Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 61


Seven days later, Liu Yuchen took the fat bag to the appraisal agency to get the appraisal result. Looking at the words without blood relationship, he was already very calm. He had expected this result a long time ago.

Liu Yuchen smiled bitterly, the little master is really a fortune.

Walking out of the appraisal center, Liu Yuchen took out his mobile phone to call Zhang Yaqi, and was hung up several times. Liu Yuchen seems to have been used to this treatment, and there is no wave on his face. Instead, he calmly sent a WeChat message to Zhang Yaqi: "Please go back to Qicheng to go through the divorce procedures."

As soon as the mobile phone was put in the bag, Zhang Yaqi’s call came in. Liu Yuchen pressed the switch on his face blankly, and heard an impatient voice from the mobile phone: "Liu Yuchen, why are you crazy? If you say divorce, you will divorce you. When am I?"

Liu Yuchen held his son in one hand and the cell phone in the other. He didn’t rush and said, “I brought the fat bag for a paternity test, and I just got the test result. Would you like to hear me read it again? ?"

A simple sentence made the voice on the phone disappear quickly. After about half a minute of silence, Zhang Yaqi's crying voice came over: "Brother Yu Chen, don't do this, listen to me."

Listening to the soft and delicate voice that Liu Yuchen made deliberately over the phone, Liu Yuchen's heart calmly made him feel scared. Now he has no intention of arguing with the Zhang family. He even feels that even angering them is a waste of time. The only thought is Hurry up to dissolve the marriage, he really doesn't want to have anything to do with the Zhang family anymore.

"What do you want to explain?" Liu Yuchen asked indifferently: "Do you want to explain how you concealed your identity as a pregnant woman to marry me? Or do you want to explain that your family made me like to be a father?"

Zhang Yaqi was speechless when asked, Liu Yuchen closed his eyes slightly, and his voice was full of exhaustion: "Zhang Yaqi, I'll say it again, immediately buy a flight ticket to Qicheng and go through the divorce procedures with me, otherwise don't blame me for being polite."

"Brother Yuchen..."

Liu Yuchen didn't want to listen to Zhang Yaqi's lack of nutrition, so he turned off the plane and went directly to the airport with the fat bag.

After Zhang Yaqi was hung up, Liushen had no master and could only call home. Zhang's mother didn’t wait for Zhang Yaqi to speak after receiving her daughter’s call, she whispered and complained: "You said Liu Yuchen didn’t have any, and she took the child out to play for more than a week. I won’t call my house anymore. Could my mother-in-law take the initiative to call him? When he comes back, I’ll have to talk about him!”

Listening to her mother playing the majesty of her mother-in-law, Zhang Yaqi jumped angrily: "Mom, when is it now, do you still say this! Liu Yuchen knows it."

Mother Zhang hadn't reacted yet, and she casually looked into the mirror to look at her newly bought necklace: "What does he know?"

"He knows that Fat Bag is not his child anymore." Zhang Yaqi couldn't hide the panic in her voice, and she couldn't help shaking her mobile phone hand: "He took Fat Bag for a paternity test."

Mother Zhang's cell phone chuckled and fell on the table, her face as white as paper.

The East Window incident happened!

After getting off the plane, Liu Yuchen visited Lin Qingyin first. Lin Qingyin pinched the chubby face of the fat bag and said with some regret: "He is a good boy, but his biological parents are not very reliable."

Liu Yuchen heard this with mixed feelings and reached out to hold the fat bag in his arms: "Little Master, can you help me calculate the situation of my wife and the fat bag, I want to know how much their family has concealed me."

Liu Yuchen took out a picture of Zhang Yaqi's undressed face ten years ago. This photo is a close-up shot with SLR without makeup. The facial features are particularly clear.

Lin Qingyin combined the facial features of Fat Bao and Zhang Yaqi's photos and said: "This woman has been pregnant five times in her life. Fat Bao is the fifth. Judging from the appearance of Fat Bao, his mother is no longer able to give birth. Bao is her last child."

Liu Yuchen was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered: "The Zhang family is also ruthless. Not only does he want me to be the pick-up man, but he also intends to turn our Liu family's assets into their Zhang family's. The ambition is not small."

"Zhang Yaqi's peach blossoms are full of evil light, and her relationship experience is richer. Besides you, she will have three marriages. But..." Lin Qingyin shook her head and did not continue to say, because Zhang Yaqi's future life has nothing to do with Liu Yuchen, so there is no need speak out.

Lin Qingyin looked at Fat Bao’s palm prints and then at his face: “This child’s biological father should have three biological sisters. His family is poor but he has developed a disgusting and easy-working character. The relationship between that person and Fat Bao is unbroken. , Your wife should still be in contact with him now.

Liu Yuchen thought of Zhang Yaqi's six months of labor and went out to study for graduate school. He was so busy that he would not come back during the holidays, but he never talked about his professional results at home, and even asked about it. Liu Yuchen always thought that she just wanted to mix up a degree, but he didn't expect to raise a lover outside while still mixing up a degree.

"Master, thank you!" Liu Yuchen took out the thick pile of money that he had taken out of his bank card and placed it on Lin Qingyin's desk: "If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have ruined their Zhang family's hands in my life."

Lin Qingyin clicked on the table with his finger, and comforted him: "You will experience some twists and turns in your life. This hurdle is like a disaster for you. As long as you step over, the road behind will be smooth."

Liu Yuchen nodded again and again: "I know, in fact, I have nothing to miss about this marriage. I know I can get a divorce and I feel relieved." He touched Fat Bao's head and smiled bitterly: "I just regret this. My child, if he is my own flesh and blood, I will take him away, but my father is a fake."

Lin Qingyin took a clean big apple and handed it to Fat Bag to play with: "Since you like Fat Bags so much, let me say a few more words. The face of children has changed the most. Some children can see the future as soon as they are born. , There are also several different situations in life appearing on the same face, Fat Bao belongs to the second kind. This child has two futures in face now. If he can be far away from his parents in the future, he can still become a talent; if it is in him Growing up next to his parents is a dude, eating, drinking, prostitution, and gambling to no avail, and the evening scene is bleak."

Liu Yuchen touched Fat Bao's head distressedly, and thanked Chaolin Qingyin nodding his head: "Thank you, Master, for your suggestion. I will remind the Zhang family and hope they can raise this child well."

After leaving school, Liu Yuchen drove to Zhang's house with a fat bag. People in the Zhang family already knew that Liu Yuchen came back today, and the whole family waited at home without going out. But after waiting for a few hours, Liu Yuchen didn’t see Liu Yuchen coming. Just when Zhang’s mother was a little uncomfortable and began to worry about the safety of his grandson, the villa’s The doorbell finally rang.

The nanny went to open the door and greeted Liu Yuchen with a smile: "My uncle is here."

Liu Yuchen walked in with the fat bag. Zhang's mother and Zhang's mother and Zhang Mingjie's son, Zhang Mingjie, were both at home. They all stood up after seeing Liu Yuchen come in.

Although Zhang's mother was a little worried about the fat bag, she looked timidly at Liu Yuchen's face like a sinking face and was afraid to step forward. Liu Yuchen put down the fat bag and asked, "Is Zhang Yaqi back?"

Zhang Mingjie and Liu Yuchen have a good relationship. They stepped forward and put his arms around his shoulders, and said in a nice tone: "Aki bought a ticket for tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. When she comes back, we will say her, don't be angry."

Liu Yuchen hehehe twice, turned around and walked towards the gate.

Father Zhang, who had been silent on the side, saw that Liu Yuchen was not giving any face, so he had to stand up and stop him: "Yuchen, let's sit down and talk first."

Liu Yuchen turned around, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth: "Father-in-law, what did you say I stayed to talk about? Tell me about your family teaming up to lie to me as the next man? Do you say I have to thank you for being here? I was chosen by many young talents, which really made me feel flattered."

Zhang’s father was embarrassed and speechless. Although Zhang Mingjie was dissatisfied with Liu Yuchen’s attitude, he was embarrassed to say something. Only Zhang’s mother couldn’t hold back covering her face and cried: "Yuchen, you have come to our house since childhood. Play, you also know that our family, Yaqi, although spoiled a little bit, is not bad-hearted. It is true that we are not authentic in calculating your marriage, but we really can’t help it at that time. Yaqi was confused for a while and became pregnant, but she The uterine membrane is particularly thin. If you have a miscarriage, you will probably never be able to give birth again. We can't let her be childless in this life. We really can't agree to her giving birth."

Mother Zhang cried and looked at Liu Yuchen's face from the crevice of her arm. It was really uncomfortable to see him unmoved: "She is an unmarried girl who has a bad reputation for giving birth to a child, and she has to be taken care of by someone reliable. She and the child are at ease. You and Yaqi grew up together, and we all know each other in character, character, and family background. You two couldn't be better together."

Liu Yuchen was amused by what Zhang's mother took for granted: "Did you forget to say something?" Seeing Zhang mother's dodging eyes, Liu Yuchen put the words directly on the table: "Zhang Yaqi had a miscarriage four times in a row, so she had to Leave the fat bag, because she will not be able to have another child if she has another miscarriage. But even so, her body can't be restored to the state before the miscarriage. Has the doctor told you that she won't be able to have another baby in the future. "

Zhang's father and Zhang Mingjie turned their heads to look at Zhang's mother at the same time, and asked in unison: "Is what he said is true?"

Mother Zhang's face was pale, and she thought about coaxing Liu Yuchen's words to be useless. In the face of the facts, no matter how much she could quibble, she was nothing more than a clown.

Seeing Mother Zhang's dodging eyes and expression of guilty conscience, Zhang slapped her fatherly: "Didn't you say that Yaqi was only pregnant for a while and accidentally gave birth to a child? Why didn't you tell me about her miscarriage and the inability to have another child? ?"

Mother Zhang covered her face and cried out: "Who hasn't been confused when she was young, what's the use of telling you if she is like this? Let you beat her to death?"

Father Zhang stomped his feet with a sigh of relief: "If I knew this, I shouldn't have agreed to the matter of Yaqi marrying Yu Chen. Doesn't it hurt Liu's family? You let me show Brother Liu with what kind of face."

Liu Yuchen couldn't help but sneered twice when he heard Zhang's father's words: "Now you are embarrassed to see my dad. If you really treat my dad as a friend as a buddy, you wouldn't be able to let me be the man in the back." Matter! Without your permission, did Zhang Yaqi give a fake pre-marital medical report? Can she plan all this and marry me in such a short time? Uncle Zhang, I'm so sick of you watching this drama! "

Zhang's father was speechless by Liu Yuchen. Although Zhang Mingjie was very speechless by his own mother and sister's sorrows, he still stood up for the face of Zhang's family: "Yuchen..."

"You shut up!" Liu Yuchen pointed at him and said coldly: "Don't charge me as your brother-in-law here. One of your family is counted as one. No one is innocent in this matter. I don’t pretend to be a good person. Zhang Yaqi will get off the plane tomorrow afternoon, right? I will wait for her at the Civil Affairs Bureau at three o’clock in the afternoon. She wants every property of my family. I don’t care about your property. Don’t touch anyone with the property. As for her, she’s here. I will give her one day to clean up the jewelry bags for the new house, and I will sell the house to the agent on weekends."


It seemed that the voice downstairs frightened Fat Bao, and Fat Bao, who had just returned home and hadn't gotten used to it, burst into tears. Hearing Fat Bao’s voice, Liu Yuchen’s expression softened. He took a deep breath to calm his emotions, and then relayed Lin Qingyin’s words to the Zhang family: "For Fat Bao’s future, I’ll give you a piece of advice. Let him stay away from his mother and father, so as not to be misled by them and ruined his life."

Liu Yuchen's attitude has shown that the divorce is irreversible, and the Zhang family dare not persuade it anymore. Liu Yuchen knew that even Zhang Yaqi had beaten four times. They were afraid that if they tried to persuade them, they would be unseen again and they would be embarrassed again.

The next afternoon, Zhang Yaqi appeared at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau on time. Seeing her parents did not persuade Liu Yuchen, she was too lazy to cover up, and said frankly: "I admit that I do have someone out there, but this kind of thing is not normal. I don’t say if you play outside in the future. If you have an illegitimate child, you can bring it home to raise. I don’t have any objection. Isn’t it okay to maintain this marriage? Our two industries already have an intersection. If we join hands It will definitely be able to make the company stronger and better. Just because of this, it’s not worth getting a divorce. What’s more, it’s hard for us to marry a better girl than me, right?"

Looking at Zhang Yaqi's delicate red lips, Liu Yuchen frowned in disgust: "I think any girl in Qicheng is better than you." Looking at Zhang Yaqi's sudden change of color, Liu Yuchen said word by word: "After all, like you There are really not many women with such bad conduct."

"As for making the company stronger and bigger, you don't have to worry about it. I will rely on my own ability to do it well. Joining with your Zhang family, I am afraid that our company will be ruined by you sooner or later."

Zhang Yaqi has never suffered such humiliation since she was a child, and her angry face was red and white: "Liu Yuchen, what do you think you are, it would be better to marry me without you! Now we will go through the divorce procedures, I will one minute I don't want to see you again."

Liu Yuchen pursed his lips: "Thank you for letting go, so do I."

Both of them have not inherited the family's property. The new house is Liu Yuchen's pre-marital house. The two have not lived together much, so the property is particularly easy to divide.

After finishing the divorce procedures, Liu Yuchen drove directly to the company and sent the divorce certificate and paternity test to the chairman's office.

When Father Liu saw the divorce certificate on the table, his face suddenly sank: "Divorce? Why didn't you tell your family about such a big matter? Why did you divorce Yaqi!"

Liu Yuchen pointed to the document under the divorce certificate: "The answer is there."

Father Liu immediately opened the folder containing the paternity test. After seeing the content inside, he was furious: "Isn't Fat Bao your son?!!! What did their family say?"

"Zhang Yaqi set up a set to marry me because I was pregnant, and their whole family knows. Until now, I still want to fool me as a fool, but I didn't give them a chance." Stretching his waist, Liu Yuchen suddenly laughed: "Married. For the first time in more than two years, I feel as relaxed as today. It seems that the divorce is right."

Seeing Liu Yuchen's relief, Liu's father kept the divorce certificate and paternity test in the drawer, and decided to settle the account with Zhang's family.

"I'll tell your mother about this, lest she can't stand it. As for the Zhang family, you don't have to worry about it anymore. I will thank them for their love to us."

Liu Yuchen nodded. He knew that although his father looked very gentle at ordinary times, someone who could do such a big business from scratch must have his own tough methods.

"You are also divorced, and you are going on vacation. It's time to take care of yourself." Father Liu leaned back in his chair and looked at Liu Yuchen: "Although the 500,000 stolen money was chased back, this matter It can’t be the case. The Finance Department must rectify and rectify. Although Wang Yamei discovered that this incident did not cause losses to the company in time, the cause of the incident was that she was unfavorable in keeping the financial chapters. The evaluation still needs to be evaluated.”

Liu Yuchen nodded: "The whole company must take this as a warning. All departments have to self-check management loopholes and then make rectifications. As for Wang Yamei, I will evaluate her quarterly bonus to serve as an example, but in private, I will personally Give her the money." Seeing his father's puzzled look, Liu Yuchen put down his cocked legs, and said solemnly: "This time, thanks to Wang Yamei who brought me to know a master, I just know Fat Bao It’s not about my own son, it’s really too accurate."

Father Liu has been in business for decades, and he is very convinced about Feng Shui fortune-telling. He always wants to have someone who knows how to do the calculations. However, the people I have met over the years are either half-hearted or half-bucket of water, and none of them are particularly effective. As soon as he heard that the master was very accurate, he immediately became interested: "You tell me how to make the hair accurate."

"Actually, the misappropriation of public funds by Chen Taimin was not discovered by Wang Yamei, but the master she found calculated for her." Liu Yuchen started from Wang Yamei's experience of fortune-telling, and kept talking about who was the person who accompany Wang Yamei to calculate and withdraw money. , And the master left her...

"The master said that Zhang Yaqi had miscarried four times, and she gave birth to Fat Bao because she would be infertile for life if she miscarried, so she found me as a cheap dad for the child." Liu Yuchen smiled bitterly: "In fact, Zhang Yaqi and I are just the roots. There is no emotion. Not getting divorced before was because I cared about the friendship between you and the Zhang family, and also hoped that I could give Fat Bao a complete family. If it were not for the little master, I am afraid I might not find that Fat Bao is not my son's business in my life."

Father Liu nodded solemnly: "This master is the benefactor of our family, and we must thank you very much. You prepare a check and a generous gift, and we will visit the master tomorrow morning. If it is convenient for the master, I would like to invite him Go to the Imperial City to show your uncle's feng shui. Recently, everything in his house is not going well, maybe it's just a villain."

Liu Yuchen shook his head embarrassedly: "If you want to visit the master, it won't work tomorrow morning. The master may be free from 6:30 to 7:00 in the evening. Maybe she can't show my uncle the feng shui now, at least until the release She will be free during the winter vacation."

Father Liu raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Could it be that this master was a teacher in school?"

Liu Yuchen shook his head: "No, this master was a student in school. She is in the second year of high school this year."

Father Liu froze, and asked incredulously: "Are the masters now so young?"

Liu Yuchen didn't know much about this either. It was the first time he came into contact with fortune-telling when he was such an old age, and he didn't expect it to be quite effective.

"Dad, what gift do you want to bring with us?"

Hearing this question, Father Liu, who had been in business for so many years, was also embarrassed. After a long time, he stammered and asked: "Would you like to send a car of exercises? What is the thing that you did in high school? What has been simulated for several years in the college entrance examination."

Liu Yuchen: "..." Hehe, can the little master throw you out, believe it or not

After school that day, Lin Qingyin did not go to the cafeteria to eat, but decided to go to the Gua Room and Wang Fatty to deal with a pair of business that was relatively anxious recently. Zhang Simiao would follow him as soon as he heard that she was now like Lin Qingyin's leg pendant, wishing to squat a hole in the toilet, wherever she went.

Originally, Lin Qingyin only had the pendant Zhang Simiao, but after she lent her stationery to her senior high school sister Shang Yi in the monthly exam examination room, and after calculating it for her mother who was pushed into the intensive care unit, Shang Yi also became Lin. A voiceless fan, Tian Tian and the school applied to change to Lin Qingyin's dormitory. At the beginning, the logistics department of the school disagreed with Shang Yi's application. After all, the school's dormitories were divided according to age, and Shang Yi directly asked the principal. Principal Wang attached great importance to matters related to Lin Qingyin. He sent a WeChat message to Lin Qingyin, then waved his hand and agreed to Shang Yi's request to change the dormitory.

Except that the three people in the dormitory are not together in class, they can be seen together at other times, and they are eating at the same table. Lin Qingyin and Zhang Simiao were going out of school, so naturally they had to say hello to Shang Yi. When Shang Yi heard that they were going to Lin Qingyin’s Gua Room, they immediately took out their mobile phones and asked for a leave with the head teacher. On Lin Qingyin's other arm.

Fatty Wang and Lin Qingyin made an appointment, and drove to the school gate early to wait for her. After seeing Lin Qingyin's figure, he came down and opened the door eagerly, and drove three people straight to the Gua Room.

As Lin Qingyin’s reputation grows, old customers introduce new customers, and big customers introduce wealthy customers. More and more people come to Lin Qingyin. Some people even know Lin Qingyin’s skills and have not waited for fortune-telling. He delivered the gift to the Gua Room in advance.

Fatty Wang opened the appointment list and introduced several important recent deals with Lin Qingyin: "Dashuai Yang has a new villa in his hometown, and it always feels wrong. I asked you to have a look. The time set was the tenth of the lunar calendar. Fifth, it happens to be this Saturday. It is estimated that I will spend the night from there. The little master remembers to bring washing things in advance and talk to the family.

"Zhang Yi, who came back from Hong Kong, wants to bid for a plot, and the design drawings have already come out. I would like to invite you to take a look.

"There is a new client whose surname is Zhang, Zhang Mingjie. He said that his sister's uterus is damaged and can no longer give birth. He wants to ask you for a jade charm that nourishes the body. The price is one million..."

Lin Qingyin felt this when she heard this, "Have you left his sister's information?"

"Yes!" Fatty Wang quickly showed Lin Qingyin the detailed information he had recorded: "It's called Zhang Yaqi, from 1991."

Lin Qingyin chuckled lightly, and said bluntly, "Push it away."

Fatty Wang was stunned for a moment, and it was the first time that he had known Little Master for so long to see her push out business, especially the one million business.

"Is there anything wrong with this person?" Fatty Wang asked with some anxiety, "Did she offend the little master?"

Lin Qingyin smiled slightly: "It's just bad conduct, I'm afraid it will stain my charms."

Fatty Wang typed a big X on it, and then turned to the next page: "Little Master, here is a family who has been seriously ill one after another. Would you like to see it?"

Lin Qingyin figured it out: "Next, I will go to see his house's Feng Shui on Sunday afternoon."