Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 10: The ghost enters the body


The ultra-high-speed crystal rail train sped past, and there was a "wave", like an egg shattering. The mysterious old man was hit straight on the ground, and fell apart within a thousandth of a second. Under the bombardment of surging spiritual energy, his stump was broken The arm instantly gasified, and even the most basic cells were wiped out, leaving nothing behind!

Li Yao only saw a flash of red light, and the mysterious old man disappeared completely!

He sighed helplessly in his heart.

Growing up in a dangerous and terrifying area like the Tomb of the Magical Treasure, dead people are commonplace, not to mention that he has experienced death countless times in different dreams, so for death, Li Yao does not have the extreme fear and discomfort of ordinary people.

However, after all, it was a fresh life, but it disappeared in front of him in such a tragic way, and I felt a little strange in my heart.

"This old man is probably an obsessed cultivator. He did such a strange thing when he went crazy." Li Yao thought to himself.

The crystal rail train was not disturbed by this small accident, and it still galloped at high speed, never to return, and soon disappeared from sight.

However, Li Yao knew that the guards on the train must have notified the local police department, and even the military, that a large number of military police would arrive soon.

As a rubbish scavenger in the tomb of the treasure, his behavior can be said to be on the edge of the law, and he has always tabooed dealing with the military and police. Li Yao didn't want to get into trouble, so he tightened his clothes, quickened his pace, and walked through the culvert.

But he didn't know that on the level he couldn't see, on the crystal track bridge, where the mysterious old man was standing just now, a transparent crystal human figure that was exactly the same as the mysterious old man appeared. Live him alive.

The transparent crystal figure suddenly burst, turning into thousands of shadowless and invisible crystal fragments, reflecting the bright moonlight, flying high like tens of thousands of colorful butterflies, and sinking into Li Yao's body silently!

"It's so cold!"

Li Yao felt the piercing wind, as if something was whispering in his ear, speaking of indescribable horror in a very ancient and mysterious language, he shivered involuntarily.

Weird, really weird, he was a little creepy, tightened his school uniform, and ran all the way.

It stands to reason that once a person starts to run, his limbs will be active, and his body should be hot, but no matter how Li Yao runs, even if he speeds up to the limit, he is about to vomit, but the chill that pierces his heart is always with him. Like a tarsal maggot, it devoured him inch by inch!

When he stumbled into the house, his whole body had been frozen into an ice lump, but from the outside, his face was flushed, his head was sweating profusely, his body was covered in white mist, and the heat was steaming, which was indescribably weird!

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei, I seem to be sick, help me to bed quickly, and find some medicinal talismans from the medicine box to reduce fever!" Li Yao said vaguely, but his eyes turned black intermittently. , The upper and lower eyelids kept fighting, before the black wing sword flew, his legs softened, and he had already collapsed on the ground, snoring, and fell asleep completely.

As if falling into a deep swamp, deprived of all five senses, he kept sexting, sexing, sexing endlessly in absolute darkness.

Finally, when he was about to go crazy, and was about to pray to the billions of gods and Buddhas in the infinite world of nine heavens and ten earths to give him a quick end, his whole body relaxed, and the darkness receded like a tide, and he breathed fresh air again—more than he had ever experienced before. Breathe the air that is a hundred times fresher!

"What kind of place is this?" Li Yao looked around in confusion.

Subconsciously, he knew that he was falling into a dangerous "nightmare", but unlike the "dreams" he had in the past, this was a dream with a strong classical style.

He was standing on an incomparably vast large campus, surrounded by countless huge bronze statues of weapons and magic weapons towering into the sky, and the huge campus covering an area of more than one hundred acres was actually laid flat on top of a floating mountain. superior.

Below, there is a black ocean that can't be seen at a glance, with huge waves rolling over!

The smoky smell of sweat and masculine blood rushed through his nasal cavity, and almost killed Li Yao. Around him stood thousands of strong men with well-developed limbs, muscles, and fleshy faces. They all carried a huge hammer that seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and practiced hard.

boom! boom! boom!

Thousands of giant hammers hit the ground together, causing the entire floating mountain to vibrate slightly.

Immediately, Li Yao was surprised to find that he had also turned into a burly man with a height of nine feet. Even his appearance had completely changed. When he touched it with his hand, his beard was unshaven, and it looked like a steel needle!

He was also holding a big hammer in his hand, and the rope wrapped around the handle was wet from the blood on his palm!

In front of the big school field, a "Giant Spirit God", which was bigger than all the giants and almost inhuman, stared at the big eyes of the copper bell, and shouted like a thunderstorm: "You three thousand five hundred and twenty-seven trash, You have officially joined the sect of the 'Hundred Refining Sect' and become a low-level handyman of the Hundred Refining Sect. This is the blessing of your ancestors' accumulated virtues and three lives of cultivation! Our Hundred Refining Sect is the strongest weapon refiner in the 'Great Desolate World' The sect has strict rules and regulations, even a small low-level servant in the sect has to risk his life to practice!"

"As low-level handymen, you have to carry three thousand catties of water every day, cut down fifty trees, and hunt down at least ten 'spine sharks' in the 'Abyssal Sea' below. That's your food!"

"But the most important thing is to practice our Bailianzong's basic exercise "One Hundred and Eight-handed Cloak and Hammer Method"! Listen to me, you trash, you have to wield the hammer ten thousand times a day. Next, no matter what, when you can blast a foot-deep hole in the floor made of 'golden stone' in front of you, you can be promoted to 'iron handyman' and practice better skills! "

"Practice! Practice! Practice hard for me! Ou Yeming, what are you doing standing there in a daze? Why don't you practice?"

Li Yao hadn't figured out what was going on, but he found that all the strong men were looking at him with sympathetic eyes, and his heart suddenly went cold. Appearing in front of him, condescending, staring at him fiercely.

"Ou Yeming, you were the one who babbled nonsense during the meal yesterday, saying that you must become the 'Suzerain of the Hundred Refining Sect' in the future. Why, do you think that the 'Cloak and Hammer Method' is too low-level and not suitable for you, the 'future suzerain'?" Cultivation? Alright, I will show you today, one hundred and eight-handed cloaks and hammers are so powerful, wow!”

The Giant Spirit God spread his hands, and the black energy in his hands condensed, transforming into a giant hammer bigger than Li Yao's head. It danced like a tiger and tiger, and smashed his head and head. Before Li Yao could react, he felt his ribs With wings, he soared into the sky, and his head seemed to be as big as ten, and he couldn't help screaming in his heart: "This, what the hell is going on!"