Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 126


Hearing the words Ginseng Wawa and Zhu Guo, Old Man Li and Dazhuang Li stood up abruptly with shocked faces. They have collected ginseng from generation to generation, and what they hear most is the legend of ginseng dolls. Their various rules for collecting ginseng are also based on the legend that ginseng can transform people. But the legend is after all. Although they are in awe, although they strictly follow the rules when collecting ginseng, they don't really believe in the transformation of ginseng, so when they hear the four ginseng dolls, they are a little confused.

"The doll looks white and fat, wearing a red bellyband and two upturned braids. There is indeed a smell of tanginess on her body." Li Li frowned somewhat tangledly: "It's just that the doll is alive and looks special. Cute, is it really made of ginseng?"

Old man Li didn't know how old ginseng was, but his family had ginseng that was hundreds of years old, but none of them had the ability to become a baby. But his granddaughter not only met the ginseng baby, but also ate the ginseng red fruit.

There are also many legends about ginseng vermillion fruit. The most widely spread in the local area is the story of a goddess eating ginseng vermillion fruit and giving birth to a child, giving the surname Aixinjueluo. There are a lot of other legends, but they are almost the same in detail. They basically say that each ginseng can only bear one ginseng ginseng fruit, and eating ginseng ginseng fruit represents a willingness to marry this ginseng.

"Girl!" Old man Li sighed, "You don't know what eating ginseng vermilion fruit represents?"

Li Li shook her head. Although she did not listen to legends when she was a child, she was busy studying and making friends after school.

Li Dazhuang's lips moved. He wanted to say that this kind of thing wasn't true, but he swallowed it again. Li Li Lihun encountered the ginseng doll. Who would dare to say that the Zhu Guo incident was false. He patted his forehead twice with a headache. Not only has the girl demented for two years, she has also had more family affairs inexplicably, which makes him really wonder what to do.

Seeing both his father and grandfather frowning, Li Li asked nervously, "Is there something wrong?"

"Hey!" Old man Li glanced at his granddaughter with ineffable words: "You have to be someone else's daughter-in-law after you eat other people's Zhu Guo."

"Daughter-in-law?" Although Li Li was a little depressed because he missed the college entrance examination, he still laughed dumbfounded after hearing the word "daughter-in-law": "That's still a little baby. I dare to run all over the mountains with a bellyband. What kind of daughter-in-law shall I be for him."

Li Li said lightly, but Li Ke's expression was a little nervous. After all, Li Li had been demented for two years and they were helpless about this. To be honest, he was really afraid that one day his sister would be hooked away by the ginseng doll in her sleep.

"Otherwise, send my sister to the city to re-study, and she won't come back when she is admitted to college." Li Ke gritted his teeth: "I can't really let her be a wife for some ginseng."

Not far away, a chubby baby seemed to have heard what Li Ke said, and got into the snowdrift very aggrievedly. Both upturned braids were drooped, looking listless.

Lin Qingyin couldn't bear to see this scene and said, "There is a lot of spiritual energy in that Zhu Guo. After eating Zhu Guo, Li Li is on the way to immortality. The cause and effect between her and the ginseng doll is too great. This kind of causal hiding cannot be evaded, and if you avenge your grievances, you will be condemned by the heavens."

The old Changbai Mountain people believed in gods and respected nature. When it came to causal issues, Old Man Li made a final decision: "This matter has to be discussed. After all, we ate other people's food, let's see what they say."

Li Dazhuang was a little worried: "What do you ask? How can I invite the ginseng doll to discuss?"

"Then ask him to come and discuss it. I'll find the ginseng doll." Lin Qingyin stood up and opened the door and walked out. Old man Li and Dazhuang Li quickly stood up. The skill of wearing a leather jacket and a leather hat was two steps slower than Lin Qingyin's, and Lin Qingyin was gone when the two of them went out.

Old man Li thought that Lin Qingyin had already gone out, and hurriedly chased him out of the yard, but when he looked outside, there was a lot of whiteness in a radius of tens of miles, and Lin Qingyin was long gone.

The father and son glanced at each other with shocked expressions on their faces. No one knows how difficult it is to walk in the snow better than them. You can reach your knees when you step down. It would take too much effort to lift it up. If you are not used to walking, I'm afraid I can't walk a hundred meters in ten minutes. And the snow in front of me has only a few footprints, it seems that it only steps on a shallow layer, as if a person left with a little foot.

Old Man Li drew out his pipe and lit it on fire. He tapped silently, and said in a low voice: "Don't look at this Master Lin's young age, as long as she is capable, she is no different from the immortal."

Li Dazhuang looked at the snow-covered village and pulled his face a little entangledly: "Father, you said that the master now is so down-to-earth, and he still goes to university. Isn't it too idle to panic."

Old man Li chuckled his pipe, his voice was a little long, "What do you know, talented people who know the way pay attention to joining the world."

Old man Li smoked two pipes in a row and finally relieved the addiction that had been holding back for a long time. The two of them were about to enter the house when they saw a figure from far and near, as if only a few steps were coming. Old Man Li rubbed his eyes and took a closer look. It was Lin Qingyin who came.

The dense goose feathers and heavy snow automatically avoided Lin Qingyin, and even a piece of snowflakes did not fall on her. Lin Qingyin was still wearing a thin sweater, as if she couldn't feel the cold at all. What is even more surprising is that she is holding a white, tender and chubby bare-ass doll with a cute little dimple on her round face, which is very handsome.

Old man Li knew by smelling the rich ginseng flavor in the air, it must be a ginseng doll. Old man Li and Dazhuang Li stared at the ginseng doll intently. It was the first time to see the transformation of the ginseng that they had collected in a lifetime. It was too rare to see them.

"Master, how do you call this ginseng baby?" Old man Li looked at the fat boy who had only reached his thigh with a little entanglement. This baby is too fascinating. If it weren't for the ginseng change, he would want to adopt it home and raise it. It's so cute.

Lin Qingyin obviously likes this doll very much, and stretched out his hand to pull a hand on his braid: "Wah, what's your name?"

"I haven't given a name yet." Ginseng doll said with a puffed face: "You can call me whatever you want."

"It's really okay." Lin Qingyin laughed dumbly, and took his hand and walked in: "Then call you a baby first, let's go in and talk."

The three people led a fat baby into the room, and everyone in the room stood up when they saw it. Except for Li Li's expression of joy, both Li Ke and Jiang Wei were about to stare out their eyes.

After seeing Li Li, the ginseng doll broke away the little hand from Lin Qingyin's hand, and ran over with the chubby leg kicking on the ground, grabbing Li Li's thigh, and lifting the chubby little girl. There was a grievance expression on his face: "Sister, you said you played with me, how come you came back alone."

Li Li felt a little complicated and touched the baby's face, and patiently explained: "Too many souls are not good for your health. I can't stay with you for too long."

"After you eat my Zhuguo, all your illnesses will disappear, and your health will not be bad." Ginseng Wawa was unconvinced, and her little red mouth pouted: "You just don't want to play with me."

Li Li was a little helpless: "But I still have to go to school, can't I play with you in the mountains for the rest of my life?"

"Why not?" Wawa's big eyes were full of puzzlement: "My brother, my clan and their little friends live together in the mountains, there is no going to go to school."

Lin Qingyin became curious, and knelt down and poked the doll's forehead: "What does your brother's playmate look like?"

"White, long ears." The doll made a gesture on his head, then turned around to reveal her white and tender butt: "There is also a short tail here."

Lin Qingyin looked at the bare butt of the ginseng doll and burst into laughter. The tortoise shell in her hand was gone. If there were too many people in the room, she would have to fly up and give the ginseng doll a turtle shell. That would be unhappy. The ground directly conveyed to Lin Qingyin: "Shameless without clothes! Ashamed!"

Li Li hurriedly pulled the ginseng doll over, went back to the house and found a silk scarf to tie the ginseng doll around his waist. Ginseng doll looked down at the silk scarf on her body. The colorful ones were pretty beautiful. She immediately showed a big smile and spared no effort to praise her: "Sister, you are much more beautiful than my brother’s playmate, and you will make me beautiful. Skirt!"

Li Li didn't know what to say, compared her to Rabbit Jing, should she say thank you

Lin Qingyin patted the turtle's shell to soothe the little turtle's emotions, and wiped away the tears from the laugh: "Okay, since the ginseng doll is here, we should also say business. First of all, Li Li, you have to understand what the ginseng doll is for. What a chance for you." She took out the stone and placed a spirit gathering formation and let Li Li sit in the center of the formation: "You will do what I said in a moment."

Li Li already knew that she was awakened by Lin Qingyin and trusted her so much, she sat cross-legged as Lin Qingyin said. Lin Qingyin guided Li Li to control the meridians in the inner vision of the divine sense, and then input a trace of spiritual energy to lead the spiritual energy in her body to circulate the Great Zhou Tian.

Although the Li family didn’t know what Lin Qingyin and Li Li were doing, they knew that the matter was serious when they looked at their faces. The silk scarf looks very well-behaved.

Lin Qingyin took Li Li to run nine great Zhoutians before pulling away his own aura, but Li Li was reluctant to feel the feeling of operating auras, and ran for several great Zhoutians by himself, until the nearby auras were no longer sufficient. She turned, and then stopped.

Although Li Li had finished his cultivation, he still sat where he was, silently recollecting the feeling of aura that had been working just now. She remembered the matter of looking at the meridians just now, and tried to close her eyes and put her spiritual consciousness into her body, and she saw the spiritual energy of the thickness of a cotton thread wandering through the meridians.

She stared at the aura for a while, and curiously looked at other places with her spiritual sense, but because of her limited cultivation, she could only see the position of one meter around her body.

After watching for a few minutes, Li Li felt a headache, and quickly took back his spiritual consciousness, which made him feel better. She opened her eyes and found out that her family did not know when they had finished their dinner. Mother Li was clearing the table, and Lin Qingyin and Ginseng doll were happily holding a frozen pear.

Lin Qingyin threw the pear core in his hand into the trash can, then pulled a soft, soaked frozen persimmon from the basin, took a bite especially happily, and sucked the ice-cold honey into his mouth.

Li Li stood up from the ground, lowered his head and moved his hands and feet, his body was very light, as if he was completely reborn. She walked to Lin Qingyin with some excitement, and asked respectfully: "Master, what did you teach me just now?"

Lin Qingyin was happily eating persimmons, and pointed to Jiang Wei casually: "Little apprentice, tell him something."

Jiang Wei hugged the pine nuts and talked about what cultivation is and the various realms. Finally, he told Li Li: "There are many people in this world who want to practice Taoism, but many people have spent their entire lives unable to induce Qi into the body. An ordinary girl like you has a chance to practice because she ate Zhu Guo by mistake. It's really a great opportunity."

Lin Qingyin had mentioned the matter of chance before. She was still a little ignorant at the time, and now she fully understands the meaning of this word, and also understands the cause and effect that Lin Qingyin said.

Li Li sat next to the ginseng doll, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and asked in a gentle voice: "Wah, I ate your Zhu Guo, what do you want me to use to repay you?"

Hearing Li Li's question, the Li family all breathed a sigh of relief, and they looked at the ginseng doll a little nervously.

"I want you to stay with me all the time!" Ginseng doll said innocently: "You have the breath of my vermilion fruit on your body. I like to play with you."

"Okay, then I will go into the mountains to accompany you." Li Li answered very slowly, but his tone was extraordinarily firm: "I will stay with you for as long as you let me stay with you."

Hearing Li Li's answer, the Li family all stood up, Li Ke's expression even collapsed: "Sister, have you forgotten your wish? You are going to college!"

"Yes, I wanted to go to university before, because only after I was admitted to university can I live a better life." Li Li smiled slightly, and touched the head of the ginseng doll: "But now my life goal has changed. , I think that since I got this opportunity, I should cherish it. Only in the mountains can I practice better."

Since Li Ke went to college, he has read several novels about cultivation, and he knows roughly what Li Li said about cultivation. He has always felt that this is the author's unreliable nature, just like the legend of mountain spirits and wild monsters, all made up in random, but he did not expect that it has become a reality today.

"Sister, even though cultivation is very important, you can still go to school." Li Ke always felt that it was a pity that Li Li gave up his studies like this: "You have been reading books for more than ten years, so you really gave up?" He Yue The more anxious he said, he turned his head to look at Lin Qingyin, and immediately used her as a positive textbook: "You see, even Master Lin is also in college, he is still the top student in the college entrance examination!"

Lin Qingyin looked up innocently with a persimmon in his mouth: "I went to college mainly to study mathematics. As long as I study mathematics to study mathematics, it has nothing to do with other things." But Lin Qingyin quickly said again. Turn: "The journey of cultivation is very difficult. Compared with the outside, the spiritual energy in the mountains is indeed richer and more suitable for cultivation. But if you don't have a cultivation mind and don't know anything about cultivation, it's really hard to go too far."

Li Li was silent. The ginseng doll looked at Lin Qingyin, wrinkled her face, grabbed her braid, and pulled down a piece of hair distressedly and handed it to Li Li: "Take this to her teacher."

Li Li subconsciously stretched out his hand to pick it up. As soon as the hair touched Li Li's hand, it turned into a ginseng. Old Man Li couldn't help taking a breath when he saw it next to him. This ginseng must be at least six to seven hundred years old.

Lin Qingyin squeezed the chubby face of the ginseng doll amusedly: "A single ginseng wants me to accept a disciple, you think it's pretty beautiful!"

Ginseng doll said pitifully, "But I don't have a few hairs in total. If I give you all of them, I won't look good."

"That's true!" Lin Qingyin smiled and picked up the ginseng baby: "Or you can also be my apprentice. If it's okay, let me squeeze two as compensation. Anyway, you will also receive one, and you will not receive one more. What effort does it take."

Ginseng doll looked at Lin Qingyin nervously: "I don't need to light my hair when I become your apprentice?"

"Of course!" Lin Qingyin squeezed the fat face of the ginseng doll: "I don't want a bald apprentice."

"That's OK! I'm willing!" Ginseng doll nodded solemnly: "That's it!"

Jiang Wei watched Lin Qingyin dumbfounded by the side and accepted two apprentices while understatement, a strong sense of crisis surged in his heart.

I will never be the only apprentice of the little master anymore, and I feel that I will soon fall out of favor.

The author has something to say:

Li Ke: Didn't we talk about going to university? How did you go to the apprenticeship

Jiang Wei: Let you talk too much! snort!

Little Turtle: Make you talk more! Humph!