Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 59


In order to prevent Chen Taimin from jumping the wall in a hurry, General Manager Liu Yuchen turned around and went out of the corridor to press the emergency alert.

Soon a dozen security guards rushed over from the elevator stairwell.

Looking at Chen Taimin's pale face and flustered expression, Wang Yamei flashed a hint of happiness on her face. She turned around and whispered to the two leaders: "Mi Xiaoqing from the accounting department should also be in collusion with this matter."

Liu Yuchen immediately ordered the security guard: "Bring Mi Xiaoqing here."

Soon the police arrived. After listening to the incident, they took the people back to make a transcript, and at the same time asked the security guards to call for surveillance of the ten-story building in the past few days. Because according to Wang Yamei's confession, this is not the first time Chen Taimin has committed a crime today. The company was stolen and issued a cash check last Friday.

When the security captain heard the request to call the 10-layer surveillance, his face paled and rubbed his hands: "The 10-layer surveillance just broke down last Thursday, and we haven't had time to change it..."

The security captain's voice became smaller and quieter, while the general manager Liu Yuchen shook more and more angry: "A total of three monitors in the corridor are broken?"

The security captain did not dare to look up, but his expression had already explained everything. Liu Yuchen turned around in anger, clenching his fists and holding them back, but didn't shake them out: "Are you a pig brain? I changed three monitors all at once and used your knees to think about it, and I knew that there was something tricky in it. You dragged it so. It hasn’t been replaced for many days! I don’t think the monitor needs to be replaced, it is you who should replace it!"

Compared with Liu Yuchen's anger and depravity, the elderly chairman is much calmer. He patted Liu Yuchen on the shoulder, and said in a flat tone: "First, cooperate with the investigation of Chen Taimin's case, and wait for the company's internal management to come back."

The police took the initiative, making it easier to collect all kinds of evidence. The receipts and surveillance video signed when the bank took the cash check were all transferred out. When the police checked the bank's surveillance video, they called Wang Yamei, who took the transcript, because the person who withdrew the money looked a bit like her.

Wang Yamei was not surprised to hear this news. It was for this reason that she had to catch Chen Taimin who was stolen cheques in front of the chairman and general manager, so as to remove her suspicion.

At the request of Wang Yamei, the police played surveillance video. The person withdrawing money in the video is wearing the same windbreaker as her, and his hair is similar to long wavy and curly hair, except that the person wears a pair of polarized glasses. From the monitor, there are some reflections and the eyes cannot be seen, but the chin and mouth look Somewhat similar to Wang Yamei.

There are different surveillance in the bank, because the surveillance cameras are not too close to the person who withdraws the money, and the pixel is really difficult to distinguish, but Wang Yamei quickly found the difference. She let the police freeze a full-length picture of a person withdrawing money standing at the window, pointing to the woman's flat shoes and saying: "Comrade police, because of my height, I only wear flat shoes when exercising, and all other times. High heels, but you can see that this person looks taller than me in flat shoes."

The police immediately measured Wang Yamei's height, and compared the monitoring position to the scene to measure the height. The man wearing flat shoes was five centimeters taller than Wang Yamei wearing high heels.

This is the first time in Wang Yamei's life that it is actually good to be short! She once again rejoiced that she had forgotten the master since she was a child, and promptly washed away the suspicion of embezzlement of public funds. After all, the half-million cash cheque was clearly meant to be planted to oneself. In addition to the ID card, there is also a long woman similar to her who took her ID card to withdraw the money. If this is not discovered in time, the past year or two Surveillance video may have been gone for a long time, and she will really be unable to argue by then.

Wang Yamei caught Chen Taimin’s secret opening of the safe to obtain the financial seal and ID card. Chen Taimin was taken to the police station for interrogation as a major suspect. However, he only admitted that this time he was obsessed and attempted to commit a crime, but he denied what happened on Friday. Instead, he kept asking Wang Yamei to show evidence, otherwise he would prosecute him for false accusation. And Mi Xiaoqing only asked some questions in accordance with the regulations and put it back. After all, there is no clue that she is an accomplice.

Faced with Liu Yuchen’s questioning, the police said that this case is not difficult, but investigation and evidence collection will take some time. It is impossible to catch people today and figure out everything tomorrow.

Although this is true, Wang Yamei couldn't wait. After all, as the manager of the finance department, it was a major negligence for her to fail to keep the financial chapter. She hopes to get the money back soon, so as not to cause losses to the company. If the person who withdrew the money was found after waiting for ten days and a half, maybe the 500,000 would have disappeared long ago.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Liu Yuchen, who had been in the police station for an afternoon, stood up, patted Wang Yamei on the shoulder, and comforted her: "Manager Wang, this matter will be handed over to police comrades. We take a warning and go back. The company’s related systems are re-improved to avoid this happening again next time."

Wang Yamei nodded, and followed Liu Yuchen out of the police station. In the parking lot, Liu Yuchen asked casually while taking out the car key: "You specifically asked me and the chairman to go to your office today to catch Chen Taimin? How did you find out?"

Wang Yamei stopped abruptly, with a hint of joy flashed across her face: "Mr. Liu, I have a way to find the person who pretended to be me to withdraw money as quickly as possible."

Liu Yuchen looked at Wang Yamei somewhat unexpectedly: "What can you do?"

Wang Yamei happily took out his cell phone and dialed Wang Fatty's phone: "Master Wang, can I see the little master right away? I want to count!"

Liu Yuchen: "...hehe, I can't think of Manager Wang's approach so creative!"

When Liu Yuchen drove to Dongfang Private High School, he still couldn't understand. He would drive Wang Yamei to the gate of a high school and wait for a fortune-telling master if he did so many things. He felt that he was really a bit crazy today.

In fact, for their company, the projects they have contracted are in the tens of millions, which is really not a lot of them. But he just couldn't swallow this breath. This incident was simply slapping him in the face, telling him that the company was riddled with holes in his management.

Seeing Liu Yuchen’s dissatisfaction and irritability, Wang Yamei once again carefully packed Lin Qingyin's ticket: "Mr. Liu, this little master is really effective, otherwise I would really not find out that the stolen opened 50 times soon. Wan’s cash check. I invited you and the chairman to my office this morning, and it was based on the time the little master said.” She emphasized: “When I opened the door, I looked at the time on my phone, ten o’clock. Thirty-five minutes, and the time that the little master told me was not bad, and after opening the door, Chen Taimin was caught upright."

Liu Yuchen also thinks that this time is a coincidence. One or two minutes earlier may only catch people who have not opened the safe in the office, and may have already stamped and left one or two minutes later. This is indeed a coincidence.

Finally Liu Yuchen couldn't help but asked, "Is this master always effective?"

"Yes!" Wang Yamei raised Lin Qingyin's eyes, her tone full of admiration: "Don't say anything else, we have recently added a Hong Kong-invested real estate development company in Qicheng, do you know? "

Liu Yuchen and his company are engaged in engineering projects. He also paid more attention to this aspect. He nodded and said, "The chairman is called Zhang Yi. I saw him at a dinner party a few days ago and I heard that his company is preparing to bid. A plot in the new district."

When Wang Yamei heard that Liu Yuchen knew Zhang Yi, her heart was at ease: "This Zhang Yi is actually from Qicheng. He was abducted by traffickers when he was very young 30 years ago, and was taken after he met his adoptive father. When I arrived in Hong Kong, Zhang Yi’s biological parents had always wanted to find this lost son, so they went to the little master’s fortune, but the little master said that you called and told your little son who was traveling in Hong Kong, if you met one while climbing a mountain. Bring back the stranger who came to chat, and that person is your eldest son."

When Liu Yuchen heard the black line here, he felt that he was really crazy before he believed Wang Yamei's words. Anyone who can say such nonsense would dare to call him a master

Wang Yamei didn’t notice Liu Yuchen’s look, and continued to happily said, “Guess what, the youngest son of that family hung up the phone and complained to a person I met on the mountain, saying that the parents wanted to lose the eldest son who was going crazy. I actually got it right. That person is Zhang Yi, and he is the lost eldest son. Although he was young when he was lost, he had a deep impression of his parents and he recognized him as soon as he looked at the photo."

Liu Yuchen looked at Wang Yamei in shock. He didn't even notice that the red light turned to green. He hurriedly released the brake and stepped on the accelerator until the car behind was honking the horn. He asked in disbelief as the car drove out. : "Is there such a bizarre thing?"

"Of course, this is the most talked about by the little master! And Jiang Mingsheng, do you know him? It's just that the first two years of sudden bad luck, from a well-known entrepreneur in Qicheng to a pauper , The person whose business has started again. His family is looking for the little master to calculate. The little master figured out that Chen Yucheng used dirty means to cut his luck and helped him crack it. So now the Jiang family is up again. . But I heard that Chen Yucheng was beaten back. It is said to be quite miserable."

Liu Yuchen was already shocked by what Wang Yamei had said. Qicheng was so big that famous businessmen knew each other. He had been struck by the Jiang family’s affairs before, and even wanted to use it as a negative textbook to study how his house suddenly collapsed overnight, but after studying it for a long time, he didn’t find anything wrong, just like one by one. It just so happened that things piled up together to overthrow his family, and he couldn't think of the second word besides bad luck.

He has also seen Chen Yucheng. Last year, he was still very good. But in the first two months, he was suddenly exposed to a series of problems such as tax evasion, unqualified raw materials and illegal fund-raising. It is not surprising that the company was sealed up. People sighed to their horror that this man was stabbed by thunder on the street, and everyone privately said that he had done all his wicked things to get this end of the game. Now Chen Yucheng was sent to the police station as soon as he recovered a little. It is estimated that the sum of these crimes would have to be sentenced to ten or eight years.

Liu Yuchen has heard of these people, and some have seen them. He didn't think that these people are actually related to the master in Wang Yamei's mouth. Before, a little careless or even annoyed impulsive mentality is gone, but a little more solemn and uneasy. .

"Let's just go there and not bring some gifts, right?" Liu Yuchen quickly figured out what gifts could be taken in the trunk: there were two boxes of good tea and a set of porcelain, which were originally intended to be given to a leader Yes, it is better to give it to the master first, and then prepare for it when the leader goes back. In addition, there are four boxes of nut gift boxes, each of which is worth almost 1,000 yuan, and six of them are almost enough.

Soon the vehicle arrived at Dongfang Private High School. Liu Yuchen took down the gift, waiting for the legendary master with excitement. Just two minutes after standing, two beautiful little girls came out from the entrance of the school. Liu Yuchen was muttering in his heart that the management of the school was too loose, and he saw Wang Yamei respectfully greeted him: "Little Master, I’m here to trouble you again. Up!"

Liu Yuchen, who was carrying things, was stunned. He thought that the master was a teacher in this school, but he did not expect to be a student here. This is so surprising!

Lin Qingyin smiled at Wang Yamei: "The prison disaster on your face is gone. It seems that today's matter has been resolved well."

Wang Yamei said excitedly and straightforwardly: "Thanks to the little master's point, I just caught a straight shot today."

Lin Qingyin glanced at the time on the phone and said, "My teacher and I took a 20-minute vacation. You can go to my dormitory later and study later. Come to my dormitory."

It was quite far from the school gate to the dormitory. After Liu Yuchen registered the information, he drove three people to the dormitory building, and Lin Qingyin took them to his dormitory.

Liu Yuchen's child is only two years old. Although he is not even old enough to go to kindergarten, Liu Yuchen has figured out what school he should go to from kindergarten to university, and waits for the child to grow up. Seeing that the dormitory of Oriental Private High School is so high-end, Liu Yuchen was particularly moved. He planned to donate a sum of money to his son when he was in high school, and also to live in such a good dormitory for him.

Putting down the gifts, Liu Yuchen and Wang Yamei sat on the sofa. Zhang Simiao, who accompanied Lin Qingyin on leave, took out a few cans of drinks from the refrigerator and put them on the coffee table.

Without Wang Yamei speaking, Lin Qingyin knew what she wanted: "Are you here for the person who pretended to be you?"

Wang Yamei nodded repeatedly: "Although the police can find out who that person is, I'm afraid that the company's 500,000 will be gone after a long time. This time I have the responsibility for the unfavorable care of the company. I want to do my best for the company. Recover damages."

Lin Qingyin asked, "I told you yesterday that two people joined forces. Did those two people get in?"

Wang Yamei hurriedly said: “One of these two people is Chen Taimin, the deputy financial manager, who was arrested and the other has been sent to the police station; the other I suspected Mi Xiaoqing in the accounting department, but there is no evidence yet. After routine questioning, the police took her Let go."

"Then do you have a photo of them? Or the eight characters?" Lin Qingyin emphasized: "It's best to have a photo without a beautiful face, and you can't see it with a beautiful face."

This Wang Yamei really didn’t have it. When he was embarrassed, Liu Yuchen took out his mobile phone and opened a program: “We have information about every employee in our company’s internal system.” He called out the photos and information of Chen Taimin and handed the phone to Lin Qingyin. Lin Qingyin only glanced at him and said: "This person has bad conduct, is a gambler, and has huge debts. I estimate that the 500,000 yuan is for gambling debts."

Wang Yamei and Liu Yuchen both looked shocked when they heard the words. They both thought about the reason why Chen Taimin took the risk of doing this, but no one thought it was because of gambling debts.

As far as they know, Chen Taimin's father is a gambler, and even sold his family completely because of gambling. Chen Taimin, who was only a teenager at the time, supported his mother's divorce and worked hard to enter a very famous university of finance and economics. Through his own efforts, he improved the family conditions. After his family broke down, his father borrowed a loan shark and took a gamble. After losing everything, he committed suicide by jumping off the building.

Now that Chen Taimin has a car and a house, his family is considered to be harmonious, but the person he hates most is his gambler father. Chen Taimin has always felt that it is the greatest shame in his life and the most disdainful existence. The company leaders basically know it. this matter.

Liu Yuchen couldn't believe that a person who hated gambling so much could actually gamble. He even couldn't help asking: "Master, are you sure?"

Lin Qingyin glanced at the phone again and said confidently: "It's not a mistake. The eyebrows are short and the cheeks are high. The bet will be lost. From the looks of his face, he has heavy bones, and the forehead has muscles and veins. It should be a teenage funeral. Father." After a pause, Lin Qingyin curled his lips: "His father is also a gambler, isn't he? He committed suicide after losing his wealth, harming his children and grandchildren."

Liu Yuchen swallowed his saliva and nodded subconsciously. He didn't expect this master to be accurate at a young age.

Lin Qingyin returned the phone to Liu Yuchen: "Let me see the woman's information."

Liu Yuchen quickly found out Mi Xiaoqing's information and showed it to Lin Qingyin. After taking a look, Lin Qingyin took a look, took out the tortoise shell and took a hexagram, combined the eight characters with the hexagram and said: "This Mi Xiaoqing has a pro aunt Related to this matter, it should be the person who went to the bank to withdraw money."

Although Lin Qingyin has figured it out, Wang Yamei still feels a little confused. She can’t run to the police station and tell the police, “I’ve found the master and the master said Mi Xiaoqing and her relatives are suspected of committing a major crime. They were arrested', the police designated that she was mentally ill.

Seeing Wang Yamei’s embarrassment, Lin Qingyin stretched out his hand and fiddled with the ancient money: “After you leave the school for a while, you keep driving east. The road will be green all the way. Remember not to stop, not to turn, and not to slow down. When will you collide with a car. When you stop, the owner of the car is the one you are looking for."

Liu Yuchen's heart was convulsed when he heard that, maybe the maintenance cost was more than 500,000 yuan when his car crashed. He was crazy to do this.

Thanks to Lin Qingyin, Liu Yuchen turned around and said to Wang Yamei: "Manager Wang has been very dedicated this time. The rest will be handled by the police, so you don't have to think too much. No matter whether the money can be used or not. I won’t demote you if you chase it back."

Lin Qingyin didn't say much after seeing that they had made a decision. After looking at the time on the phone, there was still plenty of time and said to Liu Yuchen, "You gave me so many gifts, and I will give you a good idea."

Liu Yuchen glanced at Lin Qingyin with some surprise, and quickly thanked him.

Lin Qingyin did not directly calculate the divination, but said to Zhang Simiao: "Simiao, you take this lady to sit downstairs."

Wang Yamei knew that this matter involved privacy, and hurriedly left the dormitory behind Zhang Simiao with her bag.

The door to the room was closed. Lin Qingyin opened a bottle of drink and took two sips before asking, "You have been married for two years, have you got a two-year-old son?"

"Yes!" Liu Yuchen remembered that his son was full of happiness, and that boy looked very cute with his head and brain.

Seeing Liu Yuchen's happy expression, Lin Qingyin showed a rare tangled look, wondering if he should say something wrong. When Lin Qingyin was embarrassed, Liu Yuchen could see that something was wrong. The happy expression on his face gradually faded, with a solemn expression on his face: "Little Master, if you have anything to say, don't worry too much."

Lin Qingyin breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I'll just say it straight. From the face of it, you and your wife get together less and more, and the relationship is at odds?"

"Yes." Liu Yuchen showed an awkward look on his face. He felt uncomfortable to tell a young girl about the relationship between husband and wife. However, the little master deliberately asked other people to avoid talking about his own family. He must have seen something. He suppressed the embarrassment in his heart and told his wife what had happened.

"My father-in-law is also in business and has a good relationship with my father. My wife Yaqi and I have known each other since we were young, but we didn't call much before. We kept yelling from our brothers and sisters. There was no other idea at all. Three years ago Yaqi successfully held a celebration party for the postgraduate entrance examination, and invited relatives and friends. I was filled with a few more glasses of wine at the party. After the party was over, Yaqi would go out to dance again. There was no suitable person in his family. She was entrusted to me with her, and the result was..."

Liu Yuchen's face was blushing when he said that, he rubbed his cheeks a little awkwardly, and said in a vague voice: "As a result, I woke up and found that we were sleeping together. Yaqi is not the kind of casual girl, and I At the age when we should get married, we can get married together."

"After we got married, we didn’t live very happily!" Liu Yuchen’s voice was a bit lonely: "After we got married, my father promoted me to the position of general manager. In order to manage the company well, I took 30 days a month. I was in the company for almost 29 days. I personally led the team to negotiate large projects, and basically didn’t take care of my family. Yaqi found out that she was pregnant just over a month after she got married. She has been squeamish, because I often get angry with me when I don't go home often."

Liu Yuchen smiled bitterly: "The foundation of our relationship is not very deep. There are a lot of things in our company that I need to deal with. After a long time, we are basically strangers, until after my son Fat Bao was born, We were reconciled. But she went back to school for graduate school after the child six months, and only came back during the vacation. Now the child is taken care of by my mother-in-law."

Lin Qingyin listened to the gossip in his forehead, and didn't quite understand why Liu Yuchen told his family affairs in such detail. But since they said it, Lin Qingyin felt that there was no need to hide and tuck him, and said straightforwardly: "Actually, I'm talking about your son."

Liu Yuchen suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Before he could ask any questions, he heard Lin Qingyin say word by word: "From the aspect of appearance, the child you raised is the son of someone else."

Blood rushed to his head, and Liu Yuchen stood up fiercely, his hands trembling uncontrollably: "The master meant that Fat Bao is not my biological son?"

Lin Qingyin nodded: "You can estimate the time of his birth."

Liu Yuchen's pale face was speechless. He always thought it was his wife's frailty that he had the child cut out more than a month in advance, but he didn't expect that there was another hidden story. When I think about it, I can actually find some clues. At that time, after he was drunk and put Yaqi to sleep, it is reasonable to say that his father-in-law should have a big ear scrape and smoke him, but her family didn't mean to embarrass him at all. Instead, they urged them to get married soon. Up. Less than a month after the marriage, Yaqi found out that she was pregnant. She did not look at the obstetrics specialists in the province he contacted. She had to set up a file in a private hospital...

Seeing Liu Yuchen's unsteady standing, Lin Qingyin comforted him very kindly: "You don't need to be too angry, this is a fake marriage in your life. When the spring begins tomorrow, your true marriage should come.

Liu Yuchen couldn't listen to Lin Qingyin's comfort at this time. He quickly recalled what happened two years ago. He originally thought that everything was God's will, but now it seemed to be a bit artificial.

Liu Yuchen's angry face turned green. He didn't expect that he would actually be a picker.

"Okay, I'm done with my gua." Lin Qingyin stood up, picked up his schoolbag and put it on his shoulder, and said in a gentle voice: "Although this matter needs to be found out, it is better to be impulsive than to rush into it. Don't be too impatient. Lest I become passive."

Liu Yuchen nodded. When he and Yaqi were married, they also went to the hospital for pre-marital check-ups and exchanged check-up reports. At that time, Yaqi's examination result did not indicate pregnancy, so he never doubted the child. But thinking about it now, it is not difficult to provide a fake medical report with his Yue family’s financial resources and ability. If you really want to find out who the child is, you really can’t go back and question impulsively, lest you get another fake report. Paternity test.

After understanding, Liu Yuchen solemnly thanked Lin Qingyin: "I will take my child to other provinces for testing tomorrow, and I will visit the master when the results are available."

Lin Qingyin smiled slightly: "Then I wish you all the best."

After coming out of school, Liu Yuchen drove the car all the way east, not to find the person who went to the bank to withdraw money, but Wang Yamei's home happened to be on the east side, Liu Yuchen had to send her back.

It’s also a coincidence that the car went on for five consecutive intersections with green lights. At the sixth intersection, a white car didn't seem to see a red light. It rushed forward and hit Liu Yuchen’s car. .

Wang Yamei remembered Lin Qingyin's words and immediately jumped out of the car. At the same time, the owner of the white car also opened the door. She was wearing the same coat as Wang Yamei, with the same hairstyle, and her chin and mouth looked somewhat similar, but her eyes were nothing like Wang Yamei.

Wang Yamei looked at her height, sneered and took out her mobile phone: "This time you ran into it yourself!"