Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 28: Feng Shui is not good (modified)


The teachers and students were relatively speechless. Fatty Wang was sweating when he heard that Lin Qingyin's exam was calculated, and he didn't care about the fear of the teacher in his heart. Now, doesn’t it mean that there will be an exam tomorrow?"

Lin Qingyin immediately nodded, holding the schoolbag full of money and ran fast: "Goodbye, Teacher Li!"

Li Yanyu looked straight at Lin Qingyin's back, and waited for your grades to come out. I'll see how your review is!

The old lady of the Li family had finished talking with her daughter-in-law. When she looked up and found that Lin Qingyin had already left, she immediately thumped her chest in annoyance: "Look, you haven't done well, thank you little master."

Li Yanyu thought of Lin Qingyin's income tonight, and a sour little bubble appeared in his heart: "Mom, you have already thanked you for 200,000 yuan, how do you want to thank you?"

"That was for buying amulets. It was with good luck that we met the little master who was willing to sell amulets. Someone asked before that the little master never made trouble." The old lady took his eyes and cut Li Yanyu fiercely: "You are here. When the school sees the little master, remember to make an appointment with her, and let her figure out when you can find a girlfriend. You are almost 30 years old and alone without a girlfriend, so it’s not shameful!"

Li Yanyu was heartbroken when he heard his age: "Mom, I'm only twenty-seven!"

"What are you calling?" The old lady covered her ears with a look of disgust: "People in their thirties are not at all upright!"

Li Yanyu is crazy, I'm only twenty-seven! ! !

"Don't forget to find the little master!" The old lady turned her words back, and then waved her hand: "Okay, you can go home quickly, don't come to your brother's house, your sister-in-law has to rest!"

After touching his own inch, Li Yanyu decided that he must not go to Lin Qingyin for the fortune-telling, or where would he put his face!

The two days of exams passed quickly, and the teachers stayed up all night to correct the test papers and rank them.

The school intends to reclassify the second grade, so the ranking will not be announced this time. Only papers will be issued to discuss the topic, and the ranking will be used as a reference for class placement in private. This division of classes is not only for Lin Qingyin, but also for some students who want to study hard.

Lin Qingyin has only reviewed half of the courses under Jiang Wei's tutoring for the past half a month, but during the exam, she even took the 15th place. But looking at the transcript, she knew that she was ranked here thanks to the full marks of mathematics. This time the mathematics paper was a bit difficult, and many students lost points on it. Only Lin Qingyin in the second grade of high school scored full marks. The score of the second place differed by as much as 35 points from her.

Lin Qingyin's mathematics papers are perfect, and the memorization-based liberal arts papers are also good. The English is 115 at any rate, and the physics is not bad. The most horrible thing is that I have not reviewed the chemistry at all, except for the multiple-choice questions, and failed to pass the grade.

After seeing the transcript in the teacher system, Li Yanyu went to the chemistry group office to ask the chemistry teacher to come to Lin Qingyin’s test paper. Looking at the large area of blank space, Li Yanyu actually felt lucky. Fortunately, English multiple-choice questions accounted for four-fifths. , Otherwise the grade designation is as miserable as chemistry.

This kind of ability to pinch and count is really enviable and a headache, Li Yanyu dare not think about how much Lin Qingyin will know.

He was afraid that the truth would make him unbearable!

In order to prevent parents from linking the classification to grades, the school intends to hold a parent meeting one month after the beginning of the school year to inform the division of classes on the grounds that the training focus is different, and then conduct monthly examinations after class division. The principal specifically urged Yu Chengze, the head teacher of the class, to pay more attention to Lin Qingyin's situation, and don't let any school bullying in the class happen again, otherwise he really can't explain to his parents.

Lin Qingyin had never met the principal, so naturally she didn't know what he thought. She passed the exam and finally had the mood to give back to her classmates for their love for her this year.

Eastern International High School is a private school. In addition to its extremely expensive tuition, its biggest feature compared with other high schools is that the teaching environment and facilities are very good. The campus is full of green grass, various sports venues are complete, the classroom not only has central air-conditioning, but also a dozen pots of flower plants.

The high school students didn’t have the patience to wait for the flowers at all. Sometimes they watered them once when they thought about it. Sometimes they were lazy to pick up the water and even save the watering. Fortunately, these flowers are easy to serve, although they are long. It's a little messy but all full of vitality.

The door of the teaching building was opened every morning. Lin Qingyin came to the classroom early. After putting down her schoolbag, she took out a pair of scissors to trim the flowers.

Although Lin Qingyin has never cultivated flowers and plants, these plants themselves are spiritual things. Whenever they see where the spiritual energy is sufficient, they will keep them, and when they see which branches and leaves are about to die, they will trim them down. After pruning a pot, they actually watched them. It's pretty stylish.

He took out a few warm pebbles from his pocket and put them in the flowerpot. Lin Qingyin adjusted the position of the flowerpot and continued to trim the next one. After she trimmed all the flowerpots and threw the dead branches and leaves from the trash opening next to the corridor, the students in the first grade of the second year of high school began to arrive at the school one after another.

Feng Shui believes that everything originates from one qi, and the rise and fall of the five elements and the turbidity of the yin and yang will affect the qi of the human body and change the good, bad, fortune and good fortune of a person.

Naturally, Lin Qingyin will not set up a fierce formation in the classroom. This is really against the nature and will have a bad influence on her own luck. She pays attention to the natural way, and the formation is the same. .

"Tao sets life to reward good, and death sets evil to majesty." Lin Qingyin's formation is like a small heaven. Different actions will produce different luck, good and bad luck, good fortune and evil.

To put it bluntly, it means to bully people and do bad things and wait for the bad luck!

Li Mingyu wandered into the classroom with his schoolbag on his back. On the day of the report, he wanted to tease Lin Qingyin. He didn't expect to split himself and hit his head. In fact, a head bump is a trivial matter, mainly because the splits are too violent, causing some strains on an unspeakable part, which hurts when touched, and now it is not easy to walk.

Li Mingyu felt a little aggrieved in his heart. People like him who are too ego will naturally not reflect on his mistakes. Instead, he feels that Lin Qingyin's crow's mouth hurt him.

Seeing Lin Qingyin standing in the aisle next to his seat playing with a pot of flowers on the window sill, Li Mingyu walked to his good buddy Shu Junyi with two legs on both sides, and snarled in Lin Qingyin's direction: "You didn't help me, brother. Revenge?"

Shu Junyi lifted his hair disapprovingly: "Isn't it an exam these two days? The teacher came to the class early in the morning, and I didn't have time to take care of her. You broke a bit and even escaped the exam. Good luck!"

Li Mingyu was embarrassed to tell his truth, he laughed twice, and dragged Shu Junyi towards Lin Qingyin: "I felt aggrieved when I remembered what happened that day, and I asked her to settle the account."

In fact, Lin Qingyin is not bad in terms of appearance. When the school just started, many boys were brightened up, and if there was nothing to do, they would come to her. But Lin Qingyin is the kind of good kid who studies hard. He didn't want to waste time with them. Several boys felt that Lin Qingyin looked down on others and started to bully her because of the lack of face.

Bullying is addictive. They feel very fulfilled when they look at Lin Qingyin with tears in his eyes and dare not speak. Other classmates have seen it and followed their studies. After one semester, Lin Qingyin became in the class. The air bag.

Shu Junyi was one of the people who took the lead in bullying Lin Qingyin. He was a handsome man who was rich and long in his family. When he was in junior high school, he had always been among the female classmates. He didn't expect to hit a nail in Lin Qingyin when he was in high school. lose face. He had a bit of hatred for Lin Qingyin because of love, and he and Li Mingyu were the two who liked Lin Qing the most in the class.

There are not as many students in Eastern International High School as in public schools. Each student has a separate seat with aisles in the middle. Independence is relatively good.

Shu Junyi walked across the aisle to Lin Qingyin's back and reached out to grab her ponytail. Lin Qingyin seemed to have eyes growing behind her head. At the same time, she suddenly took a step aside. Shu Junyi's feet slipped and moved forward in a daze. After staggering two steps, the whole face fell firmly into the flowerpot.

Lin Qingyin stood by and witnessed the whole process. His smiley eyebrows were bent, and he didn't forget to shook his head and sighed, "What a beautiful flower, how can you eat it!"

The flowerpot was just watered in the morning, and the soil was not wet yet. Shu Junyi's face was planted and there was a thick layer of mud on his face, and even his mouth went in quite a lot.

The noisy classroom fell silent for a while, and then violent laughter erupted, and while laughing and slapped the desk, the classroom became a mess.

The person who was laughed at by the class before was Lin Qingyin, but now it is Shu Junyi.

Shu Junyi was originally a face-saving person. He was soaked in dirty water and laughed and couldn't get off the stage. But at any rate, Li Mingyu, who was worse than him, attracted the attention of most people, so that he would not be so embarrassed. Today, he was the only one who was unlucky, Li Mingyu was still pinching his legs in shock.

He vomited the mud out of his mouth, wiped the mud off his face indiscriminately, and roared in embarrassment, "What are you laughing at?"

Lin Qingyin chuckled and turned around to go back to his seat. Shu Junyi's brain was hot and he took a step forward and stretched out his hand to catch Lin Qingyin, but his foot happened to step on the wet mud he had just thrown off, and a slippery foot came. A standard vertical fork sat firmly on the ground.

Suddenly, a loud scream resounded through the classroom, even covering up the laughter of other students.

Lin Qingyin turned around and hugged Li Mingyu, who looked aside dumbfounded, and raised the corner of her lips: "This posture looks familiar."

Li Mingyu remembered his fear of straining his lower body and being examined by taking off his pants, subconsciously clamped his legs, and looked at his good brother with very sympathetic eyes. Don't say anything, go to the hospital, where I am familiar.

Li Mingyu, with his thighs in between, helped Shu Junyi up with difficulty. Shu Junyi knew why Li Mingyu’s expression was so ugly that day. It felt like the ribs underneath were broken. It was too painful. The key was that he was embarrassed to use his hands. Clutching.

Li Yanyu walked in from the door holding the lesson plans and English books, and saw Shu Junyi's dirty face and weird posture, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I slipped and fell." Shu Junyi was embarrassed and clamped his leg, as if this would relieve some of the pain: "Teacher, I have to go to the hospital."

"Go go!" Li Yanyu called another boy by name: "Go to the school infirmary and get him a car."

Watching the back of the pinch-leg duo, Li Yanyu shook his head somewhat puzzledly: "It's only three days since school has started, and two of your classes are injured. Are you too noisy in the classroom?"

Others recalled how they were injured and couldn't help but go to see Lin Qingyin. Li Yanyu and Shu Junyi's splits were somewhat related to her, but Lin Qingyin didn't even touch them.

Li Yanyu went outside the classroom and called Yu Chengze to talk about what happened just now. Several girls who didn't like Lin Qingyin took the opportunity to get together and chewed their tongues and said that Lin Qingyin is a broom star, and whoever gets her is unlucky.

A girl named Yi Haiyan felt thirsty while she was talking. She took out a thermos cup from the drawer and twisted the thermos cup while making up Lin Qingyin's unnecessarily bad things.

I twisted it carelessly. The lid of the thermos cup was clasped tightly and did not unscrew. When she spoke, she couldn't help but increase her strength in her hand. She only heard a "pop", the lid of the cup that was forcibly unscrewed and a ball. The hot steam burst out at the same time, and the hot water on the lid of the cup just dripped on her hand holding the cup.

Yi Haiyan forgot the thermos cup she was holding, and subconsciously flicked her hand. The hot water in the cup poured out, burning all the girls who were chatting together, especially when she was the worst hot, and the back of her hand was red. Blockbuster.

Li Yanyu, who just came in after the phone call, was stunned to see this scene. Some big-headed nodded a classmate: "Hurry up to the school gate and let the infirmary car wait for a while, and drag these few too."

The more it happens, the more people who don’t believe in evil. There are always a few people with unclear heads who want to try. As a result, at the end of the day, a dozen people in the sophomore and first class were sent to the hospital, but they all did it by themselves. It has nothing to do with others.

But there are too many injured people. In the past, the school could not send ten people to the hospital in a year. This time even the principal of the school was alarmed. He personally went to the first grade of high school and told them to study honestly. No moths are allowed.

Coming out of the classroom, the principal couldn't help but murmured: "Do you think the feng shui class of the second grade is bad? Why is there a lot of trouble in their class? Shall we sneak a look at a feng shui master?"

Li Yanyu: Ha ha!