Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 20: Captured (1)


When the voiceless mother first came back, she was anxious, but when she opened the door, she found that the two men who came here really felt refreshed when they were studying with their daughter, and the smiles on their faces were so bright.

Lin Qingyin and Jiang Wei didn't think so much when they saw Qingyin's mother come back. It was Fatty Wang, the old fried dough stick, who figured it out. They used the opportunity of chat to vigorously support Jiang Wei: "This is our city's college entrance examination champion." I turned on the phone and found a piece of news from the year to show Qingyin's mother: "Now I am a high-achieving student in the Department of Mathematics at National Tsing Hua University, and I am going to take the postgraduate exam this year."

If Qingyin's mother was just enthusiastic for the two, then Jiang Wei's eyes are almost shining: "The college entrance examination champion! It's from the Imperial University, oops!" He patted his excited hands, Qingyin. Mom doesn't know what to say: "Auntie, I will cook for you!"

Lin Qingyin, who had been gnawing on the watermelon, immediately threw down the watermelon rind in his hand and rushed over when he heard these words: "Mom, your cooking is too smoky, so don't do it."

Lin Qingyin feels that her mother absolutely has blind spots and misunderstandings about her cooking skills. What kind of self-confidence makes her want to show her a hand in front of outsiders!

"Is it too smokey?" Qingyin looked back at the kitchen. Lin's kitchen was on the balcony to the north, with only an old sliding door between it and the living room. Because it’s too long, the door can only be pulled halfway, and cooking often smells like cooking.

Think about the old-fashioned smoke machine that has a very loud sound and bad smoke effect, and then look at the books and exercise books on the table, the voiceless mother finally rested her mind: "Qingyin is right, cooking Delay your study. So what, I ask you to go out to eat." After a quick estimate of the money in the bag, Qingyin's mother smiled: "There is a restaurant outside our community that tastes very good."

Fatty Wang immediately stopped: "Don't stop! Big sister, we are not outsiders, we are very familiar with Qingyin, you don't need to be so polite. Qingyin said that we would go out to eat at noon and delay studying, so we have already ordered takeaway." Open the takeaway order and show it to Qingyin's mother: "It will be delivered in 20 minutes."

Qingyin's mother originally took advantage of the one-hour leave at noon. Since there was nothing wrong at home, they ordered takeaway again. Qingyin's mother decided to go back to the unit and cancel the fake. It will take a long time. Okay please.

Seeing that the watermelon on the coffee table is almost ready to eat, the Qingyin mother cleaned it up so that they would not clean it up for a while: "I just come back to give you fruits. Next time you want to eat, tell me what you want to eat. How can you make up the voiceless lesson? Bring fruit."

Jiang Wei touched his hair and smiled shyly: "Auntie, you are not an outsider, Xiaoda... If the voiceless voice helped me out, please don't be outside."

Lin Qingyin nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, a little bit of help."

Fatty Wang weakly covered his eyes, and hurriedly helped the two of them find supplements with a smile: "Qingyin loves to help others."

Voiceless mother: "..."

The more you talk about it, the more I feel that this busyness is a bit unusual.

But there are outsiders at home, and Qingyin's mother was too embarrassed to ask carefully. After a few polite sentences, she carried her bag and prepared to go back to work: "Then you continue to study, I have to go back to work soon." Qingyin mother waved: "Wait for the weekend. I invite you to dinner, thank you very much."

Fatty Wang smiled and sent Qingyin's mother all the way to the door. After closing the door, he was tired and relieved.

Turning back to the living room, seeing that Jiang Wei was ready to continue the class, Fatty Wang hurriedly squeezed between the two and asked a question: "Master, do your family know about your fortune-telling?"

"I definitely don't know!" Lin Qingyin said of course: "They never asked me."

Fatty Wang looked at Lin Qingyin's black-and-white eyes and a natural expression, feeling very tired: "Then have you ever thought about what if your mother finds out that you are giving someone a fortune-telling?"

Fatty Wang said with a serious face: "I gave fortune-telling to others as a family heir. The main reason is that I didn't study well and didn't go to university. After graduation, I went out to work and paid very little. You think I'm a second generation. I have For six suites, my monthly rent is enough to feed a family. Why should I work hard to earn those two thousand dollars? Why don’t I go out and give someone a fortune-telling! I’m happy if it makes money, but can’t I make money? Even if there are people chatting and making fun of you, it is better than staying at home. Master, but you are different from me!"

Lin Qingyin looked at him vigorously: "Why am I different? Just because I don't have six suites?"

Fatty Wang smiled angrily at Lin Qingyin's focus: "Do you have one?"

Lin Qingyin's anger suddenly collapsed: "I don't have..."

"That's not enough." Fatty Wang said helplessly: "In fact, the point is not on the house. I have nothing to do after graduation. The family thinks that as long as I go out and do something, it's better than staying at home, but you are different!" Fatty Wang clicked on the book on the table: "Although the chat with your mother was very short just now, you can see that she attaches great importance to your study. Although you did not expect you to be the top pick in the college entrance examination like Jiang Wei, right? But she definitely hopes you can get into a good university."

"I know!" Lin Qingyin nodded depressed: "If it weren't for college entrance, I wouldn't let Jiang Wei make up classes for me. In fact, I think it's good to go to New Oriental to learn cooking. I checked it all on my mobile phone. There are a lot of things taught there, Cantonese, Shandong, Huaiyang..."

Fatty Wang regretted answering the question about where chef Lin Qingyin graduated yesterday. He didn't expect Lin Qingyin's ambitions to be so different! How did you think about going to New Oriental to learn cooking? It's better to start the Feng Shui system in Hong Kong, at least it is no problem to graduate.

Finding that his focus was missed by Lin Qingyin, Fatty Wang directly summarized the key to her: "If you go out for fortune-telling, your mother must be worried that you will delay studying, and..." He scratched his face a little entangled. , I don’t know if the question I’m asking is guilty of the taboo of the little master.

When Lin Qingyin saw him, he understood what he was trying to say: "You mean my mother would ask me who I learned this skill from?"

Fatty Wang nodded in relief: "After all, there are relatively few fortune-telling ancestors like me."

Lin Qingyin glanced at him, and was embarrassed to say how good he was, but the problem Wang Fatty said should be thought about. In fact, Lin Qingyin didn't think so much when she first went out to give fortune-telling. She only had the idea of making money to buy spiritual jade for cultivating. However, she has been dealing with people a lot recently, and she also knows to consider the ideas of her parents and family.

Fortune-telling is a must. The wish of taking care of her parents to complete the college entrance examination for the original owner is of course important, but her practice cannot be given up.

Lin Qingyin thought for a moment and felt that if her mother really found out, it would be fine, and she would save herself worrying about how to give them the money. The most important thing now is the issue of inheritance...

Outsiders are concerned that her calculations are not smooth, but family members will ask her where she learned

"If I say this is my talent, would you believe it?"

Fatty Wang looked at her hard to say: "What do you think?"

"But that's the truth." Lin Qingyin said very naturally: "For example, if I asked you to show Jiang Wei, what can you see?" After a pause, Lin Qingyin emphasized: "To be honest, don't talk. Your foolish words."

Fatty Wang stared at Jiang Wei for a few moments: "Long looks handsome."

Jiang Weimei patted Fatty Wang on the shoulder, showing that the two brothers looked good: "Fat brother, although I know you are good at it, I didn't expect you to have good eyesight."

Fatty Wang reached out and patted Jiang Wei's hand off: "Listen to the little master."

"I can see his good fortune, and the bright red and yellow breath hovering in the palace of life, I can see his longevity. I can also tell from everyone's face whether his parents are healthy, when he married a wife, and Several children..." Lin Qingyin said with a faint expression: "I can see people's luck. Even if Jiang Wei sat so far away that day, I could see that he was enveloped by bad luck, so I specifically called him over."

"I'm going! Did you open the sky eyes?" Fatty Wang leaned over and looked at Lin Qingyin's eyes vigorously: "Hey, I seem to have discovered something special. The little master's eyes are especially clear and watery. "

Lin Qingyin looked at him speechlessly: "You are at this level."

Fatty Wang touched his head uneasily, and took an awkward step back: "Little Master, you continue to say."

"Besides, I have a natural understanding of fortune-telling and feng shui." Lin Qingyin said as he brought the book in Wang Fatty's hand: "You have been stumbled on memorizing this book, and I can remember it by just reading it once. The content inside can be used in practice without being taught by others."

Hearing these words, Fatty Wang suddenly felt as if he was pretending to be a lemon essence, and he became sore from the inside out: "Little Master, your talent is too good, it will not give us ordinary people a way to survive."

"You know that this kind of taste that others can easily get you but doesn't have." Lin Qingyin looked at him with a smile, and suddenly his voice turned cold, and his face stunned him: "So you won't talk about it after you have six houses. "

Jiang Wei slapped the table and laughed. Fatty Wang raised his hand and surrendered and laughed. Finally he couldn't help asking, "Little Master, what you just said is true?"

Lin Qingyin looked serious: "It's true, I lied to you and didn't make any money."

Fatty Wang sighed depressed, holding the book and then retracted onto the sofa and began to recite.

Lin Qingyin watched Fatty Wang didn't doubt his words, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

In fact, she didn't tell lies. She practiced immortal law and was a person of magic calculation. It was the simplest thing to see people's luck with the naked eye. What I said later is also true. There are many people with talents in cultivation, but very few have talents in mathematics at the same time. Otherwise, she would not be spotted by the divine mathematics gate. The head was chosen as his heir.

No one dared to compare her talent in mathematics.

What she concealed was only her birth year.

Lin Qingyin's gaze fell on the book in Wang Fatty's hand, and she decided to make some "inheritance" by herself: "Fatty, you can buy me some pens, inks, papers and inkstones this afternoon. The paper should not be too white, it will take some years old. Kind of."

Recently, in addition to walking around and dancing square dancing, the grandparents in the Civic Park have an extra hobby, which is to get together and talk about the little master.

People have a herd mentality, especially for the elderly, otherwise the health care brands would not just fool them. At first, it was a bit embarrassing to ask Fatty Wang to make a fortune-telling appointment. For example, I wanted to make a crucial decision but hesitated. I wanted to let the master see what went wrong at home, but the reason for the fortune-telling later. There are so many different kinds of things, and some even think that they can't keep up with the trend if they don't count.

Those who came to fortune-telling would come to watch the excitement. As soon as I saw the little master's fortune-telling, my heart was even more exciting. Seeing so many people pursuing the little master, those who have been fortune-telling and fulfilling are also willing to share their experiences, especially Aunt Wang, who calculated the happy event last time, can’t wait for the world to announce it for the little master, and take a bus to get to the back. The young man talked all the way, and the young man who listened was dumbfounded.

More and more people are looking for fortune-telling from the little master, but what is depressing is that the little master does not come every day, but fortunately, the little master said that there is a particularly urgent thing to tell Wang Hu, and she can do the calculation alone at other times.

Lin Qingyin wakes up on time at three o'clock in the morning every day to practice, and usually cultivates until around eight o'clock, but if he goes out for fortune-telling, he can only practice until five o'clock.

It was another day for fortune-telling. Lin Qingyin took a few minutes to wash, and went out on time at 5:10.

Qingyin's mother has been muttering about Lin Qingyin's help for Jiang Wei a little bit. How big a favor is to make a college entrance examination champion come to home every day to make up lessons. Qingyin’s mother converted the market price, and if she was paid properly, one day’s supplementary tuition would be enough for her one month’s salary.

She was also a little curious about Lin Qingyin's frequent trips early in the morning. Before that, Qingyin only said to go to the Civic Park, but didn't tell her why she went so early.

Listening to the gentle closing of the door, Qingyin's mother, who had been waiting for two days, sat up from the bed and quickly washed and brushed her teeth and changed clothes. When she went out, Lin Qingyin was no longer visible.

Qingyin's mother heard that Lin Qingyin was going to the Civic Park, so she didn't look elsewhere, and went straight to the park. At the end of August, the weather will be slightly cooler in the morning. Older people feel less, and they like to go to the park in the morning to exercise their muscles and bones.

As soon as Qingyin's mother came in, she was infected by these people, some of them danced square dances, some did exercises, and some walked and jogged. She watched the people around her walking fast with riveting strength and arms, she couldn't help but join them, wondering which corner of the park Lin Qingyin was at this time anyway, and she might see them as soon as she walked with them. Up.

Not long after they left, Qingyin's mother found that more and more people were joining the fast-walking team. Some people even ran on the walk, yelling, hurry up! Someone was anxious with this call, and the fast-going team quickly turned into a trot, and it was especially lively when you chased me.

This positive sportsmanship is really good! No wonder these grandfathers and aunts look so tough!

The voiceless mother was motivated and walked fast, even thinking that she would walk around every other time in the future, so that she would not be dragged down by her age and health.

"Already here, hurry up!" Suddenly I didn't know who yelled. Qingyin's mother saw that the people next to her hulled and surrounded a huge old tree not far away. She just hesitated for a while. After two times, I saw that all the people behind her had passed her and ran hard towards the ancient tree.

"Oh, it's late today, I don't know if I can squeeze in front." Qingyin mother heard an annoyed voice, she turned her head to see an aunt who was running and chattering depressedly: "I forgot to look at the phone yesterday. , I don’t know if Little Master is coming today, or I’ll be waiting here at four o’clock!"

Little master? ?

Qingyin's mother frowned suspiciously. Why does this name sound so familiar

Before I could understand, Qingyin's mother followed the crowd to the bottom of the ancient tree. At this time, the people who came first had already sat down beside them with experience, leaving a passage for those who came to fortune telling.

The voiceless mother stretched her head and took a look, and suddenly froze!

Her daughter was actually sitting under the tree, and a group of people greeted her cheerfully and called her little master.

Qingyin's mother slapped her, and suddenly remembered it, no wonder the name was so familiar, that's how Jiang Wei called Lin Qingyin that day.

Girl, what are you doing sitting here? You want to be a fairy! ! !

Although Qingyin’s mother was shocked and wanted to drag Lin Qingyin over to ask what was wrong, she still held back when she saw so many people sitting next to her. She looked around and found a place where there were more people sitting cross-legged like others. On the ground.

Although Qingyin's mother does not have a high degree of diploma, and has never read education books, she uses the simplest knowledge to get along with her children. She wants to give her children face outside, and listen to what the children think about everything, as long as the children don't want to talk. She would never ask about the matter, so as not to embarrass the child. So although she was shocked by the scene before her, she still subconsciously found a place to hide, so as not to embarrass her daughter.

Sitting on the grass and looking at her daughter surrounded by a group of people, Qingyin's mother felt a little bit big. She guessed that there are many possibilities for Lin Qingyin to go out in the morning, and even thought that she might be working to earn pocket money, but she guessed it was some odd jobs such as delivering milk and delivering newspapers, but she never expected Lin Qingyin to choose. Fortune telling this way!

"Will she really count?!!!"

Qingyin's mother couldn't help but whispered. The aunt who was shaking the fan next to her heard it and gave her an unwilling look: "Are you the first to come here?"

Qingyin mother said "Ah" and realized that the person next to her was talking to herself.

"I originally planned to come to the park for activities and activities. Just now I saw a lot of people running here and followed me. I didn't expect that they would come to see fortune tellers."

"No wonder you didn't know the name of the little master, it turned out to be the first time to come." The aunt raised her head proudly: "I've been here twice."

Voiceless mother: "... ???"

What's so proud of, sister? Are you trying to tell me that you are too busy

Lin Qingyin always feels that the fortune-tellers here are not normal, but then again, whoever is normal would find a half-old child for fortune-telling!

While muttering in her heart, the voiceless mother watched as an old lady took out a pile of money and handed it to her daughter: "Little master, I want to figure out whether the child in my daughter-in-law’s belly is a grandson? You tell me, my family. But it's a single pass for three generations."

Lin Qingyin looked up at her, threw the pile of money back, and said coldly: "This kind of problem doesn't count, the next one!"

The aunt had an aggrieved expression. As soon as she was about to speak, she was stunned by the uncles and aunts who watched the excitement next to her: "The country has stipulated that it is forbidden to identify the sex of a baby!"

"That's it, when is it patriarchal, it makes people laugh at it."

"You come to ask about this, does your daughter-in-law know? You are not afraid of her quarreling with you."


The aunt was embarrassed with the money and left, and the old couple who was in the second line pulled up and walked up: "Master, we want to find someone, don't know if it counts?"

Lin Qingyin's eyes stayed on the faces of the two for a few seconds, and he said, "You have two sons hit. From the aspect of face, the eldest son is weak, but the eldest son is missing?"

"Yes, yes, yes! My eldest son was lost when he was five years old. After looking for a year, he couldn't find me before he gave birth to the second child." The old lady nodded excitedly, turned around and slapped the old man: "I Just say that the master is accurate."

At this time, the old man didn't care about carrying it with the old lady. He was nervous and scared and asked, "Can you find it?"

Lin Qingyin: "Are there characters and photos?"

The old lady had prepared things early, and the written note not only had the horoscopes of her lost son, but also the horoscopes of their old couple and their youngest son. Several photos were taken, in addition to the photos of the eldest son from one to five years old, as well as the current family portrait.

Fatty Wang took a probe and looked at the old lady with a smile: "You have prepared enough."

The old lady replied very seriously: "I have been preparing since the day you hit the number one in the row. Prepare more things, the master can see more clearly, isn't it?"

Lin Qingyin looked through all the photos, then glanced at the family's horoscopes, and suddenly asked, "Did your little son go to the south these days?"

"Yes!" The old man stood up sharply from the horse: "I left the day before yesterday. I went to Hong Kong, and I will be back tomorrow."

Lin Qingyin nodded: "You give your youngest son a call and tell him that when you meet someone you are chatting with in the mountains, you might as well ask a few more questions, maybe you will be surprised."

The old couple looked at each other in surprise and quickly took out their mobile phone to call their son. The fortune-telling man who was anxious next to him did not rush when he saw it, and stared at the old couple nervously.

"Xiaohui? Did you go to any mountain today?" The old man asked nervously and waited for a reply. After a few seconds, he nodded in surprise to his wife: "I said I was on Lantau Island in Hong Kong. I went there yesterday afternoon."

The old lady stomped her feet in a hurry. She snatched the phone from the old man's ink, and said with a crackle: "Xiaohui, I found a master today to take care of your brother's business. The master said, if you are on the mountain Whenever you come to chat, ask more about the situation at home, maybe it's your lost brother."

Li Hui on the other end of the phone covered his forehead and shook his head very helplessly. He agreed twice and hung up the phone.

"These old couples are really true." Li Hui and the man opposite complained: "I will go out for fortune-telling as soon as I'm at home, and let me ask more questions when I see people, maybe I can meet my lost brother. Isn't this nonsense?"

The person on the other side said in Mandarin with a Hong Kong accent: "People here also believe this. We like to count the big and small things! What's more, it's such a big thing to lose a child, so naturally you have to try your luck. Up."

"That's what I said." Li Hui sighed a little melancholy: "It's just that my brother has been lost for 30 years. If he wanted to recognize each other, he would have found him back. But I dare not say this to my parents. The old couple are obsessed with it! My family used to live in the factory staff’s family building. My house had a small yard on the first floor. The yard of other people’s houses was either a barnhouse or something like a house to plant some jujube and pomegranate trees. In autumn, there are many fruits. I can’t finish eating any food. There is nothing in my yard. My dad made the yard taller and shorter. He said it was my brother’s favorite war game when he was a kid. This is the battlefield between him and my dad. One person commanded a group of tanks, and simulated the battle every day. The day my brother got lost was because the small tank in his pocket when he and my mother went on the street didn’t know how it fell. My mother said to take him after the meal. Looking for it, I found that the door of the yard was open after I finished cooking. My brother didn't know where he was going."

Li Hui wiped the corners of his eyes, his voice was a bit astringent: "Later the factory closed down, and our area was going to be demolished to build a shopping mall. My father and mother cried to death and said that if my brother came back, he would not be able to find a home and could not eat. It’s the pomegranate from Aunt Liu’s house next door." Li Hui said with a bitter smile: "The pomegranate at Aunt Liu’s house is so sour, we don’t like it. I don’t believe my brother likes to eat it."

Li Hui talked about it for a long time, and when he finished speaking, he realized that the man opposite looked a little weird. Then he realized that his emotions were a little out of control just now: "Sorry, Mr. Zhang, for talking about so many trivial things at home, you laughed. Up."

"Li Hui? Your surname is Li, right!" Mr. Zhang was a little incoherent: "Is your father also surnamed Li?"

Li Hui gave him a surprised look, and said dumbfounded: "Of course my last name is Li. I am my father's own son."

"Is your family living in the dormitory of the textile factory?" Mr. Zhang was a little excited and a little upset: "But I can't remember where my house is, nor can I remember the names of my parents. I don't even have my name. I know, I just remember my mother calling me Dabao."

Li Hui opened his eyes sharply, and the two of them faced each other. Mr. Zhang's voice was a little trembling: "You tell me, I was abducted when I was a child, and was taken to several places until I was taken by my adoptive father. Hong Kong has settled down."

He looked at Li Hui with tears in his eyes: "I have too few memories of childhood, but I always remember the scene when my father and I were lying in the yard and charged together when I was young. My mother said that there was not a single child in the entire textile factory. It costs me like I wear clothes."

Li Hui swallowed his saliva, and a little sluggishly recalled what the old couple said when they called. He asked people who came to talk to him. Maybe he could find his lost brother? ! !

Which great immortal is this for? The brother who has been looking for 30 years unexpectedly ran into this? This is too weird!

Li Hui didn’t know what to say. He quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket. Last year, the old lady said that the old photos at home were all yellow and wrinkled. I sent it to remake and processed it, and there happened to be an electronic version of the processed photo in my phone.

Mr. Zhang earnestly looked at the photo retaken on Li Hui’s phone. It took several minutes to look at each photo. One of them was a child and father lying in a bumpy yard. Although both of them were ashamed, their faces were hanging. The brightest smile.

Mr. Zhang's fingers lightly traversed the faces of the two people in the photo, and finally fell on the house behind them-----On the windowsill was a pot of very lush spider plant, tied with the spider plant Colorful little flowers.

"Mom, why doesn't our spider plant bloom? It doesn't look good at all!"

"Then let's make some florets for spider plants, okay?"

"A lot of colors, red, green, blue, pink, and black!"

"Whose flowers are black?"

"Our family!"

The vague memory gradually became clear, the mother's laughter seemed to be in his ears, and Mr. Zhang's tears fell as he looked at the distinctive black flower on the spider plant.

"Li Hui, when did you book your ticket? I want to go home with you!"

"Seagrass Seagrass... Swaying in the wind... Seagrass Seagrass... Dancing in the waves..."

The deafening cell phone ringing rang, and the onlookers watching the little master’s fortune-telling attentively followed the voice with a bit of dissatisfaction. The wife looked over.

The old lady hurriedly turned the phone out of her bag. When the others saw this, they looked back and turned to look at the little master, but Lin Qingyin looked at the old couple without speaking.

"Xiaohui! What did you find? He said his name is Dabao? Yes, yes! That's Dabao! You quickly see if there is a red birthmark on his left butt, like a cloud!"

The old lady had forgotten the people around her, her voice was eight degrees high while holding the phone in both hands, and her tears flowed out: "What? He won't let you take off his pants?! This bear kid!"

I don't know what the other person said, the old lady was crying and laughing again, and it took a long time to put the phone down.

The neighborhood was quiet, or the old man reacted first, his lips trembled and asked, "What did Xiaohui say?"

"Xiaohui said they will be back tomorrow, and said..." The old lady looked at the old man and smiled with tears on her face: "Dabao asks, do you remember'learn from Li Xiangyang and resolutely not surrender'? He said you lost the last battle. Yes, I haven't bought the new tank that I owe him yet!"

The old man also laughed. This was his favorite nursery rhyme when he played war games with his son.

With a ridiculous smile, the two started crying, their son who had been lost for 30 years, finally found!

The people next to them watched and wiped their tears. A group of people went up and handed them paper towels to bless them. The two of them cried for a long time, and the stones they had pressed for many years were also removed. They really did not expect that a child who had lost thirty years would use this The method has been found, it is simply too hard to imagine.

The old couple wiped their tears, and they took out all the money in their pockets with a tacit understanding and collected seven or eight hundred.

"Master, thank you so much, we didn't bring much money today, we will send it again tomorrow!"

Lin Qingyin stretched out his hand and pushed the money back: "One thousand fortune-telling is enough, and you don’t need me to solve disasters, and you don’t need to give extra money. Moreover, although your relationship with your eldest son is shallow, it has not been cut off, even today. Find me for fortune-telling, you will have other chances to recognize each other in the future."

"Then I don't know when we have to wait. We are all in our sixties, but we really can't afford to wait!" The old lady laughed with tears in her eyes: "No matter what, you are our old master. The great benefactor of the Li family, tomorrow my Dabao and his brother will be back by plane. At that time, our family will have a drink and treat and go to the best restaurant. You will help us to witness."

Lin Qingyin was a little tangled when he heard the words: "The best restaurant? But I haven't finished my homework yet!"

Old lady: "..."

Onlookers: "..."

Fatty Wang already knows Lin Qingyin's food-loving nature very well, knowing that she wants to go immediately and offer suggestions: "Let Jiang Wei write, anyway, he has written so much for you, and it's not bad for the remaining ones. "

Voiceless mother: "!!!"

The old couple left with great gratitude, Lin Qingyin put away his mind and gave the last one to continue the fortune-telling. At this time, the onlookers beside him were a little unable to sit still, whispering to discuss the scene just now.

"Speaking of which, the little master has saved several families since he called this fortune teller."

"Isn't it? The little policeman surnamed Ma had just finished his early surgery for stomach cancer. He didn't even need chemotherapy and he could be discharged from the hospital in a few days. Fortunately, the little master reminded him. Like it is now, so fast."

"And the old Jiang family, what's the bad luck of his family? The company went bankrupt, the factory closed down, and the villas and cars were sold. His grandson slipped and fainted on the way to the defense and almost failed to graduate. If it weren’t for the little master to see that the problem was solved for his family, how could his family go so smoothly now! I think Aunt Jiang has been very energetic recently, saying that his son’s business is booming again."

Jiang family

Qingyin's mother turned her head and asked the aunt who claimed to have been watching twice: "Do they say that the Jiang family has a college entrance examination champion?"

"Yes, it's Jiang Wei. He invited the little master home."

Qingyin's mother now understands. No wonder Jiang Wei comes to his house every day to volunteer Lin Qingyin to make up lessons. No wonder he helps Lin Qingyin with his homework in addition to making up lessons. No wonder he brings his own fruits in addition to homework for make up lessons. Where can I help? Busy!

Qingyin's mother felt that it was her daughter who asked Jiang Wei to take the exam for her. Maybe Jiang Wei would be happy!

Seeing her daughter sitting in the crowd talking and talking, Qingyin's mother felt very complicated. When did she learn fortune telling? Why didn't she know at all


The voiceless mother covered her face: "It seems to be accurate, I want to calculate it!"

"If you want to find the little master, you have to make an appointment from the fat master." The aunt next to it pointed to the Wang Fatty: "But I heard that there are more people making appointments now, and they are all scheduled for two months. If you have an urgent matter, you can make an appointment in advance. Tell Master Fat, he arranges time alone, but this kind of cost 15 thousand and five."

Qingyin's mother is in a very complicated mood. It is quite expensive to find her daughter for fortune-telling, and it will cost her half a month's salary.

After calculating the divination for the last person, Lin Qingyin stood up and walked towards her mother. In fact, Lin Qingyin saw it when her mother followed the crowd, but when she saw her mother sneaking and acting like a thief, she didn't say anything.

When everyone saw Lin Qingyin coming over, they were all excited to get up from the ground, and they were as excited as the fans when they met their idols. When the voiceless mother saw that she was about to slip away, she found her daughter was looking at her, and she could only stand up desperately.

"Mom, are you resting today? Then let's go home together."

The aunt next to Lin Qingyin looked at Lin Qingyin, and looked at Qingyin's mother in disbelief, with a deceived angrily expression: "You tell me you are here for the first time."

Qingyin's mother smiled awkwardly: "This is indeed the first time here."

"You also asked my little master whether the fortune-telling works!"

"She didn't count it for me!"

The aunt looked at Lin Qingyin, gritted her teeth and stomped her mother Qingyin's arm: "For the sake of answering your questions, you can discuss with the little master for me and let me join the team."

Qingyin mother: "The price of jumping in line is 1,500, you told me just now!"

Aunt: "..."

What kind of mouth was I just now!

Qingyin's mother followed her daughter back home in a complicated mood. As soon as she walked in and waited for her mother to ask questions, Lin Qingyin repeated the words she had said to Fatty Wang with her mother again, and returned to the room to take out the secret book she had written by herself.

Qingyin's mother looked through it carefully, not only did she not recognize the words inside, but she couldn't even understand the pattern: "What's all this written?"

Lin Qingyin pointed to a line casually and read a few sentences.

Voiceless mother: "I don't understand."

"If you don't understand, it's right." Lin Qingyin coughed lightly, and said very naturally: "You don't have the talent."

Qingyin's mother agrees with this. When she was in school, her grades were mediocre. How could it be such an obscure thing.


Qingyin’s mother asked entangledly: “If you teach this by yourself, why do you suddenly remember