Former Cannon Fodder’s Self-help Manual

Chapter 26


Xia Changhan did not expect to pass a few on the first day of filming. After all, it was the first cooperation and they were not familiar with each other. Han gradually became more comfortable, not to mention that there was Jian Yixian on top of him, even if someone wanted to turn over a few waves, he couldn't turn it over.

Xia Changhan is not only the director, but also participated in an important role in the middle. There are not many scenes, but he is the soul character who runs through the whole drama. Although she plans to make a counterattack online drama, it does not mean that she has moved behind the scenes , after all, her mission is to return to the entertainment industry.

In the morning, I took a few random shots and tried it out, and then they dispersed. Before the dissolution, Xia Changhan said: "At noon, please have dinner together."

Everyone present cheered and thanked Director Xia.

The whole family went outside, Cao Feng got out of the car and shouted: "Miss Xia, please stay."

Holding a bouquet of delicate roses in his hand, everyone burst into laughter, winking at Xia Changhan ambiguously: "Director Xia, hurry up, we'll wait for you at the hotel."

Before Xia Changhan could say anything, the whole family ran away like locusts.

Cao Feng stretched his long legs, walked up to Xia Changhan in two or three steps, and gave her the rose: "Miss Xia, this is what Boss Jane ordered me to send."

Xia Changhan took the rose, opened the card, and wrote on it: Is it pretty, you are prettier than it.

Xia Changhan: "..."

Mr. Jane's style is really simple and rude...

After Xia Changhan finished reading the card, Cao Feng went on to say, "Miss Xia, Boss Jian said that you can use this RV when you are resting, and the driver can be trusted."

"Thank you Mr. Jane for me."

Cao Feng threw down the RV, clicked on the software and beeped, and while waiting for the car, Xia Changhan said, "Mr. Cao is very down-to-earth."

Cao Feng smiled: "I didn't drive here, so I had to take a taxi back."

"Let the driver take you back, and he'll just come back."

"This will delay Miss Xia's rest. Boss Jane knows about it, but he can't spare me."

While talking, the beep driver had already arrived, Cao Feng waved at Xia Changhan after getting in the car: "Goodbye, Miss Xia."

After Nianhua Media's full efforts to build momentum, "Dawn is Coming" became popular before the filming started. At this time, it finally started, and the reporters rushed over like cats smelling of fish.

Even if the cutscenes are cleared, there are still a few fish that slipped through the net hanging far behind, to see if they can catch some news.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I picked it up, I picked up a big gossip.

Suddenly there was a new piece of news on the Internet that Cao Feng, the special assistant to the president of Nianhua Group, sent flowers to Xia Changhan on the opening day of "Dawn Will Come".

In the back, there is a picture of Cao Feng sending flowers, and a few close-ups of roses.

This news was reposted by the big V on Weibo. After several deletions, edits and additions, it seemed that why the banned Xia Changhan could make a comeback. It turned out that she and Jian Yixian's special assistant Cao Feng had already flirted with each other.

The comments below are varied and eye-opening.

[Fuck, fuck, my little brother is so handsome, marry me, marry me]

[Don't be whimsical upstairs, unless you have a good-looking young lady next to him]

[You are all wrong! What we should discuss is why Xia Changhan made a comeback]

[I don't care if she can't get up, nothing can stop me from licking my handsome little brother]

[Jian Yixian's assistant is so good-looking, maybe the president and assistant... everyone understands hehehe (wrong point!)]

[Where are the comments all wrong, but Miss Xia Changhan is so pretty, lick lick]

[As a person who knows the inside story, I think this may not be the reason. No matter how powerful Cao Feng is, he is only an assistant. Can he influence Jian Yixian's decision? This incident must have been written blindly by the reporter for the sake of eyeballs]

[Ten minutes, I want to get Miss Sister's contact information]

[Dreaming upstairs!]

After Cao Feng returned to the group headquarters, the girl from the secretariat leaned over holding the tablet and said, "Brother Cao, you're going to be hot."

Cao Feng asked: "What's going on?"

The girl handed him the tablet: "Look for yourself."

Cao Feng, who has always been in front of the mountain collapsed and never changed his face, changed his face after reading the content of the tablet. His expression was very ugly, "Which unscrupulous reporter wrote this."

The girl put away the tablet: "I don't know, the heat is still rising."

Now Cao Feng can't wait to find out the reporter who secretly filmed, give him a set of Taishan Changquan, and then spray him with honors and shame, one belt and one road.

One must be conscientious, and writing about him having an affair with the proprietress, isn't that harmful

The only thing to be thankful for now is that President Jane doesn't check Weibo very much.

After Xia Changhan went to the restaurant to join the crowd, they had a lively start-to-work meal together. When they returned at noon, Gao Zijian was touching the caravan without letting go, his eyes were almost glued to it.

"Director Xia, you are really hiding something. This car is more than 10 million yuan. I have liked it for a long time."

"Shouldn't you young people like to play sports cars?"

"How can a sports car be as expensive as it is?"

Xia Changhan opened the car door, Gao Zijian was still touching the mirror reluctantly, Xia Changhan called him, "Would you like to come in and sit down?"

Gao Zijian nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, yes."

There is a lot of space inside the car, and the leather mount is as comfortable as sitting on a cloud. Gao Zijian doesn't want to get off after sitting on it.

Xia Changhan smiled and said, "Virtue, you should make a lot of money."

Gao Zijian gave a thumbs up, "The global limited edition is 20 units, and even if you have money, you can't buy it. Director Xia, when this car is driven on the street, thieves line up for noodles."

"Don't be poor, just sit down for a while and go back to the hotel to rest."

Gao Zijian took out his mobile phone from his pocket and said with a smile, "Director Xia, are you playing games?"

Xia Changhan: "No fight, no way."

Gao Zijian pestered Xia Changhan: "Director Xia, I'll take you. Anyway, if you're idle, you're idle, so let's relax."

Xia Changhan's sense of Gao Zijian is really good, the expression of lying in front of her and begging her to play games with her is exactly the same as that of her family Satsuma,

In the end Xia Changhan couldn't stand it any longer and said, "Just hit me."

Gao Zijian cheered and played the game for Xia Changhan, "Director Xia, come, let's keep peace together."

Xia Changhan: "...the gunfight game has such a positive name."

Gao Zijian didn't raise his head: "I can't help it, the superiors won't pass the trial."

Xia Changhan: "The research and development company has a strong desire to survive."

After Gao Zijian entered the game, he teamed up with Xia Changhan: "Director Xia, should we play two or four."

Xia Changhan said, "Two people, I'm not used to teaming up with strangers."

Gao Zijian: "Success, where shall we dance later?"

Xia Changhan: "P City."

"Damn it, Director Xia is so tough."

Gao Zijian felt that a novice jumping to P City must die quickly. He thought this one would be 1V2, but before he landed on the gun, the game reminded him: Xia Xia used a frying pan to eliminate Knockout Lang.

Gao Zijian thought he was delusional, so he rubbed his eyes and saw that Xia Changhan was standing in the middle of the road with a murderous look holding a frying pan. After licking the bag, he quickly climbed over the guardrail and got into the house.

Gao Zijian: "Director Xia, you can play well."

Xia Changhan said modestly: "It's just luck."

"My agent said that luck is also a part of strength."

"Director Xia, I have picked up a full M24, and I will take you flying later."

Xia Changhan smiled: "I'll depend on you later."

Gao Zijian led Xia Changhan all the way to run poison, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Xia Changhan carrying a sprayer and a 98K.

"Director Xia, trolls are useless."

Xia Changhan: "Ah, okay."

Gao Zijian sighed, he was indeed a novice, and the final round brought trolls and 98K.

The poisonous circle huddled on the hillside. The two of them were lucky. They didn't meet a few people along the way. When they climbed up, there was an exchange of fire ahead, "Director Xia, Gou Yibo."

Xia Changhan didn't say a word, and continued to crawl forward, the 98k bolts kept ringing, cooperating with the snake skin to move, and after a while, both sides in the exchange of fire were cleared.

Gao Zijian was dumbfounded, thinking it was a bronze, but he turned out to be a king.

In the final round, Xia Changhan directly controlled the audience with a sprayer, his operation was extremely sharp, and he successfully ate chicken with Gao Zijian.

After eating the chicken, Gao Zijian walked towards the hotel in a nonchalant manner, wondering why he couldn't eat the chicken. There is such a talented player in bronze, what a fart he would eat.

At the same time, he decided to hold Director Xia's thigh tightly, and the feeling of rubbing the chicken was very refreshing.

In the afternoon, everyone gathered together early.

With further running-in, the shooting was much smoother than in the morning. It is early summer, the sun is soft, and the filming is not too hard.

Among them was Gao Zijian making jokes, and the whole afternoon was fleeting.

Before I knew it, it was six o'clock.

After the last one passed, Xia Changhan announced that today's filming was over.

Xia Changhan was about to go home, but Jian Yixian took him to the old house.

Jian Ming was not seen in the old house, Xia Changhan asked, "President Jian, why isn't Jian Ming here?"

Jian Yixian said jealously: "He doesn't come around often, I'm enough."

After dinner, Xia Changhan and Jian Yixian rolled together again in a daze. After rolling, she got up and took a shower, and walked to her room in a daze. Jian Yixian was very worried and wanted to follow. Chang Han stopped her, and she said, "Boss Jian, I want to be alone for a while."

Xia Changhan, who was rolling the sheets, was full of worries. At one moment, she was worried that Jian Yixian only valued her body, and at another moment, she was worried that Jian Yixian would not admit it the next day after eating and wiping her mouth.

System: "You are worrying about gains and losses here, why not ask Jian Yixian what he thinks."

Xia Changhan felt that what the system said made sense, so he walked into Jian Yixian's room while it was still dark.

The night in early summer is full of stars, and the moonlight is like water, flowing through the window and spreading into the room, casting a layer of moonlight on the people on the bed.

The sound of crickets outside the window covered the sound of Xia Changhan's footsteps. She walked lightly to the bed and stared at Jian Yixian's peaceful sleeping face.

In Jian Yixian's sleep, she always felt that there was a shadow following Dao's eyes. She forced herself to wake up, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a dark figure standing beside her bed.

Her pupils shrank slightly, then calmly picked up the glasses from the bedside table, opened the legs of the glasses and put them on her ears.

"Who are you?"

Xia Changhan had thousands of words and didn't know how to say them, but in the end they all turned into one sentence: "Mr. Jian, can you stop calling me short in the future."

Her tone was aggrieved, and it seemed that a thousand emotions were mixed into this sentence.

Jian Yixian pressed the light on the bedside lamp, and the soft light fell down. She couldn't laugh or cry: "I thought there was a problem with the security of the old house."

Xia Changhan didn't speak, his dark eyes were covered with a thin layer of mist.

Jian Yixian hurriedly pulled her to sit on the bed, kissed her eyelids, and asked softly, "What's wrong."

Xia Changhan murmured: "It sounds like it's not moving for a short period of time. It's a bad atmosphere."

Jian Yixian's heart melted, and he quickly rubbed Xia Changhan into his arms, "Okay, okay, I won't call you short again."

Xia Changhan snuggled into her arms and whispered "Mmm".

Jian Yixian dropped kisses on Xia Changhan's head, "Are you unhappy?"


"Where you are not happy, tell me."

Xia Changhan raised his head and fell into her arms, his eyes sparkling, "Boss Jian, do you like me?"

Jian Yixian smiled softly: "Of course I like it."

Xia Changhan curled his lips: "People who like me still like my body."

Jian Yixian lingered on her, "I like them all."

Xia Changhan reached out and pinched a thin layer of flesh on her waist, and turned it ninety degrees.

Jian Yixian did not change his face, and held Xia Changhan's beautiful face in his palm, "Why do you worry about gains and losses? I like you, Xia Changhan. No matter what appearance or figure you are, I only love you One."

Xia Changhan frowned, and said hesitantly, "What if I'm not from this world."

Jian Yixian smoothed her brows, and imprinted a hot kiss on the center of her brows, "I love your emotions, your every frown and smile, your liveliness, I love your soul, Although the relationship between us began with desire, but my desire is only for you, I despise anyone except you, even if you become a seventy-year-old woman at this moment, with gray hair and wrinkled face, I still love you you."

Xia Changhan felt sweet in his heart, "Am I the first person you like?"

"only one."

Xia Changhan tugged at the corner of Jian Yixian's clothes happily: "Then I'm still your first love."

A smile overflowed from the corner of Jian Yixian's mouth: "Of course."

Xia Changhan was about to drift away, and Jian Yixian's solemn appearance of talking about love was so seductive that Xia Changhan wanted to pounce on her and kiss her hard.

Jian Yixian took her hand, interlocked her fingers, opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, "Xia Xia, I..."

"what happened to you?"

A thin blush rarely appeared on Jian Yixian's face, and Xia Changhan felt itchy when he saw it, "What's the matter?"

Jian Yixian licked her lips, her voice was low and hoarse: "I have a set of hollow lace pajamas in my closet, do you want to try it?"


Opened two pre-collected articles "Divorce, I'm a Professional (Quick Transmute)" and "Happy to My Ex-Boyfriend"

I heard that some people still want to see my mother... so... so... Are you sure you don't want to keep collecting~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~