Former Cannon Fodder’s Self-help Manual

Chapter 75



In the early morning of autumn, the sun had just penetrated the clouds, dispelling the darkness of the entire ground, drawing the curtains, and vaguely seeing the black car, Xia Changhan suppressed the little excitement in his heart, and after washing quickly, hurriedly He wore a knee-length sleeveless dress, a light and fluffy white blouse, and a rubber band around his wrist. As he went downstairs, he tied up his long hair, which seemed a little messy due to his deep sleep.

Going down the stairs, at the door of the dormitory building, Lin Fenglu stood against the light. Through the glass door, she could be seen wearing jeans and a white top. The warm morning sun shone from behind her, blurring her facial features. But Xia Changhan could feel that Lin Fenglu was looking at her.

The hair that was about to be tied up was also ignored by Xia Changhan. He directly opened the door and stood in front of Lin Fenglu. The cheeks that had just been wiped with face cream carried a moist geranium scent, and Lin Fenglu could smell it.

There was an imperceptible curvature at the corner of Lin Fenglu's mouth, and the phoenix eyes were full of autumn waves. Looking at the ruddy Xia Changhan in front of him who came down in a hurry, his fair skin and slightly blush cheeks, which was already delicate and gentle, now added a charming touch , her waist-length black hair was not tied up, and fell mischievously on her cheeks, but her eyes were shining brightly, looking at her all the time, her heartbeat couldn't help but fluctuate.

"Why did you come down in such a hurry, I'll tie up your hair." Lin Fenglu lowered her body slightly, running her slender fingers through Xia Changhan's black hair, and soon tied up all her black hair. After tied up, the smooth forehead is refreshed and clean.

Xia Changhan's face was a little shy, and she felt her ears were burning, because Xia Changhan restrained her urge to reach out and throw her hand into Lin Fenglu's arms downstairs in the dormitory, and instead pursed her lower lip to look at Looking at Lin Fenglu, he said, "Why did you come so early in the morning?"

"I heard you don't have class today." Lin Fenglu smiled sullenly, feeling that Xia Changhan held her hand carefully and thoughtfully. The overlapping hands of the two were blocked by the clothes, but the ambiguous sweet air flow flowed close at hand. , Lin Fenglu lowered his voice and said to Xia Changhan, "So, today's Xiaxia is mine."

The black car shuttled on the asphalt road, and the scenery outside the car window quickly passed her eyes. Xia Changhan leaned on the window and looked at the scenery outside the window, with a vague expectation in his heart. Is this... a date between Lin Fenglu and her?

It's okay if you don't think so, the more you think about it, the more you feel that pink bubbles are exuding all over your body. That shy plot made Xia Changhan's cheeks burn. In order not to let Lin Fenglu find out, she simply turned her face away completely, and rubbed her heart secretly. Rubbing, he thought, if Lin Fenglu knew that she was blushing, he didn't know how he would tease him.

Lin Fenglu watched the co-pilot Xia Changhan looking out of the window, her fluffy hair was blown by the open skylight from time to time, she felt a little itchy, and wanted to touch Xia Changhan's hair, such a well-behaved look is so cute pole.

While waiting for the red light, Lin Fenglu took the time to glance at Xia Changhan, but laughed out loud. In Lin Fenglu's eyes, Xia Changhan was like an ostrich trying to put his head into the sandpit at this moment, the roots of his ears were completely red, but he secretly After taking a look at himself, he quickly turned away, thinking that there was no flaw, but the blush cheeks were already scrubbed and the spotless car window reflected it clearly.

Since her Xia Xia wanted to be an ostrich, Lin Fenglu would naturally follow her. After coughing, she pressed the button. The window was only half opened and closed, and the window was completely closed, "Ahem, Xia Xia, what do you have?" I don’t have anything to eat, I’ll take you there later.”

The inside of the car with the windows closed was like a completely hidden room. Xia Changhan's limbs stiffened and she sat upright. She felt very quiet, and she could hear the fierce heartbeat in her chest, boom —Boom—boom boom boom.

She also smelled the faint fragrance of Lin Fenglu's body at the tip of her nose. As a doctor, Lin Fenglu naturally didn't like to use any perfume. The clothes on her body smelled like laundry detergent. Today, it smelled like a mixture of citrus and grapefruit mixed with a bit of bitterness.

Xia Changhan felt like a villain was shouting in his heart, 'Ah Lu smells so good today! ! She actually changed her clothes to see me! ! ! '

"I can do anything. I can eat whatever Ah Lu likes." After Xia Changhan said this with restraint, those sparkling eyes fell on Lin Fenglu's eyes, but he betrayed Xia Changhan fiercely. Saying: 'Take me to your favorite place! '

Since Xia Changhan was hit by love yesterday, his mind has been a little dizzy. Naturally, he didn't notice the slightest bit, but the smile on Lin Fenglu's lips became bigger, "Okay."

After the car came out of the downtown area, it turned into the side of a high school. The school bell had obviously rang, and there were no students there. Even the surrounding restaurants that depended on students for their survival were a bit bleak.

After getting out of the car, Lin Fenglu took Xia Changhan's hand very naturally, "Follow me."

The two walked to one of these restaurants, which was a little remote. The price was favorable, and the environment was extremely clean and tidy. Various kinds of cornflowers were placed on the dining table, and the black tiled floor and wooden tables all showed that this was a warm hotel. small shop.

Xia Changhan's impression of Lin Fenglu was that he went to high-end restaurants, and he was a little surprised that he brought her to this little-known shop.

As soon as Lin Fenglu brought Xia Changhan into the store, the proprietress greeted her. She was an old lady with a warm smile. When she saw Lin Fenglu, she showed a happy expression, "Isn't this Xiaolin? Sit down, Auntie hasn't seen you for a long time. , old man, come out and take a look, Xiao Lin is here!" After finishing speaking, an old man wearing a clean chef uniform came out immediately, both of them were around 60 years old, and they greeted Lin Fenglu with smiles when they saw her.

Xia Changhan's eyes widened. Lin Fenglu actually had such a good friend.

After Lin Fenglu greeted the two very familiarly, he pulled Xia Changhan to the front, and said solemnly: "This is Xia Changhan, Xia Xia." Then he said to Xia Changhan: "You just call Aunt Hui and Uncle Hui are fine."

Xia Changhan greeted him kindly, and Aunt Hui hurriedly arranged the two of them in their seats. There were only her and Lin Fenglu in the whole store. Lin Fenglu smiled and pointed to the wall, "What do you want to eat? It's all on the wall." up."

There is a small wooden sign hanging on the wall, on which is written the meals served, from rice cooking to soup cooking and barbecue, almost everything can be done. Aunt Hui brought two cups of lemon tea over with a smile, "Come on, come on." , have some tea now, Uncle Hui will cook whatever Xia Xia wants to eat!" Aunt Hui was quite smug when she said this.

Uncle Hui popped his head out from behind the kitchen curtain with a confident look, "Not bad, not bad, I can do it."

This is really amazing. Lin Fenglu looked at the surprised Xia Changhan with a smile in his eyes and said, "That's right, Uncle Hui is a retired chef, so he opened this restaurant near the school when he couldn't be free." Seeing Xia Changhan drink After taking a sip of the tea, Lin Fenglu blinked. The lemon tea was naturally mixed according to her taste. It was a bit sour for others, so she simply asked, "Aunt Hui, where is the candy?"

Aunt Hui also allowed Lin Fenglu to say, "Go to the kitchen and ask your Uncle Hui, he has all the honey and so on."

Seeing Lin Fenglu go to the kitchen, Aunt Hui walked over with joy in her eyes, "Xia Xia, how about this curry? Xiao Lin used to like to eat this most."

Xia Changhan was slightly surprised, and forgot to order food for a while, "Ha Lu studied here?"

Aunt Hui nodded resolutely, "Of course, this high school is the best high school in the city, and Xiao Lin was so tall in high school." Aunt Hui drew a smile on her forehead and said, "It's meal time every day. Just come here with a cold face, like a poker hahaha—”

Hearing Aunt Hui's description, Xia Changhan couldn't help but burst out laughing, but saw a little relief in Aunt Hui's eyes, "But now that you are by her side, I feel much more at ease. Have you seen that girl's eyes are full of light?" Yes, since I came in, I've been smiling all the time, it's shiny, young people should smile more." Aunt Hui took out another chocolate from her pocket and handed it to Xia Changhan, after Xia Changhan took it, Aunt Hui Smiling: "Xia Xia wants to have a good time with Xiao Lin."

Xia Changhan almost choked up drinking tea, "Ahem—Aunt Hui, what are you—" Before she finished speaking, Aunt Hui showed a teasing smile on her face, "Hey, why are you still shy?" He lowered his head and whispered in Xia Changhan's ear: "I joked with her when she was in high school, and I wanted to bring someone I liked to dinner with, but this girl didn't bring anyone along quietly. After all these years, you are the first One."

The meaning of these words is self-evident, Xia Changhan just felt like drinking syrup, and drank the somewhat sour lemon tea in the cup in one go, Xia Changhan still felt panickedly sweet.

Lin Fenglu came out with a box of sugar cubes and honey, and saw that Aunt Hui was overjoyed with laughter, and Xia Changhan was blushing from the bottom of her ears. She felt it was strange, but seeing that Aunt Hui and Xia Changhan got along well, she felt relieved After a while, the people she loves get along well with those who have given her warmth, so it's not something that makes her happy.

"Xia Xia, are you sour? I brought you honey and sugar cubes." Lin Fenglu walked to Xia Changhan and shook the sugar box in his hand. Xia Changhan blushed and said nothing, but his heart couldn't help but Continuing from the last sentence, it is not sour, but sweet.

"What's wrong with you? Your face is so red?" Lin Fenglu said while adding honey to Xia Changhan.

"Ahem, it's nothing. The lemon tea is too hot. It's hot. Just now, Aunt Hui asked me what I want to eat. What do you think of this curry?" Xia Changhan pointed with his fingertips, which is what Aunt Hui said Lin Fenglu ate every day when he was a child. of.

Lin Fenglu raised her slender eyebrows, "Okay, let's have two."

Because they came early, naturally there was no ready-made curry. Uncle Hui started to process the ingredients and everything had to be cooked. Lin Fenglu and Xia Changhan helped in the kitchen together, watching the curry cubes slowly melt in the pot, emitting a faint smell Xiang Xiang, the four of them simply drank tea and chatted with small snacks outside the kitchen. From Aunt Hui and Uncle Hui, Xia Changhan knew a lot of embarrassing things about Lin Fenglu when he was young.

She beat up all the people who chased her, and finally became the eldest sister.

What is the poker face all day long, it is said to pretend to be deep, but in fact it is because of dozing off every day and not having a good rest, that's why the face is gloomy all day long.

What else is there to transfer a week and occupy the first place in the whole school's grade, no matter how shaken it can't fall, no one has broken Lin Fenglu's record of close to full marks...

These things were detailed and vivid, successfully creating a young and vigorous Lin Fenglu for Xia Changhan, who was not pleasing to the eye, and very angry.

Said that even Lin Fenglu couldn't help laughing at the end, Xia Changhan listened to her past, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart, although there was a trace, it was enough to shock Xia Changhan.

I really want to... participate in Lin Fenglu's previous life, and also want to occupy her future life.

Her heart almost stopped for a moment after this thought appeared, Xia Changhan quickly poured a cup of tea and drank it to cover up her abnormality, and quickly covered up this thought.

The curry will be served in half an hour. The curry with rich ingredients falls on the steamed rice just right, and some green vegetables are added to decorate it. A plate of grilled miscellaneous fish, "Try it quickly, they are all fresh."

Pacific saury, tofu fish and dragon fish are mixed together. The skin is grilled golden, and a layer of chili powder and other seasonings are sprinkled on it. Coriander and extremely finely chopped green onions are sprinkled on top of the fish. After the chopsticks were removed from the fish skin, the snow-white fish flesh was exposed.

Xia Changhan had a round belly during this meal. From curry to grilled fish, each one made people's index fingers move. The curry tasted mellow and had some wine aroma. The grilled fish was tender and plump, and they were all delicious.

After eating, Aunt Hui and Huishu came out to send her and Lin Fenglu off, and stuffed Xia Changhan with a box of cut fruits. After Aunt Hui gave them the fruit, Uncle Hui also conjured up a small plate of fruit like a magic trick. Giving it to Aunt Hui, the old couple had a great time getting along. When Lin Fenglu and Xia Changhan left the restaurant, they could still see Aunt Hui and Uncle Hui talking and laughing.

"Can we do this in the future?" Xia Changhan couldn't help feeling, Lin Fenglu held her hand and interlocked his fingers, then kissed her lips, looking down into Xia Changhan's eyes, Lin Fenglu said softly: "It's not about being able to, it's about being able to do it." The words were light but like an oath.

At dusk, Lin Fenglu and Xia Changhan strolled on the way back to Xia Changhan's school. The shadows of the two were illuminated by the yellow light of the sunset, and they seemed to be intertwined and entangled with each other continuously. You and I were indistinguishable.

Lin Fenglu turned his head and saw a stopped car, he smiled suddenly, gave Xia Changhan a hug, and said in a low voice: "It's already night, go back, Xia Xia."

If this day can be recorded, it will definitely be Xia Changhan's favorite day. She hummed softly, took two steps forward, then quickly turned around and hugged Lin Fenglu's waist, and then kissed Lin Fenglu like a superficial kiss. on the lips.

Lin Fenglu hugged Xia Changhan's slender waist, with an extremely gentle smile on her face. After the two said goodbye again under the afterglow of the setting sun, Lin Fenglu leaned half against the wall. The light and shadow cut her face into yin and yang, as if awaiting the coming of judgment.

The car soon drove in front of Lin Fenglu, Father Lin lowered the window, his face was gloomy enough to drip water, "Get in the car."

The back seat of the car was Lin Sheng, who was as quiet as a quail, but there was Lin Mu, but Lin Sheng huddled into a ball, and his eyes clearly wrote a sentence, "Old sister, run for your life!" '

He thought bitterly, he never expected that he would bump into him today, because his grades had improved, the teacher called to propose a performance, and his father was very happy when he found out, so he called his mother to take him to drive to invite Xia Miss Xia eats.

Who knew that he ran into sister Xia Xia walking side by side with his sister, his hand was almost crushed by his mother, and he prayed silently in his heart that he would never do anything out of the ordinary. Actually kissed.

For a moment, Lin Sheng lost all hope, his hands were pinched by Lin's mother so that he lost consciousness, and now he retracted and kept rubbing.

Father Lin took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and smoked, the veins on the back of his hands were bulging, as if he was digesting the scene he just saw, Mother Lin said cautiously, "This... Xia Xia has a good relationship with Lulu, There's nothing wrong with girls."

Lin's father shifted his suspicious eyes to Lin Fenglu, Lin Sheng's Xiyi eyes, and Lin's mother's terrified expression, she grinned lightly, like a pines and cypresses that would never back down, "No, Dad, Xia Xia is My girlfriend, I love her."

As soon as he said a word, the surroundings seemed to be trapped in a vacuum, and there was no sound at all, but Lin Sheng slumped back, only two words in his mind.

Father Lin didn't speak, he opened the car door, raised his hand high as if he was going to hit Lin Fenglu in the face, "Lin Fenglu, I'll give you another chance to say it again." Father Lin.

"Dad, it's the same if you say it ten thousand times. Xia Xia, Xia Changhan, is my girlfriend. I love her. I want to be with her forever."

The slap fell, but it didn't hit Lin Fenglu's face, but hit the tree beside it. The tree has only grown for less than three years, and it is only as thick as the mouth of a bowl. With this slap, the leaves trembled violently, and many leaves fell on the ground. on the ground.

Father Lin seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden. He threw the cigarette on the ground fiercely, hating iron for being weak and said: "Forever! Lin Fenglu, do you know how long a lifetime is? I don't know when you became gay, but you say love Just love, thinking that when I grow up, my wings will become hard!"

"Dad, I'm not a child. I know what I mean when I say it. Since I said it, I will take responsibility." Lin Fenglu's cheek still had the tingling feeling of a slap on her cheek. She understood that just now Father Lin was real. Some want to slap her, or want to kill her.

But when it comes to love, she has always been firmer than she imagined, and she won't let go when she believes in someone. From the moment she realized that she fell in love with Xia Xia, she knew that there would be today, but she didn't want to let go. Her own, she wants to hold Xia Xia to live this life, to finish this life.