Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 105: Met an old man


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ps: Read the exclusive story behind "Forty Thousand Years of Comprehension", listen to your more suggestions, pay attention to the official account of the starting point (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and tell me quietly! The waiting room of No. 8 is not small. Dozens of rows of long iron stools are full of passengers, and the aisle in the middle is crowded with big and small bags. Smell, but also bring a little warmth.

Li Yao managed to squeeze through the big and small bags, found a seat in the corner and was about to sit down when he heard a soft voice behind him:

"Jiang Tao, this is the ordinary waiting room in the legend. It's really different from the VIP waiting room. There are so many people, it's so lively, but it's a bit smelly."

Then came a somewhat hoarse voice:

"Gu Lili, I'm really sorry. It's the school season now, and there are many migrant workers going all the way north to the Wilderness of Monsters to find work. The train is very tight. I have entrusted a lot of connections in my family these days. I originally booked a trip the day before yesterday. The special box of the luxury express train, but there was an outbreak of beasts on the front line, and that train was temporarily requisitioned by the military. There is really no other way but to take this tattered slow train. Bear with it, the conditions on the Great Wilderness are like this. "

"It's okay, Jiang Tao, don't think of me as that kind of delicate young lady. It's a rare life experience to take an ordinary crystal rail train once in a while. Looking back on it in the future, maybe I will find this adventure quite interesting!" The girl laughed.

"That's good, I was afraid you would be unhappy."

"how come?"

The girl smiled and continued, "Actually, it's quite fun to think about it. The two of us dressed so low-key, mixed among these poor people, no one knew that my dad owned so many crystal mines, let alone Jiang Tao, you are A dignified third-level practitioner in the Qi refining period, and a craftsman. He is also a member of the Jiang family! Wow, it seems like it was written in the book, wearing a white dragon fish suit, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger! If some unsightly hooligans come here Molested me, and then if you don't make a show, you will be a blockbuster. Then you will be so handsome!"

Li Yao couldn't listen anymore, because he couldn't help but laugh out loud, so he simply found a corner far away, and sat down on his ass, regardless of whether the floor was dirty or not. Stretched very comfortably.

Unexpectedly, a moment later, the voices of the young man and woman came from behind like shadows:

"Jiang Tao, look, that farmer uncle is so fun, he brought so many sausages when he went out, and he also brought such a big stone!"

Li Yao was stunned for a while before realizing that he was the "uncle farmer" they were talking about, and looked down at his attire - he had disheveled hair, unshaven beard, and dark skin. The clothes and trousers are hole-in-hole, and there is a big bag on the left hand side, which is full of farm sausages that the villagers insisted on giving him. On the right hand side is a big bag containing Dusky Star Rock.

At first glance, it looks very similar to those migrant workers who went to the Wilderness of Monster Beasts to pan for gold.

"Jiang Tao" had some insight, and said, "That stone is meteoric iron, but there is no surge of spiritual energy in it, and it is not considered a treasure of heaven and earth. It may sell for more than ten or two hundred thousand in a big city. Think about it." This countryman accidentally found such a stone in a corner. He regarded it as a treasure, so he wanted to drag it to the big city to sell it."

"Then he is strong enough. He dragged such a big stone away forcefully!" Gu Lili gasped.

"It's normal for a farmer to be stronger, but I think he's stupid, and he won't be able to cry later—such a huge rock, shaped like a war hammer, is simply a peerless weapon, how could he bring it with him?" Crystal track train? Look, a patrolling Puji beast is flying over, as long as it is found out, he will definitely not be allowed to take it on the train!"

Jiang Tao laughed jokingly.

Sure enough, an army green Puji beast with a sign saying "Train inspection, no dangerous goods" was hung on its body, it flew straight to Li Yao, and emitted a green light from the tentacles above its head, covering Dusky Star Rock from inside to outside. The scan is transparent.

"Drip, dangerous goods confirmed!"

Puji Beast flew a little lower, the green light turned into red light, and scanned towards Li Yao's face.

"See, just now we only brought a small knife and it was confiscated. How could it be possible for him to bring such a big weapon on the train?" Jiang Tao smiled.

"Drip, the passenger's identity is confirmed, and dangerous goods are allowed to board the car. I wish you a pleasant journey and a smooth journey!"

After confirming Li Yao's status as a "first-class federal disabled soldier", Puji Beast suddenly changed the subject and said very gently.

He even bent towards Li Yao with his tentacles, as if to salute respectfully.

Disabled soldiers at the first level of the Federation are all soldiers who have gone through the test of war and are loyal to the country. Of course, they will not mess around on the train. What's more, if they encounter a monster attack, they may have to rely on them to fight.

Not to mention a small Dusky Star Rock, even if it is carrying a chainsaw sword grandly, it can still get on the car swaggeringly.

In Star Federation, disabled soldiers are so arrogant!

"..." Jiang Tao was dumbfounded.

"Jiang Tao, what's going on? The small fruit knife we brought just now was confiscated, and even my two big bags of lotion had to be checked in. This farmer uncle brought such a big iron lump, and he would definitely be able to pick it up if he picked it up. You smashed people's brains, why didn't you ask him to check it?" Gu Lili was puzzled.

"This—" Jiang Tao had a toothache.

Li Yao lightly lifted the Dusky Star Rock, which weighed several hundred kilograms, with half a sausage in his mouth, and walked past the two of them expressionlessly. He glanced casually, and found that Jiang Tao and Gu Lili were actually a handsome couple. , but his face is full of youthfulness, like two flowers growing in a greenhouse, although he is older than him, he looks a little childish.

At this moment, the two stared at him dumbfounded, as if he was a monster in human skin. Gu Lili's eyes were full of curiosity, and she wanted to ask but dared not.

Li Yao withdrew his gaze and walked towards the canteen beside the waiting room.

There was still a while before leaving the car, and he happened to be a little hungry. Li Yao didn't plan to go to the "Old Squad Leader's Gourmet Restaurant" to be slaughtered, so he just bought instant noodles.

The canteen is open. All the goods are placed on the open shelves. Instant noodles are the most popular commodity in the waiting room. Dozens of brands fill the entire three shelves.

"Hey, there are shrimp instant noodles produced by Hailongpai?"

A smile appeared in Li Yao's eyes. The Sea Dragon Sect is a very small sect with mediocre strength, and there are no well-known large companies under its banner.

However, the Sea Dragon Sect has a magical and secret method that is not known to the outside world. It can refine an extremely delicious substance from small shrimps, fishes and kelp. If it is eaten in the mouth, even the eyebrows will be fresh.

Li Yao liked to eat the fresh shrimp instant noodles produced by Hailongpai since he was a child. However, Sea Dragon Sect is poorly managed and has been losing money year after year. In recent years, it has been difficult to find products refined by this sect in the market. I did not expect to meet the last barrel here today.

Li Yao licked his lips and reached out to grab it.

The moment he stretched out his hand. A hand was also stretched out beside him, grabbing the last bucket of fresh shrimp instant noodles with him, Li Yao was not as quick as this man, and only touched the back of this man's hand.


Li Yao's and the other's eyes sparkled at the same time, and they both felt the strangeness in each other's palms.

As a profession of craftsman, practical operation is more important than theory, and one's hands are particularly hardworking.

Li Yao first glanced at this person's hand, and then at this person's appearance. It was discovered that he was an ordinary, bald middle-aged man with an ordinary face, but his hands seemed to be carved out of jade. It is delicate to the extreme, and there is a faint warmth.

Apparently he was a skilled craftsman.

And the shock in the heart of the middle-aged man was ten times stronger than that of Li Yao.

Although Li Yao is now unshaven and has a more mature temperament, his eyes are extremely clear, and he looks like he is only 20 or 30 years old at most.

But his hands seemed to have been immersed in the art of refining for thirty to fifty years, like rubber. It can't touch half an inch of bones, but it is extremely strong. It gives people a very contradictory feeling.

The heart of the middle-aged man moved, and his five fingers resembled five poisonous snakes. Swimming towards Li Yao's palm silently.

Li Yao smiled slightly, and flicked his five fingers slightly, impartially, and the fingertips just touched the five fingertips of the middle-aged man, and the two of them said "Huh" at the same time.

Because they found that each other's fingertips did not have fingerprints.

All fingerprints have been buffed in the process of tempering.

This trial only took 0.1 second, and the palms of the two of them split apart as soon as they touched. Li Yao made a concession and chose a bucket of braised beef noodles next to him.

Since the other party is an old senior in the circle of refiners, it is still necessary to be polite.

The middle-aged man smiled a little embarrassedly, and nodded to Li Yao, as if expressing his apology and gratitude.

Just not far away, two passengers got up, and there were two more vacant seats, so Li Yao walked slowly.

The balding middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, then walked behind him, and the two sat down side by side.

Li Yao lifted the lid of the instant noodle bucket, and inside was a fork, a talisman wrapped in plastic film, and a very greasy yellow-brown square.

Li Yao took out the fork, bit open the plastic wrapping outside the talisman with his teeth, carefully pasted the talisman on the yellow-brown square, and waited quietly for three seconds.

The red lines on the talisman suddenly shone, as if a flame was burning, releasing a lot of heat.

With a sound of "wave", the greasy cube that had been compressed and solidified to the extreme dissolved instantly, turning into a large bowl of fragrant, steaming braised beef noodles.

This kind of highly compressed instant noodles is actually not nutritious, and it is often made very greasy.

When it's not hungry, it's really hard to eat.

However, it has one of the biggest characteristics, that is, after it is melted with a magic talisman, it smells very delicious. People who eat it often don’t think there is anything wrong with it. .

Li Yao took a deep breath, sighed contentedly, picked up the noodles, rubbed the fork on his clothes twice, and pulled them up.

The smell of fresh shrimp soon came from the side, which reminded Li Yao of that not-so-pleasant but unforgettable childhood.

Sniffing, Li Yao forced himself not to look at the fresh shrimps in the middle-aged man's bowl, pulled out a virtual book from the micro-chip, and got up attentively.

While reading, the image of a middle-aged man always appeared in Li Yao's mind.

He suddenly felt that the ordinary appearance of the middle-aged man was somewhat familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

After thinking hard for a long time, Li Yao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he moved the virtual book to the front title page in disbelief.

A virtual human figure immediately appeared on the light curtain, which is the image of the author of this book.

Li Yao raised the light curtain, and the translucent image of the author overlapped with the middle-aged man beside him. Except for the different clothes, they looked exactly the same.

Li Yao let out an "ah", a noodle was still hanging on the corner of his mouth, but he didn't care to wipe it off, and asked excitedly:

"Hi, may I ask if you are Teacher 'Ding Yin' Ding, the master craftsman of Hidden God Valley? This "Seven Common Models of Psionic Energy and Mechanical Energy Transformation" is your book, right?"


Twenty-four hours have passed, unfortunately, the first order is roughly 1800 yuan, which is still a long way from 2000 yuan.

But Lao Niu knows that the brothers have tried their best, really.

After all, Lao Niu is still a "newcomer", and he didn't have any works to prove himself before. He only relied on the unreasonable "trust" of his brothers, which is incomparable with those masters who have already had many excellent works and hard fans.

Under the current collection base, there are so many brothers who can support Lao Niu in this way. Lao Niu is not only satisfied, but also ashamed-ashamed that the chapters that have been completed are not perfect enough, and feel the heavy responsibility on his shoulders. , Try to write better, better.

Therefore, although I failed to reach 2,000 first orders, I will post another chapter, thank you brothers who support Lao Niu, let's serve everyone as a midnight snack!

In this way, there are seven chapters and more than 20,000 words on the first day of its release. Although it can't be compared with other people's code word maniacs who often have 30,000 to 50,000 words, Lao Niu really tried his best.

During the May 1st holiday, the monthly ticket doubles. On the 2nd and 3rd, the three shifts will still be maintained. I hope everyone still has a monthly pass. Thank you again for your support. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now follow qdread immediately WeChat public account!) ()
