Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 106: (Catching insects)


Lin Qingyin had found a place for meditation and practice during the National Day during military training, which was in the Yanshan Mountains in the outskirts of Beijing. This area of mountain range is full of ridges, there are developed forest parks, and there are also deep mountains and old forests that few people go to.

During the military training before, the little master noticed that this place is full of aura and has the aura of dragon veins. Cultivating in this place is more effective than other places.

You don't need to prepare anything when you come out to practice. For example, Lin Qingyin is now in the foundation building period, and eating and sleeping can be omitted for her. The reason why she has a lot of meals and snacks for all three meals a day is entirely because of her gluttony.

She usually wakes up early in the morning to meditate, and does not delay going to the cafeteria to eat in the morning, but she can no longer be greedy when she comes out to practice. After all, she is here to retreat and improve her cultivation.

Lin Qingyin does not need to eat, but Jiang Wei, who has only practiced Qi, does not eat. Besides, the two had to spend seven days in the barren mountains and ridges, and they had to bring enough food reserves.

Jiang Wei felt that it was not enough to eat dry, so he had to bring a pot to cook noodles and stew soup or something. As for water, don't worry, Jiang Wei feels that as long as he wants to find it, he will definitely find pure spring water in the mountains. He is so confident in his luck.

Lin Qingyin and Jiang Wei both had no class on the 30th in the afternoon, so they set out after an appointment for lunch. When the meeting came at the school gate, Lin Qingyin had a headache watching Jiang Wei carrying the huge mountaineering bag, and he didn't need to use his spiritual sense to see how many things were stuffed inside.

Lin Qingyin became a little worried when she thought of meditating without eating or drinking for seven days, and there was someone next to her who cooked beef noodles and small hot pot.

However, Lin Qingyin couldn't help him. From the face of it, Jiang Wei was about to encounter an opportunity that was of great importance to him, and the location of the opportunity was on the mountain selected by Lin Qingyin.

Although he is not a descendant of his own, but he can be regarded as a famous disciple cultivated by himself, Lin Qingyin still attaches great importance to Jiang Wei, and deliberately deduced it once for him. The strange thing is that Lin Qingyin is someone who can count the change of the world, but Jiang Wei's chance is like being separated by a veil, so she can only look at a rough idea, but can't calculate it. what exactly is it.

But what is certain is that this opportunity should be related to his wicked luck, which may bring him stronger luck.

Lin Qingyin was a little worried after the calculation, Jiang Wei's luck was already against the sky, and I don't know if he can bear the stronger luck.

But since it was Jiang Wei's chance, Lin Qingyin felt that he shouldn't interfere too much and just let the flow go. If he obtains something that needs to be refined and refined, he can help him protect the law, if he really can't hold the strong fortune, he also has a way to help him resolve it.

Anyway, just take him.

Jiang Wei asked a driver to take the two to the side of the wild mountain near Badaling. The driver looked at the place where there was no shop in front of the village, and kindly reminded the two of them: "You two had better not go to the wild mountain. It is easy to be dangerous. . Especially now it’s getting a bit late. If you can’t find your way into the mountains, it’s really bad every day. In addition, there are very few cars passing by here. If you want to go home without a car, just Call me and I will pick you up." At the end, the driver added: "Don't worry, you are all students. I won't ask you for more money, just give you a one-way payment."

Lin Qingyin thanked him. After Jiang Wei paid the money, she handed the stone that she had been holding in her hand to the driver: "Go back and give this stone to your son. He will recover soon."

The driver Wang was stunned. He subconsciously stretched out his hand to pick up the stone, only to see some unintelligible lines painted on it, and he didn't know what it meant. When he raised his head again, Lin Qingyin and Jiang Wei were gone.

Lao Wang felt that his brain was like a paste. His son Xiaobao was diagnosed with acute leukemia at the end of last year. Fortunately, after three courses of chemotherapy, Xiaobao stabilized his condition and matched the right bone marrow. The other party is also willing to donate.

Today happened to be the day when Xiaobao went out of the warehouse after the transplant operation. In fact, Lao Wang really wanted to watch his son come out in the hospital. But in order to treat his son, he owed a lot of money, so he could only hold back thinking of driving outside to make money.

Looking at the stone in his hand, Lao Wang decided to put aside the matter of making money, and quickly send the stone to his son. He felt that if the little girl could tell the story of his son, she must be an expert, and the things an expert gave must be good things, maybe it could save his son's life.

Lao Wang carefully put the stone in his pocket and drove around to the city. The journey was unimpeded and arrived at the hospital half an hour earlier than expected.

After calling his wife, Lao Wang asked the ward number where his son was staying and ran up quickly. After waiting in the ward, Lao Wang looked at his son’s pale and thin face and felt a pain in his heart. He took out the stone with a strong smile and shook it in front of his son: "Xiaobao, see what good things Dad brought you?"

Xiao Bao opened his eyes and looked at the stone, then closed his eyes without strength. Lao Wang bent over and tied the red rope on the stone to his son's neck, and said softly: "Little treasure, this is for you from a beautiful sister. She wishes you a speedy recovery!"

Little Bao seemed to be asleep, and did not speak for a long time. Lao Wang's wife tugged his arm and cast him a glance: "What beautiful sister?"

Lao Wang quickly comforted his wife's swollen belly, and whispered: "Today I drove a master. The master gave me this. He specially asked our son to wear it."

Lao Wang's wife didn't say a word, she reached out and touched Xiaobao's forehead, and covered him with the thin quilt. When the couple were about to go out into the corridor to talk, Xiao Bao suddenly opened his eyes and gently touched the stone with the hand without infusion, raised his head and smiled at Mom and Dad: "Dad, this stone is warm and dry. My chest feels so comfortable."

Lao Wang stretched out his hand and touched the stone in surprise. The coldness was not as warm as Xiaobao said. Xiaobao seemed to see his father's suspicion and pointed to the position of his chest and said firmly: "Warm, It's very comfortable, I don't feel so much pain anymore."

Lao Wang was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He really wanted to give it a try to his son. He didn't expect it to work so quickly: "Since you are comfortable, get a good night's sleep."

"Yeah!" Xiao Bao smiled. Although his face was still pale, he looked much more energetic than before.

Lao Wang stretched out his hand and held his son's hand, only to realize that the little hand, which was still cold just now, was actually warm to the touch.

Lao Wang's eyes were red: "I really met an expert, and I am still a good-hearted expert."

There is a huge distance from the place where Lin Qingyin is looking to enter the mountain. If you walk there on foot, you might have to walk one day and one night, Lin Qingyin is naturally unwilling to waste time on it.

She reached out her hand and took the turtle shell out of her bag, and threw it over Jiang Wei's head. Before Jiang Wei could react, he saw that the tortoise shell became bigger in an instant, so he directly buckled him in the tortoise shell, and then turned around for a while, before he could react, he fell to the ground.

Lin Qingyin took the tortoise shell back. Jiang Wei got up from the ground and looked up, only to realize that he had changed places at this time. It seemed that this place was in the deep belly of the mountain.

Jiang Wei couldn't understand Lin Qingyin's cultivation skills, but he also knew that she was far more capable than he knew, because he didn't ask too much, and only gave Lin Qingyin a thumbs up: "Little Master, you are amazing! "

Lin Qingyin didn't explain much to him, but said indifferently: "You can do it when you reach the foundation building period."

"The foundation building period?" Jiang Wei glanced at Lin Qingyin with some surprise. He had always known that Lin Qingyin was very good, but he didn't expect that she thought she had built the foundation.

Jiang Wei remembered that Lin Qingyin had told him that during the foundation period, he would be able to walk through the clouds and rain and protect himself from the wind. Wouldn't it be as powerful as the immortal when the little master had built the foundation

Jiang Wei immediately respected his little master, really awesome!

There was a recessed cave in the place Lin Qingyin was looking for. The cave was about one meter deep, just enough to shelter from wind and rain.

Lin Qingyin laid out two formations here, the inside of the spirit gathering formation is made of good jade, which can be used for two people to practice; the outside is a huge defensive formation with jade and stones of poor quality. It can prevent outsiders from breaking in, and it also gives Jiang Wei enough room for activities.

After Lin Qingyin and Jiang Wei confessed a few words, they entered the formation and meditated. Jiang Wei put his hiking bag on the ground, looked around, and walked over in a random direction. Sure enough, a mountain spring was found gurgling down at a distance of less than two hundred meters, and there was a small or small pool below, which was not too deep under visual observation.

Jiang Wei sat in the car for two hours before reaching this place. He felt wet and sticky. He couldn't help seeing such clear and cold water. He took off his t-shirt and sweatpants and just wore shorts. A fierce boy pierced down.

The water pool was about two meters deep. Jiang Wei jumped down and hit the bottom. He gently pushed with his hand and swam up again.

Jiang Wei swam more than a dozen times around the pool, and when he was about to come up, he didn't know where he came out of a big fish. Jiang Wei was immediately excited, and he swam and paddled at the big fish, unexpectedly holding the big fish in his arms.

It stands to reason that such a big fish might not have hugged Jiang Wei after tossing it, but the fish actually looked so obsessed with Jiang Wei’s embrace, and stayed in his arms honestly, without even moving. Not even a dying struggle.

Jiang Wei hurriedly threw the fish to the shore, and he climbed up with the stone beside the pool, and returned to the formation with the fish. At this time, Lin Qingyin had settled down, Jiang Wei did not dare to make a big move, took a pot from the mountaineering bag, took a knife, and brought it back to the edge of the water pool. If you know Kung Fu fish, it will be cooked.

The water pool and the place where Lin Qingyin meditated were not far away. Jiang Wei walked back and forth a few times, wondering whether he should ask Lin Qingyin to eat. When he was hesitating, Jiang Wei saw that Lin Qingyin's aura suddenly became strong, and he knew that she had reached a crucial point in her cultivation, so he stopped disturbing her, took a bowl and spoon to the edge of the pool, and took a sip of fish soup. Taste, a mouthful of fish fragrance.

Jiang Weijia rarely eats carp, because the carp has a smelly smell if it is not handled well, but this fish is not known if it is growing in a cold water pool. Not only is it not smelly, but the taste is particularly delicious.

Jiang Wei was sitting on the rock blowing the mountain breeze and put a large piece of fish into his mouth. Suddenly he felt something hard in his mouth rolling down his throat.

Jiang Wei's mouth was filled with confusion. What did he eat

After waiting cautiously for a while, it seemed that there was nothing wrong. Jiang Wei tentatively vomited the fish bones in his mouth and swallowed the fish. Everything seemed to be normal.

Then continue to eat, anyway, a person as lucky as his will definitely not eat a bad stomach.

A carp of four or five catties, Jiang Weilian ate and drank cleanly. When he was full, he felt a little sleepy. He simply put the pot here, yawned and returned to the formation and took it from the bag. He got out of a sleeping bag and got in, closing his eyes almost instantly.

The shattering sound of the formation made Lin Qingyin break away from the state of concentration. Seven days, more than a dozen pieces of spiritual energy, and strong dragon energy were enough to make her break through a small realm. Just as Lin Qingyin was about to get up, he suddenly realized a question: "A strong dragon spirit?"

It’s true that there is a breath of dragon veins here, but only a little bit of dragon energy can be sensed, which is not rich at all. Lin Qingyin's sight fell on Jiang Wei for the first time, and he was lying flat in his sleeping bag sleeping very sweetly, and a steady stream of dragon energy came out of the ground and circled Jiang Wei's body.

This is the first time Lin Qingyin has seen such a scene in two years of living for more than a thousand years. However, after so many years of cultivation, Lin Qingyin also knows that Jiang Wei is in a mysterious state at this time, so he didn’t bother him. A pack of beef jerky came out from the school bag, and while eating, he observed Jiang Wei's state.

It seems that Jiang Wei, who is entering the concentration, has also reached the key point of breakthrough. As time goes by, the dragon energy emerging from the underground is getting less and less, but Jiang Wei’s body absorbs the dragon energy faster and faster, lavender. Dragon Qi surrounded him like a cocoon, all rushing into Jiang Wei's body.

After the last ray of dragon energy got into Jiang Wei's body, Jiang Wei finally opened his eyes. He yawned and sat up, and saw Lin Qingyin sitting next to him looking at him with beef jerky in his mouth.

Jiang Wei was taken aback, and quickly got out of his sleeping bag: "Little Master, why did you finish your training so quickly? Are you hungry? Or let me cook a small hot pot for you!"

Lin Qingyin looked at him silently: "What did you eat before?"

Jiang Wei touched his nose with some guilty conscience. He ate all the fish he caught without leaving Lin Qingyin at all.

"I just touched a fish from the pool over there." Jiang Wei pointed to the direction, and said with some embarrassment: "I thought you didn't keep Bigu for you in the past few days. Should I catch another fish for you? "

Lin Qingyin stood up with the beef jerky in his mouth: "Let's go, show me where you caught the fish."

The two came to the place where Jiang Wei was cooking the fish soup. The pot was still set on a simple stove. It was just because seven days passed, the remaining soup in the pot was all dried up, revealing nothingness. Bottom of the pot.

Lin Qingyin looked at the faint dragon spirit in the pot and looked at Jiang Wei speechlessly: "What kind of fish are you eating?"

"It's just a big carp! It's nothing special except it's extraordinarily fresh." After Jiang Wei finished speaking, remembering what had slipped into his stomach, he quickly added: "There is something round and round in the fish, and I know what it is. , I slid in along my throat, and I didn't even react."

It is much easier to calculate the past than to deduce the future. Lin Qingyin took out the tortoise shell to calculate, and was a little dazed when he saw the hexagram.

As the saying goes, there is a saying that the carp jumps into the dragon gate, and the carp and the dragon are inextricably linked. This pool is connected to the underground river in the mountain. This carp originally belonged to the underground river, and it could not go back when it got into the pool along the narrow gap.

There are no water plants or small fishes and shrimps in the water pond, and it is clean and clear. The carp pecked everywhere when there was nothing to eat, and didn't know where to peck a bead out, and the carp swallowed the bead into its belly, which also attracted the sky thunder.

The thing that the carp swallowed was a dragon ball. Let alone a creature like a dragon, he had never seen it in the cultivation world where Lin Qingyin was in his previous life. According to ancient records, the last dragon was smashed by the sky thunder and penetrated into the earth at the last moment of life and turned into a dragon vein. Since then, there is no real dragon in the world.

The dragon is a very special existence for the sacred sect. The dragon is led by the blue dragon, and the blue dragon is one of the four great beasts. It is the left green dragon, the right white tiger, the former Suzaku, and the back Xuanwu that people often say, so they have always enshrined the tablets of the four great beasts.

In the previous life, Lin Qingyin knew that many immortal cultivators were looking for dragon corpses and wanted to refine them into magical artifacts, but no one found them. Later, it was rumored that this incident was not true at all, and that the dragon veins were completely true. The dragon is okay. But Lin Qingyin did not expect that something that countless immortal cultivators could not find in his previous life would be swallowed by a carp that hadn't even opened Lingzhi, and this carp would be stewed by Jiang Wei...

This is also a bit weird!

Seeing Lin Qingyin's expression a little weird, Jiang Wei asked cautiously, "What is the one I swallowed?"

Lin Qingyin glanced at him hard to say: "Dragon Ball."

"Dragon Ball?" Jiang Wei recalled its size carefully, and asked in disbelief, "This dragon ball is too small too!" Jiang Wei stretched out his hand and gestured, then straightened his arm: "I think it's embarrassing to be so big. Claiming to be Dragon Ball!"

Lin Qingyin touched the tortoise shell and said, "Maybe the dragon didn't want the world to discover his dragon ball, so he made the dragon ball smaller so that it would be easier to hide."

"Then it was eaten by the fish, and the fish was eaten by me again..." Jiang Wei touched the back of his head and laughed uncontrollably: "Then my luck is too good. Hey, little master, you say if I eat it Seven dragon balls, can you summon a dragon?"

Lin Qingyin gave Jiang Wei a white look, and he was lucky to have one, and he still wanted to eat seven, so why not go to heaven if he is so capable!

Lin Qingyin looked up at the sky and sighed in a sense of melancholy. She always felt that she was God's relatives, but she didn't realize until today that God might have a son outside!

The most annoying thing is that God is patriarchal! She has never eaten Dragon Ball! ! What the hell is Dragon Ball! ! !

Glancing at Jiang Wei, Lin Qingyin asked quietly, "Is the dragon ball delicious?"

Jiang Wei's sweat came out: "I didn't taste it, or I will taste it next time and tell you?"

Lin Qingyin: "..."

roll! ! !

Jiang Wei slept for seven days. When he followed Lin Qingyin out of the mountain, he still couldn't believe it. He always felt that he just took a nap. Why did he open his eyes for seven days!

The place where the two came out was still the place where they got off. Jiang Wei's mobile phone was connected to the power bank and called the driver Lao Wang. Lao Wang happened to send a visitor to the Great Wall, which was not far from the Great Wall. Lao Wang rushed over in less than twenty minutes.

Stopped the car, Lao Wang ran out of the car excitedly: "Master, I finally see you again!"

Jiang Wei hurriedly stopped in front of him and blocked Lao Wang's bear hug for Lin Qingyin: "If you have something to say, don't get too excited."

"Oh, I am so excited to see the expert!" Lao Wang patted his head and said quickly: "It is true that my son Xiaobao has leukemia and just finished his bone marrow transplantation. The expert gave it to me that day. A stone was put on by my son immediately after I went back. After a while, my son said that he felt very comfortable. He had another checkup yesterday, and the result was much better than the checkup on the day he left the warehouse. Even the doctor said it was a miracle. "

Lao Wang bowed to Lin Qingyin excitedly: "Master, let me give you a pennant!"

"No need, no!" Jiang Wei quickly refused for Lin Qingyin: "The little master gave you the amulet only when you see your good character. If you change it to a scam, our little master won't bother him if you take millions of dollars!"

Lao Wang immediately complimented Lin Qingyin following Jiang Wei's name: "The little master must be a fairy descending to the earth, so he has a good heart!"

After being polite for a long time, Lao Wang finally remembered his own job and quickly opened the door to Lin Qingyin: "Little Master, where are you going?"

"Back to school." Lin Qingyin said, "Emperor Capital University, please open to the east gate."

There were a lot of cars returning to the Imperial Capital on the last day of the long holiday. It was already dark when Lao Wang drove and stopped at the entrance of Imperial Capital University. Jiang Wei took out three hundred yuan and handed it to Lao Wang. Lao Wang quickly pushed the money back: "The little master gave me the amulet and didn't ask for money. How can I collect your car money!"

Jiang Wei had never pushed money with anyone, holding the crumpled money in his hand and didn't know what to do.

Lin Qingyin seemed to have expected it a long time ago. He took out a yellow paper amulet from his pocket and handed it to Lao Wang: "Since you don't need the money, I will give you another one. Go back and put it on your wife. I wish mother and daughter peace."

Lao Wang was stunned for a moment, and then ecstatically struck him, he is going to have a daughter!

The couple had planned to save their son with cord blood, so they had a second child. As a result, the baby was matched before the birth. It is expected that the wife will be able to give birth by this time next month.

Lao Wang simply admired Lin Qingyin, and even if he was so accurate without asking anything, it was almost like a god.

"Little Master, I must send you a pennant tomorrow!" Old Wang gestured, "I'll make you the biggest one!"

Lin Qingyin couldn't help but fill up a pennant higher than himself, and his face paled in shock: "I don't want it! I refuse!"