Fortunate Wife

Chapter 83: Doubtful


bad guy!

Li Man blushed and said angrily, "I didn't see it."

"Oh." Li Yan smiled even more, and hummed softly, "I didn't see it, I thought you put it away? Guo"

Did he mean that he secretly hid his headband? What a fool he was thinking.

Li Man gave him a blank look, then explained to him lazily, turned around, and wanted to go out to get some air, but he didn't know that his arm around her waist had never moved. When she moved, the hand that was caressing her waist It moved to her lower abdomen.

What's even worse is that, with a sudden force from that broad palm, she was hugged backwards, her back pressed tightly against his chest, the warm and clean masculine breath wrapped her around, Li Man had no time to react, With his chin resting on her slender shoulder, he whispered softly in her ear, "Daughter-in-law, are you afraid of me?"

Who is afraid? uh, wait—

Li Man turned around abruptly, her forehead brushed against his soft lips, a strange feeling slipped through her heart, she trembled slightly, and forgot what she wanted to ask for a while.

The corners of Li Yan's lips fluttered, and his slender fingers gently twirled his lips, and then lightly pressed against Li Man's forehead.

Such an intimate act made Li Man feel like being struck by lightning, and she backed away in panic, leaning her back on the big table, staring at him fiercely, staring at him, unable to find the right words to say about him for a while, her heart was beating wildly —

"Daughter-in-law, what's the matter?" Li Shu asked suspiciously when he saw Li Man and Li Yan looking at each other as soon as he came back.

Li Hua followed in, staring at Li Yan suspiciously, "Second brother?"

Li Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, with a smile on his lips, "Why are you looking at me like this? Can Second Brother still eat her?"

"Daughter-in-law?" Seeing that Li Man's eyes were still straight, Li Shu touched her cautiously.

Li Man was startled suddenly, as if she just came back to her senses, she fixed her eyes on Li Shu, then slowly swept over Li Yan, and finally landed on Li Hua.

Li Hua! ! ! ! Li Man's mind suddenly went crazy, she pushed Li Shu away, stepped forward, grabbed Li Hua's hand, and led him out.

"Daughter-in-law?" Li Shu was surprised and hurriedly followed.

Li Man only took Li Hua out, picked up a wooden branch under the eaves, and wrote on the ground: Wife, what do you mean

It was the first time she used punctuation marks. Li Hua was a little confused at first, but then she understood in an instant. With indescribable surprise in her eyes, she pointed to the comma and question mark and asked Li Man, "You made this yourself?"

Anyway, with these two strange symbols, the meaning of a sentence seems to be much clearer.

Li Man wasn't in the mood to explain punctuation to him, she just pointed at the sentence with a branch, "Tell me."

"That's what you think it means." Li Hua's fair face was slightly flushed.

"I think?" Li Man's heart trembled, and she wanted to confirm again, but she didn't dare to ask, and wrote on the ground, "Then am I your second brother's wife, or your third brother's wife?"

Why did Li Yan call her daughter-in-law just now

I'm really confused. Is the daughter-in-law here really different from the common name in some modern places? Such as elder sister, aunt, aunt and so on.

There was a trace of frustration in Li Hua's eyes. How did she know that the second brother and the third brother were also his daughter-in-law

So, Li Hua took the branch from her and wrote a line on the ground, "You are my wife."

A simple line of words, he writes smoothly and clearly, but it is like a thorn, piercing Li Man's eyes hurt, and even his brain hurts.

This boy also said that she was his wife

Fainted, she still figured out those two, why is there another one

Li Man only felt dizzy and dizzy, her eyes turned black.

Li Hua quickly supported her who was on the verge of falling, "What's wrong?" Is it because of his words? Is she unwilling to be his daughter-in-law

Li Yan and Li Shu were on the side, and they were also taken aback. They gathered around and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

What's going on? Li Man looked at Li Yan and Li Shu who were pushing over again, and was troubled in his heart. A family of five brothers, all three of them called her daughter-in-law? Are you sure that this daughter-in-law is not the same as 'big sister, aunt, aunt'

"Where is it uncomfortable?" Seeing her pale face, Li Yan stretched out his hand to touch her forehead worriedly, it was not hot, but rather cold, "Did you wear less clothes?"

Li Man pushed his hand away, shaking her head weakly, her mind was in a mess that couldn't be untied.

"What are you all crowding the door for?" At this moment, Li Mo came back from the outside and looked

Seeing this scene, Tang asked.

Several people looked at him unconsciously, and saw Li Mo walking from the rain and fog, his body was wet, but there was a faint smile on his face.

"Brother." Li Hua was very curious, why did my brother's mood change so much after going out for a while.

"Oh." Li Mo had already walked over, looked at him and Li Man, his honey-colored face was slightly red, and before everyone could ask him where he was going and what he was doing, he had already Go quickly to the east room, "I'll go back to the room and change my clothes."

Although the brothers were puzzled, no one asked any more questions, and all their attention was on Li Man.

Li Man's complexion improved slightly, but the three of them were still worried.

"Daughter-in-law, if you feel uncomfortable, you can tell me." Li Shu said.

Li Man supported her forehead, thinking that she was called by your daughter-in-law.

"Why don't I ask a doctor to come and have a look." Li Hua said, and was about to go out, but was grabbed by Li Man, "No, I'm fine."

"Is it really okay?" Li Yan looked at her carefully. It was a fact that she almost passed out just now.

By the way, Li Yan suddenly looked at Li Hua and asked, "Fourth brother, what did you write on the ground just now?"

"I—" Li Hua's heart sank, it was still her own words, she...he looked at Li Man, and said in a low voice, "If you don't want to, I—"

"It has nothing to do with you." Seeing his suddenly lonely face, Li Man hurriedly shook her head to interrupt his words, and continued, "Don't stand here anymore, it's so cold, go back to the room for dinner."

After finishing speaking, he left the three brothers behind and went into the kitchen silently. He sat down at the table and stopped moving. Her mind was messed up. Let her be quiet for a while.

But the three brothers also followed in immediately, but seeing her face not approaching, no one dared to talk to her again, but silently served her porridge and put it beside her.

In the east room, as soon as Li Mo entered the room, only Xiao Wu was sitting on the bed and spreading the quilt. Seeing him coming back wet, he was startled, "Brother, why are you so wet?"

"Oh." Li Mo didn't answer the question directly, but said, "Xiao Wu, you go to eat first, brother needs to change into dry clothes."

"Okay." Xiao Wu quickly got off the bed, put on his shoes and went out, and also helped his brother close the door.

Li Mo turned his head to see that the door was tightly closed, and then carefully took out something from his arms.

This is a very unique bracelet made of red rope. The people in Shennvgou call it "marriage rope".

"Brother, have you changed it? The porridge is cold, come and eat." Xiao Wu's voice sounded from the door.

"Oh." Li Mo hurriedly clenched the bracelet, quickly found a set of clean clothes from the cabinet, changed immediately and went into the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, it was obvious that the atmosphere was not right.

With her head down, Li Man took the chopsticks and put the porridge into her mouth one by one, with a dull expression.

As for the other people, they were sitting around, none of them had eaten, they just stared at her worriedly.

"What's going on?" Li Mo sat next to Xiao Wu and asked suspiciously.

Li Shu quickly winked his eyes at his elder brother, and deliberately lowered his voice, "Brother, my daughter-in-law seems to be in a daze, and it's been like this for a while."

How can you be dazed when you are so good? Li Mo looked at Li Yan and Li Hua, they both shook their heads.

Li Mo frowned, looked at Li Man, and didn't know how to speak, so he pushed the bowl of cakes towards her.

Sure enough, Li Man's eyeballs moved, but she just said dully, "Thank you."

Then, he picked up a piece of cake, gnawed it in small bites, and swallowed it dryly into his stomach without chewing.

Li Mo's face was serious, and he looked at the others, "Did you do anything to her?"

"No." Li Shu was the first to swear by raising his hand.

Li Yan glanced at Li Hua, Li Hua was a little guilty, and took the initiative to confess, "Just now, she asked me a few words."

"What words?"

Li Mo, Li Yan, Li Shu, the three of them fixed their eyes on him at the same time.

Li Hua didn't want to talk about it. After all, Li Man used to write, so he probably didn't want other people to know about it. But at the moment, seeing her like this, he was also very worried, so he honestly said, "What does she mean by asking my wife? Ask, is she the second brother's daughter-in-law or the third brother's?"

"Yeah?" Li Shu remembered, "My daughter-in-law asked me before, doesn't she understand?"


Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Li Man fixedly, and seemed to understand something, "Brother, did you know what she was going to do when you bought her back that day?"

Li Mo's expression was suffocated.

Li Yan added, "Or, does she know that she was bought to be our daughter-in-law?"

Li Mo's expression was unspeakably ugly for a while, and his lips moved, but for a while, he didn't know how to explain this matter.

"Brother?" Li Hua also looked at his brother suspiciously. He remembered the first time he saw Li Man. At that time, she wrote to ask him about their relationship. At that time, he only said they were family members because of euphemism.

And in fact, does she not know her current identity at all

"Brother?" Li Yan and Li Shu also asked.

Li Mo took a deep breath, and was about to speak, but Li Man suddenly put down the bowl and chopsticks, and said, "I'm full." Then, like a puppet, she got up expressionlessly and walked out. Out of the kitchen, back to his own room.

Everyone was stunned again!

As soon as Li Man returned to the house, she closed the door and sat down on her kang in a daze. She didn't feel the damp under her body, and the roof was still dripping.

In her mind, the scenes of the three brothers Li Yan, Li Shu, and Li Hua getting along with her kept rolling. The three kept calling their daughter-in-law in her ears, like a curse, and she had a headache from arguing.

She rubbed her head irritably, her hair was all tangled, but who will help her untie this mess

What the hell is going on? Why does she feel weird, really weird.

"Brother, didn't someone in the middle tell her when my daughter-in-law bought it? And didn't you tell her?" Li Yan's continuous questioning broke the silence in the kitchen.

Li Mo's eyebrows were tightly locked, and he said in a deep voice, "It's a long story."

"What's wrong? Didn't you buy it in the marketplace?" Li Hua's mind suddenly jumped out of this incredible answer.

Li Yan and Li Shu also looked at Li Mo in surprise, thinking that Li Man looks good and can write, not to mention Goddess Valley, even outside the mountains, there are not many women who can do this, after all, women have no talent It is virtue, even if there are rich and big families, few women can read and write.

Thinking about it, they all thought that it was impossible for Li Man to come from the market where people were bought and sold. After all, if she really sold it from there, according to her conditions, the price would definitely be high, and it was not something his family could afford. .

For a moment, the brothers were inexplicably panicked.

Li Mo glanced at a few people and said, "It's not what you think, I bought her back in Renshi."

"Oh—" The three brothers let out a sigh of relief at the same time.

"But—" Li Mo immediately changed the topic, causing the brothers' hearts to suddenly rise again, "But what? Brother, you should speak quickly."

Li Mo looked complicated, and finally said, "Actually, she was not what she is now in Renshi that day."

"Huh?" Everyone wondered, "What is that like?"

Li Mo looked at everyone's puzzled eyes, and couldn't help thinking about what happened in Renshi that day in his mind.

That day, early in the morning, he arrived at the Shanwairen City with the twelve taels of silver he had accumulated for many years, and he wanted to buy an honest wife for his brothers and come back.

But after walking around in the market, there is no satisfactory one, either the price is too high to afford, or the price is good. He despises the girl in the flower building, and he will never buy it home. Shun Ershun's daughter-in-law Xingniang is a good example.

There are also some girls from poor families who can't support themselves. They have yellow complexion, thin body, and many eyes are dull and dull. He wants to buy them, but he is afraid that they will not be able to support them after buying them, so he wandered around and couldn't find a suitable one.

Just when he wanted to go back in disappointment, suddenly a figure bumped into his arms, followed by a thick man holding a stick.

The person who bumped into his arms was Li Man. At that time, she was dressed in rags, her hair was messy, and her face was covered with blood. She couldn't see her original appearance at all.

At that time, it was as if she had grasped the last straw, desperately grabbing his clothes, and said some words he couldn't understand, but he could see from her eyes that she was asking himself for help.

So, out of sympathy, Li Mo spent all the silver on his body and rescued her, but the big man took the silver and left without giving him any contract or anything.

At that time, he didn't make it clear to her that he wanted her to come back to be his wife. After all, she really didn't look very good at that time, and he was afraid that his picky younger brothers would not want her.

Unexpectedly, on the way back, she

I washed my face by a pond.

Li Mo felt that he would never forget the scene at that time in his whole life.

The blood stains on his face were washed clean, but what caught his eyes was a pretty face, with fair skin, big eyes, and a straight nose...

She smiled gratefully at him, like a dream in the sun, her bright eyes shining like stars in the sky.

At that moment, for the first time in his life, he lost his mind to a woman.

The brothers listened to the ins and outs of the whole incident, but there was no words for a long time.

After Xiao Wu finished his porridge, he sat quietly, looking at this and that in a daze, and his intuition told him that something happened, and it was still related to his sister.

He was very uneasy, and lightly touched Li Mo's arm, "Brother, will sister leave us?" As soon as he finished asking, the little guy's eyes turned red.

"Impossible, she is our daughter-in-law, and the eldest brother spent money." Li Shu shouted loudly, as if he wanted everyone in the world to confirm this fact.

Li Yan glared at him lightly, "Be quiet." Then, looking at Li Mo again, he said, "This matter is a bit complicated."

Li Mo nodded. When he brought his daughter-in-law back, the younger brothers were very satisfied with it, and he was also very happy. It's worth it to live a good life with them, but who knows that the following incidents will happen.

"Brother, could she have been trafficked?" Li Hua asked anxiously.

Li Shu also nodded.

Li Mo shook his head helplessly, "I don't know."

Li Yan said, "It's not like, if she was kidnapped, she should think about going back."

"She didn't run away." Li Shu said.

Li Yan still shook his head, "Although she ran away once, you have seen that these days, she is at ease and wants to live with us."

"Then—" Li Hua thought for a while and said, "Maybe what I told my elder brother last time, maybe she is a maid from a wealthy family, and the master fell down, so she was also sold here."

"It's possible!" Li Yan and Li Shu agreed at the same time, hoping for this answer in their hearts.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally remained silent.

Li Mo finally made a decision and said, "No matter what, since we have identified her, we will treat her well for the rest of our lives."

"That's natural." Li Shudao, the others, even Xiao Wu, nodded solemnly.

"That's good." Li Mo said with a firm expression, "This matter ends here, and she will be our daughter-in-law from now on. Let's eat."

As soon as the eldest brother made a decision, the hearts of the younger brothers finally fell to the ground. No matter what, a daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, and no one can take it away from them.

The brothers ate breakfast hastily, and Li Hua stayed to wash the dishes. Li Mo took Li Shu and went to the back mountain to see some bamboo branches. Keep the roof from leaking.

Li Yan originally said that he had something to do, but when the elder brother and the third younger brother went out, the fourth younger brother Xiao Wu was cleaning up in the kitchen, so he opened the door and entered Li Man's room in a flash.

Li Man was still pulling her hair. Hearing the sound of the door, he raised his head for a glance, then lowered his head again, struggling numbly in the strange feeling and unable to extricate himself.

"Why did it become like this?" Li Yan stepped forward and pulled her hand down, not allowing her to spoil her hair like this again, and seeing her sitting on the wet kang like this, he frowned even more, and pulled her away Get up, "The kang is so wet, why don't you sit?"

"You want to care?" Li Man stretched out her hand to push him angrily, but instead of pushing him away, she was dragged into her arms by him, her small face hit his firm chest, her nose was sore, tears almost came out .

She stretched out her hand to beat him angrily, and tears really came out of her eyes, "What are you doing? Are you a bully like this? Don't I just want to be alone? I won't wear the hairpin you gave me. How about it? snort."

She pouted her small mouth angrily, and the crystal clear teardrops were like broken pearls, sliding down her smooth little face. She clearly looked stubborn and angry, but the heart of the beholder was as soft as a puddle of water.

"If you don't wear it, don't wear it. Why are you crying?" Li Yan held her small face in both hands, and gently wiped away the tears on her face with his callused fingertips.

"Who is crying?" Li Man turned her head, stubbornly opened her eyes and spoke nonsense.

However, Li Yan turned her face to her again, smiled lightly, touched her teardrops with his fingers, and passed her eyes, "Then what is this?"

"You?" Li Man bit her lower lip hard, staring at her tearful eyes, "What exactly do you want?"

Li Yan sighed slightly, "What do you think? I really annoy you so much?"

"Me?" She never said she hated him, but why does he always do things she hates

"I don't know why you did this suddenly? But it's definitely not because of me that you are crying, is it?" Li Yan lowered his head, his black eyes stared at her for a moment, as if he wanted to look into her heart.

Li Man gritted her teeth and glared at him. Was it him or who? Without his daughter-in-law, would she have become like this

"Why do you call me daughter-in-law?" She simply asked.

"Oh, don't you like it? How about I change my name to something else, Man'er?" Listening to intimacy.

Li Man pushed his fingers away from his hair, stepped aside, and looked at him vigilantly, "Don't you think you're doing too much? Don't you understand that men and women can't kiss each other?"

"I don't understand, what are you talking about?" Li Yan simply pretended to be confused.

"You?" Li Man was angry.

Li Hua heard the voice from the next door and walked over. She saw Li Man and her second brother locked in a stalemate in the room. When she got closer, Li Man's eyes were red and there were tears in the corners of her eyes. It was obvious that she had cried.

"Second brother, what are you doing?" Li Hua stood in front of Li Man protectively, and asked sharply, her voice trembling.

Li Yan's eyes were slightly cold, and he curled his lips into a smile, "Fourth brother, what do you think I can do to her?"

Li Hua looked back at Li Man, "Are you okay?"

Li Man rubbed her eyes and shook her head.

"Don't rub it." Li Hua hurriedly pulled off her hand, "If you rub your eyes again, your eyes will swell."

Li Man gave an 'hmm' sound, and didn't rub it any more obediently.

Li Yan watched with a sour heart, he advised her not to cry, she would just stare at him, when the fourth brother talked, she was as obedient as a kitten.

"Okay, fourth brother, I'll leave her to you." Li Yan glanced at Li Man quietly, left a word, and went out.

Xiao Wu leaned against the door, staring at the scene inside. After the second brother left, he came in, leaned next to the fourth brother, looked at Li Man eagerly, his eyes were also red, "Sister, will you leave?"

"Leave?" She had thought about it, but where could she go away from here

Li Man gently rubbed Xiao Wu's hair and shook her head.

Xiao Wu immediately grabbed her hand tightly, leaning against her side with his small body, looking up at her with full dependence.

Li Man's heart softened suddenly, this child... has no mother to love her since she was a child, it's really pitiful.

"I'm not leaving." Li Man held Xiao Wu's hand tightly with her backhand, and said comfortingly.

"Yeah." Xiao Wu then smiled, and then looked at Li Hua.

Li Hua also smiled slightly, and said to Li Man, "This room is very damp, let's go to that room."

Li Man didn't want to, afraid that everyone else would be there, and felt embarrassed, after all, she had just cried before.

"Big brother and third brother went to the mountain to cut bamboo." Li Hua said.

Only then did Li Man nod, and led Xiao Wu by the hand, and the three of them came to the east room together.

Li Yan is not here, so I don't know where he went.

Because of Li Hua's presence, Li Man was still somewhat restrained. When he arrived in the east room, he just sat on the kang and looked out the window quietly.

Xiao Wu sat next to her, looking out the window with her.

The wind and rain were too heavy last night, and the small vegetable garden in the backyard was in a mess. The cucumber shelf fell down and overwhelmed a lot of peppers. Li Man was about to ask if he should deal with it, when he saw Li Yan's figure coming from the corner of the room, holding There is also some firewood thicker than your thumb in it, and you can tell at a glance that it is ready to build a shelf again.

Li Man hurriedly looked away, and closed the window tightly.

With the window closed, the already dark room became even darker.

Li Hua originally planned to study, but the light was obviously not good, so he went to the closet to find a few old clothes that no one could wear, and planned to change a few sets of clothes for Xiao Wu to wear.

Xiao Wu was small and thin, and their clothes were too big for him, like an opera, not good.

Li Man watched carefully from the side, this young man is really skillful in threading needles and threads, even old clothes with patches can be transformed into good-looking clothes that fit well in his hands.

Watching Xiao Wu trying on the newly sewn gown, Li Man couldn't help but sigh in admiration, and asked, "How did you learn this?" Sewing is not difficult, but cutting must at least be learned.

Seeing her asking this question, Li Hua felt a little shy, "If you do too much, you'll be fine."

"You always make your clothes?" Li Man asked

I can't believe it.

"Fourth brother can make clothes at the age of six." Xiao Wu said happily beside him.

"Six years old?" A genius.

There was some bitterness in Li Hua's smile. His parents died early, and his eldest brother, second brother and third brother were busy working all day, earning food for them, so they couldn't care about these things. Therefore, at a young age, he, Almost took care of my younger brother, washing and cooking.

As for making clothes, at the beginning, it was because my elder brother went hunting and was often injured and returned home. His clothes were torn, so he tried to mend them. Later, he gradually turned into making clothes for his brothers.

Seeing him like this, Li Man guessed somewhat, one of them had no woman in his family, and looking at Li Mo's three, none of them looked like the material for twisting needles and threading.

"By the way, what are you studying in the town?" In order to ease the atmosphere, Li Man changed the subject.

Li Hua looked up, looked at her and smiled slightly, pouted on the small stool at the top of the kang, and said, "The books are all there, just look."

"En." Li Man was really looking forward to it, and hurriedly took the book bag over, and took out a few books from it.

A copy of "The Analects of Confucius" and a copy of "The Book of Songs", if you look at them, they are all handwritten copies, with elegant and elegant handwriting, which are all written by Li Hua.

"Did you copy this all yourself?" Li Man was curious, and flipped through the other two copies, all of which were annotations or something.

"En." Li Hua nodded, the book is very expensive, he borrowed it from his master and copied it.

Li Man looked through the annotations and the like, and found that they were copied, but the content here is a bit like a teacher's lesson plan, mainly for some annotations of the two books.

"When you study, do you have to copy the books by yourself?" Li Man asked while shaking the two books. Isn't there already paper? Although it is as rough as the inferior papyrus used in modern times, it still exists after all.

"Well, books are very expensive." Li Hua bit off the last thread, dusted off the altered pants, and then called Xiao Wu, "Try it."

"Yeah." Xiao Wu excitedly took the pants, just about to change, glanced at Li Man, blushed, shyly hugged the pants and ran out.

Li Man burst out laughing, the brat was still shy.

Seeing her smile, Li Hua felt happy, picked up "The Analects of Confucius" and asked her, "Have you ever studied this?"

"I've learned it." Li Man answered casually without using her brain, but as soon as the words came out of her mouth, she suddenly realized that she had said the wrong thing.

Sure enough, Li Hua's eyes flickered. In this day and age, there are only a few women who can read and read. Even if they read, most of them read "Women's Rules". Like this kind of book, they may read it if they want to. less than.

"Oh." Li Man hurriedly changed her words, "I don't learn much, and I'm not good at it."

"What will it be?" Li Hua casually flipped through the pages, asking seemingly unintentionally.

Li Man waved her hand, "I've forgotten it long ago, I learned a little bit before, it's just superficial."

Li Hua didn't know if she was really modest or if she was concealing it on purpose, but she was sure she wouldn't say anything more, and she didn't ask any more questions.

Li Man secretly stuck out her tongue, if she made herself so knowledgeable, it would make people suspicious, right

What's more, what she learned in modern times may not be the same as this, it's better to show off less.

Both of them bowed their heads in silence, and the atmosphere froze.

Li Hua flipped through the Analects casually, and Li Man acted like she was bored. She didn't like to read these books. If it was "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio", she could read it to pass the time.

"This one is my favorite." Suddenly, Painter Li pointed to one for Li Man.

Li Man looked at it intently: Zigong Fang. The Master said: "Is it worthy to give it? I have no time for my husband."

"Well," Li Man's eyes showed joy. She once loved such a sentence. Thinking about the conversation between Confucius and his disciples during the afternoon chat, it was also very warm and interesting.

Li Hua glanced at her, then smiled and said, "I really want to see what Zi Gong looks like? Fang Fang, is that a human being? Also, Confucius said that he is not a fake, of course he is not. hehe."

Li Man was completely stunned when he heard this, and looked at him suspiciously, "You? You were explaining this Analects to me just now, weren't you?"

"Huh?" Li Hua was still smiling, "Don't you think it's funny? A square-faced person, a fake wife—"

"Stop." Seeing that he didn't intend to talk nonsense, Li Man quickly stretched out her hand and made a stop gesture, and asked in surprise, "Who told you that, your master?"

Li Hua seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then nodded, "What's the matter? Every time I say this, we all find it funny."

It's funny, my wife

Lol, a good Analects, how can it be interpreted like that? Even if the literal explanation is not correct, besides, it is not fake, but Xia.

Li Man looked at him helplessly, took the book, pointed to the Analects and said, "Maybe your master is just teasing you. This Analects is not so explanatory. It probably is like this. Zigong was very angry and asked The teacher vented, "So-and-so is so bad! After hearing this, the master didn't take it seriously. Then he said to him, "You still have time to pay attention to others?" Seriously, I don't have that time! Moreover, the last word is not false, but overwhelming. "

Li Hua lowered her head, and the expression in her eyes deepened. Li Man's annotations were clear, vivid and full of interest in life. They were better than the stereotyped explanations of the Master. She really just learned a little bit

"What's the matter?" Li Man was afraid that he wouldn't believe it, so she said again, "I didn't lie to you, if you don't believe it, you can ask another teacher, hehe, fortunately this is not an exam, otherwise you will be miserable."

Li Hua closed the book, he didn't need to test it anymore, and he didn't dare to try again, a new idea even appeared in his heart, the daughter-in-law is not a maid of some rich family, how can there be a maid who can read and write? her identity...

Li Hua suddenly didn't dare to think deeply.

"You—" Li Man stared at him suspiciously. Didn't this kid test himself? That acted too much like it.

Li Hua raised her head suddenly, smiled at her, "I thought about it, and I think what you said is reasonable. I'll ask again when I get back to school."

"Oh." Li Man breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

"You—" Li Hua chatted casually after a while, "But our master has gone to the provincial capital, and we won't be back in a few days."

"Oh." Li Man heard some noises outside the window, and guessed that Li Yan was working there.

"Master is the most knowledgeable person here. It is said that there are many classmates in the capital." Li Hua observed her expression quietly, and when he mentioned the word "capital", she didn't respond much, which made him feel relieved, but There are more doubts.

"My master has also been to the capital." Li Hua saw that she hadn't moved, and continued, "It is said that the capital is very big, there are many people, and there are everything. The world will never see such a good place in a lifetime."

"Oh?" Li Man finally got a little bit of interest, and asked casually, "Then where is your capital?"

She didn't know anything about this strange time and space, and she didn't even know about the dynasties. Since Li Hua started chatting by herself, she might as well inquire to see if she knew.

Li Hua was a little stunned, she didn't even know where the capital was? But her accent is obviously a capital accent.

Thank you Qiyue Chenghuan, jeankam, susany3000, Huakaichami 9654, angellee_86, tabby_cat11, Xiaoman and others for sending you the purses and flowers, what (o)/~