Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 65


Because of the expectation of food, Lin Qingyin was very happy along the way. When the car drove to the door of Zhou's old house, several people could smell the smell of meat from the half-closed door and Lin Qingyin's saliva as soon as they pushed the door. Almost came out.

Zhou Zihao's younger uncle Zhou Wensheng had almost prepared dinner. The two elderly people had a meal early, and Zhou Wensheng prepared some soft food in advance and let them eat back to the room to watch TV. The other kinds of game are warmed in different pots, and the taste will not be spoiled even if simmered.

In addition, there are several special dishes of Zhou Wensheng, the preparation process has been completed, and those dishes can be finished in ten minutes or so, without any delay in eating.

Hearing the voice of his nephew from the gate, Zhou Wensheng quickly picked up a towel and wiped his hands and greeted him out: "Miss Lin and Mr. Wang are here, hello, hello, please come in soon."

Zhou Zihao had already mentioned to his uncle that the little master he had invited was young, so Zhou Wensheng was not surprised to see Lin Qingyin. This time I invited the master to come to the house. After discussing the matter, the family decided to hide the two old people first, so as not to make them think randomly. Lin Qingyin and the others came as friends of Zhou Zihao.

Lin Qingyin saw Zhou Wensheng who had come out to greet him, and first looked at his face: "I was poor when I was young, worked hard in my youth, and made a fortune after middle age, does my husband have little assets now?"

Zhou Wensheng smiled from ear to ear, and Chao Lin Qingyin arched his hands: "Your eyes are like torches, and you are not bad at all. The food is ready, and I don't know if it suits the taste of the little master."

Lin Qingyin was already hungry, and groaned when he heard this.

Zhou Zihao's hometown is in Shanbo County, and Zhang Wu, who was obsessed with his ancestor's grave, is a fellow. Zhang Wu has been bankrupt for several months, but fortunately, he knew the situation in advance and made arrangements for his family. Now Zhang Wu's family of three lives in his parents' three-bedroom house. The parents have large insurance and don't have to worry about old-age care. The daughter has completed the bone marrow transplant and is now recovering. Originally, Zhang Wu could live a good life by his own efforts, but he turned his mind and went down the wrong path. Although he became rich for a while, he almost ended up ruining his family.

Lin Qingyin sighed when he thought of Zhang Wu's affairs. After a delicious dish was served on the table, Lin Qingyin immediately forgot about him, leaving only these delicious dishes in his eyes.

Zhou Wensheng prepared dinner in accordance with the standards of entertaining guests, and he cooked his best dishes in these years. Shanbo County has mountains and is next to the Yellow River. It is not only rich in game, but also fresh and tender. These ingredients are enough for Zhou Wensheng to show off his skills.

Zhou Wensheng prepared this evening meal for nearly a day. Not only was the game fragrant and fragrant, it was also beautifully presented. Lin Qingyin stretched out his chopsticks and couldn't wait to clamp a piece of red and scented braised wild duck, gently tore it with his teeth, the tender duck meat wrapped in the marinade and slipped into his mouth, neither too much wood nor too greasy. Conquered the taste buds of the little master in an instant.

A large piece of duck meat went into his belly, Lin Qingyin took another bite of tomato squirrel fish made of yellow river carp. The soup was sweet and sour and the fish was tender. Lin Qingyin’s happy tears were about to fall, especially sincerely complimented: “It’s worth it. I graduated from New Oriental, and the dishes I cook are delicious."

Zhou Wensheng brought the last fish ball soup to the table, sat down opposite Lin Qingyin, and said with a smile: "I opened a Yellow River Carp Restaurant on Guyu Street. Which dish you taste is delicious, I will be there next time. Eat in the store, I invite you."

It took more than an hour to eat a meal, a large table full of vegetables to the end, at least half of it was wiped out by the little master. The little master who had eaten and drank his eyes was much brighter than before, and he looked at the stars at night, so bright that people couldn't move his eyes.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening after finishing the table. Zhou Zihao's grandparents had already fallen asleep on the second floor, and they didn't meet these juniors. Zhou Zihao was afraid that Lin Qingyin and Fatty Wang would be offended, and explained to his grandparents: "The two old men are both over 80 years old and have strange tempers. Don't bother with the two masters."

Lin Qingyin and Fatty Wang are not the kind of people who like to put on airs, so naturally they don't care about these little things. Seeing that the time was getting late, Zhou Zihao winked at his brother Yang Dashuai and asked him to help himself ask the little master how to arrange the next thing.

Before Marshal Yang could speak, Lin Qingyin said, "This matter has to wait until midnight. If you are sleepy, you can rest first. Just leave a member of Zhou's family here."

Zhou Zihao didn't dare to go to bed, Zhou Wensheng was a little worried, and both of them stayed. Dashuai Yang is a night owl. He seldom goes to bed in the first half of the night. Staying up late is the most common thing for him. Fatty Wang followed Lin Qingyin for the sake of gaining knowledge, so naturally he would not miss this weird thing.

After asking about it, the four of them simply sat in the living room drinking tea and chatting and didn't go to bed to pass the remaining time. When Zhou Zihao didn't know how many times he refilled the teapot, he looked up at the clock on the wall, and it was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night in ten minutes. Zhou Zihao shivered immediately, and the sleepiness that had just arisen disappeared.

"Little Master, it's almost time." He said in a low voice, couldn't help rubbing the goosebumps on his arm, and asked anxiously, "Isn't our house haunted?"

Lin Qingyin didn't answer him directly, but just smiled at him slightly: "You'll know in a while."

It's okay for Lin Qingyin not to say anything. Zhou Zihao became even more scared when he said that he stretched out his hand to grab the arm of Marshal Yang next to him and hugged him in his arms, shaking like a sieve.

Lin Qingyin took out a handful of stones from his pocket and threw them in several places in the living room seemingly at random, then walked up the stairs and threw them to the top floor before coming back again. By this time, it was 11:55. Lin Qingyin took the tortoise shell out of his pocket and hugged it in his hand, dragged his shoes and sat cross-legged on the sofa.

Zhou Zihao looked at her cautiously, and asked nervously, "Little Master, what are we going to do?"

"You can go back to your room and lie on the bed, and don't make a noise no matter what you see..." Before Lin Qingyin finished speaking, Zhou Zihao shook his head like a rattle: "No way, I'm afraid, is there anything else? choose?"

Lin Qingyin smiled: "The other choice is to sit here, and I can't make a sound when I see anything."

Although they can't make a sound, it's better for a group of people to be together than to be alone in the room. What if a scary female ghost comes out.

Zhou Zihao was the first to raise his hand and say that he would stay in the living room. Zhou Wensheng, who had a big waist and didn't say anything, also raised his chubby hand tremblingly, completely devoid of the calm appearance just now: "I'm also upstairs. Stay there."

Seeing that they were both unwilling to go upstairs, others did not ask. Lin Qingyin took out some talisman paper from his pocket and gave them one by one. Put the talisman paper in your pocket, no matter what the spirits and ghosts are, they won't be able to find you."

Zhou Zihao almost cried when he heard the words "Essence Ghosts", he quickly took a piece of talisman and put it in his pocket. After loading it, he was worried, he touched his whole body and found a pocket on the inside of his jacket. , He hurriedly stuffed the talisman into it, and suddenly felt more at ease in his heart.

Seeing how many people had installed the talisman paper, Lin Qingyin glanced at the time. One minute before twelve o'clock, he raised his chin to Zhou Zihao: "Go and turn off all the lights."

In order to make it easier for the elderly to enter and exit, there was a master switch at the door to control all the lights in the room. Zhou Zihao ran to turn off the lights, ran back to the sofa by the light in the phone, and sat down next to his uncle. .

There were no street lights in the countryside. After Zhou Zihao turned his hands on the switch, the room was plunged into darkness, and no one could see sleep. After about half a minute, the moonlight outside the window suddenly brightened, and the few people who originally thought the room was too dark can now understand each other's appearance.

The living room was very quiet, except for the forced breathing, only the rattling of the hands of the wall clock echoed in the room. Zhou Zihao couldn't see the time on the clock and didn't know how long it had passed. Just when he couldn't help but wanted to touch the phone, he suddenly heard howling from the door.

For the safety of his grandparents, Zhou Zihao installed a luxurious real copper door for the villa. The door alone costs nearly 40,000 yuan. It is not only fireproof and anti-theft, but also soundproof. He couldn't understand why such a good door suddenly happened. There was such a big movement.

Before he could understand, he saw a transparent shadow coming out of the door. Zhou Zihao almost screamed at the scene, but fortunately he covered his mouth in time and held back the scream.

The transparent shadow was neither a human figure nor a ghost, but a snake emitting a faint silver light, but the snake did not look normal, but more like a soul body.

Seeing the giant snake that was thicker than his own thigh roaming in the living room, everyone except Lin Qingyin showed an expression of disbelief. In this unexpected situation, even the well-informed Fatty Wang widened his eyes, not knowing what to do.

The giant snake circled in the living room and climbed up the stairs. Lin Qingyin stood up and followed behind the giant snake. After walking a few steps, she realized that the few people behind hadn't followed, and waved a little incomprehensibly: "come!"

Fatty Wang almost knelt down to her, I said, Xiao Ancestor, you should stop talking, what if the snake hears it

I don’t know if it’s because the snake’s hearing is not sensitive or Lin Qingyin’s talisman paper is too useful. When a few people got up from the sofa, they made a little sound because of their soft legs, but the snake didn’t notice it at all and still dragged. Climbing to the second floor with a huge body.

Zhou Zihao's grandparents live in the master bedroom on the second floor. When Zhou Zihao stays in the villa, he will live in the second bedroom next to the master bedroom. There are also several communicating bedrooms on the third floor.

The snake seemed to be very familiar with the layout of the villa. It carefully avoided the flower pots in the corner when it was walking through the corridor. I don't know if it happened that the pebbles that Lin Qingyin threw in the corridor and stairwell just avoided the snake's path, and none of the stones was touched by the snake.

Arriving on the second floor, the giant snake did not enter the master bedroom, but went to two second bedrooms one after the other. Zhou Zihao and Zhou Wensheng couldn't help but let out a cold sweat when they saw this scene. They usually live in the second bedroom on the second floor for the convenience of taking care of the elderly when they live in a villa. Now Zhou Wensheng is sleeping in the room closest to the master bedroom, and the other room is reserved for Zhou Zihao. They will only live on the third floor when the second floor is not available.

The big snake quickly came out of the room. It seemed to be looking for something. After going back and forth between the two rooms several times, Zhou Wensheng felt as if he saw a puzzled look on the face of the big snake.

Soon other people discovered this, because Orochi looked straight and tilted his head as if he was thinking about something, and looked a little confused and a little puzzled.

Dashuai Yang, Zhou Zihao and none of them dared to say anything. If they saw this scene in the crawling hall in the park, they might have praised something like "so smart" and "so cute". But now they are facing the soul of a snake at home in the middle of the night, let alone praise, one by one, they don't even dare to fart.

I don't know what the giant snake has pondered, and suddenly looks a little angry, raising his head and rushing towards the third floor. Lin Qingyin stood there and didn't move. The four people behind did not dare to move when they saw it. About five or six minutes later, they saw the giant snake sliding down the stairs with its head drooping and twisting its body at the door of the master bedroom. He got up, his huge head drooped on his body, his eyes closed seemed to be dozing off.

The extraordinarily bright moonlight cast on the giant snake through the large windows in the corridor, and the giant snake seemed to be nourished on the side, the body was obviously solidified, and the light on the body was brighter.

Lin Qingyin yawned and said to the people behind him: "Okay, it's okay, let's go to sleep. In which room should I rest?"

The rooms have been arranged in advance, but the snake like a soul is still here. Zhou Zihao and Zhou Wensheng have no guts to sleep at all, and they don't even dare to return to the room.

All four of them went to the third floor.

There were only three bedrooms on the third floor, and the bedding was washed and dried in advance. Lin Qingyin took the toiletries he brought to clean it, and went back to the room he had prepared for him to fall asleep. Although Fatty Wang is also afraid of the snake, he trusts the little master and her formation more than he does. Seeing that the little master is not nervous or afraid at all, he also puts his heart in his stomach, and he is down-to-earth. Go back to the room to sleep.

Only Yang Dashuai, Zhou Zihao and Zhou Wensheng could not sleep. Dashuai Yang felt that this scene tonight was more scary than when he faced Li Siyu. Although Li Siyu looked like a ghost at that time, it was broad daylight when she and herself tore their faces, and psychologically there was not much fear. But the situation is different now. A snake that glows and has a transparent body in the middle of the night looks like the rhythm of a horror movie.

The three elders squeezed into one bed and covered them with two quilts. They did not dare to take off their clothes or turn on the lights, so they all buried their heads in the quilt. At first I felt very energetic, but when I touched the pillow, a few people felt sleepy, and soon their eyelids couldn't open.

When Zhou Zihao, who was lying on the outside, was about to fall asleep, the familiar whistling sound appeared. The giant snake on the second floor seemed to have found something wrong, and got into the room through the closed door.

Zhou Zihao's frightened body stiffened, and he clung to Dashuai Yang tightly without daring to move. The giant snake straightened up and its body was nearly two meters high, with its head on the ceiling. It was condescendingly staring at the bed with two eyes like car lights, but after staring for a long time, it didn't find anything wrong. It leaped up with a whirr, and got out of the wall beside the bed.

Zhou Zihao heard the familiar call passing by. He didn't know if he should breathe a sigh of relief. He lived in the villa intermittently for a total of ten days, and there was no time for one night to stop sleeping. The snake hadn't hurt him before, so he must be fine today.

So comforting himself, Zhou Zihao's heart gradually calmed down. Hearing the light and heavy snoring in his ear, his sleepiness gradually surged, and he fell asleep quickly.

There was no dream in the night. When Zhou Zihao woke up, Dashuai Yang and Zhou Wensheng, who slept in the same bed, were already up. Zhou Zihao lifted the quilt and looked at the bright sunshine outside. He was in a much better mood than last night.

Zhou Wensheng brought the prepared breakfast to the dining table. Two gray-haired old people were eating soft glutinous tofu and egg custard and sweet bean paste buns, while chanting Zhou Wensheng: "What happened to you such a big person? Are all squeezed to the third floor to sleep?"

Zhou Wensheng scooped the fragrant meat sauce onto the tofu and egg custard, and explained patiently: "Friends are here at home, and we are talking on it."

"Don't go to bed too late, it's not good for your health." Grandpa Zhou took a bite of the egg custard and put it in his mouth, then turned his head and told his wife: "You eat this too, it's delicious."

Dashuai Yang sat next to Grandpa Zhou and snorted and ate the meat sauce noodles. Grandpa Zhou dragged the chicken feet in the earthen jar to Dashuai Yang for fear that he could not reach it. Grandpa Zhou and Grandma Zhou lived next door to Dashuai Yang's house when he was taking care of Zhou Zihao in Qicheng. Yang Dashuai and the people they were familiar with were like family members.

After washing up, Zhou Zihao met Lin Qingyin and Fatty Wang. He couldn't wait to tell what happened last night, and scratched his hair a little tangledly: "I brought the little master's rune paper last night. To me, but I don’t know why it didn’t hurt me when it could see me before. It just made me feel nervous.”

Lin Qingyin smiled: "In fact, you don't need to ask others about this matter, just ask your grandparents."

Zhou Zihao thought of the appearance of the giant snake, with a tangled expression on his face: "Could it be that my grandfather and Xu Xian also met a white snake that repays gratitude?" He thought about the appearance of the white snake, and asked a little uncertainly. : "Then he stewed the white snake?"

Lin Qingyin was taken aback for a moment, and Zhou Zihao's thoughts were immediately deflected: "Can snakes also be eaten? Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious!" Zhou Zihao replied subconsciously, and licked his lips: "I have eaten snake soup in the south and also dried it. It's very fragrant."

Zhou Wensheng brought the two cooked breakfasts to the table and then went upstairs to tell them to come down to eat. As soon as they went up to the third floor, they saw three people standing on the stairs, not knowing what to talk about. The little master looked serious. Rub your belly well.

"Little Master and Master Wang have breakfast ready." Zhou Wensheng greeted him, and then asked, "What are you talking about?"

Zhou Zihao smiled and stroked the back of his head: "I'm talking to the little master about how to eat snake meat."

Lin Qingyin swallowed and looked at Zhou Wensheng hopefully: "Are you good at making snake meat?"

"Is that the snake last night?" Zhou Wensheng almost cried: "I really don't know this! To tell you the truth, I don't have such a big pot!"