Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 103


Instructor Zheng ignored Lin Qingyin’s unhappy face, and first ran five laps around the playground with the students. When everyone was panting and thought that today was still a boring queue practice like yesterday and the day before yesterday, he listened to Zheng. The instructor announced: "Next, let's go to the shooting range for shooting practice!"

Seeing the sudden widening of the eyes of the students, instructor Zheng slowly added four words: "Live ammunition!"

Cheers resounded across the playground in an instant.

Most of the contents of Huaguo’s military training consist of standing military postures, training queues, and singing military songs. Military training at the base like Imperial Capital University is already rich in content, but students still have the opportunity to shoot targets with live ammunition. Few.

Lin Qingyin was infected by the excitement of his classmates, and asked Chen Zinuo next to him in a low voice: "What is live ammunition shooting?"

Chen Zinuo has become accustomed to Lin Qingyin asking Xiaobai's questions from time to time. In her cognition, the top pick in the college entrance examination must be indifferent to everything except studying, and she doesn't know it is normal.

"Targeting is shooting a gun!" Chen Zinuobi made a gesture: "It's just to see who is shooting accurately."

Target shooting is practiced in several classes at the same time. Lin Qingyin followed the team to the shooting range. After instructor Zheng explained the shooting essentials in detail, he yelled, "Get down!"

Lin Qingyin lay on the grass, pressing her right collarbone against the tail of the gun, and the bullseye 20 meters away was as clear as before her eyes. Lin Qingyin doesn't need spiritual knowledge, but can adjust the gun to the most suitable position by relying on his eyes and intuition.

With five bullets, the powerful recoil seemed to be totally insensitive to Lin Qingyin. After a few seconds, the five bullets were shot out. Lin Qingyin stood up without even looking at it, and used it to flick grass scraps to himself. Chance to quietly pinch a dust removal curse to clean up the dust and grass clippings on his body.

The other students were very concerned about their grades. Lin Qingyin seemed to be okay, finishing his clothes and walking straight to the end, continuing to travel in space.

Today's shooting is to see the talents of those good shoots, so he is very concerned about Lin Qingyin's performance.

At the end of the first group of target shooting, everyone else's results were reported quickly. When Lin Qingyin was here, there was no sound. The reporter stood in front of the target and didn't know what he was hesitating. Instructor Zheng ran quickly, and asked smoothly: "What's the matter?"

"Squad leader Zheng, look at this target!" The target reporter said: "There is only one bullet hole."

"Could it be that the others missed the target?" Instructor Zheng looked at the bullet hole in the middle of the red heart and found it impossible. Turning to the back of the target, five empty bullet shells fell together.

Instructor Zheng couldn't help but looked back at the bullseye, feeling a little shocked: "Could it be that you hit a spot?"

"It is unlikely that there is no error at all!" The reporter hesitated very much. This situation is not uncommon. There are also traces of bullets rushing past the bullet hole, but they are not sure whether the five bullets are all from this bullet hole. Past.

Instructor Zheng simply set up a new target and yelled before returning to the team: "Lin Qingyin is out!"

Lin Qingyin, who was hiding in the back and eating beef jerky, almost didn't choke, so he chewed and swallowed and ran to the front and shouted, "Here!"

Instructor Zheng glanced at her suspiciously, frowned and said, "What are you doing? It's a long time!"

"Look at the sky!" Lin Qingyin said smoothly, "Looking at thunder and rain!"

Instructor Zheng glanced at the blue sky and the hot sun, and gave Lin Qingyin annoyedly. "You just took a rest for two days, so don't think about the good thing like rain. I have checked the weather forecast this week. , There is no rain."

Lin Qingyin raised her head and looked at the sky again. It is reasonable to say that there is no rain, but she has sensed the breath of the sky thunder, and she doesn't know who offended the heavens again.

Instructor Zheng took out five bullets and handed them to Lin Qingyin: "Come here to shoot again!"

Asking the students to target again shows that a good seed has been found, and other instructors don't care about their students, so they all come together to watch the fun.

Lin Qingyin loaded the bullet according to the instructions of Instructor Zheng, and the bullet hit the red heart. At the second shot, Instructor Zheng saw the target move in the binoculars, but there was still a bullet hole.

"Pause!" Instructor Zheng was afraid that he was wrong, and asked the target reporter to set up the monitor and let Lin Qingyin continue shooting. Lin Qingyin pulled the trigger three times in a row, then jumped up and patted the dirt on his body as soon as he put the gun off, "Is it all right this time?"

It can be clearly seen on the monitor that all the bullets came out of a bullet hole. This time not only Instructor Zheng's eyes lit up, but other instructors also showed surprise expressions.

"Fifty Rings!"

Hearing this score, the scene exclaimed. Instructor Zheng showed a satisfied smile and waved to the reporter: "Fifty meters!" Then he handed Lin Qingyin five bullets.

Lin Qingyin, who had just pinched the dust removal curse, lay down again...

A minute later, instructor Zheng handed over the bullet again, and then waved his hand again: "One hundred meters!"

Lin Qingyin was angrily looking at the clothes he had just cleaned: "Why is it not finished yet? How about you put it in the farthest place and save me, I will stand up for a while and get down!"

Instructor Zheng looked at Lin Qingyin in silence for a moment, replaced Lin Qingyin with an assault rifle, and waved his hand: "Five hundred meters."

After placing the paper target, Chen Zinuo squinted his eyes for a long time, and asked the classmate next to him blankly: "Did you see where the target is?"

Another classmate was more at a loss than her: "I forgot to wear contact lenses when I came out today. I didn't even see the 20-meter target."

The distance of five hundred meters is very long, but Lin Qingyin still sees clearly. If she uses the spiritual sense, let alone this playground, she can see the hares on the mountain behind. Seeing the hare, she couldn't help thinking of the spicy rabbit head, and sighed sadly.

The army’s meal is a good combination of meat and vegetables, but it’s too healthy. Spicy rabbit heads, kebabs, and spicy tangs are completely delicacy that strikes the soul. You still have to train every day. , It's really not easy.

Seeing that Lin Qingyin was obviously wandering again, Zheng instructor pressed the bridge of his nose twice with a headache and had to remind Lin Qingyin loudly: "Prepare..."

"Instructor!" Lin Qingyin raised his head and interrupted him, and asked with a look of expectation: "If I hit fifty rings at this distance, can I take another two days off?"

Instructor Zheng: "Haha, the beauty you want!"

Five shots were fired in a row, and fifty rings were still hit, still a dazzling result with only one bullet hole.

As soon as this result came out, the instructors on the scene looked at Lin Qingyin's eyes differently. It was not impossible for them to hit ten rings in the five hundred meters, but it was a bit difficult to hit them all in one bullet hole.

Instructor Zheng went straight in circles with excitement. He couldn't think that he could find such a good seedling halfway through the class. It was a surprise.

An instructor nearby couldn't help but came over and asked: "Have you practiced before?"

"A gun? It's the first time I touched it!" Lin Qingyin said as he took a stone from his pocket: "But I throw the stone quite accurately."

Instructor Zheng was a little excited, and turned around to discuss with a few comrades in arms whether he should call the platoon leader over to see. Lin Qingyin lowered his head to clean up his clothes and looked up at the sky, and kindly reminded instructor Zheng: "It's going to thunder, can we go back to the dormitory first?"

Several instructors raised their heads and glanced at the sky at the same time. There were indeed more clouds than before, but there was still no sign of rain.

Instructor Zheng’s first reaction was that Lin Qingyin wanted to be lazy again. As soon as she was about to say a few words, there was a thunderstorm, and then the wind blew strong. Dark clouds quickly came from the west of the sky and soon blocked half of the sky. There was thunder, and the rain crackled and fell.

Lin Qingyin silently looked up at Instructor Zheng: "I said it will rain."

The whole team ran back to the dormitory, because the rain came quickly and quickly, the students were soaked when they returned to the dormitory. It stands to reason that if you can't perform exercises in bad weather, students will be able to practice housekeeping. But at the moment, the internal affairs are not in a hurry, and they have to let them take a hot bath first, so as not to fall ill and affect the military training.

So many people had to take a bath and change clothes, and the whole morning was wasted. Instructor Zheng went back to the dormitory and sighed with a headache, and murmured to the comrades next to him: "Do you think that the good-looking person is good for her, so On a good day, if it rains, it will rain!"

It took a full day of heavy rain to stop. During the period of thunder, Lin Qingyin felt that it was a bit of thunder, and there might be a breakthrough in heaven and earth. This kind of thing was very common in her previous life, but it was very rare in this era when aura was scarce.

As a result of the heavy rain, the weather returned to blue. After the rain washed, the aura between the heavens and the earth was filled a little bit more than before. Lin Qingyin also quietly operated the Great Zhoutian during training, absorbing the surrounding aura.

Halfway through the training, a man in military uniform walked over and whispered a few words to Instructor Zheng in a low voice. Instructor Zheng was shocked when he heard what the man said, turned his head and glanced at Lin Qingyin: "Lin Qingyin is out!"

Lin Qingyin could probably guess the purpose of this person, and it must have come for Feng Zhongbao, who had been on the mission before.

Sure enough, after Lin Qingyin was taken to the office, the visitor stated the purpose straightforwardly: "Student Lin Qingyin, I am Captain Feng’s comrade Cheng Kun, Captain Feng asked me to thank you for him. You gave him a piece that day. When he got the pattern, he put it in his chest pocket and went out for the mission. The process of the mission was more dangerous. He was shot in the chest by the gangster. The bullet happened to be blocked by the stone, and Captain Feng was lucky to escape. A catastrophe."

When it comes to this incident, Cheng Kun still feels a little weird. The gun used by the gangster has a strong impact. It stands to reason that such a small stone can't stop the bullet at all, but the thing is just so coincidental that it was just right without the bullet. Embedded in the stone, Captain Feng didn't even break his skin except for the pain in his chest.

And the most fortunate thing that the bullet hit was the location of the heart. If there was no such stone, Feng Zhongbao would have to sacrifice on the spot.

Cheng Kun said that he stood up and paid a military salute to Lin Qingyin, and then sat down again: "Company Commander Feng has other tasks temporarily unable to carry out, so he entrusted me to thank you. The soldiers who came out on this mission all joked about you. The stone is an amulet that can bless people in peace."

Lin Qingyin didn't expect these soldiers to be so witty, and he actually guessed the same: "Maybe it really has this effect, or I will cut a few more, you go back and give them points?"

Cheng Kun said with a smile: "Well, no matter if they want it or not, I want one first anyway."

Although Cheng Kun said it was a talisman, he didn't think about feudal superstition at all. He felt that this happened by chance. And he didn't think it was really a charm when he wanted this stone, but he thought it was very lucky.

Cheng Kun and Feng Zhongbao's troops are a bit special, and they often have to perform some special tasks. Such tasks are usually a bit dangerous. Injuries are commonplace, and they may die at any time. Therefore, every time they go out on a mission, they will bring some small things with them, or pictures of family members or things that have special meaning to them.

Cheng Kun felt that this little stone could be used as a lucky charm, and hoped that he could come back peacefully like Feng Zhongbao in the face of danger.

"When I came, I heard that your training results in the past few days were good?" Cheng Kun smiled and looked at Lin Qingyin: "The 300-meter hurdles were completed very well, and the shooting is comparable to a sharpshooter?"

Lin Qingyin doesn't feel proud of this kind of achievement. After all, she is not an ordinary person. These projects are just like fun to her, and there is no intensity at all.

Seeing Lin Qingyin's expression as usual, Cheng Kun smiled appreciatively: "Calm down, it's a good seed. In fact, every year we recruit some college soldiers from various universities. If it weren't for this incident, Company Commander Feng would not personally bring military training. Your conditions are quite good in all aspects. I wonder if you have any plans to join the army?"

When Lin Qingyin heard this, he immediately shook his head like a rattle: "It's true, I believe it!"

Cheng Kun: "..."

The author has something to say:

Lin Qingyin: I channel!

Cheng Kun: Believe that you still eat beef

Lin Qingyin stuffed the jerky in his mouth: Is it okay to believe in heaven