Former Cannon Fodder’s Self-help Manual

Chapter 47



The two people in the hospital were still looking at each other awkwardly.

Why did his hands start to hurt again? Xia Changhan felt that he must have used too much force in his righteous words just now, and all his blood rushed to his head, causing the blood flow in his body to be poor.

The ten fingers were connected to the heart, and the pain caused her chest to be gripped.

Xia Changhan lowered his head and gently kneaded his hands, Qiqi Ai's appearance was particularly attractive.

Qu Qingyin had a panoramic view of her every move.

God always seems to be unfair. How could such a little girl who loves piano and music suffer such misfortune.

She touched her legs subconsciously, and then thought of Qu Qinghe, the little crying bag who followed behind when she was a child, when did she become so cold and ruthless.

The pain dissipated little by little.

Finally, Xia Changhan didn't have to grin his teeth quietly, he thought for a while, and finally made up his mind to explore Qu Qingyin's bottom line first no matter what.

She raised her head slightly, but happened to catch a glimpse of the hand on her knee. The fingers were slender and soft, and they were not inferior to her playing the piano.

It's just that these hands are busy doing business and earning a lot of money, planning strategies in the business world, which seems more to her liking.

"Miss Xia, are you here today, do you have anything else to do?"

Sensing Xia Changhan's gaze, Qu Qingyin asked each other aloud.

This question pulled Xia Changhan out of his daze.

Xia Changhan didn't know how to answer Qu Qingyin's question.

She is worse than her at the moment. If something like this happens, the family may deprive her of her inheritance rights. Who wants to have a disabled heir

But the dignified Miss of the Qu family must not be reconciled to spending the rest of her life in a wheelchair. Since she has painstakingly developed that kind of medicine, she must be planning for herself.

The medicine was not easy to develop, and Qu Qingyin would not give it away casually. I don't know if the 50 million in the account is enough to buy a dose.

She was embarrassed to ask for medicine, and she couldn't sit on her buttocks. The soft sofa felt like pins and needles at the moment.

Dropping needles in the house is audible air condensation.

"Miss Qu, then, then you rest, I'll go first."

Xia Changhan still ran away, and she was never very good at asking for help.

She ran out of the hospital gate in one breath and panted for a long time before she let out her tightly gripped chest.

This is not a good place, so don't come here next time, if you get close to Qu Qingyin, wait for the opportunity to find it again.

Go home, go home, or be comfortable at home.

There was a surge of public opinion on the Internet, and Mr. Qu had heard of it.

What he was worried about was Xia Changhan's entanglement with the Qu family, whether she would take advantage of it and involve her precious grandson Qu Qinghe.

The old man couldn't sit still, so he called his son back.


Qu Zhengguo stood in the study respectfully.

He knows his old man too well, so he must have heard some troubles again, thought of some crisis public relations, and wanted to call himself back to discuss.

In the face of the uncompromising Qu family's supreme emperor, Qu Zhengguo dared not say anything unnecessary, and could only secretly slander his own son.

He felt that Nebula's official Weibo account should not be involved in this discussion, let alone let that Su Yu speak out, which is equivalent to directly stating his position, not to mention that the official Weibo account made a lot of nonsense and directly put Xia Changhan on the opposite side.

Mr. Qu didn't think so.

He repeatedly expressed only one meaning: "Control the comments, control the comments, and delete all the comments that involve Xia Changhan's relationship with the Qu family."

The thinking of gossip all diverges, from the big hit of "Jinghong", to Xia Changhan's doping scandal, to Qu Qinghe and Su Yu's public coming out of the closet, and then to "Chapter Seven of the Night" which has been heard all over the country, watching the excitement People who are accustomed to string these details together, and then develop a new idea, and pull out a mess of stories.

"Dad, that Xia Changhan has nothing to do with our Qu family now. People talk about these comments for a few days, and they lose interest, and then they disappear. If you deliberately control the comments, I'm afraid..."

Old Master Qu stared at him: "What are you afraid of? Qinghe is still young, and he can't always handle things properly. As a father, you should think for him and do everything for him. Really, you are not as good as my old man. "

He told Qu Zhengguo two things very seriously: first, every bit of Qu Qinghe in the online comments will be deleted; second, he has already personally talked to Qu Qingyin about Zhonghe Technology. As a father in China, we need to add fuel to the fire at the right time.

Qu Zhengguo felt his head was as big as a bucket.

He knew better than anyone else that his daughter's efforts for the company, and now her leg was injured like that again, it was emotional and reasonable, and she couldn't say this over and over again.


Qu Zhengguo stood upright in the Qu's Group again and made a great impact. When he returned to the Qu's family, he had to be a filial son.

The old man snorted softly, and he vented his confidence first: "Dad, calm down, I will do as I wish."

The palms and backs of the hands were full of flesh, and Qu Zhengguo was also in a dilemma.

Who let the Qu family's thinking of the overlord still remain decades ago, and the problem of patriarchal patriarchy will never be corrected in a lifetime.

Xia Changhan tried to play a scale, but his fingers couldn't control him, and the music he played couldn't be heard at all.

Xia Changhan simply covered the piano, packed up and went to the supermarket.

The network water army is really powerful.

This "stimulant" incident lasted for several days, and what's more, the story was made up outrageously.

It is said that Xia Changhan hooked up with Qu Qinghe in the first place in order to make use of the resources of the Qu family to make his way to the top. However, he didn't have any works that could be sold, so he took the risk, but Qu Qinghe secretly learned about it, and they broke up unhappy.

He also said that Xia Changhan was not reconciled, and wanted to make a comeback, but the appearance of a real master of art, Su Yu, completely killed her full of scheming in the cradle.

Xia Changhan took out a salt-baked chicken leg from her shopping bag. After opening the package, a strong aroma came out. The burnt yellow skin was shiny and the texture of the meat was tender. She happily gnawed on the chicken leg and brushed Weibo.

What she didn't know was that this was the Qu family's secret trick, and the accusation went straight to the direction of the wind. In order to cater to Mr. Qu's love for his grandson, he did not hesitate to pour all the dirty water on a little girl.

The chicken legs snorted a few times into his stomach, and Xia Changhan licked his fingers, thinking he should do something.

She registered a small Weibo account without real-name authentication, and used a very unremarkable avatar.

The first blog that was released was nothing more than a depth charge.

Without any description in words, Xia Changhan just posted a short video of the sneak shot of the man's hands on the Internet.

In the video, Xia Changhan was contemplating with frowned, pressing the key to test the sound.

The unfinished sheet music lay obediently on the piano stand.

After posting, she went to bed.

After a night of fermentation, on the second day, the clear video had attracted many netizens to watch, but Xia Changhan didn't explain it in words, so the netizens just speculated, and no one knew the true meaning.

What they were even more curious about was who could secretly photograph Xia Changhan so clearly.

Qu Zhengguo finally controlled the comments, and there were more different voices.

[Xia Changhan can compose music, it's not like after taking medicine.]

[Looking at Xia Changhan's state, it doesn't look like he has taken a stimulant]

[Does anyone think Xia Changhan is pretty?]

[Don't run upstairs, I feel the same way]

[Wait, isn't the problem now that she is taking stimulants? Why does it involve her appearance?]

All kinds of things are discussed endlessly.

Before she released the most critical part, these melon-eating crowd gathered around. Since she wanted to fight Qu Qinghe with "Su Bailian", the game had to be played slowly.

It's like fishing with a line in a pond. The small crucian carp nearby is boring. If you want to catch it, put the line farther away to catch a big fish.

Qu Qing and this "scumbag" have to hook him with a big hook, his lips are bleeding and he wags his tail to beg for mercy, so he can do justice to the original body.

Qu Zhengguo, who was busy signing documents, was shocked by the secretary's hasty report.

If it weren't for the old man's orders, people of his age would generally not pay attention to those internet hackers and hot searches.

This time he bit the bullet and threw himself into the net to grab his son. Unexpectedly, within a short while, someone would fight back.

"Mr. Qu, at present, there is no big problem with public opinion, because after all, this is an endless video. Everyone is just guessing, and it has no direct impact on the second young master."

Qu Zhengguo doesn't understand trending searches, but he understands the law that things must be reversed when they are extreme.

I wondered to myself: Is it because the critics have gone too far and offended some people's bottom line, and once they hit the bottom, they will bounce back.

He told his secretary: "Contact with the Internet company, if there is really something that is not good for the second young master, no matter what technical means you adopt, quickly nip it in the bud."

For the old man's entrustment, Qu Zhengguo also went all out.

Qu Qingyin in the ward, holding the mouse in his hand, read page by page.

When she saw the Weibo post by Xia Changhan, she frowned slightly.

The video was very clear, but she couldn't figure out why such a video was sent out.

The scene in the picture can at most prove that Xia Changhan can compose music. If someone deliberately uses this Weibo to refute the theory of "stimulants", it is obviously not convincing.