Fortunate Wife

Chapter 114: Return


After Peony left, Li Man finished drying the clothes, tidied up the two bedrooms, opened the windows for ventilation, and then reported some dictation to Xiao Wu.

Xiaowu is very smart and has a strong interest in learning. He can recognize almost a hundred Chinese characters in such a short time, and he can also write a simple diary.

She was very happy, and planned to teach him some simple mathematical applications when she was free for a while, which should still be useful in real life.

After finishing her work, she also put away Xiao Wu's sand table and let him go out to play by himself, and planned to cook by herself.

But maybe it was the fact that she disappeared with her second brother yesterday, which left Xiao Wu with lingering fears. He refused to go out to play no matter what he said, and only wanted to stay by her side.

Li Man couldn't help it, thinking that the little guy had been studying with her for half the morning, so she should be active. It's very important to combine work and rest.

She usually found that Xiao Wu's physique was poor and he had little activity, so, on a whim, she dragged Xiao Wu to the center of the yard and asked him to stand up straight and relax just like herself.

"Xiao Wu, my sister is teaching you a set of radio gymnastics. After you learn it, do it every day after studying. It's good for your health."

"Broadcast gymnastics?" Xiao Wu's eyes widened curiously, Guo was very excited.

"Well, you are watching, follow my beat and start. One, two, three, four." Li Man opened her legs slightly, stretched her arms, shouted the beat, and did the eighth set one by one. broadcast gymnastics.

Xiao Wu followed suit, and Li Man looked very satisfied, and walked to him from time to time to help him standardize his movements, "Straighten your arms, keep your neck straight, keep your eyes forward, don't look at me. By the way, there is also this kicking movement, be more natural, kicking so high you are kicking a sandbag."

"What sandbags?" Xiao Wu asked curiously again, his eyes sparkled with countless surprises, and he almost worshiped Li Man as a god. My sister knows a lot. He dare to say that she knows more than the fourth brother. How much do you want.

Li Man replied casually, "It just fell on the beams and practiced fists and kicks at will. Come on, learn the movements I taught you just now, and then practice by yourself. I'm going to cook."

"Yeah." Xiao Wu immediately held his breath and focused on learning from Li Man seriously.

I didn't teach him too much at one time, for fear that he might not remember, Li Man only taught three lessons, and planned to continue the rest in the afternoon and tomorrow.

Just as the third quarter was coming to an end, Li Yan came back with a fat carp in his hand.

If it was normal, Xiao Wu would definitely run over excitedly to meet him, but at this moment, he is obviously more excited about doing gymnastics than carp. He didn't even give Li Yan and the fish in his hand a serious look. After completing the whole beat, she asked Li Man, "Sister, did I do it right?"

"The movement is almost done, you can practice more, remember what I said, relax a little, and don't be so stiff." Li Man reminded, and finally couldn't bear the twist of the fiery gaze, turned around, and hurriedly Run to the kitchen.

Li Yan took a look at Xiao Wu, and saw him stretching his arms and kicking his legs to make some weird movements, he was a little curious, but he turned around and went into the kitchen anyway.

"What is Xiao Wu doing? You teach?"

Li Man took a basin and was about to scoop some rice to wash it. Hearing his question, she snorted, "Yeah."

Then, I took two scoops of water from the water tank and slowly washed the rice.

Li Yan saw that her expression was not right, so he stuck to her and asked suspiciously. "What's wrong? Still angry about what happened in the morning?"

Li Man moved the basin to the side, "Did you bring the fish back and cook it at noon?"

"Well, the eldest brother went to the pond to catch it." Li Yan said, "The third brother is still in the pond, and he said he would catch one for you."

Li Man lowered her head, with a smile on her lips, but said, "Let him come back, there is already one, why bother?"

Seeing the faint smile on the corner of her lips, Li Yan frowned, "Just let him go, if you don't touch a fish, he will feel uncomfortable all day long."

Li Man thought about the fact that Li Shu was really active, maybe fishing in the water was a way of leisure for him, so he gave up, didn't talk anymore, cleaned the rice, put it in the pot, and wiped his hands , ready to take the fish in Li Yan's hand.

But Li Yan threw the fish into the basket in the corner with his backhand, stretched out his long arms, and wrapped Li Man in his arms, "Miss me?"

He lowered his head, brushed her forehead lightly with his hair, his eyes were shining, tender and affectionate, but Li Man's heart was filled with embarrassment when he looked at her.

Is it because he is like this that he will provoke the girl Peony to fall in love with him

"Release." Li Man pushed him away, took out a purse from her arms, and threw it to him, "This is what Mudan asked me to give to you."

Li Yan looked at the purse, frowned, and stared at her resentfully, "You don't care about me that much?"

"..." Li Man still wants to hear his explanation? He is fine, want to beat him up

"Other women gave your man something, and you didn't say you threw it on her face, but also sent it to my arms. What do you mean?"

He squeezed his purse tightly and questioned her angrily.

Li Man was robbed for a while, and almost forgot to fight back. She was stunned for a while, and Fang gritted her teeth, "Not only did she give this, but she also asked me to bring you a message. She said that there was no medicine in the wine yesterday."

"..." Li Yan opened his mouth, then frowned suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

What do you mean he doesn't understand? Li Man's face flushed with anger, "There is no medicine in the wine, you—"

"Impossible." Li Yan did not wait for her to finish speaking, and resolutely denied, "

Why did I feel so uncomfortable when Tang didn't take the medicine? "

Forehead? This is also what Li Man suspected. Yesterday he was indeed weak and weak, and he had a nosebleed. The last look was about to die...

Wait, no, trying to recall what happened yesterday in my mind, when I reached a certain place, Li Man suddenly stopped and stared at Li Yan.

"What's wrong?" Li Yan touched his face.

Li Man bit her lip, "You are lying to me at all."

He did look like he was about to die at first, but later, from the moment she rescued him in the water, he became out of control.

She thought it was because of the effect of the medicine, but then their first time...

He ignited her body in every possible way, making her lose all reason, and almost sent himself up on his own initiative. How can a person who is forced to die by love medicine, still be able to endure like that

By the way, didn't you say that if you don't have a woman for half an hour, you will die? It took far more than half an hour from the time they went all the way to the forest, and when he soaked in the water, to teasing her in every possible way at the end

There are also some subtle eyes and words in the process.

Man'er, you are so beautiful.

Man'er, relax.

Man'er, I will make you happier.

Man'er, open your legs a little more.


Such words that make people blush with embarrassment, could it be said by someone who is about to die

What's more, when she calms down, as long as she recalls the whole incident, she will find many flaws.

First of all there were problems since he went out in the early morning.

She sleeps very vigilantly, and sleeps with the door and the front and rear windows fastened every night, but the window was not closed that day and was blown by the wind

But just as she closed the window, Li Yan went out

From her point of view, it was he who opened the window, afraid that she would not wake up, so he deliberately knocked on the window a few times to attract her attention.

Afterwards, she foolishly followed him, because she was worried about him, and followed him all the way, thinking that God would help him, but now that she thinks about it, it was him who led him ahead, otherwise, every time she thought she had lost her When it was time, he appeared in a conspicuous position in front of him again.

This, everything is basically designed by him.

Li Man just stared at him like this, gradually, her eyes turned red, and she couldn't tell whether it was grievance or disappointment, if he was plotting against her.

"What about you? Regret it?" Li Yan suppressed the smile in his eyes, and stared into her eyes seriously and deeply.

Li Man gritted her teeth, trying not to let the tears come out, "But you shouldn't have calculated me like this."

"Scheming?" Li Yan clenched his hands tightly, and there was a tinge of pain in his eyes, "You say I'm plotting against you?"

"Isn't it? You don't have Chinese medicine at all, but... um..."

Before Li Man could finish speaking, she suddenly felt a sense of pressure. She was hugged into his arms, her lips fell, and fiery kisses hit her face like raindrops.

"Li Yan—" She shook her head desperately, trying to avoid his kiss.

However, this time, his kiss was overbearing and almost rude, and his teeth hit her lips several times, which made her very hurt.

"Li Yan, you bastard." She opened her mouth to curse and beat him hard with both hands, but he didn't move at all. Instead, he held her small body tightly in his arms, and squeezed his soft tongue wildly into her mouth Here, the hot kiss was like a pot of strong wine, which made her whole chest hurt.

The strength of resistance was pitiful on his body, she felt like a fish on a chopping board, only to be slaughtered by him, her breath was taken away bit by bit, her consciousness gradually became blurred, and she was finally in his arms softened down.

He finally withdrew from her mouth, but he still refused to let her go. He held her waist tightly with both hands, and pressed her close to her. She even felt his firm bump against her lower abdomen.

Suddenly, she felt extremely ashamed.

Perhaps, to him, she is just a plaything for venting, isn't she bought by them for ten taels of silver

Her eyes were blurred, her chest was so painful due to the temporary lack of oxygen, her teeth hurt from biting, she was useless after all, the water mist in her eye sockets finally condensed into beads and rolled down into rows.

Li Yan took a few deep breaths, then calmed down, cupped her face with both hands, met her tearful eyes, pity and distressed, "You idiot, can't you feel that I care about you?" Is it? Yes, maybe I wasn’t poisoned yesterday. But, you fool, I wasn’t poisoned by Peony’s poison, but I was poisoned by you, do you understand? I’ve been poisoned by you—”

Li Man was slightly stunned, and behind her tearful eyes was her confusion, "You—"

"I love you." Li Yan took a deep look at her, said forcefully, then pressed her small head to his chest, stroked her hair with his big palm, and sighed, "You always call me an asshole, and you Do you know how angry you are? How can you say I'm plotting against you?"

Li Man was dizzy for a moment, wasn't he plotting against her? Everything is just a coincidence? He can't control her at all

In a trance, she seemed to remember a skit "Selling Abductees" she had seen in modern times. A healthy person felt sick when he was fooled by others.

Could it be that Li Yan's body reacted reflexively because Mudan said that he took the medicine

"Did you hear clearly?" Seeing her obediently in his arms, no longer moving or cursing, Li Yan's voice softened a lot, he let her go slowly, and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "No more It's unfair to me."

"You are not treat me like this again." Li Man's eyes were still smeared with mist, and her eyes were aggrieved and innocent, like a kitten who had been raped by a talent, blinking her big wet eyes.

Li Yan's heart suddenly softened, and he rubbed her hair with his big palm, and couldn't help sighing, "If you don't get angry with me, will I do this? Who am I in your eyes?"

"Bad guy." Li Man glanced at him lightly, thinking that he was brutal to her just now, and felt wronged again.

"Little girl." Li Yan gritted his teeth and was helpless, he wrapped her in his arms again, looked into her eyes, and coaxed softly, "Okay, I'm a bad person, if you want to get angry, just beat me up, huh?"

As he said that, he held her little hand and really hit his chest.

"You should have hit me." Li Man was angry and funny, broke away from his hand, and really punched his chest twice hard.

Li Yan hurriedly took her hand again, and said with a light smile, "Yes, it's time to fight. But I should, what about you? You said I was plotting against you. Then, I also want to ask you, if yesterday That drug, would you be willing to do that?"

"Huh?" Li Man was taken aback.

Li Yan frowned, "Or do you have to wrong yourself out of sympathy? Knowing that I was poisoned, now you feel that you are at a disadvantage and wronged?"

"I—" Li Man was rendered speechless by his repeated questioning.

"Huh?" Li Yan raised her chin with a single finger, raised his eyebrows and snorted.

"No." Li Man thought for a while without flinching. Facing his scorching gaze, she answered seriously, "It's not out of sympathy, and I don't feel that I have been wronged. I just feel that if this is a calculation, it is a little bit for myself. It's not worth it, and I will be disappointed with you."

The teasing look in Li Yan's eyes gradually faded away, replaced by a deep love, he suddenly hugged her into his arms, and said emotionally, "Fool, don't think about it like this again, do you hear me? I know You have me in your heart, otherwise, you wouldn't sneak behind me before dawn. Also, you will be angry about this, which proves that you care about me, right? However, you can be jealous, but you can't doubt me. "

"Who is jealous?" Li Man argued.

"If you are not jealous, you will be so angry? A purse was thrown at me, and you said some weird words."

Li Yan laughed.

"You can laugh." Li Man rolled his eyes at him, and for some reason, he hit and scolded him, and the two of them got into such a fight, and they felt much more at ease.

Maybe, she was thinking too much.

Or, it has nothing to do with the medicine at all, and the two of them are deeply in love, so why bother themselves

Sooner or later what should happen will happen.

He is her man, she should trust him.

"Why can't I laugh, with a daughter-in-law like you, I can wake up with a smile in my dreams."

This guy, that mouth really came into being for some reason, the white and the black are all his reasons.

Seeing him staring at her, his eyes flickered slightly, as if he had another intention, Li Man hurriedly dodged, got into the bottom of the pot, and said, "It's time to cook, brother and they will be back in a while. You clean up the fish first." , I’ll cook it in that pot later.”

"Well, yes, the third brother said he wants to eat pickled fish." Li Yan said while carrying the basket.

Pickled fish? Are you really not afraid of trouble? "Okay then, take another handful of sauerkraut out of that jar."

Li Man gave another order, and then lit a fire with dry wood, and cooked the rice first.

Li Yan's hands and feet were quick, and he washed the fish and sauerkraut in a short time.

The rice is almost cooked, no need to turn on the fire, it can be eaten after a while, so Li Man got up and washed his hands, and then started to clean up the fish and sauerkraut. paragraphs will do.

Li Yan watched from the side, and felt that her knife skills were really good. There was an old man in Shennvgou, who was a chef who specially served banquets for others. He had seen his knife skills, and now he felt that his wife was no better than that old man What is the difference

"Man'er, where did you learn your cooking skills?"

"Internet..." Li Man instinctively wanted to say that the recipe was downloaded from the Internet, but as soon as the words came out, she immediately realized that something was wrong, and changed her words, "I usually make some, and I will be familiar with it after a long time."

"Usually? Where did you do it before?" She paused just now, her eyes flickered, and she changed her words later. Li Yan saw it in her eyes and couldn't help asking in doubt.

"Here, here, at home." Li Man bit her lips slightly, she is not a liar, she would blush and get nervous for no reason when she lied, and she would also stammer.

"Oh, where is Man'er's home?" Li Yan simply leaned against the pot, as if chatting unintentionally, and asked, "Judging from your accent, you're not a local?"

"I'm—" Li Man didn't know what to say, and hurriedly raised her head to look at him, and smiled dryly, "Why are you asking this?"

"Oh, just ask." Li Yan smiled, "Actually, my elder brother and I have always thought this way. If Man'er still has relatives who miss me, I can accompany you home for a walk when we are free. suffered."

Unable to go back, Li Man's eyes filled with moisture, she shook her head, "Forget it."

"What?" Li Yan stared at her.

"They...are not here anymore." Li Man's voice was a little choked, after traveling through another world, she still doesn't know what happened to her parents in modern times? Right now, she only hopes that her younger brother at home can take good care of them and do an extra filial piety for her.

This absence, coupled with Li Man's sad expression, Li Yan immediately understood that there was no one in his daughter-in-law's family, or in other words, in this world, her relatives were only their brothers.

Li Yan suddenly felt joyful, but then felt a little sad for her. He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it lightly, "From now on, we will all be your relatives, and in this life, we will never let you feel sad."

Li Man choked up and nodded. After finishing the fish and meat, he chopped some dried peppers and garlic, and then told Li Yan, "If you're okay, help me start a fire."

"En." Li Yan responded and went under the stove.

Sauerkraut fish is also one of Li Man's specialty dishes. As long as the heat is up, this dish will not taste bad, and the fish is fresh. After a while, the delicious smell of fish will waft out of the room.

Li Shu, who had just walked to the gate of the courtyard, smelled the aroma, and smiled at his elder brother Li Mo, "The pickled fish cooked by my wife is really delicious, and it is the best dish I have ever eaten in my life."

There is no shortage of fish in Shennvgou. There are several ponds that specialize in fish farming, but they are all owned by the village.

Then there are some small fish and shrimps in other ponds and ditches. These are all wild and no one cares about them.

Li Mo and Li Shu are both masters at catching fish, but Li Yan is the only one in the family who can cook fish.

Although Li Hua can also order dishes in the kitchen, this kid has some eccentricities. He dares to eat fish but dare not touch it. Especially the moment he saw the fish go into the frying pan, he was so frightened that he fainted.

As for Li Yan, cooking is always a trick, cooking with oil, salt and water, and you can eat it when it is cooked.

Fortunately, the few brothers in the family don't pay much attention to food, as long as they can fill their stomachs, but since Li Man came, the dishes are delicious, delicious, and delicious. To them, they are eaten by the gods in the sky Probably nothing more than that.

From then on, for them, eating is no longer simply a matter of filling their stomachs, but has become the most beautiful enjoyment of the day.

Li Mo smiled in agreement, but it may not be that the pickled fish is the most delicious dish. Even if Man'er stir-fries a bean casually, the taste is very delicious. It is like a powder, and it is immediately fragrant, and the person's appetite is whetted.

In short, the daughter-in-law has the most skillful hands, and the food cooked by the daughter-in-law is the most delicious.

When the two brothers came back, they saw that Xiao Wu was raising his arms and kicking his legs in the yard. They thought he was playing by himself and didn't care. After putting down the hoe and other things, they washed their hands by the oshi well, and then they all went to the kitchen .

Li Man just lifted the lid of the pot, wanting to see how the fish is cooking? A puff of white water vapor immediately rose from the pot, enveloping her small body.

The people who came in only waited for the water vapor to clear before they could clearly see her porcelain-white face.

"Daughter-in-law, is the fish cooked? I still have one, which is bigger than the one caught by the eldest brother." Li Shu smiled dejectedly.

Li Man glanced at him and smiled slightly, "Are you tired? Let's all sit down and have a rest. The meal is ready. Let the fish be stewed for a while. Li Yan, don't add firewood to the pot hole."

"Oh." Li Yan responded, put down the firewood in his hand, clapped his hands and walked out.

Li Mo and Li Shu had already washed their hands and just sat and waited for dinner.

Li Yan went out to wash his hands first, and called Xiao Wu to come back for dinner.

After the four brothers sat down, Li Man's pickled fish was also ready. She made a lot of pickled fish every time. Even if the meat and vegetables were finished, the remaining soup was very good for cooking noodles. Delicious.

She used a large vegetable bowl to fill it up, and there was still a small half of the pot left in the pot, so she kept it for dinner at night.

Li Shu got close to her, so he hurriedly got up and took the big vegetable bowl over, fearing that she would burn it.

Li Yan also thought of serving rice, Li Man said, "Okay, you sit down, I'll serve it."

She moved nimbly, took a few clean bowls from the cupboard, uncovered the rice cooker, and filled four bowls with her hands. His brothers all had big appetites, and Xiao Wu was growing up, so she suppressed all the rice. It was full, and then she filled a shallow bowl for herself.

"Daughter-in-law, is this all you want to eat?" Li Shuzao put a piece of fish into his mouth, and seeing that there was little food in Li Man's bowl, he couldn't help frowning, "You need to eat more."

"Cough." His last sentence was easily misunderstood, Li Yan coughed lightly, "Third brother, don't you like to eat? Then eat more vegetables and less talk."

Li Man didn't think much about it at first, but Li Yan's eyes, and Li Shu's tactful silencing, suddenly realized something, and blushed again, so he had to give Xiao Wu some food to relieve his inner panic.

Seeing that his wife was embarrassed, Li Mo gave his two younger brothers a hard look, and said, "Man'er, you also eat fish, so don't just give it to Xiao Wu."

"Well, big brother eats too." Li Man casually picked up a piece of fresh and tender fish for Li Mo.

A smile suddenly appeared on Li Mo's face.

Li Yan coughed lightly again, and glanced at Li Man out of the corner of his eyes, but didn't look directly at her.

His meaning couldn't be more obvious, but Li Man is not used to his problem, just pretends that he didn't see anything, and eats on his own.

Li Shu laughed there, "Second brother, did you hit the iron plate?"

"Eat yours." Li Yan's words were aimed at Li Shu, but from the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Li Man, and the corners of his lips curled up in an evil curve.

After the meal, the three brothers went to the field together after a short rest.

It is said that they bought some sweet potato and corn seedlings directly from others, turned them in the morning, and planted them directly in the afternoon.

Li Man cleaned up the kitchen by herself. After these days, she was used to these tasks and did them with ease. She even felt that she should be the hostess here.

The pots, bowls, ladles, pots, etc., etc., after passing through her hands, they are clean and tidy. The empty and messy kitchen has now become smokey and lifelike. .

This kind of taste is exactly what Li Man likes. She prepares delicious meals here every day, waits for the men to come back from the field, and then sees them eating with gusto. The feeling of sweetness and fulfillment comes from the heart. .

She thought, maybe, she was born to be a housewife, and she was also very happy. Satisfied, being a little woman loved by men is very good.

After the kitchen was tidied up, she put the leftover fish bones from lunch into a broken bowl and asked Xiao Wuduan to go out to feed Dahei and Xiaohuang.

Then, I made some swill rice bran and prepared to feed the pigs.

Just as he left the kitchen door with a heavy wooden barrel, a familiar clear voice came from the front, "Let me come."

"Ah?" Li Man's heart skipped a beat, and she saw a pair of slender, bony hands taking the barrel from her. She looked up in a daze, and saw the young man's clean and bright smile under the blue sky and white clouds.

"Man'er, I'm back." He put the barrel aside and stared at her deeply.

"Hua... Li Hua?" Li Man still couldn't react, facing his gaze, her mind suddenly went blank.

It was Xiao Wu who ran over excitedly and threw himself into Li Hua's arms, "Fourth Brother, you're back? That's great, Fourth Brother, I miss you so much these days you've been away."

"Heh." Li Hua gently rubbed Xiao Wu's hair, "Xiao Wu seems to have grown taller again."

Xiao Wu raised his small head, full of confidence, "Well, I competed with Hu Zi the day before yesterday, and I've reached his eyebrows, and I'll definitely surpass him in a short time."

"Yeah." Li Hua's eyes fell on Li Man's face again. Seeing her confused expression, she bent her lips and smiled, and reached out and rubbed her head lightly, "Seeing me so scared?"

"Ah, no." Li Man quickly waved her hands and said with a dry smile, "I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Li Hua looked at her and just smiled.

Xiao Wu has more things to do than Li Manhui at the moment, so he hurriedly took his salute and carried it on his back, "Fourth Brother, I'll do it."

Then, he sent back to the room excitedly.

Li Man was also immediately inspired, "You haven't eaten yet, have you? There is still rice in the pot. By the way, I will warm up the fish for lunch."

"Oh. Good." Li Hua responded softly, then picked up the wooden bucket, ready to feed the pigs.

Li Man hurriedly chased after two steps, snatched the wooden barrel from his hand, and said, "You just came back, take a break first, I'll feed it, and I'll give you some hot food right away."

Li Hua looked at her with a smile and nodded, "Okay. Don't worry, you're sweating."

"Ah, is there?" Li Man instinctively wiped her face with her sleeve, and then, under the gaze of his smiling eyes, she hurriedly picked up the wooden bucket and ran towards the backyard at a brisk pace.

It's just that when she got to the side of the pigsty, she looked at the two little pigs running towards them, but she was stunned and forgot to pour the pig food.

She also couldn't figure out why she was so nervous when Li Hua came back. Are you in a hurry and don't know what to do with yourself

She supported the stone with one hand and covered her chest with the other. There was a lot of thumping, as if someone had caught a drunk rabbit.

After a while, Xiao Wu's happy laughter came from the east room, she was startled suddenly, and then realized that she had to go back and give Li Hua some hot food.

She ran back in a hurry, leaving behind two poor little pigs who could only look at the delicious food outside the circle and scream.

Back in the kitchen, Li Hua was washing his face with a washbasin mixed with hot water. Seeing her come back, he raised his head and wiped his face slightly. However, before the water on his face was wiped off, two drops rolled down his face. Slowly slide down.

Li Man stared at the drop of water in a daze, "Well, are you hungry? I'm hot right now."

"Man'er, wait a minute." Li Hua rubbed the towel in the water twice, then went out and poured out the water. After the towel was hung up, Fang approached her, squinted her eyes and smiled softly, "I'm just nervous." Like this?"

nervous? Is she showing it? Li Man laughed dryly, but even she felt that her skin was too tight, so fake, "I'm going to heat up the dishes."

Li Hua stretched out his hand suddenly, pulled her back into his arms, hugged her tightly, put his head on her shoulder, and took a deep breath, "How are you doing these days?"

In fact, he wanted to ask if he missed her? These days, he was thinking about her all the time, so he rushed back like flying.

"Well, good, everything is good." Li Man nodded foolishly, but her mind kept rolling over a few things that happened at home after Li Hua left.

The biggest thing is probably that she has become a veritable woman for his two brothers.

Her heart tightened inexplicably, and panic surged out of her heart again.

"En." Li Hua nodded, her lips slowly moved to her cheeks along with her shoulders.

"Li Hua." Li Man was startled, and instinctively stretched out her hand to push him.

Li Huajun's face was flushed, and his eyes were also a little red, "Man'er, I miss you."

This sound of man'er seems to be full of too much affection and longing. For a while,

All Li Man's attempts to explain, resist and even panic were suppressed.

"Well. I miss you too." She didn't dare to say that she missed him, but she did miss him.

Li Huayang smiled slightly, inserted his hands into her hair, held her small head, and placed a light kiss on her forehead, "I knew it."

Li Man suddenly felt a little sorry for the young man, and in the end she was ruthless, pushed him away, and got under the stove, "Sit down, the food is hot and you can eat it."

"Yeah." Li Hua sat down at the table and slowly looked at her. After calming down, he still keenly noticed her strangeness.

Li Man was also guilty, and her mind was in a mess for a while. She had the courage to face Li Mo, Li Yan, Li Shu, and even Xiao Wu, but she dared not face Li Mo. painting.

This is such a clean and clear young man that she dare not feel blasphemy, she...she will never forget, before he left, in that hut, his youthful kiss and passionate vow.

He said he would marry her when he came back.

But now...

A beautiful and clean child like him should be matched by a better girl.

Li Man took a deep breath and passed some firewood into the pot hole again.

"Okay, it's burnt." Li Hua was also thinking about something. When he smelled the burnt smell, it was already too late. When he opened the rice cooker, he found that the bottom of the cooker was burnt gray.

Li Man hurriedly turned off the fire, and hurried up, seeing the rice, she immediately blamed herself, "I, I'll cook—"

"It's okay, the above are edible." Li Hua took the bowl by himself, and put some rice into the bowl shallowly with a spatula, but in the end it only filled a small half of the bowl.

"How is that enough? I—"

"I'm not hungry." Li Hua smiled at her, then opened another pot, saw the pickled fish, and smiled again, "It's a coincidence that I came back today, and I just wanted to eat outside. The master also specially took me in I ate it once in a restaurant, but it didn’t taste like yours. The master also said it’s a pity, if I said it earlier, he would still like to try your pickled fish.”

"Li Hua." Standing beside him, Li Man suddenly didn't know what to say.

Li Hua put some fish meat into a bowl, then covered the pot, sat on the stool by herself, and ate slowly.

"Li Hua, eat slowly, I, I'll go and see Xiao Wu." Li Man felt that the atmosphere was a bit oppressive, and wanted to slip away.

"Stay with me." Li Hua said two words lightly, without raising his eyelids, he only slowly removed the fish bones from the fish with his chopsticks.

"What?" Li Man was slightly taken aback.

Li Hua put the fishbone on the table, then slowly raised his head and looked at her tenderly, "Xiao Wu is reading the book I brought back. He said that you taught him to recognize a lot of characters these days."

Li Man's heart sank slightly, and she also smiled, "Xiao Wu is smart, he can learn it quickly."

"That's what you taught. Come here." Li Hua stretched out a hand towards her.

Li Man pursed her lips, "Li Hua, isn't this half a bowl of rice not enough? How about I roll out some more noodles for you, soon, just wait..."

As she spoke, she picked up the vegetable bowl and scooped noodles from the bag.

Li Hua put down the bowl and chopsticks, got up and walked towards her, circled her from behind, "Man'er."

Li Man's body froze, and he heard him whispering in his ear, "Do you still remember what I said before I left?"

The fourth child returns, what will happen next? (o)/~

Thanks to chexiaomai, Jalone, mi/mi@o@ww, Huakaiyueyuan, Acacia xiangsishu, lyhxhly, Concubine Fairy, lulu_1976, Lingsi, 13678134806, monkey tail, run, Sun Mengwen, jinchirui, wangjing920629, 13927133011, jintao324, 15622028366, lily letter, Qingruyu, Nuannuan 0769, roseyan, dadakangkang, I like to read 1, hyacinth1207, Xiangtianxiuhong, etc. Flower monthly tickets and purses sent by you, memoda (o)/~