Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 15: Make wedding dresses for others


Zhang Jianguo responded to his tears and went back to the room to call. Zhang Wu, who was on the phone, had just returned from the hospital and smoked anxiously. Thinking of the wealth he now has and the lost son and daughter on the hospital bed, Zhang Wu was irritated. A wave of his hand knocked the tea cup on the table to the ground.

The phone rang, Zhang Wu glanced at the name on the phone, and then he placed the cigarette in the ashtray, trying to calm his voice: "Dad, what's the matter?"

"You go home." Zhang Jianguo said simply and simply: "I have invited a master to come back."

Zhang Wu rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, and his tone was a little impatient: "Dad, don't mess up, you don't know what's going on."

Zhang Jianguo sighed: "Yes, I don't know what's going on, but the master knows. She said that you moved your ancestral tomb to the fierce ground and used fierce objects to make a fortune. The disasters at home are all caused by you, so hurry up. Come back."

Zhang Wu's heart was shocked, and he asked a little hesitantly: "She really said that?"

"Yes, I also saw that our family was killed, injured and sick, otherwise I would not invite her back." Zhang Jianguo shed tears again when he thought of his grandson who left accidentally: "Zhang Wu, I won't let you do this again. The nonsense goes on, and if our family is gone, I will sever the father-son relationship with you!"

The call was cut off, and Zhang Wu was silent when he heard the beep from the microphone. He took a deep breath and made a call while sitting on the expensive all-leather sofa. It took a long time before the call was connected. A lazy voice came from the microphone: "Boss Zhang, what's the matter?"

Zhang Wu sat up straight, and asked anxiously: "Master Wang, didn't you say that all were minor illnesses and disasters? But my son is gone and now my daughter is seriously ill again! Master, I have only two children, you Can't you figure out a way to keep one for me?"

As if he hadn't heard Zhang Wu's hoarse roar, the other party still said lightly, "So much fortune is in vain? Naturally, you have to pay some price..." Hearing Zhang Wu's breathing suddenly became thicker, Master Wang A few words of indifferent comfort: "Don't worry, I'll do it for you. When this disaster is over, your wealth will reach a new height, and your wealth will be able to suppress the fierce spirit of your family's ancestral grave. Up."

Zhang Wu's voice was a little hoarse: "I don't want to ask for more wealth, I can't afford to pay."

Master Wang's voice became cold, and his words were clearly threatening: "Do you think this is a game, and stop when you want to stop? Zhang Wu, this big battle is arranged according to your birthday, so the luck of your whole family will be all Gathered on you. If you want to forcibly stop the big formation, all the fierce aura accumulated in the formation will also gather on you. You don't need to tell me what the consequences will be."

Hearing that Zhang Wu hadn’t spoken for a long time, the tone over there was a lot more relaxed: "If the child is gone, you can regenerate. Even if your wife can’t give birth, there are also some pretty girls outside. You still worry about this with your current assets. ?"

Zhang Wu opened his mouth and did not speak. His eyes fell on a family portrait on the desk. His handsome son stood side by side with him, and his seven-year-old daughter embraced his waist and turned towards the camera. A sweet smile appeared. But now that the son is gone, the daughter's smile is gone, only weakness and illness are left.

Zhang Wu hung up the phone, picked up the car key on the table and ran to the elevator quickly.

Lin Qingyin sat on the sofa and stroked the tortoise shell in his hand again and again, as if he didn't want to talk to people. Fatty Wang drank tea and chatted with Zhang Jianguo, and it took only half an hour to get a clear picture of the situation of his family. Even Zhang Wu's fortune was also known to him.

Zhang Wu walked in a hurry. As soon as he entered the door, he saw two strangers sitting in the living room. He didn't care about changing his shoes and reached out his hand to Fatty Wang. He said very politely, "You are the master my father invited back."

Fatty Wang smiled and waved his hand, and gestured to Lin Qingyin who was still sitting on the sofa, "This is the master, Master Lin Qingyin."

Zhang Wu looked at Lin Qingyin's somewhat immature face, looked at Fatty Wang in amazement and incomprehension, and asked in disbelief, "Master is kidding."

"It's not a joke, this is the master I invited back." Zhang Jianguo glared at Zhang Wu and quickly introduced to Lin Qingyin: "Master, this is my son Zhang Wu."

Zhang Wu looked at Lin Qingyin again, and ignored the question of politeness. He reached out and dragged Zhang Jianguo into the bedroom beside him, trying to suppress his anger: "Dad, are you kidding me? A and a half-year-old kid, tell me her Is it a master? Is this a liar?"

"Liar?" Zhang Jianguo sneered: "I hope she is a liar, so everything she says is false. I don't know what you did secretly, but you ask yourself, is it true? "

Zhang Wu was speechless, and Zhang Jianguo glared at him: "I told you that I invited you back, and you must give me respect. If the master is gone, I will just take your mother off the building. Go, you will kill the province sooner or later."

Zhang Wu had nothing to say. He bowed his head and followed Zhang Jianguo back to the living room. Lin Qingyin glanced at Zhang Wu, then suddenly shook his head and laughed.

Zhang Wu's heart was straightened by her smile, and he squeezed out a slightly uneasy smile: "Master Lin, what are you laughing at?"

"When I saw your father before, I thought that you didn't care about anything to get rich. I didn't know until I saw you that I thought you were too smart." Lin Qingyin touched the tortoise's shell and left it mockingly. Mouth: "I'm laughing at you for being stupid, stupid enough to use your own life to fill other people's luck."

Zhang Wu felt cold, he seemed to understand something, his face suddenly became pale: "What do you mean by this?"

Lin Qingyin watched Zhang Wu's body be entangled by bad luck and bad luck, a trace of energy came out of his body and floated to an unknown place.

"Do you think that after you set up the formation, the luck of your whole family is concentrated on you? Wrong, in fact, you are just a carrier. Your whole family is the sacrifice of the Feng Shui formation, and the one that benefits The man in the formation."

Zhang Wu's face was pale, and he said incoherently: "Impossible, how did I get rich if that's the case? I just moved my ancestral tomb before doing such a big business."

Lin Qingyin looked at him pityingly: "I told you that you are the carrier that connects the Feng Shui array and the person who arranges the formation. If the luck passes through your body, you will naturally follow him, but when you wait for you The whole family’s luck is exhausted, and you are the last sacrifice."

Zhang Wu's heart sank bit by bit. He remembered that when he first saw this master Wang, he was only looking for a treasured geomantic place for prosperous future generations. It was the master Wang who kept inspiring him to use evil things to make money on the fierce land. And vowed to make sure that at best, the family members will have some minor illnesses and disasters, as long as they have money, these are not a problem at all.

In the past few years, as Master Wang said, the family members were at best not in good health, and there were more minor disasters. However, after the sudden accidental death of his son last year, things were not as simple as Master Wang said.

In fact, Zhang Wu was not unconscious. This year he kept calling Master Wang hoping that he could make a move. But Master Wang just meant something inside and out. The ancestral grave could not be moved, otherwise the whole family would die. In private, he also contacted several masters to see Feng Shui on the ancestral grave, but no one could see the way, let alone help him change Feng Shui.

Zhang Wu's face was pale. Although from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to believe that it was true, but the current family situation and Master Wang's reaction told him that Lin Qingyin was right. !

Zhang Wu's eyes cast a trace of despair: "Master Wang, who helped our family to watch Feng Shui at the beginning, told me that the ancestral tomb cannot be moved, otherwise our whole family will be backlashed and none of them will survive."

Zhang Jianguo reached out his hand and slapped Zhang Wu a resounding slap. Zhang Wu didn't dare to cover his face. He thumped and knelt in front of Lin Qingyin and begged: "Master Lin, please help us break this Feng Shui situation! "

Fatty Wang stretched out his hand and stopped Zhang Wu up like a good man, and said cheerfully: "If you have something to say, don't do that. Since Master Lin stopped the old man alone that day, it was just to help you. But we One yard goes to one yard. Fortune-telling we have already collected a thousand dollars, and this break is not the price."

"I understand, I understand." Zhang Wu quickly wiped away his tears and said: "As long as the master breaks this game, the family will be safe, and I am willing to pay any money."

Lin Qingyin said: "It's not difficult for me to break the game, but if you forcefully cut off your luck, you will definitely suffer some backlash. You don't need to think about money or anything, and your own lifespan will also be affected."

Zhang Wu squeezed a bitter smile: "As long as my girl can recover health."

Hearing what he said seemed like someone said, Lin Qingyin reluctantly comforted him: "Don't worry, the people who set up this Feng Shui bureau are more bitter than you."

Zhang Wu smiled bitterly, what can happen to the other party no matter how miserable he is, his son can't come back again. He sighed regretfully, and Zhang Wu's voice was a touch of determination: "Master Lin, if the Feng Shui Bureau is broken, will I be immediately beaten back?"

Lin Qingyin: "You have two days."

Zhang Wu nodded, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes: "Two days are enough for me to arrange things at home."

Zhang Jianguo no longer felt sorry for Zhang Wu at this time, even if Zhang Wu died immediately, he would say that he deserved it. What he felt distressed about was the child lying in the hospital. Pushing his son away, Zhang Jianguo couldn't wait to ask: "Master, shall we go to see the ancestral grave now?"

Lin Qingyin touched the tortoise shell and stood up: "We will leave on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. You should prepare something for me first..."

At 4:30 in the morning, Lin Qingyin got up to meditate as usual. She practiced until 7 in the morning before getting out of bed. When she walked out of the room, she found that her mother hadn't gone to work.

Lin Qingyin took the toothbrush and walked into the bathroom. When she came out, she found her mother looking at herself worriedly.

"Mom, are you resting today?" Lin Qingyin did not move the clear water noodles on the table, but took a packet of biscuits from the coffee table and ate a piece.

Qingyin's mother looked at Lin Qingyin tentatively and then asked tentatively: "Qingyin, I found a lot of fruits and sorbet drinks in the refrigerator at home these past two days. Did you buy them?"

"No!" Lin Qingyin said naturally, "A friend bought it."

The worry on Qingyin’s mother’s face became even more obvious, and she almost couldn’t hold her smile: "What kind of friend is it? When I went out to buy groceries in the morning, I heard your neighbor Wang Auntie say that two men came to our house in the past two days. Who are they?"

Lin Qingyin glanced at her mother in a puzzled way, and said naturally, "Here to help me make up the class! That young man is named Jiang Wei, who was the top student in the college entrance examination here a few years ago. I helped his family a little bit. So he came to teach me voluntarily, and that fat guy came to take lessons with him."

Lin Qingyin’s mother remembered that she was relieved when she saw the books on the dining table in the living room these days after get off work, and she immediately returned to her face with a smile: "You see, why didn’t you tell me earlier, and let me buy fruit snacks. get ready."

Seeing that it was late, Qingyin's mother hurriedly changed shoes and went out: "Qingyin, I'm going to work first. You are studying hard at home, and I will return to buy fruit in the evening."

Lin Qingyin nodded indifferently, and after eating the biscuits, he hugged the tortoise shell and went downstairs. Zhang Wu's off-road vehicle had already parked downstairs, waiting for her. At this time, the voiceless mother who had just arrived at the unit stopped abruptly and frowned tightly: "She did a small favor? How can she help others with a child?"