Former Cannon Fodder’s Self-help Manual

Chapter 57



Xia Changhan's hands can't play the piano for the time being, but they can still make soup.

The smell of food wafts in the deserted villa every day.

Even the sturdy bodyguard was hooked and greedy, and from time to time he used the excuse of helping Qu Qingyin to test dishes, and secretly searched a lot in his stomach.

After dinner that day, Xia Changhan sat on the sofa rubbing his hands.

Qu Qingyin saw her slightly worried, and asked with concern: "Xia Xia, does your hand still hurt?"

Xia Changhan nodded, then shook his head again.

Today, in order to cook pork ribs soup for sister Qu, the chopping board shook with a big knife, the ribs were chopped into pieces, and Xia Changhan's fingers were so painful.

But she didn't want Qu Qingyin to feel guilty about it.

"Xia Xia, do you still want to play the piano?"

Qu Qingyin tentatively asked this sentence.

This girl has been coming to the villa for several days, and Qu Qingyin has already seen through the burning light in her eyes that yearns for music.

"Sister Qu, you, since you asked, I won't hide it from you. Music is my lifelong pursuit. I also signed up to participate in the piano competition, but my hand..."

The anxiety on her face was all in Qu Qingyin's eyes, and the regret in every word was like a small hammer in Qu Qingyin's heart.

There was a voice in my head: You can help this girl.

After all, Qu Qingyin couldn't bear it, and she told Xia Changhan because there were only two of them around.

"My own company is developing a rehabilitation medicine. It was originally developed to treat my legs, and it will be delivered tomorrow. If the medicine is effective, it should be able to help you."

When it comes to potions, Qu Qingyin is still a little confused.

The last order was to adjust the formula within three days and send it back again, but it was delayed for a whole week.

She made a phone call and gave an ultimatum. She was so frightened that she hurriedly replied: "Rush through the night and deliver it to the villa tomorrow."

Qu Qingyin's words were like thunder.

Xia Changhan's eyes were about to go round, and he wanted to ask for medicine, but Qu Qingyin took the initiative to speak first.

Although I knew this was the result, I still couldn't hide my excitement at the moment.

I am so grateful, I still have to show it.

Xia Changhan sniffled, his almond eyes widened, and he really burst into tears.

"Sister Qu, thank you, the kindness of dripping water, springs up to repay each other, and the future will last forever. I will go through fire and water for you, and I will not hesitate..."

She chattered a long list, Qu Qingyin was scared, and said dumbfoundingly: "Okay, we are also in the same boat, don't thank each other, I'll take a bath and rest, and you can't help it." Rest early."

Sister Qu wants to take a bath.

Xia Changhan hurried over to push the wheelchair: "Your legs are inconvenient, I'll help you."

Qu Qingyin is not used to being helped by others. In the past few months with a leg injury, she has been exercising every day, and she is already familiar with it.

But she couldn't stop Xia Changhan's enthusiasm, and was pushed into the bathroom in a blink of an eye.

"Sister Qu, your skin is so good!"


"Sister Qu, you have a top-notch figure!"


The sound of rushing water weakened Qu Qingyin's hearing.

This night passed quietly amidst Xia Changhan's sighs.

"Are you sure, the medicine is correct this time?"

Qu Qingyin looked at the person standing in front of him with a cold voice.

The medicine delivery man nodded again and again: "That's right, boss, this time it's completely according to the new formula, there will be no problem."

After the person left, Qu Qingyin hesitated while holding the medicine bottle.

She couldn't afford to fail again and again, not to mention that promise to Xia Changhan.

The small medicine bottle just reached his mouth, and was gently put down by Qu Qingyin again.

Xia Changhan came down from upstairs.

Last night, I just took a bath with Sister Qu, but I couldn't wake up in the morning because I had beautiful dreams all night.

Xia Changhan, who was thinking about Qu Qingyin's breakfast, saw Qu Qingyin's struggle with the small medicine bottle as soon as he walked over.

She was clever enough to guess what was in the bottle in no time.

"Sister Qu, is this the recovery potion?"

Qu Qingyin nodded: "Well, I just developed it, let me try it first, and I will use it for you as soon as it works."

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing the medicine bottle being delivered to Qu Qingyin's mouth, Xia Changhan stretched out his hand to stop it.

In the next moment, with lightning speed, he snatched the medicine bottle over and drank it down.

"Xia Xia, you..."

Qu Qingyin was in a hurry, the efficacy of this medicine was unknown, how could others easily risk it.

Xia Changhan looked indifferent.

"Sister Qu, don't worry, I have a lucky star to protect me."

Anyway, she was air-dropped, so she is not completely dead, she has to complete the mission and go back to her life.

But such an awe-inspiring move brought Sister Qu's teary eyes.

Since the death of her mother, Qu Qingyin's emotions have never been easily revealed in front of others.

She wants to survive adversity and force herself to be strong, so she can't still be a little girl.

But today, Xia Changhan was firmly moved.

"Xia Xia, thank you. I was murdered by Su Yu and my younger brother. I thought that the world was full of darkness and there would be no light in the world, but I didn't expect that you would risk your life to test the medicine for me."

Qu Qingyin's voice choked with sobs.

Xia Changhan felt uncomfortable seeing her red eyes and furrowed brows.

However, the secret that Qu Qingyin revealed was far beyond her expectations.

It turned out that she and Sister Qu had a common enemy.

"Sister Qu, I will protect you for the rest of my life. When we are all healed, I will help you fight the scumbags and regain real power. I want you to be happy and worry-free for the rest of your life."

Xia Changhan patted his chest and promised, but Qu Qingyin was completely moved again.

Three quiet hours seemed like a century.

Qu Qingyin's heart almost reached her throat.

In case Xia Changhan has any accidents because of testing the medicine, then she will...

Qu Qingyin didn't dare to speak, and kept her eyes on for a moment.

When the time came, Xia Changhan didn't feel anything, just like Qu Qingyin tried the medicine last time.

"Sister Qu, this..."

Qu Qingyin's eyes were covered with frost.

"Come on!"

The bodyguard rushed in.

"The medicine is fake, check it immediately!"

After two unsuccessful drug tests, Qu Qingyin knew that there was an inner ghost.

Xia Changhan was in no pain at the moment, seeing the bodyguard running out, he hurried over and put Qu Qingyin's hand in his palm.

"Sister Qu, don't worry, I will definitely find out."

Those hands were as cold as ice and snow. Xia Changhan felt distressed and rubbed them gently, trying to convey some warmth.

The bodyguard speaks and acts immediately, and is efficient in handling affairs.

The ghost of the scientific research team who brought back the secret formula and wanted to make a fortune, also brought back the real medicine by the way.

"Hmph, you are good at cheating and cheating. This lady offered you a sky-high scientific research fee, but it's not enough. Your appetite is too big. Are you not afraid of being stuffed to death?"

What Woxin concealed was the person who delivered medicine to Qu Qingyin every time, and he was also regarded as the core figure of the scientific research team.

From the first day he came into contact with the formula of the recovery potion, he realized that it would be a great business opportunity in the future.

For personal gain, he was called to the door twice, and he brought the potion he had prepared, which was actually a mixture of vitamins, which would not kill anyone.

This man has calculated everything, but he is still no match for Qu Qingyin's shrewdness.

"Take him down, lock him up wherever you want!"

Qu Qingyin waved his hand and ordered the bodyguard to do it immediately.

Out of sight is pure! Qu Qingyin was annoyed.

"Sister Qu, I brought this medicine, are you sure it's real?"

Xia Changhan couldn't easily believe that he had poured so many vitamins in for nothing in the morning while holding such a small bottle.

"How about, Sister Qu, don't drink it yet, I'll try again..."

Before Xia Changhan finished speaking, Qu Qingyin had already unscrewed the bottle, splashed it, and poured it all into his mouth.

After she finished taking the medicine, she told Xia Changhan, "Don't rush to drink it, wait for me to take it when it has an effect."

How could Xia Changhan listen to her.

Since elder sister Qu is so brave, she naturally cannot lag behind.

Xia Changhan repeated what Qu Qingyin did just now, and drank the potion.

She walked to Qu Qingyin's side and sat quietly.

Both of them had deep eyes, waiting for the verdict of fate.

"Sister Qu, are you afraid?"

Xia Changhan asked.

Qu Qingyin was puzzled: "What are you afraid of?"

No one answered, but a pair of hands stretched out, gently holding Qu Qingyin's Rouyi.

It was still early in the evening, and the two of them just sat there, staring out the window in a daze.

a month later.

When the lights are on, there are neon lights everywhere.

The city's convention and exhibition center is the brightest place.

The International Piano Competition is held here, attracting countless musicians. Whether they participate in the competition or not, they have to experience it once and look at the shining art palace to feel that their lives are complete.

The paparazzi went back and forth, jumping around happily.

One by one, various explosive texts were concocted.

[A gathering of elites from all walks of life, who will be the champion?]

[Xia Changhan is missing, will he show up in surprise tonight?]

[Master Su has made a comeback, is there any other masterpieces.]

So many kinds, overwhelming.

On the Internet, there are basically "Xia Changhan", "Piano Contest", "Su Yu" and so on, and other revelations are rarely seen.

In the lounge of the clubhouse.

Su Yu walked back and forth uneasily, he turned his head and saw Qu Qinghe sitting there indifferently, he was disturbed again.

Since Xia Changhan fled to Congli, he has never seen him again.

Even so, Su Yu was still full of vigilance, for fear of accidents and accidents.

He has come to this point today, and he will not allow any situation to happen again.

"Baby, sit there and rest for a while, don't be too nervous, you have to trust my arrangement, absolutely nothing will happen."

He has already arranged people at every entrance and exit of the convention and exhibition center. Once Xia Changhan appears, he will be taken away immediately without mercy.

With Su Yu's ability, the competition is really just to make up for it.

But Xia Changhan is different. Her appearance will disrupt all the plans of the treacherous villain.

The game officially begins.

Or soft, or deep piano sound exciting.

But compared to Xia Changhan, it was still far behind.

They passed one by one, and the reverberation of the exhibition center lingered.

Just as everyone was amazed, a small lifting stage popped up on the stage. In the center of the stage was a person sitting alone, with pure and beautiful music flowing from his fingertips.

"Then, that's Xia Changhan!"

In the audience, someone exclaimed.