Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 31: Please master (modify)


Li Yanyu opened his eyes unconsciously when he heard "Little Master", and changed his sitting posture subconsciously, with his brain running fast.

Recently, most of the students who suffered severe injuries in the school have had the experience of bullying others. It is unlucky to gather together on such a large scale. There is no doubt that the little master has done tricks in it.

Then again, there is only the little master in school who can have this ability.

Li Yanyu had heard of the four words "campus bullying" before, but he always felt that these four words were far away from him, but only through this investigation did he discover that campus bullying is commonplace at Eastern International High School. He just took a rough count of the statistics and heard several hateful bullying incidents. If they were smashed one by one, he didn't know how many they could pull out.

In all fairness, Li Yanyu thinks what Lin Qingyin did is simply great. For the students who are bullied, not only are they physically hurt, but the trauma in their heart may be indelible for decades or even a lifetime, and the serious ones may even be affected. Affect a lifetime. The high school life that could have been wonderful may be a nightmare in their hearts that they don't want to recall for a lifetime.

The violent student bases his own fun and happiness on the pain of others, tramples on the dignity of others at will, and never thinks about the feelings of the person who is oppressed by him. Even if I was caught by my family's teacher, a lightly sorry sentence was over.


Who rarely apologize for them!

Regardless of the student being bullied, even the perpetrator he wants to see gets retribution.

Since the principal is not strong enough to deal with this matter, it is better to let the little master help him fix the scum!

Principal Wang Qingfeng's eyes lit up when he heard the "little master" recommended by the dean: "Master Xiao? Is it a master surnamed Xiao? Does he understand Feng Shui?"

The teaching director Wang Hai shook his head hesitantly: "Actually, I don't know much. One time when I went to my mother's house on the weekend, I heard my mom and my dad mumbling about the little master. I didn't know whether it was the little master or Xiao. Master. I also reprimanded them at the time, saying don’t let the liar be fooled. My mother was very upset at the time. People who said that they had found a little master didn’t say it was unsuccessful, and now the queues have been queued for several months. Going later."

"For months..." Wang Qingfeng touched his increasingly greasy forehead a little worried: "We can't wait that long! So Director Wang, you can ask the master's contact information first, and see if you can arrange it for us. The first ones are easy to talk about in terms of money."

Looking around the conference room, Wang Qingfeng said: "The rest of us are also asking about it. If we know where there is a reliable Feng Shui master, we recommend it. Let's work together to solve the strange things in the school as soon as possible."

Li Yanchen turned the gel pen in his hand, his eyelids drooping: "Principal, there is nothing wrong with it now. Those who like to bully are either injured or go to the hospital. Without them, the school atmosphere is much better than before. I don’t know how good classroom discipline is at that time!"

Wang Qingfeng looked at Li Yanyu with helpless eyes: "There are now less than ten students left in the first grade of the second year of high school. Can the class discipline be good?!!!"

As the head teacher of a class in the worst-hit area of campus bullying, Yu Chengze also rubbed his face in embarrassment: "Principal, I have a suggestion that is appropriate or not..." Seeing Wang Qingfeng nodded, Yu Chengze said: "This semester was originally a sophomore in high school. It is necessary to re-sort the classes, and simply group the injured and hospitalized students together, and then separate the other good students according to their different emphases."

Wang Qingfeng hesitated when he heard this: "Will parents make suggestions?"

"Think about your school philosophy, principal!" Li Yanyu vigorously blows the air: "If parents are not happy, let them take people away. Without these malignant tumors, our school can be built into your ideal elite high school! Let's talk about you. Are those tuition fees missing?"

More than 600 people, each of whom has an annual tuition fee of about 50,000 yuan...

Wang Qingfeng nodded sincerely: "I am missing!"

He wanted to cry without tears and patted the table: "How high your salary is, don’t you have any points? Don’t you know how much the annual maintenance and renewal of the green plants in the facilities of our school are? And those foreign teachers, that’s just about Pay by the hour. Every class has one hour of foreign teachers. How much does that add up!"

Li Yanyu coughed awkwardly. After all, he is also a member of the high salary: "Our normal teaching progress must not be left behind, but these students don’t know when they will come back to school. When they come back, they will not be able to keep up with their learning progress. Yes. When the parent meeting is held in different classes, you said that the school will separately push them to make up lessons according to the teaching progress. Maybe the parents still think the school is caring!"

The dean Wang Hai looked at the data on the projector, turned his head and suggested to the principal: "This should not be the case in the first year of high school. Let the head teacher emphasize more guidance. For the second and third year of high school, let the head teacher verify and see if these accidents happen. Do all of the students have a history of bullying their classmates on campus. If it is the same as the results of Teacher Li Yanyu’s survey, I agree with the suggestion to separate them together and don’t let them influence other students.”

The student section chief also nodded: "Nowadays, many students are morally corrupt. These students must be educated. Don't let a single mouse shit ruin a pot of soup. It is not worth ruining the honor of our school for these students. They are not. Do you like bullying? Let them bully each other, and they all have a taste of what it is like."

Wang Qingfeng touched his head: "First do what you said, but pay attention to the division of classes. Minor injuries and minor injuries are grouped together, and those with missing arms, broken legs and disfigurement are put together. We have to teach students in accordance with their aptitude."

Li Yanyu almost didn't laugh. The first time I heard that teaching students in accordance with their aptitude is used in this way!

"But the master still needs to be invited." Wang Qingfeng emphasized the purpose of his meeting again: "I always feel uneasy if I don't invite people to take a look at Feng Shui."

After the meeting, Li Yanyu wondered whether to tell Lin Qingyin about this, so that she could prepare. However, today happens to be Sunday, and all grades except for the third year of high school are closed, and Lin Qingyin's school information only contains the phone numbers of his parents.

Li Yanyu didn't dare to fight over without permission. After thinking about it, he decided to go to his brother's house and ask his mother. The old lady had fortune-telling with the little master, and she definitely had contact information.

When Li Yanyu arrived at the house of his eldest brother Li Yanchen, Li Yanchen was sitting on a bench and cutting fruits. The old lady and his eldest daughter-in-law Jiang Meiling were happy to eat every bite. Looking at Li Yanchen, he was only picking up the pits when he left. Couple.

There is no one in this family.

Li Yanyu said hello one by one, and first asked about Jiang Meiling's physical condition.

Lin Qingyin said that Jiang Meiling was pregnant with twins, and they were both girls. At that time, Jiang Meiling took a pregnancy test and found out she was pregnant.

Seeing Jiang Meiling mentioned, the old lady laughed first: "You said that the little master is awkward? The day before yesterday I accompany your sister-in-law to the hospital for a blood test for a B-ultrasound. The B-ultrasound list says two embryos!"

"Really twins!" Although Li Yanyu knew the result, he was still shocked after the professional medical equipment confirmed it. He really couldn't figure out how this was calculated. This skill is also amazing.

Then again, if even this can be counted so accurately, it seems that it is not difficult to count the topic of English essays, and they are really good at it! But it would be better if you can write your own essays without memorizing others!

The old lady took a toothpick and stuck an apple in her mouth, and glanced at Li Yanyu: "Are you here to eat rice?"

"No, I want to ask you something." Li Yanyu took out his mobile phone: "Mom, do you have Lin Qingyin's phone number?"

The old lady looked blank: "Who is Lin Qingyin?"

"Oh, it's my student!" Li Yanyu was helpless: "The one who fortuned my sister-in-law!"

"Oh, you said little master!" The old lady Le Diandian took out her mobile phone: "How can I call someone's name? There is no courtesy at all, disrespectful! Call the little master!"

Li Yanyu covered his face feebly: "Mom, I am her teacher!"

"What's wrong with the teacher?" The old lady cast a glance at him: "The teacher has to find the little master for fortune-telling."

Li Yanyu: "..."

He felt that in his mother's heart, the little master had a much higher status than his own son!

The old lady flipped through her phone and handed it to Li Yanyu: "I only have this group, which was built by Master Wang. You must make an appointment through Master Wang to find the little master. Master Wang said, the little master is busy at school, so you can't interrupt it!"

When Li Yanyu saw Wang Hu's contact information in the group, he called out. Fatty Wang is an old fried dough stick. He dealt with Li Yanyu, said a lot of nonsense and didn’t give Lin Qingyin’s cell phone number to Li Yanyu. Instead, he wrote down Li Yanyu’s phone number and prepared to let Lin Qingyin decide by himself. Do you want to return the call

At this time, Lin Qingyin took advantage of the weekend to ask Jiang Wei to help herself make up the physics class. The school started this week with new knowledge, which was not connected with the content reviewed before. She was a little struggling to learn and wanted to quickly make up the progress of her study. In order to avoid having to continue to make up lessons during the winter vacation.

Giving Lin Qingyin a supplementary lesson is actually very easy. Jiang Wei doesn't need to take into consideration Lin Qingyin's comprehension ability, as long as he distills the knowledge points, Lin Qingyin can basically listen to what he has said.

Just after finishing a chapter of the new content, Lin Qingyin's phone rang. Fatty Wang told Li Yanyu about Li Yanyu's desire to contact her and sent his mobile phone number.

Lin Qingyin didn't seem to be surprised at Li Yanyu's call to find him. He took the cell phone and went back to the room to dial Li Yanyu's number.

Li Yanyu didn't ask Lin Qingyin about being bullied by her classmates or whether it was the formation she set up. Instead, he directly informed her of the principal's classification and the decision to invite the master. At the end, Li Yanyu said: "The dean said that he had heard of a little master who was very effective, and the principal asked him to try to invite people to come and see."

Lin Qingyin smiled, when I was so kind to please

The head teachers of Eastern International High School privately checked the bullying incidents in the class, while the school management struggled to find out about the master. Because this kind of thing cannot be too public, nor can it be delayed for too long. The ten or so individuals in the meeting that day took a lot of effort to gather five people who understand feng shui. The school took a weekend to invite all these so-called masters. come over.

Oriental International High School covers a very large area. The campus is lined with trees and grass, and there is no shortage of bridges and water. In terms of scenery, there is no school that can compare with it. It makes people feel like looking at it. Comfortable.

The first person he arrived was called Zhang Yun. He opened a Feng Shui Zhouyi shop. He usually calculates the date of marriage and the date of moving, and sometimes he can use a book to show people the furnishings in the house. In fact, he is at the level of turning over the almanac. Today, it is purely because Eastern International High School paid too much appearance fee. Two thousand yuan is enough for him to make half a month.

The second one is Zhu Zhenfeng, who has learned a little about Feng Shui by himself. In the early years, he even picked a house for others, and now works as a security guard in a factory. The person who invited him was a director of the General Affairs Office. The two were considered fellow villagers. Knowing that he would order something in this area, he asked him to try it.

The third one is Wang Jinhang, a young man who graduated from the architecture department of a well-known university. When he was in school, he participated in the Zhouyi cultural research club. He also heard some knowledge about Taoist culture. He knew a little bit about it. He thought he was not as good as ordinary people. Many.

The fourth is the Taoist surname Qin invited by the vice-principal from Qicheng’s largest Taoist temple. Everyone respectfully calls Qin Daochang. He looks very mild-tempered when he is in his fifties.

The fifth one is Fatty Wang.

The only person among the five who knew what was going on at the school was probably Fatty Wang. He came to see the excitement for the little master this time, and by the way, see if anyone can actually find the formation set by the little master.

Seeing a row of five people with different styles, Wang Qingfeng felt a lot of peace of mind, and his sparse hair was saved!