Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 114


The Zhouyi club has activities every week, but Lin Qingyin said when she joined the club, she would not participate every week, depending on her schedule. However, apart from the fact that Yu Zhen, Li Le, and Zhou Yong knew about it, they did not tell the other members.

Some members did not participate in the club activities last week because they just started school. However, in the club’s group about Lin Qingyin’s Zhouyi explanation and discussion, the sky was turned upside down. The members who did not participate in the activities looked very jealous, and made them ride. Li Lei, who broke his arm while playing with a mobile phone on a bicycle, felt very depressed.

Li Lei actually has some potential for angry youth. In fact, he didn't really believe in Lin Qingyin's fortune-telling at first, but I heard that the president Yu Zhen and the two clerks were free of charge at Lin Qingyin's fortune-telling, and the others had to be appointed or randomly It was hard to bear to draw him. In his cognitive world, it is only fair for people like him who have no title or status to get a free opportunity. If other people have it but they don't have it, it is tricky, that is, they have exercised their privileges, and it is unfair.

Li Lei thought that his thoughts were okay, but after Lin Qingyin said that he was prone to hitting a tree and breaking bones when he was riding a bicycle and looking at his mobile phone, he felt that Lin Qingyin was mocking himself maliciously. In the activity room, he took out his mobile phone and spit out in the group of his dormitory while stepping on the bicycle, but as soon as he finished spitting out, he hit a tree first.

Li Lei, who was lying on his side, looked at the sentence he had just sent, "She said she would hit a tree and break her bones", crying without tears. Would you like to be so coincidental? Where to put his face.

Li Lei, who was lying on the ground in pain and unable to get up, could only slap his own face and called his roommates to help in the group who had just vomited. The roommates were shocked by this reversal before they even finished the words of comfort. Now, all of a sudden, I want to find the little girl from Zhou Yi She how to break the fortune-telling

In any case, Lin Qingyin only went to the club once and it became popular. In the club group, thousands of messages were posted every day. In addition to discussing Lin Qingyin's Zhouyi, Li Nannan also talked about Lin Qingyin's fortune-telling in Qicheng. Some new students even posted the magic video of Lin Qingyin's performance at the welcome party.

After watching the video, Han Tianhai, who was peeping at the screen, felt that his guess was absolutely correct. This is definitely out of the scope of magic. This is spell!

Han Tianhai feels that the philosophical views he has studied for a lifetime have been smashed into dregs in the past few days. I wonder if it is too late to change his major? Anyway, philosophy and religion are in the same department, so he might as well study religion. He just doesn't know what Lin Daxianxiu is, and he doesn't know if he can ask.

After being heatedly discussed for a week, the enthusiasm of the members was very high during the second club activity. Almost all of them came, only Lin Qingyin did not.

After hearing this answer, not only the students wailed, but even Han Tianhai, who was waiting early, also looked disappointed. He also wanted to hear Lin Qingyin talk about Zhouyi.

However, after Han Tianhai was disappointed, he quickly corrected his mentality. It didn't matter if Lin Qingyin didn't come. The members could discuss the Zhouyi that Lin Qingyin talked about last time. Although Han Tianhai listened to the recording continuously for a week, many of the contents still felt half-understood. Even he did, let alone the students.

The more Han Tianhai thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was a good idea. He even felt that Lin Qingyin didn't come intentionally, just to give everyone time to review.

Professor Han, who thought he had found out about Lin Qingyin, was very excited and took his notebook and sat in the place reserved for Lin Qingyin. When he was about to speak, he hesitated. If he called Lin Qingyin directly, he always felt disrespectful, if he was called Daxian'er and had some feudal superstitions, after thinking about it, he still called her a master.

"Last activity class Master Lin told you the content of Zhouyi, this activity class we will discuss the content of Master Lin's lecture." Han Tianhai took out his mobile phone and played two recordings. Then he said: "This is what Master Lin said..."

Listening to Professor Han taking a mouthful of Master Lin, the members looked shocked, and even Li Lei, who was dissatisfied, stopped: Even the professor called Lin Qingyin Master, what else could he say, which shows that he deserves to hit the tree. .

Lin Qingyin and her roommate strolled back to school after eating outside the school. They just ran a circle around the lake and ran into the members who had just participated in the club activities. The members listened to "Master Lin" all night, and now they saw that Lin Qingyin was reflexive, and they called Master Lin smoothly.

There were many people calling, and the voice became louder, which caused the eyes of many classmates who took a walk to enjoy the coolness. Zhu Chengze was one of them.

Lin Qingyin's reputation in the school has risen sharply recently. Zhu Chengze only thought about fortune-telling after hearing the rumors about Lin Qingyin. It's just that he hesitated again, not knowing whether to count this hexagram, and sitting on a bench by the lake thinking about this problem, he heard someone called Master Lin. Zhu Chengze followed the sound and looked at Lin Qingyin, who was wearing a white dress. He immediately felt that he should do some calculations now.

After greeted the members, Lin Qingyin looked at Zhu Chengze who was walking in front of him, and asked indifferently, "Look at me for fortune-telling?"

"Yes!" Zhu Chengze swallowed nervously: "I heard that your two thousand and fifty-one hexagrams, I don't know if it is true?"

"It's true!" Lin Qingyin asked: "Do you want to count?"

Zhu Chengze nodded quickly: "I have to count!"

"Then you come with me!" Lin Qingyin and Chen Zinuo said hello, and took Zhu Chengze to the activity room of the Zhouyi Club. Li Le and Zhou Yong had just finished cleaning up and were about to turn off the lights and lock the door when they saw Lin Qingyin coming. They were overjoyed and shouted, "Master Lin, why are you here?"

Lin Qingyin pointed to Zhu Chengze and said, "I will borrow our activity room to use it, and it will be a divination for others."

"Okay!" Li Le immediately took off his key and handed it to Lin Qingyin, and said with a grin: "This key is for you. In the future, you can open the door by yourself whenever you want to use it. This is more convenient. ."

Lin Qingyin and Li Le thanked them. After everyone left, she just grabbed a chair and sat down. She clicked the table and signaled Zhu Chengze to sit opposite her: "What do you think?"

Sitting across from Lin Qingyin, Zhu Chengze hesitated again, as if he didn't know whether to count this hexagram. Lin Qingyin watched him quietly for a minute, then suddenly asked, "Are you fortune-telling your mother?"

Zhu Chengze raised his head, a look of surprise flashed across his face: "Is it all visible?"

Now that Lin Qingyin could see it, Zhu Chengze didn't hesitate, and immediately said the matter: "My family lives in Haibei Province next to the imperial capital. Our funeral culture is strong, especially in the countryside. There are many feudal and ignorant thoughts, especially Believe in ghosts and gods." He sighed sadly: "My mother is in a similar profession. She is a yin person."

It was the first time Lin Qingyin heard about this profession, and asked curiously: "What is a Tongyin person?"

"Some people want to talk to their deceased relatives for various reasons. At this time, they are looking for Tongyin people, which is to use themselves as a medium to let the dead temporarily put their souls on themselves." Zhu Chengze showed a painful look on his face: "My mother is that medium."

Lin Qingyin had never been in contact with such people in her life, and this was the first time she heard of it, but from Zhu Chengze's face, his mother was already showing signs of a short life.

"At first I thought my mother was a lie. There were goddesses and gods in our village who used the fortunetellers, but none of them worked. However, we have to use them for some of our rituals and customs, so even if we know that they are not working, someone will always ask them. A few businesses can always be made in a month, and the living expenses will be reduced in this month." Zhu Chengze sighed: "I thought my mother was fooling things, but I went back on National Day and found that she was a bit inhumane. I didn’t even look like her. I was a little scared at the time and told her not to be a tongyin person anymore. I am now a junior. Being a tutor can make enough living expenses and tuition. There is even a lot of surplus. She doesn't have to work like that. But my mother said she can't look back."

When Zhu Chengze said this, he raised his head and looked at Lin Qingyin: "I just want to calculate what happened to my mother, and whether she can turn back to a normal person."

Lin Qingyin took out the tortoise shell, slowly stroked the lines on the tortoise shell, and said, "From your appearance, your mother has lost ten years of life expectancy, and there are signs of continuing to decrease. If you want to know more about it, , I will give you a divination. Tell me about your mother's birthday."

Zhu Chengze immediately said the eight characters of his mother's birthday, Lin Qingyin put the ancient coin in the tortoise shell, and shook the tortoise shell with both hands and gently shook it.

Lin Qingyin's Yao Gua looked very sacred, it looked like an ancient and solemn ceremony, and Zhu Chengze couldn't help but look solemn.

After six consecutive Yaos, the hexagrams merged together, and Lin Qingyin frowned: "Your mother's situation is more complicated. It can't be solved with a single hexagram. I will accompany you to see it this weekend."

Zhu Chengze breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stood up and bowed to Lin Qingyin: "Thank you, Master Lin."

Zhu Chengze's house was not far from the emperor, and he arrived in two hours by train. The dragon spirit on Jiang Wei was so strong that he could hardly cover the amulet, so Lin Qingyin didn't take him with him, and got on the train with the tortoise shell in his arms.

After getting off the train, I emptied the bus twice, and finally arrived at this small village that looked a little backward. Lin Qingyin looked at the feng shui in the village, frowning, the yin qi here was a bit too strong.

In today's world, aura is thin, and so is Yin, so there are not too many ghosts and souls wandering outside, but this village is different from other places, but there is no trace of formation.

It was almost noon at this time. The people in the village walked home with their hoes after harvesting the crops. Lin Qingyin's eyes glided over the graves in the fields. Zhu Chengze quickly explained: "Our villagers are also looking for someone to bury. Looking at Feng Shui, as long as you look at the place selected by Feng Shui, whether it is cultivated land or farmland, you can bury it. The host family cannot refuse."

Lin Qingyin nodded and said nothing. When she passed by another grave, she suddenly stopped, turned her head and asked Zhu Chengze, "This is your father's grave?"

Zhu Chengze looked at the dirt bag in the field and nodded silently: "He died of illness when I was in college. My mother became a yinist just to collect the tuition for me."