Former Cannon Fodder’s Self-help Manual

Chapter 64



On Saturday morning, Lin Fenglu came to University A as scheduled. Because she had already been here once, Lin Fenglu was no stranger to the terrain here. When she came to the event site, she was surrounded by people, and at first glance, they were all black heads.

Colorful sheds are set up on the side of the road, and people come and go very lively.

There are also students selling snacks at the side of the road, and it looks like they can take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Lin Fenglu shuttled through the crowd and headed straight for the Hanfu Club.

But when she arrived, it was a step too late. The Hanfu club had already started, and all the members had already changed into white chest-length skirts. Only Xia Changhan was in pale orange.

She should take on the role of the lead dancer, standing quietly at the front, with a peaceful smile on her face, where she stands casually, it will be a beautiful scenery.

Suddenly there was a burst of music from the backstage, and the girls on the stage immediately settled into poses.

Someone shouted excitedly: "It's about to start, it's about to start!"

In the past two years, I don’t know where the revival of Hanfu has blown up. People’s acceptance of Hanfu is getting higher and higher. Whenever someone wears Hanfu and appears on the street, it will immediately become the focus of the audience.

And Xia Changhan's Hanfu club seems to be quite famous in University A, and it is full of people.

Lin Fenglu tried to squeeze forward, but only half a step forward with difficulty.

She frowned in displeasure, feeling anxious, but she had no choice but to be trapped in the crowd and look up at the stage.

Fortunately, she is tall enough, so she can see clearly easily.

As the music sounded, Xia Changhan slowly stretched out his hand, stretching his pure white arm in the air, and the white gauze on his arm immediately flew forward.

The soundtrack of this music for beauties is the double-faced Yan Xun who became popular on the Internet. The rhythm is fast and soft. When all the girls on the stage unfurl their white gauze in unison, it immediately catches everyone's attention.

As the lead dancer, Xia Changhan is one of the best in terms of comprehension of this dance and appearance.

She swung her waist slowly, turning around and turning her head from time to time. Obviously, every movement seemed to be full of strength, but it also looked soft and charming, giving people a temptation that could not be ignored.

The moment she swayed, her soft and delicate body loomed under the tulle, every leg lift, every smile, was so beautiful and captivating.

At this moment, Lin Fenglu suddenly thought of a sentence, since then the king will not go to court early.

When she was reading history books before, she would see some kings abandoning the government for their favorite concubines. At that time, Lin Fenglu didn't quite understand.

But when she saw Xia Changhan dancing in front of her with her own eyes, she finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

The girls onlookers went crazy: "My God, this is so beautiful! There are such amazing people in our school!"

The other girl was already screaming uncontrollably, her face was flushed with excitement, she clenched her fists in both hands, and stared at the stage with bright eyes, she was completely a fan girl: "I can't do it, the girl who leads the dance It’s so pretty, how can we wait for ordinary people to live!”

Several girls chattered into a mess, but without exception, they were all fascinated by Xia Changhan.

Xia Changhan's beauty is the non-aggressive kind, coupled with her occasionally confused personality, it is easy to make people feel a natural desire to protect her.

Zhou Lan, who was also standing in the crowd, was almost fascinated by Xia Changhan.

"Damn it, this little girl is simply a seductive goblin."

As soon as the words fell to the ground, Zhou Lan noticed that Xia Changhan on the stage suddenly cast a wink in one direction.

She was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help looking in the direction, but there were too many people at the moment, and she could only see black heads even when she stood on tiptoe.

Lin Fenglu smiled, just when she thought Xia Changhan wouldn't notice her, this little girl actually saw her, and blatantly gave her a wink, maybe she was misunderstood by others, and she didn't know how to act on her own passionate.

Sure enough, as soon as Xia Changhan made this action, whistles rang out from the audience, mixed with cheers and screams from the boys.

The most indispensable thing on campus is teenagers with excess hormones. A beautiful girl like Xia Changhan has no resistance to them, especially the moment she blinks. Can't think of any adjectives either.

Whistles sounded all around, and the liveliness here clearly overwhelmed the programs of other clubs.

When Qin Xiao received the news and rushed over, the Beauty Tour had come to an end, and he only had time to see Xia Changhan complete a ten-spin on the stage.

The pale orange skirt is like a peony in full bloom, drawing graceful arcs in the air, her dancing posture is light and graceful, Qin Xiao suddenly felt his love for Xia Changhan became stronger.

After a dance, Xia Changhan was also very tired. As soon as he got off the stage, he was handed a bottle of mineral water in front of him.

Qin Xiao looked at her with joy on his face, and his voice was rare and gentle: "Xiao Han, you danced so well just now, why didn't I realize that you are so good at dancing?"

Hearing his voice, Xia Changhan immediately lost his appetite.

Since the last time she gave Qin Xiao a slap in the school, this guy hasn't appeared for several days, why did he suddenly appear again today

She turned her face to the other side, but just in time saw Lin Fenglu walking towards her.

Xia Changhan waved his hand quickly: "Doctor Lin, I'm here!"

Qin Xiao also noticed Lin Fenglu, and he frowned impatiently, why did this woman come here? It's really haunting! Is it to track yourself

The more he thought about this possibility, the more disdainful Qin Xiao felt. Especially in front of Xia Changhan, Qin Xiao didn't want her to know about his relationship with Lin Fenglu, so he just kept silent and observed.

Lin Fenglu walked over slowly, handed the soda water in his hand to Xia Changhan, and gently told him: "You were exhausted just now, you should add some salt water and drink slowly."

From the beginning to the end, Lin Fenglu never looked at Qin Xiao at all, let alone took the initiative to talk to him.

The two stood facing each other, but neither of them spoke, as if they were two complete strangers.

Xia Changhan didn't notice these details, so he took the soda water with a smile, and Weiwei took a sip: "Doctor Lin, you should have seen it just now, did I dance well?"

Before Lin Fenglu could answer, Qin Xiao said unwillingly, "It's beautiful, it's so beautiful!"

As soon as he said that, he wanted to make a move, and a pair of salty pig's hands quietly put on Xia Changhan's shoulders.

As early as the moment Qin Xiao saw Xia Changhan dancing, his heart began to beat uncontrollably. He had never seen such a dazzling Xia Changhan on the stage before. It was not until this time that Qin Xiao suddenly discovered that Xia Changhan Han has always been better than she imagined.

So after the dance was over, Qin Xiaolik couldn't help running over, he wanted to continue his relationship with Xia Changhan like this.

But the facts are often not as expected. Sensing his actions, Xia Changhan turned around and avoided, and said coldly: "Qin Xiao, if your memory is not good, I can remind you again that we have broken up, please Don't bother me again!"

After giving him a warning look, Xia Changhan turned around and left.

He was covered in sweat just after dancing, Xia Changhan wanted to go back to take a shower and change back into his clothes.

Seeing her back gradually disappear, the smile in Lin Fenglu's eyes became stronger and stronger. She looked at Qin Xiao who was full of astonishment and seemed to be hard to believe, and said lightly: "It turns out that you will be dumped by a woman one day, Mr. Qin How does it feel, son?"

Deliberately emphasizing the last four words, Lin Fenglu was in a very good mood.

Qin Xiao was already full of anger, how could he bear Lin Fenglu's accusations and scolding, and immediately said viciously: "Lin Fenglu, what are you proud of here? I have already made it clear to you, but you are still pestering me I didn't let go, and followed me all the way to University A, are you so short of men?"

He wholeheartedly thought that the reason why Lin Fenglu appeared here was entirely because of him, but it turned out that Lin Fenglu couldn't help but sneered.

"Please look in the mirror and see how you look. Even if I lack a man, I won't back you up."

She frowned in disgust. There was nothing to talk about with this kind of person. Anyway, Xia Changhan was gone, and there was no need for her to stay here any longer. Lin Fenglu simply turned around, raised her foot, and was about to leave.

She suddenly remembered something, turned her head and smiled at Qin Xiao, but the smile was a bit mocking no matter what she looked at: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I didn't come here because of you, because..."

She deliberately elongated her tone, and when Qin Xiao looked over curiously, she breathed out and said, " are not worthy at all!"

Every word was sonorous and forceful, Lin Fenglu looked at him mockingly, before Qin Xiao got angry, Shi Shiran turned and left.

She did not forget how Qin Xiao embarrassed her at the last banquet. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, but Lin Fenglu is a person who loves to hold grudges.

When Qin Xiao came to his senses, Lin Fenglu's people had disappeared. He was so angry that the veins on his forehead twitched, and he kicked hard on the trash can beside him.

It's abominable!

Qin Xiao actually didn't intend to come to participate in this so-called community activity festival. He just saw a video sent by a friend. In the video, Xia Changhan dressed in an ancient costume danced on the stage, like an elf who fell into the mortal world. Beautiful Can't take his eyes off him.

Qin Xiao rushed over in a hurry, even if it was just a last hasty glance, it still touched his heart tightly.

It was also from this day that Qin Xiao gradually realized that he thought of Xia Changhan more often. Once he didn't see her, he felt like a cat's claws were scratching his heart, making him unable to stop.

Qin Xiao felt that he probably really fell in love with Xia Changhan, because she danced so charmingly, and without much hesitation, Qin Xiao immediately decided to chase Xia Changhan back.

Although he didn't know why Xia Changhan suddenly fell out with him, but as a woman, just coax her.

Qin Xiao’s routine is very simple, send flowers, presents, lipsticks, and bags until you are happy, so he hurried to University A early in the morning on the second day.

After seeing Xia Changhan coming out of the girls' dormitory, he immediately rushed over with 99 roses in his hands.

This was at the entrance of the girls' dormitory. Xia Changhan was almost hit by a bouquet of roses as soon as he came out of the dormitory.

She took two steps back slightly, turned her head to see who was coming, and immediately turned cold: "Qin Xiao, how many times do you want me to say it? The two of us have already broken up, and there will never be any more Any relationship, I said never again!"

Qin Xiao acted as if he hadn't heard it at all, and leaned forward with a shameless face: "Xiao Han, don't do this, just because of my sincerity, give me another chance, okay?"

As if he had heard some funny joke, Xia Changhan chewed the words "sincerity and sincerity" playfully, couldn't help but sneered, and directly dismantled his old background: "Qin Xiao, you are ashamed to tell me that sincerity is true." 4 words? Who hired a group of schoolgirls and young models outside, and if you say it sincerely, you won't be afraid of dirtying your own ears?"

It was as if a thunderbolt exploded above his head, and Qin Xiao felt stares in his eyes for a moment.

" did you know that!"

Although it wasn't a secret to keep those women, Qin Xiao usually paid attention to it, so he didn't expect Xia Changhan to know about it.

Too lazy to entangle with him here, Xia Changhan said flatly: "You don't need to worry about how I know, anyway, from now on you will walk your sunny path, and I will cross my single-plank bridge, please don't bother me again!"

After saying that, Xia Changhan turned around and left.

Qin Xiao yelled behind her unwillingly: "If you are angry with me because of this, then I will break up with them immediately! I promise never to have any contact with them again!"

Xia Changhan heard it, but she didn't look back. Qin Xiao is a piece of trash and has nothing to do with him.

Qin Xiao didn't think so. He wholeheartedly thought that Xia Changhan was angry because he cared that he had other women outside. As long as he broke contact with those women, Xia Changhan would forgive him sooner or later.

Although those tender models and schoolgirls could satisfy Qin Xiao to a great extent, compared with Xia Changhan, they immediately seemed less important.

He gritted his teeth, and had a showdown with those women, all of them were terminated from their nurturing relationship.

Fang Qing was also among these women. When she received Qin Xiao's text message, she was so angry that she almost smashed her phone.

Since this period of time, Qin Xiao has been pursuing Xia Changhan crazily. Everyone who has made a fuss in A has long known it. Fang Qing only needs to use his brain to know why Qin Xiao did this suddenly

It must be because of that Xia Changhan! It must be what she said, that's why Qin Xiao suddenly abandoned her!

Not reconciled, Fang Qing called Qin Xiao, but as soon as the phone was connected, Qin Xiao said impatiently: "Didn't I already tell you clearly, why are you still pestering me?"

This kind of merciless attitude and the way he usually hugs her tenderly are completely two people.

Fang Qing felt a pain in his heart, and said aggrievedly: "Qin Xiao, I know you like Xia Changhan, but she seems to be a different person now, I can't bear to see you waste your feelings on her, so you go back to Is it okay with me? I really need you... "

Qin Xiao is a bit arrogant, he likes the kind of gentle and obedient girls, if Fang Qing acts like a baby like this in normal times, most likely he will obey.

But this time was different, he only thought about Xia Changhan in his heart, so he didn't care about Fang Qing.

With a heavy snort, Qin Xiao said sarcastically: "Don't make yourself so noble, don't you know why you are with me? Fang Qing, don't take yourself too seriously, yes For me, you can't even compare to one of Xia Changhan's fingers!"

Hearing this, Fang Qing was so angry that her face turned livid. She wanted to say something, but the phone was hung up.

Fang Qing was humiliated instead of making peace, Fang Qing almost gritted his silver teeth.

Her angry facial features were a little distorted, and there was a vicious gleam in her eyes.

It's all because of her, it's all because of Xia Changhan! I must make her pay the price!

Jealous women are the most terrifying. Fang Qing originally wanted to hook up with Qin Xiao, a rich and handsome man, but in the end he was kicked away mercilessly, saying that she couldn't even compare Xia Changhan with a finger. superior? Then she will ruin Xia Changhan!

Fang Qing squinted his eyes, and suddenly thought of Xia Changhan's "broken virginity", this is a ready-made handle!

She immediately used various channels to spread gossip, saying that Xia Changhan, a flower in the Department of Architecture, was taken care of by rich people, was brutally raped, and had no choice but to abort after an unexpected pregnancy.

Not long ago, Xia Changhan's private life had been discussed on a small scale in the school forum, but this time the topic was ignited again. In addition, Xia Changhan's "Beauty Walk" became popular, and her gossip attracted everyone's attention even more.

In the beginning, everyone was just talking about it in private. After all, no one would really go to Xia Changhan for verification of this kind of thing, but gradually, as long as Xia Changhan passed by, others would immediately point him out.

Many people have noticed that Xia Changhan's walking posture is indeed a bit strange, which seems to be more in line with the rumors about pregnancy and abortion. Are those things true? Xia Changhan, who looks innocent and lovely, is really being taken care of by a rich man, and is brutally raped every night

How did Xia Changhan know that these people secretly thought of her so much? Ever since she became popular, as soon as she appeared, she immediately became the focus of the audience, so she didn't think too much about other people's pointing fingers, but felt that the eyes of those people Somewhat strange.

She returned to the dormitory after eating, and before entering the dormitory, Yin Jiehui roared angrily: "It's too much! Do these people know what it means to accumulate virtue with their mouths!"

Xia Changhan raised his eyebrows, and when he opened the door, he saw Yin Jiehui, Jiang Lingzhi, and Li Xin put their heads together, all staring at the computer screen.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing her suddenly appear, Yin Jiehui was taken aback, and tried to cover up in a panic: ", nothing."

Yin Jiehui is not a liar, her face flushed immediately, Xia Changhan looked at her, then at the computer tightly guarded by them, suddenly thought of something, and walked over quickly.

"Let me see it too."

Jiang Lingzhi hugged the computer firmly in her arms, shaking her head like a wavy drum: "No need, there's nothing to see, you eat first?"

A person's reaction is a little abnormal, which can be understood as a bad mood, but when everyone reacts the same, it means that there is a problem

Xia Changhan was not stupid, she put the rice aside and said two words: "Get out of the way."

The three of you look at me, I look at you, finally Yin Jiehui gritted her teeth: "Okay, you can watch it if you want, but third child, I have to remind you, don't get angry after watching it!"

Xia Changhan already realized that something was wrong, so he just nodded.

Several people got up and gave up their seats to Xia Changhan. As soon as she sat down, she immediately saw the eye-catching title on the forum—Shocked! The beauties lead the dance, and Xia Changhan's private life is chaotic! In order to marry a wealthy family, she got pregnant and had an abortion!

Xia Changhan's eyelids twitched. The person who posted the post must be from the shock department of UC.

No wonder the way those people looked at her became a little strange in the past few days. Xia Changhan was a little puzzled at first, but now everything makes sense.

Seeing her sneering expression, Jiang Lingzhi at the side hurriedly comforted her: "Third brother, don't be angry, I'll ask someone to delete all the posts!"

Xia Changhan knew very well in his heart that she was the center of the topic now, and if deleting the post was useful, she would not be able to see it anymore.

But it was Jiang Lingzhi's kindness after all, she nodded: "Thank you."

Things turned out as she thought, so Jiang Lingzhi contacted the administrator of the website's forum, and once again asked the other party to delete these posts that were unfavorable to Xia Changhan.

But the other party said that, in fact, he had deleted his posts as early as they were posted, and after deleting one post, another one came out, and these posts kept popping up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.

Deleting the post didn't work, so Jiang Lingzhi and the others had no choice but to tear up those white lotus flowers by hand. For a while, the forum was very lively, and Xia Changhan was also pushed to a new level of enthusiasm.

Lin Fenglu happened to be free today, so he greeted Xia Changhan in advance, and came directly to the school to pick her up to tutor her homework at the Lin family, but just as she walked downstairs to the girls' dormitory, she heard the two girls in front of her talking in a low voice.

"Hey, have you read our school's forum? There are a few particularly popular posts recently."

"Such a big gossip, I must have seen it."

"It's true that you know people, face, and heart. Xia Changhan is so beautiful, but he was adopted by a rich man, and even got pregnant and had an abortion!"

The other rolled his eyes: "You don't understand that, it's because of her beauty that rich people are attracted to her! This is a shame for her, let's see how she will be in school in the future." Standing on…”

The voice gradually became farther and farther away, but Lin Fenglu's brows became more and more wrinkled.

How is this going? Xia Changhan was pregnant and had an abortion

Lin Fenglu immediately took out her mobile phone and logged into the forum of University A. The titles of those posts were shocking, and they were pinned to the top of the homepage.

Lin Fenglu took a rough look, and his face suddenly turned cold.

She realized almost immediately that someone must be deliberately smearing Xia Changhan behind his back, and that's why they spread rumors and caused trouble.

She thought for a while, sent a message to the private detective, and then walked into the dormitory building as if nothing had happened.