Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 6: The little policeman followed


The newly bought mobile phone comes with several softwares. Lin Qingyin tried to fiddle with it and found it to be quite fun. She recalled the spelling rules of pinyin from her memory, and finally typed Chinese characters after groping for a long time and sent it to Fatty Wang. The first WeChat: You should memorize that book first.

Fatty Wang, who was lying on the bed and playing on his cell phone, shook his hand when he saw this sentence, and a certain brand of plus phone slipped from his hand and hit his fat face. Fatty Wang clutched his nose and sat up crying, and returned with a desperate expression. If he had this brain, he would have been admitted to college!

Lin Qingyin couldn't help pursing his lips while looking at the lively and interesting expression sent by Fatty Wang. Although the spiritual energy of this mortal world is thin and it is difficult to cultivate, people are quite clever, and all these things invented are very interesting. Well, some meals are also very delicious!

The sound of a key opening came from outside the door. Lin Qingyin tucked the phone under the pillow easily, opened the door of the room and called mother to the woman carrying a pocket of vegetables.

The original owner’s parents look very similar to Lin Qingyin’s parents in her previous life. Although Lin Qingyin can’t calculate the relationship between herself and the original owner, she has to say that having a similar-looking parent can help her integrate into the family more quickly. , At least there is no pressure to call "dad" or "mother".

Qingyin's mother saw her daughter take the initiative to say hello and couldn't help showing a surprised expression. Since Lin Qingyin jumped into the river, she has locked herself in the room for most of the time. However, the two of them are busy at work, and the family of three has too little time to meet and want to sit. There is no time for a good chat together.

Putting the vegetables in her hand in the kitchen, Qingyin’s mother carefully took out half of the watermelon and cut them into small pieces, and brought them to Lin Qingyin: “I went to the vegetable market early today to buy a few more vegetables and give them to me at night. You make something delicious."

Lin Qingyin thought about the taste of the boiled vegetables that he usually eats. It would not give any hope to Qingyin's mother's craftsmanship. She always thought that the meal was very unpalatable, but after eating a meal at noon today, she realized that the meal is innocent and that the craftsmanship of the voiceless mother is too bad.

Seeing Lin Qingyin sitting on the sofa in a daze, Qingyin's mother softly urged: "Eat watermelon. I picked this from the refrigerator when I bought it, and it was cold."

In the previous life, this kind of fruit without aura would not be delivered to Lin Qingyin. In the memory of the original owner, he had not eaten watermelon many times in the past few years. It would be good if their family's financial situation can satisfy a family of three. Fruits and the like are already in the ranks of luxury goods.

Lin Qingyin took a bite of the watermelon. It was sweet and juicy, and it tasted pretty good. She even wiped her hands after eating three yuan, turned her head and glanced at her mother: "The debts of the family are paid off?"

Qingyin's mother had a meal with her hand when she was choosing vegetables. She raised her head and looked at her daughter sitting on the sofa. After thinking about it, she put down the vegetables in her hand and walked over and sat on the small bench opposite Lin Qingyin.

"Qingyin, Mom and Dad are sorry." Mom Qingyin looked at her daughter who was wearing old clothes in front of her with guilt, her eyes flushed: "If it wasn't for paying the debts to the family, you should go to a key high school instead of the current school. Bully."

Qingyin’s mother’s voice was a little choked, but she seemed to be afraid of stimulating Lin Qingyin. She suppressed her emotions and tried to make a smile: “It’s okay if you didn’t take the exam in the first year. There are still two years before the college entrance examination. Your foundation is very good. Well, as long as you work hard, you will be able to catch up. Qingyin, promise mom, don't give up like this, can you try again?"

Lin Qingyin was a little dazed: "Will you continue to go to school?" She recalled the memory of the original owner, as if she said she never wanted to study anymore before she committed suicide. Was she not counting

"Don't be stressed!" Qingyin's mother said immediately: "When school starts, I will talk to your teacher about your being bullied on campus. I don't think they will just sit idly by. Mom really doesn't want you to give up on yourself like this... "Qingyin's mother couldn't help crying: "When I think of you ruining my college dream for this family, I can't wait to apologize with death. Mom and Dad are sorry for you!"

Qingyin looked at her mother's curved back, tentatively raised her hand and patted her gently: "Mom, I see."

Since the original owner's dream is to take a good university entrance examination, let her fulfill this dream for her.

Qingyin’s mother cried for a while and watched her relax more than before. She went to the toilet to wash her face. After she came out, she smiled at Lin Qingyin with her red eyelids: "Today, my parents have paid off the last debt of the family. Mom will spend more time with you. If you are being bullied, you should also tell us that although we have no money and no power, we are reasonable and we are not afraid of them."

Lin Qingyin smiled softly: "Don't worry, I won't let others bully again in the future."

The Lin family belonged to a poor family in this city, and their unvoiced father and mother had low academic qualifications and could only do the most tiring work to make the least money. Fortunately, the main body forgave the hard work of the parents, study hard, kept the top three grades in junior high school, even exceeded the level of performance in the high school entrance examination, and got the best results in the city.

This result is the best key high school in the city, but on the second day after the results came out, a teacher from the admissions office of Dongfang International High School in the city came to Lin’s family. As long as Lin Qingyin was willing to go to Dongfang International High School, Not only is tuition and miscellaneous fees free for three years, but also one hundred thousand scholarships can be given.

When Lin Qingyin heard that there was a scholarship of 100,000 yuan, she agreed to it. She said that she would use the money to pay off the debt for her family.

Three years ago, Lin Qingyin’s father used all his savings to improve his family’s life and opened a shop with his friends. But honestly, he didn’t do business at all, and within a year, his partner would ran away with the money. , Qingyin's father has failed in business, not to mention that he owed a debt of 150,000. Over the years, Lin Qingyin's parents have been doing double jobs to pay back the money. If they can get this one hundred thousand scholarship, the family's debt will be paid off earlier.

As for learning, the original owner has never worried. She knows that the teaching level of Eastern International High School teachers is still good, but the students are more difficult to manage, so they don't get results. As long as you study hard and don’t walk too close to those students, you won’t be affected.

But what made the original idea unexpected was that she waited for Dongfang International High School to really see what a devil was. As a high school entrance examination champion who is often talked about by teachers, her poor family was squeezed out by her classmates. She was accustomed to being covered with paint on the table, nails on the chair, and bucket on the half-open door. The little things that the original owner can't stand the most are their attacks on her parents who are small workers and her poor family. In this atmosphere, the original owner couldn't make up his mind to study. In the first year's final exam, thirty-five students were taken. This ranking caused the whole class to ridicule mercilessly.

The original owner is just a 15-year-old student, even if she is sensible, she can't stand the pressure. She took the report card and didn't go home, but jumped directly into the filial piety river not far from the Civic Park.

Lin Qingyin woke up at that time.

In any case, there is indeed a cause and effect between her and the original owner. What Lin Qingyin can do is take good care of her parents and fulfill her wish for college entrance examination.

Going back to the room and flipping through the book, although this knowledge is stored in her brain, it seems to be separated from her. I know each other, but I don't understand after thinking about it. Lin Qingyin recalled the knowledge system mastered by the original master, and found out the books of several major subjects in junior high school, recognizing his fate.

Don't say anything, just learn!

After reading books at home for two days, Lin Qingyin felt refreshed when she walked out of the house on Thursday morning. Compared with studying, she still loves the profession of fortune telling.

All the way to the Civic Park, Lin Qingyin still came to the place where he set up the stall last time, and took out his crease-filled sign in front of him.

After sitting down for a while, I saw Fatty Wang walking from a distance looking left and right with something in his hand. She saw Lin Qingyin's eyes light up and she ran over.

"I know you are still carrying this cardboard this time. It's so detrimental to your master's demeanor!" Fatty Wang said, unfolding the things in his hands, and said with excitement: "This is a calligraphy master I'm looking for. It’s written, don’t read just these words, it cost me five thousand dollars!"

Lin Qingyin stared at the words "fortune-telling" and "a thousand yuan per hexagram, only cash" on the scroll, and felt that she had found a way to make more money than fortune-telling. The words she wrote were much more beautiful than these words!

Seeing Fatty Wang's triumphant face, Lin Qingyin managed to endure it before reaching out to shoot him out. This prodigal thing is to live a good life by the ancestor Fuyin, and he has to starve to death by himself!

Lin Qingyin sat cross-legged on the grass under the old tree. Fat Wang couldn't sit down. He could only sit on one side with his legs stretched out, looking very embarrassed.

"Where did you recite that book?" Lin Qingyin moved a small stone beside him, and raised his eyes to look at Fat Wang when he felt that the temperature was good, "Carry it to me."

Fatty Wang's face was red with shame. This time he really worked harder than he did when he was in school, but his head was really not good. It took two days to memorize half a page.

Fatty Wang wiped his old face and squatted to recite the contents of the book. Just after memorizing a few sentences, he heard a scream next to him. Fatty Wang was taken aback. He almost cried when he recovered. What is that sentence

"It's this little girl!" Aunt Li, an enthusiastic citizen, rushed over excitedly: "It was her who told the little policeman that day!"


Ma Mingyu went to the hospital to have a gastroscope accompanied by a colleague that day. After finishing the procedure, the doctor directly handed him a list, saying that he took a sample from his stomach for a biopsy and asked him to make up for the cost of a biopsy. Ma Mingyu felt like he heard this, but after taking the biopsy results two days later, he was left for a series of examinations. In the end, the doctor announced that it was the early stage of gastric cancer and directly issued a hospitalization slip for him.

Aunt Li has been thinking about this. Every morning after going to the park, she went to the police station to ask about Ma Mingyu's condition. When she heard that she was hospitalized with stomach cancer, she hurried home to boil chicken soup and went to the hospital to see Xiao Ma. She did not forget to return. Torn it with Aunt Zhang, saying that she almost delayed Ma Mingyu's condition.

Aunt Zhang was so angry that Aunt Li felt she was talking nonsense. The little policeman looked at how young and well-bodied could have stomach cancer. He must have fooled everyone with the little fortune-telling girl.

Seeing that the two people were arguing about to start their hands, the people at the police station were called by the enthusiastic onlookers to mediate the dispute. Fortunately, the police station has been accustomed to handling such trivial matters for so many years, and when they came over, they separated the two very skillfully.

Aunt Li seemed to belong to the police station in the park. She dragged him to her and yelled to Aunt Zhang, "Ask him, is Xiao Ma in the hospital?"

"Little horse?" The police stunned for a moment: "Is it about Ma Mingyu? Oh, don't worry, his family has already rushed over to take care of him, and he will be able to operate next week. Fortunately, the doctor said it was discovered early, as long as the lesion was cut. It's okay, the cure rate is over 90%."

Aunt Li looked at the stunned crowd, and triumphantly lifted her chin to Aunt Zhang: "How about it, I'm right!"

Suddenly, Aunt Li was surrounded by old men and women. These elderly people actually believed in this in some way, but now there are too many scammers and too few real talents, so naturally they will not waste that money. Now that there is such a efficacious master, you have to inquire about it, in case something happens to your family or relatives and friends in the future, you can also know where to find someone.

Hearing everyone rushing to ask the master's fortune-telling place, Aunt Li pointed to Aunt Zhang without anger, "I was scared by her. The little girl hasn't come for two days."

Aunt Zhang hugged her arms and said nothing. The police listened to the dumbfounding and persuaded them. According to the regulations, they still told not to promote feudal superstition, and then left.

Aunt Zhang thought about what happened that day, but she was a little bit guilty in her heart, but the experience of fighting with Aunt Li for so many years told her that she must not be counseled. When the fortune-telling girl comes next time, she must expose her. And Aunt Li thought in her heart, waiting for the little master to come, I must keep your old face off the stage!

Aunt Li thought that the little fortune-telling girl was scared by Aunt Zhang before daring to come again, but she didn't expect to see it as soon as she arrived in the park today, and she rushed over with a scream of excitement. And the old ladies and old ladies who were still slow in Tai Chi movements just now ran fast, and instantly blocked the water surrounding the small stalls.

Lin Qingyin proudly raised his chin at the stunned Fatty Wang, let me just say, business is coming today!