Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 116: (Catching insects)


It is said that Lin Qingyin met soon after Lin Qingyin's fortune telling. There was a businessman named Zhang Wu in Qicheng, who was eager to get rich overnight. Under the guidance of a master Wang, he moved his family’s ancestral tomb to a deadly dead household. On the ground, he buried his home's eighteen coffins one at a time according to the directions given by Master Wang.

Zhang Wu thought that he was putting up a fortune formation, but he didn't realize that this was actually a very vicious life-renewing formation. Master Wang uses the bones as a carrier to turn the lifespan and qi of Zhang Wu's family into the essence, qi, and spirit that can nourish himself, in order to continue his life.

Zhang Wu really made a fortune after the formation of the formation, but within a few years his son fell to death somehow, his mother also broke his leg, his daughter was diagnosed with leukemia, and the family fell into desperation.

Fortunately, Zhang Wu's father invited Lin Qingyin to help Zhang Wu break the formation, re-selected the location of the ancestral grave, and moved the tomb over. Zhang Wu wanted to take shortcuts because he was eager for quick success and quick gains. In the end, not only the accumulated wealth was gone, he also lost a child, and he also lost more than 30 years of life.

Wang Wufeng, who had deployed this evil formation, would naturally not end well. After the formation was broken, he was backlashed. He felt as uncomfortable as an ant eating his heart. He didn't even have the strength to stand up in pain. Since Wang Wufeng dared to use this evil formation, he naturally thought of a way out, but he used his apprentice Zhang Zuo as a substitute.

Don't think Zhang Zuoqin has served Wang Wufeng diligently and honestly for many years, but he is not as honest as he was at all. Seeing that Master has no resistance to resist, he searched all Wang Wufeng's possessions, except for hundreds of thousands of cash. In addition, there were a few tattered books, a stack of talisman papers, a few medicine bottles, and the lacquered wood jar needed to perform the substitute technique. Then a fire was set to burn Wang Wufeng and his small house. Became ashes.

If Zhang Zuo didn’t let the fire go, Wang Wufeng would eventually turn into pus and die, but Zhang Zuo was full of ambitions and knew how to forbear. When he got what he wanted, he was as vicious as Wang Wufeng.

Lin Qingyin didn't quite understand this kind of evil deeds, but he wanted to know that Zhang Zuo must have deceived Guo Chunhua's couple for some sorcery, most likely it was related to the lifelike corpse.

With Zhang Zuo's mind, the place where he lives must be not far from here, he would definitely be aware of the dissipation of Father Zhu's soul, and he would probably come over soon. Lin Qingyin glanced at Zhu Chengze, who was immersed in grief, and calmly reminded: "This is not the time to waste time, first cremate your father's body."

Zhu Chengze was a little dazed: "I don't know what procedures are needed. You may have to contact the funeral home first."

Lin Qingyin rolled up his sleeves: "Don't be so troublesome, if you don't mind, I can help you."

Zhu Chengze didn't understand what Lin Qingyin meant, but Guo Chunhua had figured out a lot of things in the past two years. Knowing that there might be something wrong with her husband's bones, she immediately accepted: "The trouble is Master Lin."

"No trouble!" Lin Qingyin stood up and walked out: "Let's go to the graveyard first."

Guo Chunhua picked up the veiled hat on the ground and put it on his head, and stepped out of the house timidly. At first sight of the sun outside, even if there was a veil covering her face, she still subconsciously raised her arms to hide her face. She hadn't seen the sun much since she became a Tongyin person. She was bored in the house during the day, and only dared to go out to breathe out at night when there was no one. This was the first time in two years that she went out with integrity.

Zhu Chengze reached out and supported her scrawny arm. Guo Chunhua couldn't help shivering after being touched. After hesitating for a moment, he brushed off his son's hand: "Go and bring your shovel and hoe. You will be able to dig the grave later."

Zhu's land is not far from his house, and the three of them walked for seven or eight minutes and arrived. Although he knew that his father was gone, Zhu Chengze still burned some paper money in accordance with the rules of the countryside, and solemnly knocked three heads before picking up the hoe to dig the grave.

It is the hottest time at noon, if according to Zhu Chengze's courier planing the grave, it is estimated that it will be dry until the sun sets. Lin Qingyin was impatient to stand here for so long. She stretched out her hand and waved, and in an instant, Zhu Chengze and Guo Chunhua covered their faces with their arms and turned back. When the wind stopped, the two of them turned around and saw that the soil on the head of the grave was blown. Going away, revealing the red coffin inside.

Because Zhang Zuo had instructed the coffin to not allow nails to be nailed, Zhu Chengze pushed gently, and the lid of the coffin was exposed. Guo Chunhua, who was standing outside the tomb, screamed when he saw the corpse in the coffin.

Zhu Chengze was frightened by his mother’s cry, and he was so scared that he didn’t even dare to look at it. He even crawled out of the pit. When he stood firm, he looked back and his legs suddenly softened. , This corpse looked more like a living person than when it was buried, as if it was tired and fell asleep here, and I don't know when it will be able to get up.

Zhu Chengze now knows why his father asked him to burn the corpse, leaving such a corpse might really cause some harm.

Finally, after looking at his father's face, Zhu Chengze took out a pack of matches from his pocket: "Master Lin, can you use this?"

Lin Qingyin turned his head and glanced at the figure hurried over from the entrance of the village. With a wave of the raging fire, he immediately wrapped the corpse and the coffin. When the man ran up to him, only a pit full of ashes remained.

Zhang Zuo watched the game he had carefully planned for two years and everything turned into nothingness when he was about to succeed, and he gritted his teeth with hatred: "What are you doing?"

After seeing Zhang Zuo, Guo Chunhua shuddered all over, and rushed to beat him: "It's all you, who caused me to be neither human nor ghost, and my family man became a monster."

Zhang Zuo impatiently threw Guo Chunhua to the ground, and his eyes scanned Zhu Chengze and Lin Qingyin, and asked grimly: "You two dare to ruin my good deeds!"

Although Zhang Zuo's expression was terrifying, Zhu Chengze stepped forward fearlessly and stood in front of him: "You caused my mother to be like this?"

Zhang Zuo sneered, and took out a black flag from his pocket and waved it at Guo Chunhua who fell on the ground. Guo Chunhua's eyes went dark, and he felt a sharp pain in his head, as if something was about to be forcibly pulled out of his body.

Lin Qingyin lightly flicked his finger, and a bunch of flames appeared out of thin air to ignite the flag. In an instant, the entire flag burned, and even the back of Zhang Zuo's hand was ignited with sparks. He quickly threw the flag in his hand and waited for the flag. There was not even a stick left when it fell on the ground.

When Zhang Zuo was interrupted in the middle, he was immediately backlashed. A sweet blood surged from his throat, and a mouthful of black blood came out. He wiped the blood marks from the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, and stared at Lin Qingyin fiercely: "You are actually a liar, you little girl. She is not old, but she is not so courageous."

Lin Qingyin looked at him with a smile: "I've been rewarded, I've always been courageous."

Zhang Zuo is very cautious. He was a little afraid of Lin Qingyin's understatement. While reaching into his pocket to hold the porcelain bottle inside, he tried to make himself look kinder: "Little girl, who are you? Maybe we are. I still know it."

Lin Qingyin snapped his fingers, and a beam of flame sprang up in his hand, still smiling: "I do magic."

Zhang Zuo almost didn't get mad at this answer. According to his past character, if things have fallen, he will start over from another place, but he is really reluctant to bear such a good geomantic place this time. He has traveled several provinces and cities in China. It was the first time that he saw such a suitable place for corpses, he really couldn't bear to give up.

Zhang Zuo's gaze hovered over Lin Qingyin's face, quickly assessing the abilities of both himself and Lin Qingyin. In the past few years, he has learned several evil spells from his master's books, and he always feels that he will not lose to a girl who can only set fire. However, for the sake of safety, Zhang Zuo felt that he could not be too indecisive. It would be better to control the enemy with one move. As long as this girl is killed, the mother and son will be easy to deal with.

After finishing his calculations, Zhang Zuo quickly took a shot. He took out a porcelain bottle from his pocket, lifted the lid of the bottle, and splashed the eggs inside Lin Qingyin.

Seeing that the worm eggs were about to fall on Lin Qingyin's body, there was a gust of wind. As soon as the worm eggs were thrown out, they were blown back by the wind. Go in.

Zhang Zuo was stunned for an instant. Before throwing the porcelain bottle away, he felt the pain of scratching his face and scratching his liver. Then he felt something on his face grow up quickly and began to wander around under his skin.

This kind of worm eggs grow up by eating human flesh and blood. As long as they enter the body, they can grow into adults and reproduce eggs in a few minutes. Usually, it takes less than half an hour to eat an adult. of.

This kind of evil things are prepared for harming others, and there is no way to solve it no matter how vicious it comes. Zhang Zuo couldn't think that the worm eggs he had treasured for so long would be blown back by the wind, and even got into his body uncontrollably.

Zhang Zuo knew the power of this worm egg. He didn't dare to hesitate anymore. He hurriedly took out the black lacquered wood jar while he still had the strength. At the beginning, his master Wang Wufeng wanted to use the contents of this lacquered wood jar to perform the substitute technique. As a result, he didn't expect things to fall into his hands.

It stands to reason that the casting cannot be disturbed by others, but Zhang Zuo can't worry about that much at all at this time.

Opening the lacquered wooden box quickly, Zhang Zuo took out a wooden villain inside, and he bit his finger and quickly smeared blood on the villain until the entire villain turned bloody red. He sat down cross-legged and muttered some words, and finally made a handprint towards Zhu Chengze, and shouted: "Soul!"

Zhu Chengze was taken aback by his actions, but after waiting for a long time he didn't find anything unusual. He asked Lin Qingyin with some doubts: "Master, what is he doing?"

"I don't know!" Lin Qingyin said with a smile, "It looks very fun anyway."

Zhang Zuo showed an expression of disbelief. He has practiced since he got this lacquered wood box. I don't know how many times the spells and formulas in it have been recited. You can't make mistakes in your dreams, how can it not work

Unwillingly, he bit another finger and applied the method again, but there was still no reaction at all. Zhang Zuo already felt dark in front of him. He knew that the flesh and blood on his body had been eaten by bugs a lot, and he was going to faint if he didn't hurry up, and there would be only a dead end.

He took off his clothes a few times, pulled off the torn book tied to his body, quickly turned to that page, and looked at the content on it at a glance. At this time, the skin of his naked upper body protruded from time to time, and traces of insects wandering inside could be clearly seen. The disgusting Zhu Chengze stepped back and almost vomited out.

After reading it, Zhang Zuo raised his head and screamed in despair. It was obvious that all the steps were correct. Why couldn't he change his body. But now he has no time to try again. He gritted his teeth and turned to the last page of the book, which said the method of leaving one's soul.

Let alone this technique, even his master Wang Wufeng could not do it. Otherwise, Wang Wufeng would not have watched himself be burned to death by his apprentice, and would have left his soul long ago. But Zhang Zuo was much more ruthless than Wang Wufeng. He was not only ruthless to others, but also ruthless to himself. Anyway, if he procrastinated, he would die. It's better to give it a try. Maybe he still has a chance to survive.

Wang Wufeng didn't dare to use the method of seizing the soul from the soul because this technique was to forcibly tear the soul out. This pain is unimaginable for human beings, and the highest level of physical pain is less than this one-tenth.

Zhang Zuo saw that his arm had been sunken for the most part, he bit his tongue with a loud shout, patted his brow with his hand, and abruptly began to peel his soul.

Zhang Zuo's expression was very distorted, and he shouted hoarsely as people got goose bumps. Just by looking at his expression, you could imagine the pain he was experiencing at this time.

It only took a minute to peel off the soul, but Zhang Zuo felt that it took him a lifetime for so long, but fortunately, he was strong in his will to carry it over. The soul floated out of his body, and felt the burning of the sun the moment he was separated from the body, and the painful Zhang Zuo's soul almost dissipated for the most part.

But it's all to this point. Even if he hurts Zhang Zuo, he didn't want to give up. He flew to Zhu Chengze quickly and went straight to the center of his eyebrows.

With a "bang", Zhang Zuo felt like he had hit a copper wall and an iron wall, and there was no way for him to get in at all. At this time, he didn't have time to analyze what was the reason, and immediately turned around and rushed towards Guo Chunhua, and the ending was still the same.

Most of the soul body was burned by the sun, and Zhang Zuo felt that his strength was getting weaker and weaker. He had no choice but to rush towards Lin Qingyin. Not only did she miss Lin Qingyin's eyebrows this time, she couldn't move forward even one meter in front of her.

Lin Qingyin smiled and waved at him, and with a flick of his hand, Zhang Zuo felt like he was rolling, and when he opened his eyes, he went back into his body.

"It feels uncomfortable to be bitten?" Lin Qingyin walked to Zhang Zuo and looked at him condescendingly: "The souls that were eaten back then have experienced this kind of pain, so you can feel it."

Zhang Zuo looked at Lin Qingyin resentfully, and asked the question in his heart with the last effort: "Who are you?"

"My name is Lin Qingyin, everyone in Qicheng called me Little Master." Lin Qingyin smiled at Zhang Zuo: "Speaking of which, we are related to each other. When your master killed Zhang Wu's family, I broke the formation. ."

Zhang Zuo's pupils suddenly gathered together and looked at Lin Qingyin in disbelief: "It's you!"

Lin Qingyin smiled very happily: "It's me, do you regret the act of hitting a rock with a pebble?"

Yes, Zhang Zuo regrets it very much. You must know that Lin Qingyin is the one who badd his own good deeds. He had already ran far and far in the first place. He was really stupid and came over to find out. He ended up in the net. .

But it was too late to regret. Zhang Zuo felt that his body was almost eaten up, but I don’t know if Lin Qingyin moved his hands and feet. He was so conscious that he should have passed out and was forced to experience the torn. The pain of biting.

Seeing that Zhang Zuo was almost eating a piece of skin, Lin Qingyin asked Zhu Chengze to take off her coat and spread it on the ground. With a wave of her hand, the ashes in the tomb flew up and fell on the clothes.

Zhu Chengze knelt on the ground and wrapped his clothes. Lin Qingyin sighed at Zhang Zuo. Zhang Zuo's collapsed body rolled into the tomb. The moment he fell into the tomb, his skin was finally bitten by insects, and the inside was densely packed. It's a bug.

Lin Qingyin blew out a flame, and a big fire ignited in the tomb pit again. The bugs made a hissing hissing noise, and they all tried to crawl out, but the flames seemed to be conscious and blocked their way. , Burn all the insects and eggs clean, and even no ashes are left.

Lin Qingyin inspected the surroundings of the tomb with his divine sense, and only then made sure that there were no fish slipping through the net before covering the tomb, which still looked like a tomb bag, and then removed the previously laid enchantment.

"Okay, the matter here is resolved." Lin Qingyin looked at Guo Chunhua and said, "The life you lost will definitely not come back. Now your body is seriously damaged, so take care of it."

Guo Chunhua choked and thanked, Lin Qingyin waved his hand: "It's okay, but don't use this method to make money in the future, and don't say anything about today. The less people know about this kind of thing, the better."

Zhu Chengze quickly agreed, and Lin Qingyin turned and walked out of the village: "I won't go with you all the way back. I have other things to do."

Zhu Chengze hurried after seeing this, and said hurriedly: "Master Lin, there is no bus leading to the town at this point. It must be three o'clock in the afternoon."

Lin Qingyin waved his hand behind his back, and quickly disappeared from Zhu Chengze's vision.

Lin Qingyin didn't leave directly. The feng shui of this village was so bad that it not only had a great impact on the villagers here, but it was also easy to be used by people like Zhang Zuo who had practiced evil methods.

If Lin Qingyin didn't know it, he didn't want to stand by when he encountered it, and wanted to help the village change the atmosphere.

If she had encountered this kind of feng shui in her previous life, she would split the mountain directly, and changing the landform of a place would naturally change the feng shui of this place. But now she can't do this with her cultivation base, so she can only move some trees on the mountain to the entrance of the village, and set up a demon-blocking and exorcizing formation.

Fortunately, there were some woods at the entrance of the village. Although the trees that Lin Qingyin moved over were thick and strong, they were not conspicuous among other trees.

However, the air currents in the village can't turn, and it is easy to accumulate gloomy air. Lin Qingyin spreads a feng shui flow in the village with natural objects such as trees, rocks, and water.

When the formation reached 10%, the village immediately blew the wind, and the formation at the entrance of the village matched correspondingly, venting the yin qi that had accumulated in the village for hundreds of years.

At this time, at noon, when the yang is full, the yin gradually fades under the sunlight and dissipates in the air.

After finishing the village affairs, Lin Qingyin returned to school and called Jiang Wei to ask him out for barbecue.

Surprisingly, Jiang Wei didn't answer the phone. Lin Qingyin could only figure out Jiang Wei's peace through a hexagram, and the rest was very unclear.

Seeing such a hexagram, Lin Qingyin became more and more depressed. He didn't know whether the dragon gas was covering Jiang Wei's destiny or his divination level was getting worse and worse. The hexagram given to Jiang Weiyao was not very clear every time.

There was no news from Jiang Wei that day. He didn't call Lin Qingyin until noon the next day. As soon as he connected, he heard Jiang Wei's excited voice: "Little Master, are you back? Come down quickly and I will show you something good. "

Lin Qingyin went downstairs in confusion, only to see Jiang Wei mysteriously dragging her under the tree: "Yesterday my roommate asked me to go hiking. I wanted to practice in school, but I don’t know why I suddenly wanted to. I went, and it didn't take long to climb the mountain, and I separated from my roommate."

Jiang Wei felt embarrassed and grinned: "I'm lucky. I didn't worry. I just walked in the mountain with my feelings. As a result, it rained halfway through, and there was a cave behind me, so I went in. Who knows there is an underground river in the cave, I always feel that the river is shiny as if there is some treasure in it, and I walked along the river to the end of the cave, and then I found this."

Jiang Wei took his hand out of his pocket, and placed two black scales on it, each about the size of a palm, and was shining brightly by the sun.

"Little Master, do you think such large scales are from dinosaurs?" Jiang Wei asked excitedly: "The well-preserved dinosaur scales or something, it is exciting to think about it. What people found are fossils, what I found is The real thing can go down in history!"

Lin Qingyin chuckled, "Almost guessed right, but you have to remove the word fear in front."

"Dragon's?" Jiang Wei widened his eyes suddenly. After seeing Lin Qingyin nodding, Jiang Wei scratched his head nervously: "Why do I seem to be fucking with the dragon recently? I can touch the dragon wherever I go. How do you feel that the mysterious beasts that only existed in the myths in the past are now as many as Rotten Street? Little master, you said it’s not that dragon and consciousness exist in the world, knowing that I ate the dragon ball and I’m not happy and want to take me Become a dragon?"