Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 102: Amazing skill


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ps: Read the exclusive story behind "Forty Thousand Years of Comprehension", listen to your more suggestions, pay attention to the official account of the starting point (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and tell me quietly! In the past, Li Yao grew up in the tomb of the magic weapon, and the harsh living environment shaped a relatively extreme character.

Like a ferocious vulture, the first choice when encountering a situation is the most drastic method.

But after three months of trekking through mountains and rivers, seeing so many magnificent and vast scenery, and meeting so many people with stories, Li Yao's heart has also expanded unconsciously.

Coupled with the large amount of memory fragments that had devoured Ou Yezi, his temperament became more mature, not quite like a ten-year-old impulsive boy, but like an adult who has experienced several years of struggle in society.

This is not to say that he has given up his principles of being a human being, but that he is no longer so sharp.

In the past, Li Yao was like a ferocious vulture; now, Li Yao is like an eagle ready to fly.

The vulture - lurking in his heart.

Recalling the details of the past three months, Li Yao disassembled wooden cows and horses with ease. Now these uncomplicated civilian magic weapons are as simple as toys in his hands. The parts are piled up and reassembled after a series of processes such as cleaning, rust removal, trimming and oiling.

"Moo! Moo!" Iron Bull sang loudly.

"Baa! Baa! Baa!" The bronze goat, which can weave itself, uttered a cheerful cry.

"Wow woof! woof woof! woof woof!" Li Yao put a wheel on the big tin wolfdog that was missing a leg to replace its hind legs. It ran wildly around the children, shaking its hollow iron tail and making a "crawl clatter" sound.

"Wow… "

The villagers have never seen such a miraculous repair technique. Compared with Li Yao, those two old and dim-eyed magic weapon maintenance technicians in the town are as stupid as shoe repairers. Everyone in the village gathered at the grain drying yard, shocked by Li Yao's lightning and flint techniques, everyone was surprised You can't keep your mouth shut.

The repaired wooden ox and horse ran to the owner to show their joy. The owner naturally smiled.

As for other metal puppets, due to excessive wear and tear on the key parts, it is impossible to repair them, and the owner is inevitably a little frowning and unhappy.

Li Yao thought for a while, and said: "Everyone, don't worry, I'll think of a way. Anyway, it is a civil weapon, and the requirements for the strength and precision of the components are very low. Why not—"

He searched carefully among the wooden oxen and horses that could not be repaired, and found a big iron ox that was so dilapidated that it was about to rust into an iron lump.

Li Yao dismantled it into parts. He explained to the villagers: "This big iron ox is so broken that it can't be repaired at all. I'll take it down and find some spare parts. Is it okay?"

"It's okay, Mr. Li, this big iron ox has rusted so badly that no one wants to sell it as scrap iron, so you can do it anyway. Repairing one end counts as one end. We have repaired so much, and we are already very satisfied." !” The village head laughed. The final word.

Li Yao smiled slightly, put an iron leg bone of the big iron bull on the iron felt, and raised the hammer high.

"What does Master Li want to do?"

"Is it necessary to forcibly beat a lump of iron into a part that can be used directly?"

"Impossible, even a god can't do such a thing!"

The villagers talked a lot and were extremely curious. Even the snot-nosed children were sandwiched between the adults' legs, staring at Li Yao in a daze.

"Clack cluck!"

The whole village was silent. Only the old hens on the side of the sun-drying yard were still singing loudly, not knowing what was going on.

Li Yao took a deep breath. Ou Yezi's memory fragments spun wildly in the depths of his brain, and the countless days and nights spent in the blacksmith room of Bailianzong turned into colorful brilliance, pouring into his limbs and bones.

For a moment, Li Yao seemed to be possessed by a god. The stupid, thick, black hammer in his hand made the sound of a dragon chant like a high-grade flying sword, and an invisible ripple in the air rippled away like ripples.

A few villagers nearby felt a gust of wind blowing towards their faces, their hair was blown up, and a baby simply cried "wow".

Just when the villagers blinked, Li Yao moved!

His right hand turned into a black shadow, circled strangely in mid-air, and smashed hard on the iron felt!


A ball of dazzling sparks exploded between the hammer and the iron felt, and the roar actually carried a lingering sound, like the bell of an ancient temple, shaking everyone's eardrums.

Many villagers involuntarily covered their ears.


The lingering sound of the first impact has not yet dissipated, and the hammer turned into a black python again, blasting towards the iron felt from another extremely tricky angle, and once again made a shock like the bell of an ancient temple.

The two waves oscillated one after the other, overlapping one after another, attacking everyone like a stormy sea.

This time even the strongest villagers couldn't help covering their ears, and all the children burst into tears.

"What's going on? It's not like we haven't seen blacksmithing before. How could it make such a loud noise?"

"Wow, look, Master Li's speed is so fast, a hammer weighing dozens of kilograms is like chopsticks in his hand!"

"Quick, it's too fast, I can't even see how many hammers he blasted out, I only see black shadows all over the sky!"

All the villagers covered their ears, widened their eyes, and yelled hoarsely.

But no one heard anyone else's voice, and everyone was immersed in boundless shock.

Li Yao didn't realize it.

He was neither affected by the deafening bombardment nor disturbed by the exclamation of bystanders.

Once he enters the working state, his whole mind enters an ethereal state where he forgets both things and himself.

His eyes seemed solemn, staring at the iron felt all the time.

But looking carefully, there is a faint mistyness hidden in the deepest part of the pupil, as if his ray of spirit is not here, but in the blacksmith room of Bailianzong 40,000 years ago!

One hammer, one hammer, another hammer, at first Li Yao still consciously controlled his movements. Unleash the "One Hundred and Eight-Handed Cloak and Hammer Technique" all the way.

But as the forging progress accelerated, his speed also became faster and faster. Swinging the hammer was no longer a conscious act, but became as natural as breathing, and finally his arms completely turned into two black lights. The entire iron felt was covered with a head-to-head cover, and everyone could only hear a series of impenetrable "dong dong dong dong" sounds, and they couldn't see his movements clearly.

Suddenly, all movements stopped.

A bald iron hammer was thrown out, and the head of the hammer turned red, as if it had just been smelted at high temperature. Exuding scorching heat.

"Change the hammer!" Li Yao stared and shouted.

Because of the countless violent bombardments in a short period of time, the temperature of the hammer rose to extremely high, making it unusable.

When the villagers saw such a miraculous performance, they all said "ah". Horrified.

The blacksmith in the village quickly handed over a new hammer. Li Yao weighed it up and slammed it out again!

In just half an hour, Li Yao changed a total of five hammers, and finally—


Li Yao threw away the hot hammer, shook his blood-bubbled, trembling hands, and admired his masterpiece contentedly.

The villagers rushed forward, watching carefully with wide-eyed eyes. It was found that there were several extra parts of different shapes on the iron felt, and there was a hill of parts piled up on the ground!

A big rusty iron ox was forcibly beaten by Li Yao into hundreds of magic weapon components. This is the power of Bailianzong's blacksmithing technique 40,000 years ago!

The blacksmith in the village approached with a magic weapon for measuring accuracy. A red light shot out from the magic weapon and scanned every part in all directions.

"It really came out! Although the accuracy is a little worse than the original one, it is completely acceptable for civilian magic weapons!"

The gray-haired old blacksmith jumped up in surprise and joy after reading the data on the measuring magic weapon.

For a moment, the crowd erupted like a mountain roar and a tsunami of exclamation.

"Master Xiao Li is so amazing, you can punch out hundreds of parts with just one hammer?"

"Of course. Master Li is a college student!"

"So what about a college student, our third son is not a college student yet? Look at his ugly face!"

"Then what's the difference? Master Xiao Li went to a key university!"

In the cheers of the villagers. The village head, Old Tu, smiled and invited Li Yao into his small courtyard.

"Master Li, thank you so much this time. You have helped our village a lot!"

"Village Chief, I have repaired all the wooden cows and horses that can be repaired, and school is about to start. I am going to report to the Great Wilderness Academy today." Li Yao said with a smile.

"Okay, going to school is a big deal. We wish you a smooth journey. By the way, if you don't think it's too heavy, you can bring it with you!"

The village chief dragged out a rag bag from under the bed with great difficulty. The contents inside were very heavy, and it made a "squeak" friction sound against the concrete floor.

The village head carefully opened the cloth bag, and there was a strangely shaped metal lump lying inside, thin at the bottom, thick at the top, and extending to both ends, somewhat like a natural hammer.

"Huh?" Li Yao's eyes started to shine.

In Ou Yezi's memory fragments, the first exercise he came into contact with was the "One Hundred and Eight Hands Cloak and Hammer Technique".

And in the blacksmithing room of Bailianzong, the hammers are what they touch day and night.

It can be said that the hammer is the tool he is most familiar with.

And this strangely shaped natural hammer, which looks neither gold nor iron, is not striking in appearance, but it possesses a strange magical power, which makes him reluctant to look away at a glance.

The village chief took a breath, held up a spiritual lamp, pointed it at the iron lump, and said with a smile, "Look!"

Li Yao narrowed his eyes, his eyes were dark blue.

This lump of iron was black and ugly just now, when it came into contact with the light source, a majestic blue light appeared on the black surface, and in the depth of the blue light, there seemed to be twinkling stars, like a huge sapphire, Beautiful to the extreme, breathtaking.

"Dianxingyan?" Li Yao recognized it immediately.

This kind of material called Dusky Star Rock is neither gold nor iron, but also has the characteristics of metal and rock. It is not a native of Tianyuan Realm, but a kind of meteorite from the outer space. The number is not very rare, but it is usually a baby. A fist-sized piece.

It is rare for such a large piece to condense together and form a natural warhammer form.

The value of Dusky Star Rock is not very high, because although this material is hard, its conductivity to spiritual energy is too poor, it is difficult to refine it into various magic weapons, it is equivalent to a piece of scrap iron.

Unless some magical weapons with very special uses are refined, they will not be used at ordinary times.

However, such a large piece of Dusky Star Rock still requires a market price of more than 100,000 yuan.

Li Yao's eyes flashed, his breathing was a little short, and he said excitedly: "Village Chief, what do you mean?" Add friends - add official account - enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately follow qdread WeChat official account!) ()
