Former Cannon Fodder’s Self-help Manual

Chapter 41


After the wedding, Jian Yixian stroked Xia Changhan's slightly swollen belly, full of excitement and joy.

"I actually have my own blood."

She held Xia Changhan's hand and said emotionally, "Xia Xia, thank you."

When Xia Changhan was pregnant, she was no different from other pregnant women, and her symptoms were even more serious. She was moody, and her emotions were more irritable.

Xia Changhan withdrew his hand: "Your property belongs to my daughter."

Jian Yixian: "Leave it all to our children."

Only then was Xia Changhan satisfied, he rubbed his stomach and said, "Baby, my mother's wish to be a local tyrant has finally come true in you."

Jian Yixian said softly: "All my money is yours, you can spend it however you want."

Xia Changhan hummed and ignored her.

Jian Yixian didn't care, and squatted beside Xia Changhan, looking at her silly stomach.

Xia Changhan pushed her: "What are you doing stupidly, stay away from me, I'm hot."

She held Xia Changhan's hands, lowered her head carefully, put her ears on Xia Changhan's stomach, and said happily: "I heard my daughter's movement."

Xia Changhan poured cold water: "She is just an embryo now"

Jian Yixian was happy like a big child, "I can hear her heartbeat."

Xia Changhan: "Come on, I'm going to sleep."

"No, soak your feet before going to sleep."

Jian Yixian brought a wooden basin from downstairs, half filled with hot water.

She put down the basin, took off Xia Changhan's slippers, pressed her tender feet into the basin, and gently massaged her feet to relax her body.

After washing his feet, Xia Changhan rolled onto the bed, got into the quilt, and looked at Jian Yixian with only two eyes exposed.

Jian Yixian pulled the quilt off her face like coaxing a child, tucked the corners of the quilt for her, and told her: "It's not healthy to sleep with the quilt covering your face."

After Xia Changhan became pregnant, she became very clingy, obediently "hmm" and slipped into her arms.

Jian Yixian kissed her forehead and fell asleep with her arms around her loosely.

Time passed slowly, and Xia Changhan's belly gradually grew bigger with the passage of time. When she was nine months pregnant, she was finally sent to the hospital.

As a result, on the second night after being sent to the hospital, Xia Changhan was about to give birth.

Jian Yixian waited outside with the old housekeeper.

Listening to the screams inside, Jian Yixian, who was usually on the top of the mountain without changing his face, kept walking back and forth outside the delivery room.

With Xia Changhan shouting angrily: "Jian Yixian, your uncle!"

The baby finally croaked to the ground.

Jian Yixian hurried into the delivery room, looking at Xia Changhan, who was pale and with wet hair sticking to his forehead, he was both happy and distressed, and even stood by the bed and wiped away his tears.

Xia Changhan asked weakly, "Why are you crying?"

Jian Yixian: "We won't have children in the future, and we won't have children again."

Xia Changhan was so tired that he didn't have any strength left, so he agreed and fell into a deep sleep.

Only then did Jian Yixian feel in the mood to see her child.

The child was wrinkled and wrinkled like a monkey, but Jian Yixian liked it very much, and held her tightly. She didn't let go until the nurse asked repeatedly before handing the child to the nurse reluctantly.

Spring has passed and autumn has come, more than fifty years have passed in a blink of an eye, Jian Yixian finally couldn't stand it anymore, and Xia Changhan left this world one step at a time. The moment she lost consciousness, she vaguely heard a mechanical voice: " The deputy director and the director completed a world and returned to consciousness."

"Great, one step closer to the director's recovery, and immediately put the residual consciousness into the next world."


Xia Changhan watched his gray-haired lover gradually lose his voice, weeping uncontrollably, and was finally sent back to the Space-Time Bureau forcibly because of his emotional fluctuations.

"Congratulations to employee Xia Changhan, successfully completed the task, your bonus from this world has been sent to your personal account, please check."

"It was detected that employee Xia Changhan's emotional fluctuations exceeded the dangerous limit, and emotional absorption was carried out."

"The absorption is complete."

"Would you like to continue the mission or return to the Space-Time Bureau for repairs?"

"Go to the next world."

Xia Changhan looked at his hands tightly wrapped in gauze and fell into thought. Very well, this world is directly crippled.

[Ding, this world mission, regain the glory that belongs to the original body, won the gold medal in the ten-year world piano competition, and successfully completed self-rescue]

The outline of the world was sent to Xia Changhan.

Originally a pianist, she studied under the pianist Mojiaer. She is very talented, but she is only 20 years old, and her technique is superb. Mojiaer once said that Xia Changhan will surpass him in another ten years and become a world-class pianist.

The most rare thing is that Xia Changhan is not only superb in technique, but also good at composing music.

Her song "Jinghong" moved the world.

"Jing Hong" swept the composition circles at home and abroad with its delicate emotions and soft and moving oriental characteristics, and shocked many respected old artists.

Xia Changhan was supposed to have a bright future, but she fell in love with a scumbag.

Qu Qinghe, a scumbag, is gay. After listening to "Jing Hong", he felt that the author must be a gentle woman, who was easier to deal with, worthy of his status as Xiao Kai, and his family would not object.

He is the best object for his physical marriage, so Qu Qinghe began to pursue Xia Changhan crazily.

People who are obsessed with art study and creation are relatively simple, but Qu Qinghe really succeeded.

Xia Changhan has been immersed in the illusion of passionate love created by Qu Qinghe and cannot extricate himself. Even Qu Qinghe deliberately finds reasons not to touch her, thinking that Qu Qinghe cherishes her, and his love for Qu Qinghe is even more intense.

It's a pity that Qu Qinghe's Bai Yueguang Su Yu has returned to China.

He is also a young pianist, but his level is far inferior to Xia Changhan's, and he lacks aura.

After he came back, he learned that Xia Changhan and Qu Qinghe were together, and Qu Qinghe was crazy about him. He just hooked his hand lightly to seduce Qu Qinghe.

On the eve of the domestic piano competition, Qu Qinghe stole Xia Changhan's painstakingly written new score, bought her hands and broke her hands, and spread everywhere that Xia Changhan took stimulants when he wrote "Jinghong".

Some art workers will take stimulants to stimulate their thinking when their inspiration is exhausted, but once it breaks out, it will attract public disgust, just like athletes who take stimulants will be banned directly, and the tolerance for stimulants in the art circle is also zero.

Xia Changhan was covered in black material, and there was no possibility of recovering his hands. A rising star just fell like this.

In the domestic piano competition, Su Yu played Xia Changhan's piece, and shamelessly wrote his name in the column of the author of the score.

Immediately afterwards, Qu Qinghe and Su Yu, the young sons of the Qu Group, came out publicly. Unable to withstand a series of blows, the original body cut his wrists and committed suicide at home shortly afterwards.

Now that Qu Qinghe and Su Yu have come out publicly, Yuanshen just learned about it from the news.

As the saying goes, ten fingers connect to the heart, Xia Changhan's ten fingers were broken, and the pain came in waves like a tide.

Xia Changhan was so sluggish from the pain that he lay sluggishly on the bed.

In order to motivate her, the system said, "I think there is something I must tell you."

Xia Changhan hesitated like a dehydrated plant: "What's the matter?"

"Yuanben put a huge amount of insurance on his hands."

Xia Changhan lifted his spirits: "How much?"

"Fifty million."

Xia Changhan suddenly became alive and well, this pain is nothing, compared with the compensation, it is completely worthless.

"Where can I get the compensation?"

"It has already been sent to your account."

Xia Changhan: "... I can't check."

Her ten fingers were wrapped in gauze and she couldn't move. Pressing the phone's power button was a difficult operation for her.

"It's definitely not less."

Xia Changhan was very happy, and he also had the energy to ask the task question, "My hand is already useless, how did I win the gold medal in the International Piano Competition?"

System: "Qu Qinghe's sister, Qu Qingyin, owns a biotechnology company that is researching and developing related medicines, which will be available soon. However, the company only produced six copies of the medicines, and then stopped the production of such medicines."

Xia Changhan: "It means that I can't buy this kind of recovery potion in the market at all?"

System: "Yes, but... Qu Qingyin's ward is next door to yours."

Xia Changhan understood the meaning of the system. She picked the most beautifully packaged fruit basket from the fruit basket that filled the entire table, and stretched out her arms to step on the fruit basket to visit her neighbors.


The second world is poorly written, if you don’t read it, don’t read it

In addition, two pre-collected articles "Divorce, I'm a Professional (Quick Transmute)" and "Fucking Happy Ex-Boyfriend"

I heard that some people still want to see my mother... so... so... Are you sure you don't want to keep collecting~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~