the end of the south side and said, "I will stay here tonight."

Xia Changhan looked at Jian Yixian meaningfully, Mr. Jian, you are very unscrupulous, you have to stay overnight for your birthday.

Without changing his face, Jian Yixian introduced the facilities in the room to Xia Changhan, saw that it was time for dinner, and took her downstairs.

Standing on the stairs, Xia Changhan saw Jian Jian and Bai Youyou standing in the hall downstairs.

The two of them were travel-stained, carrying suitcases, as if they had just returned from a trip.

In order to please her future mother-in-law, Bai Youyou took off the little white dress that could show off her white lotus temperament, and put on a smart and capable little suit, which was also high-end and expensive.

Jian Ming chatted with her together, the smile on his face couldn't be suppressed.

When she saw Xia Changhan, it was obvious that the smile froze on her face.

Jian Ming was also stunned, her face looked like a dyeing shop was opened, blue for a while, white for a while, black for a while, colorful and really pretty.

Jian Yixian went downstairs, pointed to Jian Jian and said, "Let me introduce, this is my son Jian Jian."

Xia Changhan: "I've heard it before."

Jian Yixian turned his gaze to Bai Youyou who was beside Jian Ming, "Who is this, why don't Jian Ming introduce it to us?"

Jian Ming came back to her senses, pulled the corners of her mouth, forced a smile and said: "This is my girlfriend, Bai Youyou."

Bai Youyou nodded reservedly: "Hello, Auntie."

Jian Jian twitched the corner of her mouth again: "Mom, this is..."

Jian Yixian smiled and said, "This is your Aunt Xia."


To celebrate breaking 2k in the collection, 50 cuties will be given red envelopes in the comment area.

"I Love Cult CP" is over

I want to drive another car of the cult cp, Jiang Nan x Bai Youyou

Rich second-generation irascible old girl Gong x dedicated to climbing up, quite a lady's brainless coquettish sex

Because Bai Youyou has been with Xia Changhan for three years, the irritable old girl finds Bai Youyou not pleasing to the eye, so she shows her best friend and rapes Bai Youyou

The irascible old girl said while rumbling: "Fuck your sister, bully my best friend, I will kill you to death."

After the job was over, the irascible old girl was so scared that she hid, Bai Youyou became addicted, Jian Jian stopped chasing her, and Mrs. Fu didn't do it anymore, chasing the irascible old girl to beg for sex and so on.

Other ideas, if you are interested, I can write about their cars