Fortune Teller Master

Chapter 68


The ingredients in the family were originally enough for one family to eat, but with such a big snake ancestor, it's hard to tell. Fortunately, many people in the village raise chickens, ducks and geese at home. Zhou Zihao bought dozens of them in one go and asked the seller to help them tidy up. Yang Dashuai didn't have any idle time, so he drove to the big supermarket in the county and bought two more. When the pot came back, I was afraid that it would not be enough for a while; even Grandpa Zhou in his eighties was busy, and he directed Fatty Wang to move some bricks and cement out of the old house. The old man relied on the craftsmanship he developed when he was young Set up two earthen stoves.

Everyone was busy spinning around, but Lin Qingyin was forced to chat with the white snake with her feet tangled up. Said it was chatting, in fact, it was more like White Snake's own whispering. It was so dense that Lin Qingyin couldn't get in his mouth at all, and Lin Qingyin's eyes were a little straight as he listened. She regretted helping the white snake transform its bones, but she didn't expect such a snake of hundreds of years to talk so much. Her golden tortoise was not like that back then.

Smelling the scent of stewed goose in the yard getting stronger and stronger, Lin Qingyin couldn't sit still, stood up and wanted to go out and have a look. The white snake is now in a spiritual state, and can't get out at all. He can only look at Lin Qingyin with tears of tears. If it weren't for its too large body, Lin Qingyin almost regarded it as a baby.

Let's go, let's see it pleasingly.

Lin Qingyin took out another jade from his bag, and while carving it, he couldn't help but start to murmur: "The first time I met, I wasted two pieces of original jade. Do you know how difficult it is to make money now? It's cute, I can't bear to waste jade on you."

After hearing this, Bai Snake shrank his spirit body a little bit harder and leaned his head on Lin Qingyin's shoulder, making a shy look, Lin Qingyin almost got goosebumps because of its movements. Fortunately, White Snake is the kind of indistinguishable teenage voice. If you change the voice of the big masters, she can kick it out by raising her leg.

Lin Qingyin stopped paying attention to it, and engraved the formation without raising his head. Unlike the jade talisman made for ordinary people, she superimposed three formations on the jade.

The most basic is the space formation method. It looks like a small piece of jade on the outside, but the space inside is huge enough for the white snake to swim inside; the second is the Yin-gathering formation. After all, the white snake has no physical body, only left. Spirit body, after engraving the gathering formation, it hides in the jade during the day, and the spirit body will not be harmed; the third is the gathering formation. If you rely on the aura of the jade alone, it is estimated that the aura inside will be consumed within ten days. . But after the gathering of spirit formations, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth can continuously replenish the jade, forming a small cycle. As long as the white snake does not do anything that particularly consumes spiritual power, this jade can be used for at least decades.

After engraving the talisman array, Lin Qingyin put a hole in it and tied it with a red rope, put the jade in the palm of his hand and said to the white snake, "You come in?"

The white snake happily twisted his body and dived into the jade.

After Lin Qingyin went out, he handed the jade to Grandpa Zhou and told him that the white snake was hiding in this jade. Grandpa Zhou excitedly took Lin Qingyin and handed him Mo Yu. Through the light, one could vaguely see a small white snake roaming inside.

Grandpa Zhou treasured Mo Yu and held it to his chest: "Now, it's my turn to guard you."

Zhou Wensheng has been busy all morning and finally made a large table full of delicious dishes. Lin Qingyin had to admit that Zhou Wensheng's braised duck is indeed very delicious, no wonder the white snake is obsessed with it.

After eating, Zhou Zihao drove Lin Qingyin to the Gua Room and opened the mobile phone transfer page and said sincerely: "The little master used two pieces of jade on White Snake today. I know that your jade is very valuable. I First, I will transfer 500,000 yuan to you, and I will pay you the insufficient part after I let my family transfer it to me."

Lin Qingyin waved his hand in a rare and generous manner: "I and this white snake are also considered some fate. Even if I give him a meeting with two jade stones, you only pay 10,000 yuan for the door-to-door fee."

Zhou Zihao was a little overwhelmed when he heard that, he hurriedly took the door to call Zhou Wensheng, and the two nephews and uncles discussed it. After all, Bai Snake was the savior of their family. The money is borne.

Finally, Zhou Zihao transferred 200,000 yuan to the little master. Zhou Wensheng planned to send Lin Qingyin a stored-value membership card when he came back, and charge the remaining part into the card. Later, the little master would just swipe the card directly when he came to eat in his restaurant. No need to pay anymore.

After sending Zhou Wensheng away, Lin Qingyin spent half an hour meditating in the hexagram room, before returning to a state of vigor. Fatty Wang learned some of the basics of cultivation with Lin Qingyin. Although he hasn't introduced Qi into the body, he is nourished by jade charms, and he can restore his physical strength and spirit by meditation.

On Sunday afternoon, Lin Qingyin had another visit to watch Feng Shui. The person who came to invite Lin Qingyin was Wu Guotong, a deputy manager of the Qicheng branch of a listed company. In the past two or three months, his family members have been seriously ill one after another. Although it is not as serious as cancer, it is not considered a minor illness.

At first, it was suspected that the formaldehyde in the house exceeded the standard, but after the inspection agency was invited to check, it was found that all the data were within the normal range.

The pollution at home is eliminated, Wu Guotong is even more puzzled. If one is ill, it is normal, and the other is a coincidence. His wife, children and parents have all been admitted to the hospital. How can they feel abnormal. It's unlucky for someone to live a life, and it's not going well.

Wu Guotong’s salary is generous, and his family has insurance, so he doesn’t have to worry about money, but it’s a waste of energy to run at both ends of Wu Guotong’s company hospital. In addition to worrying about the illness of his family, Wu Guotong always gets a little distracted when he goes to work. Recently, he has made two minor mistakes.

Wu Guotong has a strong ability in the company and a high level of business. He always considers his employees in all things, because in the minds of employees, Wu Guotong is more popular than another deputy manager.

An employee saw Wu Guotong's desperation, and handed Wu Guotong a note when he was eating at noon, and whispered to him that this was a very effective master's call. It's better to ask the master to visit Feng Shui, maybe What's the problem

Wu Guotong understands Feng Shui very well. After all, many domestic tycoons are very superstitious in Feng Shui. When building a company or building an office to rent an office, they will first look at the Feng Shui master.

But that’s a big man after all. Wu Guotong doesn’t think there are any effective masters in Qicheng, a small place, not to mention that his house has been living in his house for five or six years. It's now.

After thanking Wu Guotong, he put the note in his pocket and forgot about it. But the four people who had been hospitalized for two days became ill at the same time. After Wu Guotong spent a day and night in the hospital, he was exhausted and walked out of the hospital to get it. A cigarette was smoked, and the note fell out of the pocket following the cigarette case.

Wu Guotong picked up the note and groaned for a while and then dialed the phone. He really has nothing more to do now. Whether he is in a hurry to go to the doctor or is feudal superstition, the employee is right. In case it's in charge, it's better than It's better to be at a loss now.

There was a man's voice on the other end of the phone, and his voice sounded calm and steady, which made Wu Guotong feel more at ease.

On the Sunday afternoon of the appointment, Wu Guotong went around from ward to ward and asked the nurse to drive home.

Wu Guotong’s family lived in a new-style western-style house. The residence has six floors. Wu Guotong lives in a duplex with the first and second floors connected together. The garden and living room on the first floor are where his parents live. Wu Guotong's family of three lives on the second floor. The roof of the western-style building is an open garden with tables, chairs and swings in addition to flowers and plants. When the sun is good and the weather is not very hot, many owners like to come up for tea and chat.

Wu Guotong just made tea when he arrived home when the doorbell rang. He hurried to open the door. A slightly fat man and a beautiful girl stood outside the door. He stretched out his hand and asked nervously, "Is it Master Wang?"

Fatty Wang shook his hand and introduced Lin Qingyin to him: "This is the little master. She will help you look at the feng shui problem at home."

Wu Guotong looked at Lin Qingyin hesitantly, not knowing whether he should be annoyed, because his family was sick enough to be anxious enough, the master actually regarded his house as a place for apprentices.

Before Wu Guotong's expression changed, Fatty Wang said with a smile, "Don't get me wrong, Mr. Wu, although our master is young, he is very capable. Compared to the master, I am just an apprentice next to her."

After all, Wu Guotong is an executive in a company, and he still has eyesight. At first glance, Fatty Wang's tone and expression are indeed not like lies. In addition, he somewhat understood the arrogance of some such masters, and they would not surrender their status in order to lead their apprentices. It seems that the real master is really this little girl.

Inviting people in, Wu Guotong recounted the situation at home, and sighed with a sad face: "Now a family of five people, four of them are admitted to the hospital. If I don't believe anything, I can only ask the master to come. Check it out."

Lin Qingyin stood in the living room and looked around: "You can take me around every room."

Wu Guotong took Lin Qingyin to see all the rooms on the second floor first, and then took her to the first floor. If the living room on the second floor is large and the rooms are comfortable and fully functional, the first floor is more like a leisure place. There are various musical instruments and chess in the living room. When you open the glass door, you will find a garden with a large area.

It's cold now, and the family has been hospitalized recently, and the garden has not been taken care of, leaving only a dying scene.

Lin Qingyin looked around the garden with his back hands, and suddenly turned around and asked Wu Guotong: "Did you invite outsiders to be guests at home three months ago?"

Wu Guotong immediately calculated the time and nodded and said, "That's what happened. At that time, the flowers bloomed in the garden and there was a yard at home. I have invited relatives and friends to barbecue at home several times. By the way, our company Colleagues have also been here."

Lin Qingyin said "Um": "You have a big heart. Didn't you find yourself committing a villain at that time?"

"A villain?" Wu Guotong carefully recalled the situation at that time. At that time, he did have a little trouble in the company. The company leaders often beat him with words, and he knew that someone had slandered.

However, Wu Guotong's strong business ability and management ability are obvious to all. He doesn't care much about this kind of unpretentious method. Not long after that, he talked about two big projects one after another, and the leadership's beating immediately turned into a commendation.

Wu Guotong felt that in the face of strength, everything behind the back of the method is a paper tiger that cannot be topped.

In fact, Wu Guotong was right. The average absolute strength can definitely crush the villain who can only sue and seek trouble, but it is a pity that Wu Guotong encounters more villains than ordinary people.

Lin Qingyin walked to a corner of the garden and tapped the position below with his toes: "Dig this place a foot and a half."

Wu Guotong didn't quite understand what Lin Qingyin wanted to do, but he still picked up the shovel in the garden and dug it honestly.

Nothing was planted in the corner of the garden. It stands to reason that the land here should be relatively hard, but Wu Guotong just dug twice and felt that the soil became soft, and it looked like it had been overturned by someone with a shovel.

But Wu Guotong didn't care. The old couple stayed in the garden all day long when they were fine at home. Maybe they wanted to grow something in the corner.

After digging more than a dozen times, a piece of yellow paper mixed in the soil was dug out. Just as Wu Guotong wanted to bend over to pick it up, Lin Qingyin kindly reminded: "Don't touch that thing with your hands, put on gloves."

Fatty Wang looked at the white gloves in the corner of the garden where the tools were placed, and took a pair of them and handed them to Wu Guotong. Wu Guotong put on his gloves and touched the soil twice, and shook the yellow paper clean. Only then did he see that the paper seemed to be a yellow sheet of paper in memory of the dead. On it, a small figure was drawn with red handwriting. The surroundings are full of things like Yasha and ghosts.

Wu Guotong immediately threw out the goose bumps, and squeezed the yellow paper with disgust: "What is this?"

"Put it here first." Lin Qingyin clicked on one side of the concrete floor and walked to the other corner of the garden: "Now dig here, twenty centimeters."

Knowing that something was buried in his garden, Wu Guotong worked very hard and dug out the yellow paper in three clicks. This piece of yellow paper was similar to the one just now, but when he shook it twice, he discovered that his son's birth date was still written on the back of the yellow paper.

Wu Guotong's face turned green, and he threw the yellow paper to the position he had just now, and picked up the first piece of yellow paper and rummaged it. Sure enough, he saw his wife's birthday from above.

At this moment, Wu Guotong was angry and fortunate. He was angry that someone actually used this kind of trick to deal with his family. Fortunately, he really invited a reliable master, and he knew something was buried in the yard at a glance.

Soon Wu Guotong found two other pieces of yellow paper under the command of Lin Qingyin, on which the villain was drawn with a red pen and the characters for birthday were written.

The four sick people in the family dug out four pieces of yellow paper from the garden, and Wu Guotong finally knew the reason for his family's illness.

"Master, if I burn these papers, will my family's illness be cured?"

Lin Qingyin walked to the middle of the garden and tapped his toes: "You dig up here first."

Wu Guotong shook his heart. There were only five people in the family, and all the yellow papers of those four people came out. It must be his own.

One shovel, two shovel, three shovel, four shovel...

When Wu Guotong’s tired hands were a little sour, he finally dug out a palm-sized doll with a string of numbers written on the doll’s chest, which was his birth date.

Wu Guotong couldn't help but sneered when he saw this: "Do I have to thank that person for his love, and actually made me a doll." Pinching the doll in his hand, Wu Guotong's eyebrows were tightened tightly. Together: "Master, what is the idea of this person who calculated me? My family is just a piece of yellow paper and can't afford to be seriously ill. The one with my character written on it is a doll. Does he want to kill me?"

"That's not enough, but I want to press you to the bottom of life through the blood evil formation." Lin Qingyin said: "This is a curse formation. The red villain on the yellow paper and the horoscope are actually It's all written in blood, if I guess it's not wrong, it should be your blood."

"My blood?" Wu Guotong swallowed his saliva and quickly recalled: "I remembered that in August, our unit organized all employees to go for a physical examination. I had to go to the district for a meeting that morning and took the blood. I left for a few checkups. Later, when I finished the meeting, the nurse informed me that the blood I collected in the morning was gone, and asked me to go again on an empty stomach the next morning. I was in a hurry at the time. I remember that seven or eight tubes of blood were taken away. The elders were also afraid of pain. How could such a big regular medical examination center make such a mistake."

Wu Guotong felt a little flustered when he thought of the other party's methods so comprehensive: "Master, why does that person have to use my blood to write that yellow paper?"

"It can be inferred from your face that the eight-character hour and minute parts above should not be particularly accurate. He should only know the approximate birth time of your family, but it is not accurate. This kind of spelling depends on the birthday character. It's almost impossible. In order to be able to curse you accurately, this person specially used your blood to draw a spell." Lin Qingyin said: "You are connected with your relatives, and you are in the same body as your wife. , Your blood can completely make up for the inaccuracy of horoscopes."

Looking at Wu Guotong's black face, Lin Qingyin shook his head shook his head: "It looks like this person really hates you so much."

"Master, what should I do now?" Wu Guotong looked at things in the same place and his teeth were itchy: "Can it be burned?"

Lin Qingyin nodded: "It's okay to burn it, but ordinary fire won't work. No fire can't burn the curse on it."

"Can't ordinary fire work?" Wu Guotong wanted to cry desperately when he heard these words. Apart from lighters, matches and gas stoves, he could not think of any other way to ignite, let alone what kind of fire was not called ordinary fire.

Lin Qingyin took out a piece of yellow paper from his schoolbag, hooked a trace of spiritual energy with her index finger, and quickly painted a spell on the yellow paper. In fact, with her current cultivation base, a spiritual fire can be ignited with a wave of her hand. But now she has a reputation, and she doesn't want to use shocking methods to avoid unnecessary trouble.

She wasn't afraid, she was just annoying, and she really didn't have time to deal with those messy people now.

After drawing the blazing talisman with spiritual energy, Lin Qingyin asked Wu Guotong to put the doll in his hand on the four pieces of yellow paper, and then threw the blazing talisman down.

A cluster of red flames suddenly jumped up, and the flames spread quickly. The doll and yellow paper curled up in the flames. A faintly painful groan seemed to be heard. What followed was A pungent stench.

The doll and the yellow paper persisted in the flame for more than ten seconds before turning to ashes. The red flame did not stop. It burrowed in from the soil, and the soil in the entire garden burned.

When Wu Guotong saw it, his head was big, and he hurried to the living room to take out the household fire extinguisher. Just as he was about to unplug the fire hydrant, Lin Qingyin grabbed his wrist: "The fire will stop after a while."

Seeing Wu Guotong looked a little anxious, Lin Qingyin couldn't help but explain a few more words: "This talisman and doll have been buried in your garden for three months. Now the soil in your garden is full of bad luck. If you don’t burn your bad luck away, your family will continue to suffer from minor illnesses in the future."

When Wu Guotong heard that it was still affecting his family, he quickly put the fire extinguisher aside. Fortunately, the flames only wandered on the ground. Except for the three of them, the pedestrians passing by did not see the clues.

Five or six minutes later, the spiritual fire went out, the ground looked dark, and all the dry flowers on it had been burned.

Wu Guotong quickly turned around with a shovel, and he was relieved to see that the flame was really extinguished: "Master, our bad luck is burned out, is my family okay?"

Lin Qingyin pointed to the top of his head: "It is resolved that there is still a top of the head under your feet, is there a garden above your house?"

Wu Guotong's eyes widened: "Master, is there also on the roof?" Seeing Lin Qingyin nodding, Wu Guotong wanted to slap a wicked thing to death with a shovel. He feels that he is a decent man, and his relatives, friends and colleagues can help as long as he can. Why did that man harm him so much!

The three people took the elevator to the top of the building. Compared with the flowers in summer, there were only some ordinary cold-resistant green plants left. Naturally, no one would come up to drink tea.

The top-floor garden connects the roofs of all the units of this building together, so the floor space is quite large. Lin Qingyin took them directly to the middle right position, and Wu Guotong knew this was exactly on the top of his house.

Some places on the top floor are soil for planting flowers, while others are for potted plants. Lin Qingyin kicked a one-meter-high flowerpot, and made a stern gesture at Wu Guo: "Here, dig it out."

The one-meter-high flowerpot is not good enough to damage the fortune tree in the flowerpot. Wu Guotong sweats after not digging a few times. Thinking that the time for the other party to bury things should be the hottest in August, Wu Guotong admires that person a little, and he really worked hard to harm himself!

Wu Guotong looked weak. At this time, the shovel seemed to have touched something and made a "just right" sound. He immediately worked hard, digging out that thing, it turned out to be a fist-sized stone.

Wu Guotong handed the stone to Lin Qingyin: "Master, what is this for?"

Lin Qingyin clicked on the side of the stone: "Did you see the charm here?"

Seeing Wu Guotong nodding, Lin Qingyin looked at him pityingly: "This stone means high mountains. You are pressed by the high mountains. That person wants to keep you from turning over forever."

Wu Guotong threw the stone to the ground fiercely: "Who is so wicked?"