Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 133


It has been decades since Old Man Song discovered this place, and it took him a lot of effort to break down layers of natural institutions. He worked so hard and naturally didn't want others to take advantage of it. Every time he left, he laid a lot of formations here, for fear of being entered inside.

In the past, Old Man Song had to cover even the entrance of the cave with an array, but there were a lot of magical artifacts to deploy outside the cave, and every array deployment was equivalent to digging a heart and liver. Later, more and more formations were broken in the cave, so he abandoned the formation outside the cave and used all the magical instruments in the cave.

Old Man Song walked in the forefront to dismantle the formations he had laid down one by one. Although he felt that Jiang Wei could not understand these, he was still very cautious to keep his two apprentices behind him, blocking Jiang Wei's sight.

Jiang Wei didn’t care about Old Man Song’s defenses at all. This kind of formation was a treasure in his eyes. Break these formations open. What's more, if he really wants to see, he doesn't have to use his eyes.

Old man Song's formations both defend against outsiders and himself. Although he knows what formations are deployed and what the eyes of the formations are, it still takes some effort to break through these formations. Jiang Wei followed behind and stopped. The more he walked in, the more time he stayed. In the end, every time he stopped, Jiang Wei would find a comfortable place to sleep against the wall.

There are numerous winding roads in the cave. Old Man Song really took a lot of thought here, and there are several thick little books. Whenever Old Man Song didn't know which way to choose at a complicated fork in the road, or when he broke the formation and forgot the steps, he would take out a small book and search frantically. Jiang Wei who was watching was tired and panicked for him.

After staying in the cave for another two or three days, Jiang Wei had almost eaten the food in his backpack, and the group finally reached the end of the cave.

"Jiang boy, come here!" Old man Song reached out and called Jiang Wei over, pointing to the mountain wall in front of him and said, "I need your help next."

Jiang Wei stretched out his hand and touched the wall, then turned to ask Old Man Song, "Is this also a formation? Did you understand it after studying it? Don't waste my blood."

Old Song had a gloomy laugh with his hair: "Don't worry, I cherish your blood like you. After all, it took me a lot of work to find you, and I don't have time to find the next person."

"I'm relieved if you say that." Jiang Wei untied his empty backpack and threw it on the ground. He also took off the thick down jacket that the old fifth had worn to him, revealing the casual clothes inside.

Jiang Wei moved his hands and feet and shook his neck: "Okay, I'm ready, what do you say?"

Old Man Song was very satisfied with Jiang Wei's current affairs, took out a box from his arms, opened layer after layer, and finally revealed a dark red stone.

The old man held the box cautiously, his eyes glowing like fire: "This stone was obtained by breaking this formation. I think it is the key to the next formation." Old man Song looked at Jiang Wei. , The voice became extraordinarily long, and it seemed to have a hypnotic effect: "Now you need to place this stone on the recessed place on the rock wall, and then fill the gap with blood, and the formation will be broken. ."

"It sounds simple!" Jiang Wei curled his lips: "How do I feel that it is too easy compared to the formation you broke in front of you, are you sure you are right?"

Old man Song smiled lightly. It sounded uncomplicated, but in fact, this level is the most difficult. Let’s not say how difficult it is to find blood. With so many people in the world, how to tell whose blood is useful is a difficult task. . It was also because he was lucky that he accidentally got a young treasure hunting gold bug shortly after leaving here.

Old Man Song was very proud of this, and even God helped him like that. There was nothing wrong with this matter.

Seeing Old Man Song smiled more and more proud, Jiang Wei no longer looked at him, but lowered his head to study the stone in his hand. The stone was the size of his two fists together, and looked a bit like a human heart. Although holding it in his hand is substantial, he always feels like something is wrapped in it, and this thing seems to be very close to him, as if it is connected to his blood.

Perhaps Jiang Wei's expression on the stone was too focused. Old Man Song was a little uneasy, and repeatedly urged him: "Don't delay time, put the stone up quickly."

Jiang Weiyi said that he placed the stone in the recessed place in the mountain wall. It is strange to say that the groove is not deep, but after the stone is placed, it is very stable and will not fall at all.

Jiang Wei touched the stone and the mountain wall, there was a gap about the thickness of a finger between the two, and there must be a lot of blood when you circle it around. Old Man Song was waiting beside him. At this moment, he had already drawn out a sharp knife and looked at Jiang Wei very vigilantly. If it weren't for the fear that he was struggling and wasting his blood, he would have done it for him a long time ago.

"You cut it yourself and cut it deeper." Old man Song licked his dry lips, his eyes showed greedy eyes.

Jiang Wei took the knife and only made a shallow cut in his finger. It seemed that just after breaking a layer of skin, a few drops of blood came out. Old man Song was anxious when he saw it. Just as he was about to speak, he saw that Jiang Wei had put his fingers on the stone, and the dragon Qi in his body rushed out with a trace of blood mist, filling the gap in an instant.

At this moment, the heart-shaped piece that was put in suddenly vibrated, and pieces of rubble fell from above, revealing a red heart-like thing, which instantly sucked up the blood mist in the gap. net.

Feeling the strong dragon aura emanating from his heart, Jiang Wei knew what it was without having to guess. He turned around and wanted to run away, but his body seemed to be frozen and he couldn't even move.

Old man Song's eyes lit up when he saw the thing, and he was a little bit annoyed and regretful. Although he didn't dare to guess what it was, he knew it was a good thing by looking at such a strong breath. You must know that he was catching Jiang Wei's. It should be a blood sacrifice at that time, where will it be delayed until this time.

The old man Song reacted quickly and his hands were quick. With a twitch of his hand, he pulled out a small golden net and buckled it towards the heart. The heart flashed dexterously, avoiding the golden net and rushing towards Jiang Wei.

Jiang Wei was already numb. After he swallowed the dragon ball, all the dragon bones and dragon horns were drilled into his body. Sure enough, the heart slid into his body after touching Jiang Wei. Old man Song was furious after seeing this scene, and reached out to grab Jiang Wei's collar. At this moment, the cave suddenly shook, the wall cracked, and a huge rock rolled down and hit Old Man Song.

The youngest of the five years old was squeezed at the end. He stretched his neck before he could understand, and saw a watermelon-sized stone hit the old man Song’s shoulder. His arm stretched out like Jiang Wei immediately fell down, probably his entire shoulder. It's all broken. Old Song had a headache and stared at Venus. He sat down on the ground holding his arm and let out a hoarse roar.

The eldest, the second, and the third saw this scene and rushed towards Jiang Wei. At this moment, the cave shook more severely. One stone fell from the sky, and each stone was big enough to kill a person.

Seeing this, Lao Wu turned around and ran out, crying and howling the earthquake as he ran. The old Sili stepped back a few steps. He looked at the master and brother who were hit by the stone, and then at Jiang Wei, who was intact and had not touched the corners of his clothes. He gritted his teeth and turned around and ran out. Although he doesn't know what the situation is now, the kid named Jiang Wei is obviously pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Planted here.

Jiang Wei was not feeling well at this time. He was in a coma for a long time before waking up after Dragon Horn got into his body last time. Go, he was holding his chest and his lips were white in pain.

Soon the rock cave shook more and more severely, and a huge crack broke under the feet of several people, and Old Man Song, his three apprentices and Jiang Wei all fell in.

Jiang Wei's painful mind was a little unconscious at this time, but he released the dragon energy in his body out of instinct, and supported his body to fall firmly on the ground. Old man Song and his apprentice were not so lucky. Old man Song had some abilities, and he had a lot of good things on him, so he could barely save his life, but his three apprentices were lying on the ground. Alive or dead.

Old man Song had only half his life left, and there was blood all over his body, and he suffered a great deal of pain when he moved slightly. He was lying on his back on the ground, and he was not reconciled that the things he had worked so hard for all his life fell into Jiang Wei's hands in the end.

At this time, Jiang Wei had no energy to deal with the old man Song. He knelt on the ground and looked at the blood drops in front of him.

It was completely dark here, and he couldn't see his fingers, but for some reason he could clearly see the drop of blood floating in the air quietly, as if waiting for something.

The blood flow in the body was faster, so fast that it caused unbearable heat in his body. Jiang Wei irritably tore his clothes apart, revealing his thin chest, he raised his neck and let out a howl.

As soon as Old Man Song used all his strength to get up, he was stunned by a deafening sound, and there was another pain in his body. It is estimated that this is the case, and the bones on Old Man Song's body have to be broken again.

Old Man Song was so shocked that he even forgot the biting pain. He kept thinking about the sound he had just heard. How could it be so like the legendary Dragon Yin

But is this kind of legendary thing really possible? Or is it that the good things here are related to dragons

Thinking of this, Old Man Song’s heart became warm again. He was physically and determinedly supporting the rock and climbed up again. Every time he moved, he was sweating and painful. After tossing for a long time, he figured out that he had reached a high point of rock, and he barely leaned on. Sit on top.

The baby on his body was almost used just now, and the old man Song touched his body for a long time and finally took out a flashlight. He held the switch with his finger, swallowed his saliva nervously, and pressed the switch violently to take a picture of the direction where the sound had just been heard.

The strong light illuminates the dark space, and Old Man Song can't look at anything else. He stares straight at Jiang Wei in front of him. Jiang Wei's eyes were blood red, and his pupils were like ignited flames. Just looking at it made people feel scared.

In front of Jiang Wei, a ruby-like object was suspended in the air, suffocating the beauty. Old Man Song swallowed his saliva, looked at the ruby very covetously, and quickly analyzed his chances of winning the gem.

But what makes Old Man Song desperate is that no matter how he calculates, he can’t find the slightest possibility of defeating Jiang Wei. He is young and strong, and he has broken his whole body. It’s useless to rely on strength; if he depends on his ability, he thinks that his ability is possible. Really can't dry Jiang Wei with blood-red eyes.

After Old Man Song hesitated for a few seconds, Jiang Wei suddenly took a step forward. As if sensing Jiang Wei's movement, the ruby suddenly turned around. Only then did Old Man Song realize that it was not a ruby at all, but condensed blood.

The blood drop sensed Jiang Wei's initiative and flew toward him happily, got into his body and disappeared. With the infusion of this drop of blood, Jiang Wei's blood rushed as if he had changed from a lake to the sea, squeezing his blood vessels full, and it seemed that it was about to be shattered, and the painful Jiang Wei eyes closed. Fainted on the ground.

The cave was quiet again, and Old Man Song watched Jiang Wei who was unconscious and swallowed his saliva. He stood up a little hesitantly. Everything was swallowed by Jiang Wei, and he couldn't get it back. It was really impossible to cut his arm and drink two mouthfuls of blood.

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, a stone fell from the top of his head and threw Old Man Song to the ground. Old Man Song lay on the ground and watched that his only good arm was also lost. He suddenly felt that his life was desperate. , How come God doesn't wait to see him!

Jiang Wei felt that his body was very hot, as if something had been ignited, making him painful. He turned over by instinct, a faint "plop" sound came from his ears, and then his body was surrounded by cool things, he hummed comfortably, and fell asleep again.

Jiang Wei felt that he had a lot of dreams, but the dreams were like fragments, so he couldn't even get up and couldn't understand what it meant. In the dimness, he only knew that he wanted to protect a person. In order to keep that person alive, he could endure the pain of cramping and tearing the bones and the pain of tearing souls. He even gave up his soul and was willing to sink into the ground. Long Mai only hopes to get a glimmer of life for that person.

Did he succeed? Jiang Wei seemed to see the Phoenix Nirvana rebirth in a daze. He smiled when he was in a coma, and he seemed to have really done it.

But the man was very furious when he knew the cost of rebirth from Nirvana. Jiang Wei didn't know what she did, but before the darkness came, Jiang Wei seemed to see her holding the fragment of his soul and kissing gently: "I will save you back. ,wait for me."

The picture gradually blurred and finally disappeared. Jiang Wei felt that he was getting farther and farther away from his dream, leaving only a white mist in front of him. He turned over and felt the pain in his body gradually eased. He let go of his body comfortably and fell into a deep sleep.

Old man Song turned his head and watched Jiang Wei turned over and fell into the underground lake and washed away. He felt both happy and disappointed in his heart. He worked hard for a lifetime, not knowing how many magical weapons and treasures he put in it, and everything in the end. There was a whole disability even after the decline.

Although Jiang Wei took his chance, the chance didn't seem so good. Now he fell into the river without waking up, but he was afraid that he would not escape.

Old Man Song was thinking about it, and suddenly the cave shook again, and a huge boulder fell and sealed the entrance of the underground lake. Old Man Song took a deep breath and smacked his lips with a little regret, guessing that Jiang Wei was really hopeless.

Old man Song slept in the cave, woke up, and slept again. When he felt he was dying, there was light at the entrance of the cave. He shouted in a weak voice, and he heard the excited voice of Lao Wu coming from above. : "Master, are you still alive?"

Old man Song fainted with a mouthful of blood in his heart.

Jiang Wei, who had been asleep for an unknown period of time, turned over and suddenly felt his body sink. He opened his eyes suddenly and was shocked to find that he was actually asleep in the underground river. Now he doesn't know where he was washed by the river. .

Before entering the cave, Jiang Wei had been hiking on the mountain for several days, and then tossed in the cave for two days. His body was muddy and sweaty and itchy. He simply took off his clothes in the river and threw it on the bank, and took a bath in the cool water.

Jiang Wei rubbed the ashes on his body while recalling what happened before he passed out. It seemed that a heart popped out of a stone and got into his chest. Then he fell into a hole, and then he felt hot and painful, as if he was all over. The blood was boiled, and he couldn't remember the rest.

Jiang Wei quickly touched his body, as if there were no more parts and nothing missing. The key was that he was very comfortable all over, as if the previous discomfort was like a dream. Jiang Wei tilted his head in confusion. He seemed to have a dream, but he couldn't remember what he had dreamed of.

Jiang Wei subconsciously wiped the water on his head, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the little dragon horns that had existed before had disappeared. Although the dragon's horns may have penetrated into the body completely, Jiang Wei doesn't care anymore. Anyway, there are so many things in the body that are not bad anymore. It is better than being exposed outside, in case you accidentally touch it and get an electric shock all over your body. Like, it was too uncomfortable to feel so numb all over.

After taking a quick shower, Jiang Wei simply took the clothes on the shore into the water and washed them and put them on. The casual clothes were torn to pieces and I don’t know where I left them. That shirt barely can be used as clothes. Put on. Jiang Wei used the dragon energy on his body to dry his clothes, and even the inside of the shoes on his feet were cleaned.

Feeling comfortable and refreshed all over, Jiang Wei found a direction along the underground river, and finally saw a glimmer of light for about an hour. When he squeezed out from a gap as wide as one person, Jiang Wei found that the place he came out was not far from where he got off, and he even saw the two cars parked in the snow.

Jiang Wei was wearing a torn shirt that was torn by himself, and the pants on his legs were very thin. Although he could not feel cold physically, he thought that he was about to be frozen out, so he hurried to the parking position. past.

He was so lucky. The door of the car he was in was not closed tightly when he came. Even the car key was still stuck in the car, as if he was in a hurry before leaving. Jiang Wei opened the door of the car and sat in. He felt that the car was quite warm. He felt a little warm when he touched the air vent. He recalled the scene of the old four and five running out desperately before he fell into the cave. They came back after running away, maybe they went up the mountain to save their master.

Jiang Wei didn't want to wait for these robbers. He drove down the mountain. Don't watch him sleep all the way while blindfolded when he went up the mountain, but he drove by instinct and found Old Man Song's villa. He parked the car at the door of the villa, went in and made a circle inside, not only took his mobile phone card back from his fifth mobile phone, but also found a fully charged power bank to charge his mobile phone.

Jiang Wei put the down jacket on his body without pulling the zipper, he just carried his bag on his back and left.

When he walked to the door, Jiang Wei thought for a while and walked back. He didn't know how far it was from the train station, so he had to borrow the car first. Jiang Wei searched around in the living room and finally found paper and pen, wrote a note and put it on the coffee table in the living room, silently complimenting his noble character in his heart.

When Jiang Wei went out to start the car, the fast charging mode had charged the phone to 12%. He put the phone on the cradle, clicked on WeChat to find Lin Qingyin's WeChat account and set up a video call. Soon the call was picked up, and the head of the little master appeared on the phone screen.

Jiang Wei smiled brightly: "Little Master, have you finished the Chinese New Year? My business is over, and I am going home now!"

Lin Qingyin in the video looked at the torn and torn shirt in Jiang Wei's down jacket and couldn't help showing a shocked expression: "Jiang Wei, are you being raped by someone~~ violent?"

The author has something to say:

Jiang Wei: I am not! I do not have! There is absolutely no such thing!

Lin Qingyin: Then how did your shirt break

Jiang Wei: I tore it up by myself.

Lin Qingyin was shocked: You actually took the initiative

Jiang Wei:...