Fortunate Wife

Chapter 1: tied up


As the sun sets, the afterglow of the setting sun gently envelops the ancient and dilapidated village of Shennvgou.

Suddenly, there was a rush of beating gongs, breaking the tranquility of the evening, and the villagers who had no time to make dinner ran out of the house and flocked to the entrance of the village.

Something happened, something must have happened.

Whose mother-in-law ran away? Or which family's man went up to the mountain to hunt and was shot by a wild boar? Or is it that the servants in the government came to pull people into corvee again

The villagers were nervous and uneasy, and when they arrived at the entrance of the village, they saw a person tied up under the crooked pagoda tree that had been dead for several years, a beautiful woman.

I saw her ragged clothes, disheveled hair, unspeakable panic on her pale paper face, yelling words that the big guy couldn't understand at all.

The crowd exploded in an instant.

"Isn't that the woman that the Li Family Dalang bought back a few days ago? Why did you tie her up?" Someone immediately recognized the tied woman.

"You don't know, do you? This woman ate her own food and ran away secretly last night, but she was caught and brought here by the people from the neighboring village."

"Yo, this woman is really looking for death."

"Who says it's not? Although we're a little poor here, since you're here, you have to accept your fate. Can you run away? The girl bought by the Wu San's family last year also ran away in the middle of the night and was caught before she came out of the mountain." He was hanged and beaten by some brothers of the Wu family, and died before dawn."

"Such a woman will be killed—"

"Tsk, you ruined your good looks for nothing, look at that pale-"


Li Man looked at the dark crowd in horror, and couldn't figure out the situation at all. Wasn't she killed by a car? But why was it tied here? Who are these people pointing fingers at her

She desperately called for help, and wanted to beg someone to let her go, but these people huddled together and said something she didn't understand, and they didn't pay any attention to her at all.

And she couldn't understand what these people were saying at all, but judging from the tone in their eyes, she concluded that it must be something bad.

"Hey, look, this woman is really pretty when she wakes up."

"It's good to see that there is a fart. You will have to hang yourself in a while. Any woman who enters my Goddess ditch will have to die if she wants to escape."

Suddenly, a black and fat woman grabbed a handful of rotten vegetables in the basket that were going to be fed to pigs and threw them at Li Man's face.

This smashing was unbelievable, and the others followed suit, some spit at Li Man, some picked up small stones and threw them at her, and two bold women walked over directly and slapped Li Man fiercely. Pinch her flesh.

"No, go away, who are you? Let me go." Li Man cried, the pain in her body was far less than the fear in her heart, this is a group of uncivilized villagers, their clothes are very old, very similar to The people in the ancient historical dramas she watched.

At this time, an elderly man came over, with a bit of dignity in his expression, and drove away several women, "Go away if you make trouble."

"Village chief, we can't be angry. Such a woman owes her a lesson. By the way, should she hang herself or sink into the pond?" Several women surrounded the old village chief and asked enthusiastically.

The village chief looked at them angrily, "Go away, the Li family has the final say on this matter." Turning around, he asked a strong man behind him, "Wu San, where is Li Moren? I told you to call someone, why are you doing this?" Haven't seen anyone for a long time?"

Wu San chuckled, but looked at Li Man with lewd eyes, "All the brothers from the Li family went to the mountain to find this woman, so I left my fifth son alone at home. I left a message to tell them to come when they come back."

The village head frowned, looked at the sky, it was getting darker, then turned to look at Li Man, with disgust on his face.

But from the attitude of the woman just now, Li Man could see that the old man was probably the head of the place, and hurriedly shouted, "Master, please let me go and talk to you if you have something to say, okay? I don't know how I offended you, But as long as you are willing to let me go, everything is negotiable, and I can give you money and compensation... "

"What did she mutter about?" The village chief turned his head in disgust and asked Wu San.

Wu San didn't understand either, so he just shook his head, "Who knows what this woman is saying, let's not listen to her."

Li Man is desperate, no one here is willing to listen to her, even this old man who can call the shots, what should she do? What are they trying to do? Set fire to her

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