Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 38: One more!


Lin Qingyin looked at Zhang Simiao's panic and desperate look, and pulled her behind him with a tugging with his left hand, and activated the formation with a wave of his right hand.

The driver took advantage of the deserted area and even concealed it. He rushed towards the three people with a knife, but he suddenly felt a flash in front of him after two steps, and then saw that the three people who were originally five or six meters away were missing. , I don’t know when a few big men with machetes came and surrounded him.

The driver felt a little confused, looked around with his eyebrows, and suddenly rushed towards the weakest man with a knife...

Zhang Simiao was blocked by Lin Qingyin. She watched the driver rush over with a knife. Her nervous heart was about to jump out. Seeing that she was just a few meters away, she was close to her. The driver suddenly stopped and squeezed her hand. The knife made a round, suddenly ran to the side of his car and stabbed viciously towards the car door.

After stabbing several times in a row, the head of the sharp knife was a little bent, and the driver lowered his head and drew a baseball stick and a machete from under the seat of the cab. Because the movement was too big, a thick hemp rope was pulled out.

Zhang Simiao looked at what the driver was hiding under the seat, shaking with fright, but looking at Lin Qingyin with a good show, he looked very much looking forward to it.

The driver took the baseball bat in his hand and smashed his car. Seeing that the car window was smashed to pieces, the car body had large and small pits.

Zhang Simiao couldn't react to this scene: "Is he a lunatic?" But when she recalled the makeup and various routines of the driver along the way, she didn't seem to be doing things by a mentally disordered person at all.

Fatty Wang watched that the car was about to be smashed and scrapped by him, and couldn't help but wonder: "Little Master, what kind of formation is this, it can make him crazy like this."

"There is no madness. If you are mad, won't you escape legal sanctions?" Lin Qingyin said lightly, "This is just a fantasy formation!"

Although Fatty Wang often sees Lin Qingyin's stone formations, he repels mosquitoes and adjusts the temperature. This is the first time I have seen Lin Qingyin's formations that create illusions.

Fatty Wang said excitedly: "Little Master, can you teach me this formation!"

Lin Qingyin glanced at him: "Okay, but first of all you have to be able to place all thirty-eight stones in the corresponding positions within half a minute, each position can't be worse than a millimeter."

Fatty Wang suddenly withered: "It's too difficult. I'd better set up the formation to adjust the temperature. But Master, your eyesight and wrist strength are too accurate. Sometimes I take the ruler at home every day and it's not right."

Lin Qingyin stood on tiptoe and patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay, it's all practiced."

Fatty Wang suddenly became confident when he thought of Lin Qingyin's age, even if Lin Qingyin had only been practicing for ten years since he was six or seven years old, it would be worthwhile for him to master this ability in ten years.

Lin Qingyin pursed his lips as he looked at Fatty Wang and his hope was not pierced. Taking out his mobile phone and looking at the time, Lin Qingyin signaled to Fatty Wang: "It's almost done. Call the police. He has to be sentenced for several years."

Fatty Wang took out his cell phone and thought for a while: "This kind of attempt is hard to tell. I read the news that some people were indecent and detained for a few days."

Lin Qingyin stroked his chin: "If something goes wrong, he will be severely sentenced. Wouldn't it be cheaper for him!"

"It's too cheap for him." Fatty Wang pointed to the machete in the driver's hand, the baseball bat, the sharp knife and the rope on the ground: "This is obviously a premeditated crime. Can you tell the little master that he is suffering? What's the excitement?"

Lin Qingyin sneered: "From the look of his face, he has recently been involved in lawsuits, a crack in his marriage, and an unstable career."

"Co-author, this is coming out to retaliate against society!" Fatty Wang glanced around the surrounding environment: "Don't even mention the heavy rain in the wilderness. It's really hard to locate the suspect here, Yu Yi Chong may have lost all clues."

Zhang Simiao was a little dazed by the conversation between the two of them. He wanted to ask but didn't know what to ask. When he heard the clue, he couldn't help saying, "Isn't there a license plate number? You should be able to find someone by following the license plate number. Yes. The roads near our school are monitored."

Fatty Wang tweeted twice and looked at Zhang Simiao with a smile: "Little girl, you definitely didn't know that there is a deck car." Looking at Zhang Simiao's dazed expression, Fatty Wang kindly explained: "The deck is fake. The license plate is not even worse than his personal information. In addition, there are surveillance in the urban area, but there are more than a dozen newly built roads out of the urban area. Which way to look for you?" He looked at the things on the ground, shook his head and tutted twice: "I watched him prepare these things for murder."

Zhang Simiao's scared face turned pale, and he dared not say a word. Lin Qingyin nodded and said, "His eyebrows are indeed murderous." Lin Qingyin folded his arms and groaned, "It would be too cheap for the police to take him away for a few days before letting him go. Up."

Fatty Wang nodded vigorously: "This kind of person must learn some lessons, otherwise the next time you are unlucky, you may not have such good luck as the little girl."

Lin Qingyin took out a handful of stones from his bag again: "If this is the case, then let Tiandao come to judge."

Seeing Lin Qingyin throwing stones one after another, Fatty Wang asked in a tangled manner: "Little Master, you should pick up all the stones by the riverside of the filial wife. You carry on your back every day! Don't sink. ?"

Lin Qingyin sighed heavily: "Although it is heavy, it doesn't cost much!"

These pebbles are formed naturally, and there are some natural auras in them. Although there is no way for people to cultivate, it is possible to put in an ordinary formation, which consumes a lot of stones, otherwise the aura will not work. Formation.

Throwing all the stones out, Lin Qingyin waved his hand and gave out an aura, and the driver flashed again. When he recovered, there was nothing to hack him at all, but instead he smashed his only asset. .

He originally planned to make a vote today and sell the car tomorrow to relieve the economic pressure of the embarrassment, but now the car is destroyed!

"Ah!!!" The driver yelled, holding his head, turning his head to look at Lin Qingyin and the three of them, and his eyes reddened: "You smashed my car!"

"You can really rely on it!" Fatty Wang raised his mobile phone: "Fortunately I recorded the video."

Lin Qingyin didn't pay attention to the driver at all. Her eyes kept staring at the dark sky outside the bridge hole. Suddenly she simultaneously pulled Fatty Wang and Zhang Simiao back a few steps: "Cover your ears, Tian Lei is coming."

Fatty Wang quickly turned off his phone and put it in his pocket in shock: "God, it's going to thunder again."

Immediately I saw two thunders with the thickness of baby arms falling from the sky and hitting the driver's body and the car that was about to be smashed. Just hearing a bang, the roof of the car was smashed into a big hole by lightning, and the whole body of the car was instantly bluish, and the traces of the lightning action could be seen with the naked eye. The driver who was just stunned was electrocuted by a car very close. , Convulsed a few times and lay motionless on the ground.

Calm under the bridge cave was restored, and the rain gradually reduced. Fatty Wang looked at the driver from a distance, and looked at Lin Qingyin a little hesitantly: "Little Master, is he dead?"

Lin Qingyin shook his head: "He has no human life on his hands, and he won't be hacked to death."

At this time Zhang Simiao’s father Zhang Qiao went crazy looking for his daughter, and the school was in a mess. The principal Wang Qingfeng, the teaching dean Wang Hai, the head teacher Yu Chengze, and some teachers close to the school were all called out. When they came out, they were all looking for Zhang Simiao.

Monitoring near the school showed that Zhang Simiao got in a black car and drove all the way west. However, there is a wilderness area ten kilometers away from the county seat in the west of the city. Recently, the government plans to transform it into a new area. There is no monitoring, and it is very difficult to find people under heavy rain.

Seeing the time elapsed every minute and every second, Zhang Qiao couldn't help crying. At this time, it had been an hour and a half since his daughter had disappeared. One and a half hours is not long or short. If you want to harm a person, this time is enough.

Wang Qingfeng, who was sitting in the police car together, couldn't help but squeeze his hair in despair. The school finally recovered to calm and calm. Why did the student disappear after school again!

After squeezing his hair twice, Wang Qingfeng suddenly remembered Lin Qingyin. He quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed while comforting Zhang Qiao: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, I will immediately find a master to make sure I can figure out where Zhang Simiao is."

The policeman sitting in the co-pilot couldn't help but looked back at Wang Qingfeng when he heard these words...

This principal is crazy!

The phone rang twice and was answered. When I heard Lin Qingyin's voice, Principal Wang almost cried: "Little Master..."

"Look for Zhang Simiao, right?" Before the principal could speak, Lin Qingyin guessed her purpose: "Don't worry, I have already taken her out. Bring the police here, and I will send you a location on WeChat. By the way..." Li Qingyin hesitated: "Call an ambulance by the way!"

In the panic, Wang Qingfeng's mobile phone was pressed to the hands-free, everyone in the car heard Lin Qingyin's voice, and the policeman hurriedly stepped on the brakes to wait for Wang Qingfeng's location address.

When Zhang Qiao heard the call on the phone to call an ambulance, his brain filled the appearance of his daughter lying in a pool of blood, and suddenly burst into tears. Wang Qingfeng handed the cell phone that had been sent to the co-pilot to the police officer. He clumsily comforted Zhang Qiao who was sitting next to him: "Don't think about the bad things. Maybe it's just that Si Miao is frightened and has a fever. And, save Si Miao. She is a little master. She must have figured out this in advance. I think since she has rescued Si Miao, she will definitely prevent her from having trouble."

Zhang Qiao was like someone who was about to drown and caught the last straw. He had only this hope in his heart: "What you said is true!"

"It must be true!" Wang Qingfeng wanted to give an example, but things about the school can't be said outside, especially in front of the police. When he was in a hurry, he habitually touched his hair again, and his inspiration suddenly appeared: "Do you see my hair? I just squeezed two of them and they didn't fall off. Recently, a lot of new hair has grown. Great?"

Seeing Zhang Qiao's stunned eyes, Wang Qingfeng raised his chest proudly: "Little Master gave it to me."

It turned out to be just a master of hair loss, and Zhang Qiao's tears were even more fierce.