Fortunate Wife

Chapter 49: kiss her


"Brother Hua, I still have some vegetables here, you can take them home and eat." Seeing that he was about to leave, Lianhua quickly took out a large handful of tender beans from her vegetable basket and stuffed them into Li Hua's vegetable basket.

Li's picture showed embarrassment, and he looked at Li Man, but Li Man looked completely aloof or even watching the show, which made him feel as if his heart was suddenly blocked by a stone, grabbed the beans, and put them back into the lotus basket, " Thanks."

Turning around, grabbing Li Man's hand, she shouted to Xiao Wu who was stunned aside, "Let's go, let's go home."

"Brother Hua..." Lianhua still wanted to chase after her, but Li Hua walked so fast that she couldn't keep up, and she was left behind after turning a few ridges.

Xiao Wu knew that the fourth brother hated the entanglement of these girls, and he didn't like lotus, so when Li Hua asked him to go, he ran faster than anyone else, and rushed to the front of the old man.

On the contrary, Li Man suffered a lot. The path in the field was difficult to walk, and she was still held in the palm of Li Hua's hand. He walked so fast, and when he stepped out, she had to trot several steps to keep up. She slipped several times and almost Slipped and was grabbed by him again.

She couldn't help wondering, what happened to this dead child? Isn't he happy that the girl gave him food with expressions of affection? What are you running for

However, he really has a lot of peach blossoms, besides these two, the girl who was imprisoned in the ancestral hall is also very interested in him, I don't know which one he likes...


Li Hua stopped suddenly, Li Man was caught off guard and fell into his arms accidentally.

Looking up, Li Man's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, her eyes were hot, but there seemed to be a trace of anger mixed in, Li Man's heart tightened suddenly, and she asked cautiously, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Hua's expression was tense, and he remained silent, only staring at her for a moment.

Li Man was a little flustered by the look, and instinctively took a step back, when she heard a muffled bang, the basket in Li Hua's hand fell to the ground, and some pig vegetables spilled out.

"You—" Li Man's heart skipped a beat, before she could ask any doubts, Li Hua suddenly leaned her upper body and moved closer to her face, brushing hers with his soft lips.

In an instant, like fireworks blooming beside her ears, Li Man was dumbfounded.

Li Hua's heart was beating like a drum, and she didn't dare to look her in the eyes. When she came back to her senses, she hurriedly picked up the basket and ran away in a hurry.

"Fourth brother." Xiao Wu was lying behind a small slope, and when he saw Li Hua approaching as if fleeing, he stood up and called him, "Why are you so slow? Where's sister?"

"Sister?" Li Hua stopped abruptly, and when she looked back, Li Man didn't follow, she panicked, dropped the basket and turned back in a hurry.

Li Man was still in a daze, twirling her lips with her index finger, it seemed that there was still warmth left by the boy, but how could it be possible? Not a family? Isn't it brother? Why did you kiss her

Seeing her like this, Li Hua's heart fell to the bottom. She doesn't like it, right? And he also frightened her because of his impulsiveness.

"I'm sorry." Li Hua walked up to her and said in a low voice.

Li Man's face turned red when he heard the voice, why did he come back again? She's not ready yet, should she ask why he kissed herself

"Let's go, go home." Seeing her drooping her head in silence, Li Hua became a little more frustrated and annoyed. He wanted to hold her hand and take her home, but just as he stretched out his hand, he withdrew it again. I'm afraid she won't like it.