Former Cannon Fodder’s Self-help Manual

Chapter 78



Xia Changhan thought in his heart that she might be a princess who has left the palace, and Concubine Hui is her mother, so it is reasonable to think so.

The other side is still chattering: "San Niang, you don't know that when Concubine Hui sees that you are not here, her face is so dark that she can drip water, she sits in the embrace hall without saying a word, and the slaves dare not come forward to serve, for fear If you make a mistake, you will be shot."

As soon as Xia Changhan heard that he didn't run away, it was his own mother who dared to casually kill the servants in her house.

"Baolian, who is usually the most prestigious in front of you, was killed by Concubine Hui a few days ago. Seeing that you have not come back, the more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, so I hurried to look for you."

Xia Changhan tentatively said: "Mother, she..."

"His Royal Highness the eldest princess and her son-in-law have gone to pay respects to the Buddha in Hangshan Mountain and have not returned yet. Dalang Erlang is still in Jinzhong. The distant water cannot save the near fire."

Emotional concubine Hui is not her mother, this intricate relationship.

She couldn't help urging the system: "Where's the world outline, haven't you sent it yet?"

System: "No."

The other side asked cautiously: "Sanniang, are you going back home now?"

Xia Changhan shrank her neck. She is not the kind of person who knows that there are tigers in the mountains and prefers to go to the tigers. The concubine Hui knew that she was not that kind. Without the outline of the world, she would not dare to go back. Xia Changhan squatted At the bottom of the wall, whispered: "She won't answer, just let her wait."

"Oh my dear San Niang, if you don't go back, Concubine Hui will take care of dismantling the slaves. You can take pity on these slaves. I want to keep this body to serve you for a few more years."

"If I go back, Concubine Hui might tear me down too."

"How can it be, Concubine Hui loves you the most on weekdays."

"Pain me and kill Baolian?"

"This...isn't it because Baolian crawled on your bed at night and was seen by the empress, and if Xiao Lang's hoof dared to spoil the master, even if he was not killed by the stick, the slave would have to give her a slap to wake her up."

"Ho" is interesting.

"Sanniang, can I move a ladder for you?" asked the interviewer probing.

She won't go back until the system sends the world outline, Xia Changhan is very firm: "No need."

On the other side, there was an anxious turn around, and the tone of voice was unconsciously raised: "My ancestor."

"Where are the mice whispering in my yard!" A curse flew over, splitting the cold winter air, and then the gold ingot smashed on Xia Changhan's body. Xia Changhan turned his head to see Feng Siniang's arms Gold Dingzi, holding a shiny ebony whip in his hand, rushed here with a murderous look, frightened out of his wits, jumping up and down and shouting loudly: "Hurry up and bring the ladder over here."

The other side was already ready, just waiting for Xia Changhan to say a word.

When the feet of the ladder were firmly fastened to the frozen mud, Xia Changhan climbed over the wall and returned to his house on the ladder.

As soon as he landed, a pair of hands came over to support Xia Changhan, "Hey, my ancestor, be careful, if you scratch a little bit of oily skin, you won't be able to make up for it if you give up your slaves."

Xia Changhan carefully looked at this man's eyes, and saw that he was a clever boy, but he talked too much.

Liu Qi rubbed his face: "What is Sanniang looking at at this slave, but there are flowers on this slave's face?"

"The flower didn't grow, it just grew two more mouths"

Liuqi sneered: "Don't make fun of me, I don't know how to do this."

Xia Changhan was just about to leave, but after thinking about it, he felt unwilling. He took out the warm gold ingot from his pocket and threw it towards the wall. Feng Siniang was caught off guard and was caught.

"Ouch," a cry of pain suddenly sounded.

"Xia, you wolf-hearted bastard, I'll never stop with you," Feng Siniang's angrily shouting came over with the cold wind, Liu Qi pretended not to hear her with low brows, Xia Changhan smiled triumphantly, taking advantage of the cold wind Before Feng Siniang could kill her, she quickly slipped away.

Walking through the dark corridor, around seven or eight pavilions, when Xia Changhan walked more and more confused, Liuqi stopped.

There is a gate standing in front of it, and a plaque is inserted obliquely on the gate, with two large characters written on it, Meiyuan.

Those two characters are crooked and crooked, and even the characters written by six-year-old children are better than the ones on it.

Xia Changhan looked away from the plaque, stretched his neck and looked in the door, only to see that the yard was full of plum trees, and a bluestone path on the right was hidden among the plum trees.

Now is a good season for plum blossoms. The pale pink flowers are layered on the twisted and vigorous branches. The colder the weather, the more blooming. Standing outside the plum garden, the light fragrance also stains the whole body.

Liu Qi rubbed his hands together, and smiled: "The Empress Hui is waiting for you inside."

Xia Changhan turned his head and stared at him in surprise, this little bastard dared to plot against her.

"Success, you go in first, and I will follow."

Liu Qi's face was broken: "How dare I walk ahead of the master, Concubine Hui will take my skin off when she sees it."

"That's not necessarily true. I think you are very courageous."

Liuqi smiled obsequiously, "Don't make fun of me," he had a fair complexion, but he had a good look, and his smile didn't look lewd, Xia Changhan's anger subsided a little.

"Go in."


"Go in quickly."

Seeing that Xia Changhan couldn't be held back by Liu Qi, he turned around every step of the way, with a somewhat tragic expression on his face.

After his figure disappeared into the plum forest, Xia Changhan turned his head and ran away.

After Liuqi entered the Merlin, he found a place where Xia Changhan couldn't see, and there was a killing god inside, so he didn't dare to go in.

Liu Qi grabbed the branches and looked out, always paying attention to his master's every move. Xia Changhan ran away and he saw it. Liu Qi panicked, screamed involuntarily, and followed him out.

"Master, wait for the slave."

The cry startled Concubine Hui, who was drinking tea in the holding hall, she stood up abruptly, and the jade steps on her head jingled and jingled.

Concubine Hui was about to die of anger from this evil, she clutched her chest, took two deep breaths, turned her head and told the maid behind her, "Go, invite the little princess back."

The maidservant left in response. Concubine Hui picked up the teacup, blew on the white tip of the jade hair floating on the golden tea soup, and took a sip slowly. The white mist evaporated from the cup. Through the dense mist, Xia Changhan glimpsed A startlingly beautiful face.

She stood in front of Concubine Hui with her hands bowed. Concubine Hui had already drank two cups of tea and still let her stand there, ignoring her.

Xia Changhan was very frustrated. Before she could run a few steps, she was caught by the collar.

The servant girl looked soft and weak, as if a gust of wind could blow her there, but her hands were extremely strong, grabbing her was like grabbing a chicken, it didn't take much effort at all.

And Concubine Hui stared at the pot of tea as if she had never drank tea in half her life. Xia Changhan hoped that she would keep ignoring her, drink more, and go to the clean room a few times after drinking. It is best to delay The world outline is transmitted to the system.

Right now, her eyes are darkened by the plot, and she is afraid of making mistakes.