Fortunate Wife

Chapter 118: Promise


Li Man hurriedly apologized with a smile, "It's okay, I'm not hungry, just eat whatever you want."

Li Hua ignored her, and directly poured the burnt porridge into the slop bucket. Li Man was startled, and felt very reluctant, the porridge was not very mushy.

Moreover, for Li Hua, who has always been very frugal, it was even more difficult for her to pour out the porridge. The rice she warmed up yesterday was almost burnt to black charcoal, and he ate it all up.

Li Man finally realized something was wrong with him belatedly, "Li Hua, are you okay? Oil"

Li Hua's face was sullen, her thin lips were tightly pursed, she didn't give him a single hum, she just turned around in circles, as if she was looking for something very focused.

"What do you want?" Li Man looked around with him.

Li Hua finally took the gourd ladle on the lid of the water tank, scooped some water from the water tank to wash the pot.

"Let me come." Li Man rushed forward, trying to clean the pot with a rag, but Li Hua was one step ahead of her, and finally said, "Sit down, I'll cook you some noodles later. Guo"

"It's really not necessary, it's getting late, and it's time to make lunch soon." Li Man thought about just eating lunch by herself.

"Noon?" Li choked on the screen, but he was very stubborn. No matter what she said, he insisted on cleaning the pot, then measured some flour and mixed some water, just to make noodles for her.

However, Li Hua is not good at pasta, and he mixed too much water, and the flour he got was like muddy mud. Li Man looked at his white hands, covered with lumpy flour, and felt really uncomfortable, "You put this water More, let me come."

"You blame me for burning the porridge that the second brother left for you?" Li Hua suddenly raised his eyes, looking at her with heavy eyes.

Li Man's heart trembled slightly, and she didn't dare to reach out to help, "How could it be? Li Hua, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing her innocent and puzzled expression, Li Hua seemed very aggrieved, holding a basin and wanting to scoop flour from the noodle bag.

There wasn't much flour at home, not enough for him to spoil, Li Man hurriedly reached out to stop her, "Li Hua, what happened?" No matter what happened, there was no need to vent your anger on the flour at home.

Li Hua paused, lowered her head, fixed her eyes on the little hand that was holding her wrist tightly, pursed her lips, but still did not give a reason, and said, "There is too much water, and I can't pour it out again. Just add some flour."

As he said that, he broke away from Li Man's hand, just to add more flour.

Li Man was sure that he was really busy, so she hurriedly grabbed him, and stopped in front of the bag, "Li Hua, you are in a bad mood, are you angry with your second brother?"

Painting Li frowned, and stared at her deeply, with complicated emotions in his dark eyes.

"It's really your second brother? What happened to him?" Li Man felt that she had guessed right. It was the first time she had seen Li Hua be so abnormal since she arrived at Li's house. Therefore, she almost directly concluded that it must be Li Hua. Said that the bad guy provoked him.

Li Huamei's heart was deeply locked, and her eyes slowly fell on a bite mark on her neck, her eyes were full of pity, "What do you think?"

"Me?" How did Li Man know? He just came back yesterday. The brothers have been fine since she returned to the room. Who knows what happened to them afterwards

"Li Hua, your second brother is sometimes bad and tiresome, but he is not bad at heart. If he does something that annoys you, you can tell the elder brother and ask him to teach him a lesson." At the end , she had no choice but to comfort him with such half-joking words.

"You think so?" Li Hua tugged at the corner of his lips and smiled weakly.

"Li Hua?" Feeling his strange eyes staring at her neck, Li Man felt guilty, and instinctively covered her neck with her little hand, and asked awkwardly, "What are you looking at? Is there something on my neck?"

She remembered in horror that last night, Li Yan greedily sucked and sucked her body over and over again, leaving many marks on her neck.

"That...there are bugs in the house..."

"There are bugs, take out all the quilts to dry in the sun." Before she could finish her dry lie, Li Hua took the initiative to speak.

Li Man lowered her eyes and hummed, "Well, I'll take it off after a while."

Li Hua stood straight, like an ice sculpture.

Li Man couldn't stand his gaze any longer, and hurriedly tried to run away, and slowly moved her footsteps outward, "That, me, I'll go to the sun now."

Before he could reply, she ran out of the kitchen in a panic and hid in her own room.

But as soon as she entered the room, there was a sound of closing the door behind her.

Li Man turned her head in surprise, and saw Li Hua walking towards her slowly with the light behind her back.

"Li Hua, you want... ah..."

Li Man mentioned it in his heart, but before he could say the nervous words, he pushed his whole body violently and fell on the kang. His slender and straight body immediately pressed up, and his cool lips kissed her indiscriminately. cheek, biting her neck.

"Li Hua, don't." Li Man yelled in surprise, and pushed her hard with both hands, but he seemed to have lost his mind, grabbed her hands, pressed them firmly on the top of her head, and kissed her hard again with red eyes. He touched her lips and swallowed the sound of her almost crying.

She struggled desperately, her lips hurt from being rubbed, the taste of blood gradually rose between her lips and teeth, she didn't know if it was his or hers.

Suddenly, he freed up a hand and grabbed the clothes on her chest, as if he wanted to tear them all off forcefully.

Li Man's head was buzzing in shock, "Li Hua—" Tears rolled silently from her bewildered eyes.

tangp>He pressed on her body, watching the crystal clear teardrops slipping down the corners of her eyes, his heart was suffocated, and the hand that was holding on to her skirt was weakly released.

"Li Hua, what's wrong with you?" Sensing his looseness, Li Man looked at him with tears in her voice.

Li Hua's eyes gradually became clear, and his eyes were full of guilt.

"Sorry, did I scare you?"

He sat up with her in his arms, wrapped her in his arms, hugged her tightly, leaned his head on her shoulder, and kept saying 'I'm sorry'.

Li Man lay in her arms, tears fell silently, wetting the clothes on his chest, yes, she was frightened, he who always treats her tenderly and even speaks in a soft voice just now is like a wild beast Like tearing and biting her, how could she not be afraid

What's even more frightening is that she gradually felt powerless. She was the only woman in the family, and they all came to her when they needed it. Perhaps, in their minds, the relationship between men and women was a matter of course. As their daughter-in-law, she It is to help them extinguish the fire in their hearts and bodies.

However, no one seemed to have considered whether she could bear it or not

In front of these men, she found that she was weak and pitiful. Even a frail scholar like Li Hua could easily pin her down and make her unable to move.

In the future, she really didn't dare to think about it.

Li Hua hugged her tightly, and the scene just now flashed through his mind over and over again. He really wanted to punch himself a few times, and he was so beastly that he almost raped her.

How could he do that to her? He is so hateful.

"Man'er." He let go of her a little, looked down at her face, and when he saw it, his heart suddenly felt like a needle prick, "I'm sorry."

Li Man's small face was already wet with tears, and her watery eyes just stared at him innocently and resentfully.

Li Hua really slapped her in the face, "I'm sorry, Man'er, I, I'm an asshole."

He reached out and gently wiped the tears off her face.

However, just after wiping it off, the teardrops came out of the eyes again, and it couldn't be stopped.

Li Hua panicked, and wiped her face with both hands in a panic.

Li Man stretched out her hand to fend him off, she shed tears, her heart was flustered, she was afraid, it was time for her to calm down.

She wiped her face with her sleeve carelessly, sniffed, and then looked at Li Hua seriously, "Li Hua, did you hear something last night?"

Li Hua was suffocated, "Man'er, it's my fault, I shouldn't have treated you like that just now, I swear, I will never do it again."

"I told your second brother—"

"No." Li Hua suddenly put his finger on her lips, not letting her continue, "Man'er, I will never treat you like that again."

As soon as he lowered his head, he kissed her face very gently, and kissed away the wet tears on her face bit by bit with his soft lips.

A faint sigh escaped from between her lips and teeth, Li Man closed her eyes, and let the delicate kisses fall on her face.

In the end, Li Hua let her go lightly, staring at her absentmindedly, wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it, her lips trembled, and finally pursed tightly again.

Li Man bit her lip slightly, but the decision she wanted gradually became clear in her complicated thoughts. Instead of passively accepting it, it is better to take the initiative. Just like in modern times, she suffered from illness since she was a child, but she can still learn, live, and even Married, she has been working hard to have a child, and she never gave up hope at the moment before she died.

Now, the heavens threw her five men all at once, which was indeed quite embarrassing, but she wanted to control them before they were eaten to death by men.

Happiness, to flow slowly! ! !

"Li Hua." Li Man raised his head immediately, stared into his eyes seriously, and said, "I don't know what kind of feelings you have for me? Maybe, because I became your daughter-in-law, you have to accommodate me ?”

"No." Li Hua shook his head. He never felt that he had to have her just because she was the daughter-in-law bought by his eldest brother. Instead, he felt that she was the woman he wanted since the first time he saw her.

Pure, natural, kind, intelligent, and soft, she even has a bookish look that other women don't have.

Li Man paused, and then said, "Maybe, you really like me. But, I'm already the joint wife of your brothers, and, with your eldest brother and second brother..."

Li Hua's expression froze, and he unconsciously clenched his hands hanging by his side, "I know."

"If you can't accept it, I, I can tell your eldest brother that you can find another marriage in the future. If you are afraid of the oath in front of your mother, then I can personally go to your mother's grave and explain it for you. "

"Man'er." Li Hua's eyes suddenly became fierce again, as if desperate, "I, like you, what about you? Do you like me too?"

Li Man paused, looked at his fair and handsome face, and sighed slightly in her heart, and slowly straightened up, she held his face in both hands, under his blank and surprised eyes, slightly She bowed her head and kissed his forehead tenderly.

"I like you." She said in a soft and low voice, "but I don't know if this is love. In my understanding, I always feel that love is a matter between two people, and one more will be crowded. In After learning about my situation, I was also confused and painful, and I couldn't accept five men, even a child who was five or ten years younger."

Li Hua raised her head, put her hands around her waist, and her eyes were full of pity. She seemed to be one year younger than him, but she had to bear all these alone. One could imagine how helpless she was at that time.

As Li Man said, she suddenly smiled, "However, there is a saying that is good, fate is like a rape, if you can't resist, just enjoy it. Fortunately, you brothers are good people, and you treat me well. I envy me that I have such good men."

Li Hua was taken aback for a moment, and was amused by her words about "fate" afterwards, but the words were too rough, and they came from Li Man's mouth, which made him feel fresh and surprised, and also felt extremely cute, his hands couldn't help tightening, There was an urge to trap her in his arms and love her dearly.

"Then... do you enjoy it too?" Li Hua asked hesitantly, his heart was sweet and sour. The sweet thing is that Li Man finally admitted that he is their brother's daughter-in-law, so he can justifiably have her to accompany her in the future The sad thing is that she and her eldest brother and second brother have already... Her so-called enjoyment should be given by her two brothers, right

What about him? Will his love make her feel like enjoyment

Pfft, he asked directly, Li Man blushed and nodded slightly, "At least I don't think it's too bad for now. But, Li Hua—"

Her eyes were serious and dignified, "I can also swear to you, since I have become the daughter-in-law of your family, I will do my best in my life to make your brothers happy. If—"

"Hush." Li Hua didn't let her continue, "Our brother should have said this to you."

Seeing his gradually softening expression, Li Man also smiled, "Well, yes, with you brothers, I don't think it's hard not to be happy."

Seeing her smile, Li Hua also smiled. With his hands together, he pulled her into his arms, and kissed her hard on the side of the ear, "Man'er, I like you, I really like you."

"Yeah." Li Man was so itchy by him, her neck couldn't help shrinking.

Li Hua didn't kiss her any more, but just hugged her in his arms and sat quietly like this, enjoying the tenderness and intimacy of this moment.

Li Man rested her head on his chest, her nose was filled with the fragrance of ink, her mind gradually calmed down, she closed her eyes and suddenly smiled silently, did this resolve a crisis

If Li Yan can be as gentle and obedient as Li Hua, then she really has nothing to worry about in the future.

"Sister, sister—"

Suddenly, Xiao Wu's shout sounded in the yard.

Li Man paused and looked towards the door.

Li Huaning frowned, and reluctantly let go of Li Man, "Xiao Wu called you."

"Yeah." Li Man looked at him, a little embarrassed, let him go out at this time, and was caught by Xiao Wu, how can he explain it

Seeing her troubled look, Li Hua smiled slightly, feeling much more relieved, "I'll go see what's up with him?"

As soon as he said that, Xiao Wu knocked on the door, "Sister, are you in the house?"

"Here." Li Man instinctively responded.

"Is my sister free now? I have something to ask my sister." Xiao Wu said politely.

"Oh, wait a minute." Li Man hurriedly arranged her clothes, got up and got off the kang.

Li Hua also got off the kang, but stopped her and opened the door by herself.

"Sister, yeah, fourth brother?" Xiao Wu was stunned when he saw that it was Li Hua who opened the door.

Li drew it out and rubbed Xiao Wu's head, "Where did you go all morning? Look at the sweat on this forehead."

Xiao Wu chuckled, his attention was immediately diverted, and then he looked at Li Man and said, "Sister, I have one thing to ask you."

"What's the matter? Do you want more?" Li Man looked at the little guy with a funny face.

Xiao Wu said excitedly, "Huzi and the others heard that I read and read with my sister every day recently. They wanted to join us and asked if my sister could teach them too?"

"Huzi and the others?" Li Hua looked at Li Man, saw her hesitate, and explained, "They are all children from the village, about the same age as Xiao Wu."

"Haven't you ever studied?" Li Man's heart softened again when she mentioned the children who were about the same age as Xiao Wu, "I can teach them, but are their parents willing?"

I don't know what it was like in ancient times. Anyway, in modern times, many parents have high expectations for their children. They choose famous schools and choose famous teachers. Ordinary people, if you want to teach others for free, they may not look down on them.

"Yes, why don't you want to. Sister, I'll let them come over." Xiao Wuyi got a response, and immediately ran away excitedly, but, as soon as he left the yard, he turned back immediately, followed by seven or eight About the same age as a child.

It turned out that they had been waiting at the gate of the courtyard all this time, only waiting for Xiaowu to settle down, and then they came to learn from the teacher.

As soon as the children entered the yard, according to Xiao Wu's instructions, they all knelt down and kowtowed to Li Man, shouting, "XX kowtows to the teacher."

Li Man hurried forward to help her in a panic, "Get up, get up, don't knock."

"Get up, the teacher told you to get up." Xiao Wu said excitedly from the side.

Li Man glanced at Xiao Wu lightly, she would really provoke her, but looking at these children, there are a total of eight, five boys, three girls, two of the girls are twins, and they look clean Jing, wearing the same calico clothes and combing the same horns, looks very cute.

"You all want to read and write with me?" Li Man asked them gently.

"Yeah." Several children nodded in unison.

Li Man smiled, "Okay, I can teach you, but the words must be put first, reading and writing is not something that can be done in a day or two, if you don't work hard, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, that's not okay. "

Xiao Wu immediately took the lead and promised,

"We will all work hard."

The other children immediately followed suit.

Li Man nodded in satisfaction, seeing how these children are dressed, only the twin girls are a little better, the others are not so good, two of them are even barefoot, their clothes are patched and patched, and they are dirty I don't know how many days I haven't washed it, probably because I played wildly outside before, the little faces are made like little cats, even Xiao Wu is not much better.

"Okay, let's go wash our faces first." Li Man told Xiao Wu to take them to the well to fetch water to wash their hands and faces.

Several children ran happily, playing around the well.

Li Man looked at her with a smile on her face. She likes being with children.

Li Hua watched from the beginning to the end. She originally thought that Xiao Wu would suddenly bring so many children here, and Li Man would be stage fright. After all, she was not much older than these children, and she was still a girl. It's possible to be speechless, and he's even prepared to smooth things over for her.

But who would have thought that not only could she cope with it with ease, but she also felt like a teacher in her gestures and gestures compared to their wife.

This gave Li Hua more respect and appreciation for her from the bottom of his heart.

After the children finished washing, they gathered around Li Man one by one, and looked at her with wide eyes and fondness.

It is said that after Li Man arrived at Li's house, for a period of time, people in Shennvgou really became the topic of conversation after dinner. Some said that she was a fairy descended from the earth, and her appearance and demeanor were not comparable to that of ordinary women. In order to attract men's yang.

Therefore, these children who have heard all kinds of rumors, seeing Allah at this moment, can't help but look at her carefully. They only think that this sister is beautiful and gentle, especially with a smile in her eyes. Their little hearts are jumping.

Among them are two older boys, their faces are red when they look at them, they are usually crazy like a devil outside, but now in front of Li Man, they are more docile than that house cat, shy and shy. I can't say anything.

Thank you Yican, sunwucai09, Moyanwu, Flower Demon Chengcheng, lqpajym, cxh star, 13769363891, CAOJIXIA8000, Xiaoyou88, Youlanfangcao, Cinderella LOVE, Akiminekosan, Dongfangjing, xiaosongshu8, qiuqiu1116, 13820844428, Han Bing Poplar, 540642628, guyue1992, 106619414, qth1969, 18681467373, Xiao_Yu_er, and the flower purse and monthly pass sent by my relatives, ok (o)/~