Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 125


Li Ke's mother helped her daughter out. Li Li was in her early twenties. His face looked very delicate but his expression was really dull. There was no trace of expression on his face.

Li Dazhuang sighed when he saw the appearance of his daughter: "Master, look, she has been like this in the past two years. She eats, eats, sleeps and sleeps. If she doesn't care about her, she can sit for a day in a daze."

Lin Qingyin glanced at Li Li, and was stunned for a moment. Li Li's body has been pulled into the body and has a level of Qi training, but the soul of her body is incomplete, the part that is in charge of wisdom. Disappeared.

Seeing that Lin Qingyin's expression was strange, Li Dazhuang asked cautiously: "Master, have you found any problems?"

"She has lost a part of her soul, so she has no sense of mind now." Lin Qingyin also felt that Li Li's situation was a bit strange. She was about to come to Li Li's eight-character hexagram, Lin Qingyin looked a little bit after putting the hexagrams together. It's hard to say: "She took the initiative to separate her soul from her body."

"How is this possible?" Li Dazhuang said in disbelief: "She learned one or two points every night for the college entrance examination, and her scores on several mock exams are also excellent. She has no reason to do this? Besides, she is just ordinary. Students who pass, not even a shaman, how could they be out of their bodies?"

Lin Qingyin smiled faintly: "I'll know when I get her soul back."

The Li family's eyes lit up when they heard this: "Master, do you mean that our child is saved?"

"Why am I here?" Lin Qingyin took Li Li's hand and let her sit cross-legged in the middle of the room. Although Li Li was not sane but very obedient, he sat on the ground obediently, with big eyes Looking straight ahead.

In the era when Lin Qingyin was in the last life, the Guimen Sect knew the soul best. With this kind of soul-leaving syndrome, they could hook the soul back without much effort. Lin Qingyin also came into contact with some events about the soul in this world. For her, the formation method can also call the soul back, but it is not as simple as the Ghost Sect.

Lin Qingyin took out a handful of stones and placed a formation next to Li Li, and then penetrated the consciousness into Li Li's body and gently stimulated her sea of consciousness, which could not hurt Li Li's sea of consciousness, but also let Li Li's sea of consciousness be injured. Her soul felt threatened.

Li Li now draws Qi into the body and enters the fairy gate. Although she is only at the first level of Qi training, the sea of consciousness has already appeared in her body. The sea of consciousness of a cultivator is very important. Even if Li Li knows nothing about cultivation, her instinct will prompt the separated soul to quickly return to protect the sea of consciousness.

Lin Qingyin was very rhythmic and stimulated Li Li's consciousness of the sea every ten seconds. About three minutes later, a transparent figure rushed in from outside the window and plunged into his body.

The Li family nervously looked at Li Li who was sitting on the ground, and suddenly her eyes closed. Seeing this scene, the Li family nervously did not even dare to breathe, for fear of affecting Lin Qingyin's practice. But Lin Qingyin didn't mean to do anything at all, so she looked at Li Li quietly.

As time passed, Li Li suddenly opened his eyes, looked around vigilantly, and then saw Lin Qingyin standing on the side. She took two steps back: "Who are you?"

Hearing Li Li's words, the Li family cried and laughed with a cry of "Yeah". They all wanted to go and see Li Li, but when they first arrived, they seemed to be blocked by an invisible object.

Lin Qingyin waved his hand to remove the formation, Li Li's mother suddenly rushed to hug her daughter, and cried loudly with her arms around her. Li Li seemed a little puzzled, but still patiently patted his mother twice, looking very helpless: "Mom, why are you crying?"

"Why did you say I was crying?" Li Li's mother raised her hand angrily and bitterly, trying to hit Li Li, but when she looked at her daughter's smart eyes, she felt that she couldn't get her hand off, so she wiped her tears and said bitterly. : "What's wrong with you these two years? I want to die of anxious mother!"

"What's wrong with me?" Li Li looked innocent: "Isn't I quite obedient lately? Why did you cry like this when you went to the mountain?"

After she said this, she realized that something was wrong. She turned her head a little hesitantly, glanced at a few people in the room, and suddenly her face froze: "Why are you all wearing padded jackets?" She pushed her mother away and took a few steps. He ran to the door and slammed the door open.

Snow fluttering all over the sky fell on the ground and flew into the house, bringing gusts of cold wind. Li Li suddenly widened his eyes: "How come it has become winter? Isn't it long before the beginning of spring? I will take the college entrance examination tomorrow, which has suddenly become winter?"

Lin Qingyin was a little helpless: "Do you remember the college entrance examination?"

Li Li looked at his family and whispered in disbelief: "Did I really miss the college entrance examination? How is it possible?"

Li Ke couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable when he saw Li Li’s expression. He and Li Li were both in the key classes here. The grades of the siblings and brothers were on par. He could only sleep for more than four hours, and he was almost killed. They are also tired and know suffering, but they can't help it. Only by studying hard can they get out of this mountain and have the opportunity to come into contact with the new world, instead of collecting ginseng in the mountains all their lives like their ancestors.

Li Ke looked at Li Li distressedly: "Sister, do you know that you have slept for two years?"

"Two years?" Li Li opened his eyes in disbelief, and then showed a confused look on his face: "I haven't, I feel like I will leave for a while."

Lin Qingyin glanced at the mountain outside the window, and locked a small figure hidden nearby with her spiritual sense: "Did you eat someone else's food on the mountain?"

Li Li sat paralyzed on the kang. It took him a long time to raise his head. The expression on his face was very complicated: "I wanted to walk up the mountain that day to ease my nervousness before taking the exam. What I was thinking about at the time was all about the exam, I don't know. I didn’t realize it was a bit off. But I was a little tired from walking, and wanted to sit on the rock and rest before walking back. At this moment, I saw a big rock next to it, and there was a vermilion fruit on the rock. I walked over."

Li Ke showed a headache when he heard this: "Don't tell me you ate the fruit?"

"I didn't want to eat it at first." Li Li showed an awkward expression: "I just sat for a while and felt dry and dry, and the fruit exuded a special fragrance, and my saliva flowed out. "She looked at Li Dazhuang cautiously, and said with a guilty conscience: "When we were young, we also picked wild fruits to eat. Our father and our father also taught us how to identify poisonous fruits. I don't think the fruits are poisonous. I couldn't hold back a bite."

Li Ke hehehe said, "You're done with nibbling, right?"

Li Li said inaudibly, "In fact, the fruit is not big. I ate it in three or four mouthfuls. It is strange to say that the fruit has no cores or seeds. It has a sweet bite and a packet of water. After eating, I felt warm in my stomach. I felt a little sleepy at the time. It happened that the stone was big enough, so I wanted to lie down and then get up again, but I fell asleep when I lay down."

Li Li recalled the scene at the time, with a confused look on his face: "I seemed to have a fat baby who pushed me to wake up just after I fell asleep, and asked if I had eaten his fruit. I felt very upset at the time. I'm sorry, I didn't even think about the problem of three or four-year-old dolls alone in the mountains."

The Li family looked a little wrong when they heard this. Their family has lived in Changbai Mountain for generations. I don't know how many legends about Changbai Mountain are. Like the kind of white and fat dolls who appear alone in the mountains, they will know that something has become refined when they hear it. Although this kind of thing is rarely encountered, it does not mean that there is no such thing. The older generations have left a lot of such things. The legend. In a situation like Li Li, he certainly didn't know what he had eaten from the little fairy and was fascinated by his mind, or else he would have discovered something wrong.

"I felt very sorry at the time, saying that I was too thirsty, and asked him where he could pick the fruit. I was willing to pick the fruit and return it to him. At that time, the little doll was unhappy and said that the fruit was not picked from outside, yes He raised it carefully by himself. He went on to say that it was nothing if I had eaten his fruit. The fruit was originally meant to be given to a destined person, but since I ate it, I have to play with him." Li Li thought of the situation at the time, a little helpless. "Although I don't know what I can play with this kid, I have to show my attitude when I eat something, so I stood up and followed him."

Speaking of this, Lin Qingyin and Li's family said: “The fruit she ate is a kind of spiritual fruit. In your words, it’s okay to live a hundred years. But this kind of fruit is too spiritual for ordinary people. She definitely couldn't bear it for a while, so Li Li passed out in a coma at the time. She woke up after her body adjusted to the aura in the fruit for a full 108 days."

Li Li was stunned, and she pointed to herself: "I just slept for a while and soon woke up?"

"It's not that you wake up, but you are using your soul to talk to the little doll." Lin Qingyin reminded her patiently: "You thought you followed him, but in fact, your body was still lying on the rock and drifted away with the little doll. Is your heavenly soul."

Li Li was stunned. She recalled it carefully. Although she didn't know if she was in an astral state at that time, she did seem to walk quite easily at that time, as if she had reached the depths of a lonely mountain in the blink of an eye.

Li Li felt a little complicated, and said after a long while: "I went to Wawa's house. There are many people living in his family, but his people are not very welcome to me, saying that I will bring them genocide. Wawa is very lost. He took me out of the clan and said to take me to the mountain. On the mountain, we walked all the way and saw many rare animals and strange landscapes. When we were touching the pine nuts in the little squirrel’s hole, I suddenly felt His head hurts like a needle stick, and then I feel like I can't help but run back."

After Li Li finished speaking, he still felt a little disbelief: "I was thinking about the exam in my heart, and I kept looking at the sun. It felt like I came back after playing for a long time, and I didn't stay in the mountains much at all."

"One day in the cave, people have a thousand years." Li Dazhuang sighed: "Fortunately, only wasted two years."

The room suddenly became quiet. Li Li was still sad that he had missed the college entrance examination. The Li family were a little worried about what she had gone through. They were really afraid that one day Li Li's soul would be abducted by the goblin. .

Old man Li took out the pipe stick and didn't light the fire. He just dangled the cigarette holder and clicked twice: "If you can't, send the girl to the city to repeat the reading. Let her stay away from the mountain. Don't let the fairy doll find her again."

"Grandpa, that doll didn't mean to hurt me." Li Li said embarrassingly: "I ate his fruit first to get the next thing out."

Old man Li stopped talking. The Master Lin just now said how precious the fruit is. It is rare to see the fruit that can make people live for a hundred years. What a chance to meet it. To be honest, he would rather his granddaughter go to college to go to work outside to work in ordinary ways than she would have such a weird chance, as he might one day her granddaughter disappeared.

"Let's find a way to compensate!" Old man Li said dullly, "We have a few centuries-old ginseng in our family. If it doesn't work, we will pay him."

Lin Qingyin sighed softly, "But if what she meets is a ginseng baby, what will be the ginseng vermicelli?"