Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 22: showdown


Lin Qingyin was thrown back to the room in a dingy manner. Qingyin's mother looked at the piles of money in the bag and felt complicated. How many people had to fortune-telling to earn so much money.

Qingyin’s mother originally only took a half-day off, and now she doesn’t have to go to work. The top priority is to call Qingyin’s father back to discuss the opening of the shop.

The voiceless father Lin Xu works in a chemical company during the day and works part-time as a takeaway brother after get off work. Chemical companies are not allowed to bring mobile phones into the production area. Qingyin’s mother rarely calls him when he is at work, and only calls the office when there is a special emergency, and the office staff yells.

The working hours of the chemical plant are very early, and I will arrive at the work unit at about 6:30, and will enter the workshop before 7 o'clock. Although labor intensity is great, wages are much higher than other companies.

In the workshop, Lin Xu was stuffing his head to pour raw materials into the machine, and the office worker hurried over and shouted Lin Xu: "Your wife is calling you in a hurry, so you can call me back."

Lin Xu sank in his heart and quickly put down the bucket in his hand. While nervously guessing whether something was wrong at home, he ran fast, almost sprinting at a speed of 100 meters to the worker's locker room, and hurriedly took the key to open it. The cabinet took the phone out, and his heart beat violently at the moment he dialed the number.

The phone dialed out, two three beeps, the longer Lin Xu’s heartbeat became faster, when he wanted to hang up and dial again, the call was connected, and noisy voices came from the phone, Lin Xu Hearing the voiceless mother said a bit far away: "Two catties of fried dough sticks cost one dollar soymilk, soymilk will be directly put in a thermos for me..." Then the voice became clear: "Lao Lin, you go home quickly."

Lin Xu's heart is still high. The family's conditions are not good. The couple basically don't ask for leave unless it is about Lin Qingyin. After all, asking for leave will not only deduct wages but also affect bonuses. But on the other side of the phone, it didn't look like something was going on.

Lin Xu pursed his dry lips: "What happened to the voiceless voice?"

Qingyin's mother seemed to be a little tangled and afraid that others would hear her, she said in a low voice: "You ask for leave and come back. Don't worry on the way, pay attention to safety."

Although his wife said don't worry, Lin Xu still had a numb scalp. After taking a day off with the production manager, he hurried home on an electric bike and ran up to the third floor without stopping.

He seemed to hear his voice in the room. Lin Xu opened the door before he even got the key. Qingyin's mother groaned him distressedly when he saw his sweaty face, "Don't worry if I told you. "

Lin Xu entered the house confused, Lin Qingyin held a fried dough stick in his hand and waved at him: "Dad, are you back?"

Lin Xu glanced at his daughter and then at his wife, feeling very puzzled: "What the hell do you want me to come back? You have to deduct a lot of money for a day off!"

Qingyin's mother did not go in circles, and directly handed the paper bag Lin Qingyin had given to Lin Xu: "The girl gave 200,000 yuan, let us resign and go home to open a small shop."

Lin Xu stared at the piles of big red money inside, his legs softened and he almost knelt down: "Where did the girl get so much money? Is it another scholarship?"

Speaking of the source of the money, Qingyin's mother's expression is very complicated: "The girl went out to make a fortune-telling."

"Huh?" Lin Xu hurriedly reached out and drew out his ears, squatting: "I have tinnitus just now, you say it again, I didn't hear it clearly."

Qingyin's mother repeated it again, word by word: "Qingyin went out to tell someone fortune-telling and made 200,000 yuan!"

Lin Xu opened his mouth in shock at the amount of information in this sentence, and looked at the girl who was eating dough sticks beside him in disbelief, always feeling as if he was dreaming.

Is there too little sleep time recently and hallucinations

How could he not know that his daughter could tell fortunes!

Lin Qingyin swallowed the fritters in his mouth and seriously corrected: "Mom, I didn't have time to say it just now. I kept the fortune-telling money by myself, and the 200,000 yuan was the reward for choosing a house for others."

Lin Xu hadn't recovered from the shock of the fortune-telling, and was disturbed by the words Yinzhai: "Yinzhai? Cemetery, then you can't give people random elections, it's easy to get into trouble! How about the family?"

Lin Qingyin estimated the time, and said calmly: "It's pretty good, it's probably going to be bankrupt soon!"

Lin Xu was dizzy and almost fell, and there was a bit of crying in his voice: "Girlfriend, you are a scam! Will you go to jail?"

Qingyin's mother was also a little dazed by the amount of information, but she had already learned about Lin Qingyin's fortune-telling level in the morning, and felt that her daughter must have done this for her reasons.

Lin Qingyin picked up a fried dough stick and dipped it with soy milk and took a bite. He shook his legs happily. The taste was really good.

"That greedy family was scammed and sold the ancestral grave to a terrible place. Some people have already died for this." Lin Qingyin said lightly: "I helped him break the predicament, and helped them choose the ones that can bless the offspring. A healthy feng shui treasure."

Lin Xu's father felt a little confused: "Then why go bankrupt again?"

"Wealth fortune in exchange for human lives naturally has backlash." Lin Qingyin looked at Lin Xu who was a little worried, and said helplessly: "Don't worry, the family knows that their family will go bankrupt, and they thank me in their hearts! "

As soon as the voice fell, the mobile phone on the table rang, Lin Qingyin pressed the release button, and he heard Zhang Wu’s joyous voice from the other end of the mobile phone: "Little master, my company broke out a product problem today. I want to talk about it. Several contracts have become yellow, and all previously signed orders have been cancelled. I guess my company is dead!"

Lin Xu: "..."

Are you so happy when it's over?

Zhang Wu: "Thank you! You are our great benefactor!"

Lin Xu: "..."

We don’t understand the rich world.

Zhang Wu repeatedly thanked him and hung up the phone. Lin Xu's eyes changed when he saw Lin Qingyin: This is brainwashing for others, and it sounds crazy!

Lin Qingyin was sent back to the room to do his homework after eating and not waiting to rest. Qingyin's mother retelled what she had seen in the park in the morning to Lin Xu while tidying up the house.

Lin Xu looked at the money in the bag and then at the wife on the opposite side: "Is my girl really so accurate?"

The voiceless mother nodded heavily: "Don't talk about anything else, let's just say that the person is looking for someone. Our girl can figure out where the person is by looking at the characters and photos. It's amazing. Don't talk about others, just let me see. I’m very excited now, and I especially want to find a girl."

Lin Xu looked at the money in the bag with some worry: "Then we really go to open a store? We won't lose all our girls' money?"

"No!" Qingyin's mother handed the jade pendant Lin Qingyin had given to Lin Xu: "It was given by the girl, and we won't be so unlucky after wearing it. From now on, we will leave the girl's affairs to the girl's and will never lose money. !"

Lin Xu took the jade pendant and put it on his neck. He didn't know if it was affected by his heart. After wearing it, he didn't feel that sleepy anymore.

Qingyin mother touched the same jade pendant on her chest, and said seriously: "Our Qingyin said, let us open a small shop near the community. You see, we two have done two jobs alone in the past two years. Not to mention, I can’t see things at home at all. The voiceless start of the second year of high school, the pressure of study is more than that of the first year of high school, learning can’t help, let’s do the logistics work well. She doesn’t like to eat when I cook. From now on, you will cook for her at home, and don't let our family be hungry and full again."

Dad Qingyin always fails in business, and there is already a psychological shadow: "What kind of business do we open a store?"

"Said Qingyin, open a small shop to sell some sorbet and fruits." Qingyin's mother looked into the room and said in a low voice: "I found that Qingyin is very interested in eating recently. She likes to eat more. The things are right.

"Okay, I listen to you." Lin Xu nodded heavily: "I'll go to the unit to resign."

Qingyin's mother wrapped the bag and handed it to Lin Xu: "You go and deposit the money in the bank first. I am uneasy about keeping so much cash at home."

Lin Xu took the money and went out. Qingyin's mother told Qingyin to go to the work unit to complete the resignation procedures. Jiang Wei and Wang Fatty came just when they were about to go out.

After finishing the fortune this morning, Lin Qingyin and his mother went home together. Fatty Wang guessed that the mother and daughter must have a chat, so he went to Jiang Wei's house and had breakfast. He estimated that it was almost time before calling Jiang Wei to come together.

Qingyin's mother already knew what was going on with Fatty Wang and Jiang Wei, and seeing them was not as nervous as before. Letting the two in, Qingyin’s mother hurried to the kitchen and washed the fruit on the coffee table, and then called Lin Qingyin out of the room with some worry, "You are not allowed to let Jiang Wei do your homework for you, do you know?"

Lin Qingyin glanced at Fatty Wang for a day, and nodded dejectedly: "I remember."

Jiang Wei was almost torn his mouth by the surprise that fell from the sky. Did happiness come so suddenly? You know he never wrote so many words after graduating from high school! Auntie, you are more kissable than my real mother! ! !

After Qingyin's mother told Lin Qingyin, she looked at Jiang Wei again, and said softly, "Jiang Wei, I really trouble you, and I have to trouble you to help Qingyin make up lessons."

Jiang Wei: "Hahaha, it should be!"

Qingyin mother: "Next time Qingyin will ask you to help her with her homework, don't pay attention to her, let her do it herself."

Jiang Wei: "Hahahahaha! Must must!"

Hahaha, I can't control how to break it! !

Now that he had to do his own homework, he had to pause the remedial class first. Lin Qingyin took out the remaining homework and textbooks and put them on the table, looking for answers from the textbooks corresponding to the homework.

Although Jiang Wei is a high school student, he prefers science subjects and is obsessed with the refreshing feeling of solving a complicated problem. On the contrary, subjects such as politics, geography, and history that focus on memorization rarely get full marks. Jiang Wei used to look through the books to find answers when he was doing homework on these subjects when he was in school. Although he was not proficient in memorizing, he still knew exactly where the knowledge points were in the book, so he usually turned a few times. You can find what you want to see on the page.

Jiang Wei thought that Lin Qingyin should be similar to himself, but Lin Qingyin frowned as he watched the homework for a long time.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Wei probed over and glanced at it. Lin Qingyin was looking at the multiple-choice questions on the geography test paper in a daze: "How long is this holiday? You have forgotten everything you learned? You can find the answer in the book. If it doesn't work, just flip the book."

After Jiang Wei finished speaking, he was a little worried. The little master looked at a very smart person. Why is his memory so bad

Lin Qingyin looked up at Jiang Wei, put down the pen and returned to the room. After a while, Jiang Wei saw Lin Qingyin take out a tortoise shell. Jiang Wei and Fatty Wang are very familiar with this turtle shell. Recently, the little master always likes to put this turtle shell in his hand. It seems that it is much brighter than before in just a few days.

Rubbing the tortoise shell in her hand, Lin Qingyin circled the room a few times, and finally found six one-yuan coins from the drawer. Jiang Wei and Fatty Wang looked at Lin Qingyin until she put the coin in the drawer. In the turtle shell...

I don't know if it is an illusion, they vaguely seemed to hear a cry with some grievances.

Lin Qingyin sat back, looked at the first question, then shook the tortoise shell, six coins fell on the table, Lin Qingyin glanced at the coins, and then wrote a B in the parentheses of the first question on the test paper. .

Jiang Wei: "..."

Fatty Wang: "..."

Lin Qingyin shook his hexagram while doing the questions, and quickly finished the multiple-choice questions on the first page. Seeing that the second major question was judgment, Lin Qingyin was even happier. He didn't even need a turtle shell and just threw a coin. The opposite is wrong.

Jiang Wei looked dazzled, and only felt that his brain was blank except for the sound of Ding Ling Dang Cang. Having been a schoolmaster for more than ten years, it was the first time he saw someone do this.

The key is…

After flipping the book and getting the answer right, Jiang Wei knocked on the table, and he was all right!

Why can even a coin be a multiple-choice question!

After finishing the previous questions, Lin Qingyin was taken aback while looking at the following question and answer. Jiang Wei probed his eyes and he was relieved, choosing and judging you can fortune, but short answer questions are nothing, but coins are no way. Help you write down the answers on paper.

Unexpectedly, Lin Qingyin only paused for a while and then picked up the tortoise shell. After a while, she suddenly picked up the geography book and turned to page 73. Jiang Wei couldn't help standing up and looking at the book. The content of that page was impressive. The answer to that short answer question.

Jiang Wei: "...!!!"

Tell me how did the coin tell you which page the answer is on

Jiang Wei looked a little disintegrated as Lin Qingyin quickly copied the answer and picked up the tortoise shell, and then found the answer to the next question accurately. Looking at Fatty Wang who was also stunned next to him, Jiang Wei hit him with his arm with a look of doubt on his face: "Fat brother, how did the little master know where the page number is?"

Fatty Wang glanced at him for nothing, "If I know this, I will become a master too!"

There were only five short-answer questions, and Lin Qingyin soon copied the answers and put the written test paper aside, only to find that the two people in the room looked at him strangely.

"Little Master..." Jiang Wei sighed bitterly: "You are not so good, aren't you?"

Lin Qingyin raised her head and looked at her: "What's wrong? Isn't the teacher allowed?"

Jiang Wei gave her a look, but the teacher never said not to...

But the teacher did not expect that some students would shake the hexagram to calculate the answer! !

Fatty Wang squeezed the pulpy Jiang Wei from Sanguan to one side, and he was especially diligent in flattering and offering suggestions: "The little master is really accurate in shaking his hexagrams, but it is too cold and mixed with coins. I know that there is an antique street that sells everything. Yes, why not go there and choose some old coins."

Lin Qingyin's heart suddenly moved when she heard this, and she stretched out her hand to pick up the tortoise shell and started another hexagram. She calculated that this hexagram was longer than when she calculated the answer before, and her expression was even more solemn.

Three minutes later, Lin Qingyin put down the turtle shell: "We will go out to Antique Street in an hour."

Fatty Wang immediately slapped his hands in agreement: "The time calculated by the little master must be a good time. You can definitely choose your favorite ancient money."

Jiang Wei: "..."

He felt that if it were in the past, he must be an upright loyal minister, and that Wang Fatty...

snort! That is a flattering eunuch!

Qicheng is also a city with cultural heritage. It was the capital of the dynasty two or three thousand years ago and has many historical relics. In recent decades, there has often been news of ancient coins being dug up by building houses and buildings.

When Fatty Wang set up a stall and fortune-telling, he was in the market every day. These three teachings and nine ranks are not unknown to him, and there are no places he does not know. He is like a treasure uncle, Lin Qingyin can find everything he needs. .

Fatty Wang drove the two to Antique Street. The Antique Street is divided into two parts. The front four-storey red building, and the front of the room, sells paintings and calligraphy, porcelain snuff bottles and other works of art; behind the red building An alley of a few years old. There are various shops on both sides of the alley. Some have not been cleaned up and looked low and dim like old houses, and some have been decorated with big plaques. The shops are also very stylish. These shops sell different items. It is a kind of antique literary play, but it is not good to say whether it is true or not. It all depends on the eyesight of the person who bought it. There are some small stalls at the end of the street, and you only need to pay ten yuan a day for sanitation management fees.

Lin Qingyin wanted to buy ancient money for fortune-telling. Fatty Wang took her directly to the backstreet. It was not noon at this time. There were not many people on the backstreet. Most of them looked like tourists, and few actually came to search for things. of. Some of the shop owners were sitting in the shop playing with their mobile phones, while others were sitting under the eaves drinking tea trays of walnuts. When they saw that they looked like people who were stupid and had a lot of money, they yelled twice.

Although Jiang Wei is a local, it is the first time to come to Antique Street. He looks around like a silly roe deer, and wants to go inside when he sees the store. Fatty Wang grabbed him by the collar and snarled at Lin Qingyin: "Follow the little master."

Lin Qingyin felt the tortoise shell and stayed in the middle of the street for a while, and walked directly to a nearby shop. The shop owner was sitting under the eaves drinking tea. After seeing Lin Qingyin, he raised his eyebrows and did not get up. He smiled when he saw Fatty Wang behind him.

"Why Fat Brother is free to come over? Business is not good these days?"

Fatty Wang laughed twice, and didn't answer his question directly. Instead, he said ambiguously: "I was so bored to panic, come and see if Boss Zhao has received any treasures."

Jiang Weigang was in his early twenties, and Lin Qingyin was only a high school student. Boss Zhao thought Fatty Wang was leading a relative’s child to come out to see the world, so he stood up without caring, and lazily opened the store door: "You also count. Coincidentally, I just received a bunch of old coins ten minutes ago. Some of them are new years old. If you like, you can buy two and play with them."

After Lin Qingyin came in, he looked around in the shop, his eyes stayed in the small stainless steel basin on the counter, which contained dozens of old coins, which seemed to be from all dynasties.

Fatty Wang followed Lin Qingyin’s sight and looked into the small basin. He stretched out his hand and shook his head dissatisfied: "This is not good in appearance? Boss Zhao, how about your good old money? , Take it out and take a look."

Boss Zhao pulled out three thick collections of ancient coins from the shelf behind and placed them on the counter. He opened one at random, and saw that the ancient coins in the collection were stored separately, which was clear at a glance.

Boss Zhao put his arms on the counter and introduced them to them: "These are the best in appearance, there is no damage at all, but the price is slightly higher."

Lin Qingyin only glanced at it without interest, and moved his gaze away, and continued to scrabble in the small basin. Boss Zhao didn't care too much when he saw it. He knew it as soon as he hit three people. Fatty Wang didn't plan to buy anything at all. He was purely bringing young people out to meet the world.

He was gossiping with Fatty Wang in different ways. Lin Qingyin had already selected five ancient coins from the small basin. Fatty Wang stretched his head and glanced at them. There was a thick layer of patina on the surface of these five ancient coins. Many of them are a little confused about the age of the coins.

Fatty Wang knew that the little master didn’t know much about other things except fortune-telling, so he quickly explained to her: “Little master, the patina on these old coins is too thick. Even if they are cleaned, they will damage the appearance. I have never seen such ancient money." Fatty Wang asked, "Boss Zhao, look at what dynasty money this is?"

Boss Zhao took it and looked at it carefully. It was rusty and patina on it, but he couldn't see the pattern on it at all, so he didn't care about it and handed it back: "It's not worth any money. If you like it, sell it to you. Five coins give one hundred dollars."

After paying the money, Lin Qingyin held the five coins in her palms as if they were treasures. Although she didn't speak, Fatty Wang and Jiang Wei could see that her eyebrows were filled with joy.

"Little Master, are there any particulars about the coin you choose?"

When he got out of the shop, Fatty Wang couldn't help but ask. Although he was not very proficient in antiques, he also knew a little bit. These ancient coins didn't look like valuable.

Lin Qingyin held up an ancient coin and looked at the sun: "It doesn't need to be valuable, as long as it has aura."

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Qingyin laid the Spirit Gathering Formation and slowly transported the spiritual energy in his body to the ancient coins. The patina and rust on the ancient coins dissipated in the air, revealing the true face that had been hidden for thousands of years.

Throwing the copper plate into the tortoise shell aside, the tortoise shell made a slight beep of pleasure. Lin Qingyin smiled and sighed with regret: "It's a pity that one is missing."

Five days passed in a blink of an eye. Lin Qingyin checked all the homework before the start of school and found that they were all completed. I have to say that Jiang Wei is indeed a high-achieving student. He even tried to imitate Lin Qingyin's handwriting when he did his homework. Lin Qingyin felt that the teacher would be able to fool him if he didn't read it carefully.

Compared with Lin Qingyin, Qingyin's parents are even more nervous. Qingyin did not do well in school last semester. Not to mention the decline in learning and the feeling of world-weariness. This makes the parents of Qingyin a little worried. Although it is happy to watch the voiceless to do homework and make up class and go out fortune-telling during summer vacation, they are worried about entering. Those classmates in the school would bully Lin Qingyin again, so they wanted to go to the school to talk to the teacher.

But Lin Qingyin had to seek advice from Lin Qingyin about going to school. Lin Qingyin refused without even thinking about it. She would pay back everything that happened to the original owner.

Seeing her daughter's self-confidence, Qingyin's mother felt more at ease. She put the newly bought clothes and schoolbags on Lin Qingyin's bed. Qingyin's mother asked, "You will report tomorrow. Will the school exams start on Monday?" "

Lin Qingyin: "!!!"

Seeing Lin Qingyin's shocked look, Qingyin's mother was surprised: "Did you not read the notice you brought back before the holiday?"

Lin Qingyin carefully checked her memory and found that after seeing the transcript, the original owner directly stuffed the notice in her bag and jumped into the river, and she didn't even know the notice!

The mother and daughter looked at each other, and saw Lin Qingyin picking up the tortoise shell heavily and thinking carefully, should I count the exam questions in advance or go to the examination room to directly count the answers