Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 107: A thunderstorm is coming


Therefore, a large chimney stands on the front of the train, emitting white smoke outwards.

Behind the front of the car is a battle carriage, equipped with powerful magic weapons, like a majestic giant iron armored beast.

"one two three four!"

A group of federal troops in black military uniforms is lining up, full of murderous looks, ready to go.

After that came a deluxe carriage, a first-class carriage, a second-class carriage, and ten third-class carriages, and another combat carriage hung at the rear.

Many federal soldiers climbed up and down, wiping the gleaming magic weapons.


The head of the train roared, and the speed of the white smoke gushing out was significantly accelerated, forming a cloud of smoke above the train.

A crisp and pleasant bell sounded on the platform, and all the passengers who hadn't boarded the train quickened their pace.

The cover above the combat compartment was lifted, and powerful magnetic cannons rose up one after another.

Li Yao squeezed onto the seat with great difficulty, and stuffed the rucksack containing the toiletries and the Black Wing Sword onto the luggage rack. As for the package containing the Dusky Star Rock, it was too heavy and could only be thrown under the seat, causing the floor to squeak. The sound of groans attracted everyone's attention.

"Crack! Crack!"

Driven by the power rune. Invisible ripples spread out.

The wheels turned slowly, and the scenery outside the car window was constantly changing. Jurenguan was quickly forgotten, replaced by a continuous yellowish brown, occasionally dotted with a few gray-green Populus euphratica.

See the train moving. Passengers took out their microchips one after another and sent messages to their relatives and friends.

"Mom, I'm already in the car, um, I'm already driving, don't worry. I've packed all the money well, and I'll send you a message when I get to school! Oh, it's okay, the school is in the town, There are troops and cultivators around to protect them. How could there be monsters? Stop nagging!"

"Juan'er, wait for me, I swear that I will make a fool of myself in the Wilderness of Monster Beasts, and when I make a lot of money, I will come back and marry you!"

"Xiao Gang, you listen to your mother at home. Dad found a good job in the mine in the Wilderness of Monsters, and he will send money back every month. You should study hard and don't make your mother and grandma angry. Do you know? Listen to Dad If you don’t listen to me. Dad bought a flying sword model after the Chinese New Year, and if you don’t listen to Dad, come back and spank your ass!”

Hearing the reluctant farewells of the passengers, Li Yao felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart, and he also opened the Linghe letter, sending all the safe news to Grandpa Wang, Meng Jiang and other relatives and friends.

After talking with everyone, he breathed a sigh of relief. He turned his attention to the vast world outside the window where the sky is high and the birds are flying.

In the distance is the boundless Gobi, the billowing yellow sand sets off the setting sun incomparably huge; not far away is a small oasis dotted. There is also a spring that looks like a crescent moon, and a lonely military camp stands beside it. Two teenage recruits stood taller than a green pine at the gate of the barracks.

Next to the barracks is a large-scale mine. A gigantic pulverizer dozens of meters high is like a giant beast, constantly devouring the ore excavated from the ground, screening out the precious crystal powder contained in it, and condensing it into crystal powder through secret methods. The spar that people can use directly.

This is the wilderness, the paradise of the brave, and the ocean of hope!

Although the environment here is harsh, the sky is full of wind and sand, and monsters are raging, it is not as suitable for human survival as the warm inland with four distinct seasons.

But at the bottom of the vast wilderness, there are extremely precious treasures - the Great Wilderness has more than 90% of the crystal ore reserves of the entire Federation, and there are countless rare metals, natural materials and earthly treasures!

Not to mention, the monster itself is a priceless material. Many monster materials cannot be artificially synthesized by humans so far, and can only be obtained by hunting monsters.

After 500 years of development in the Star Federation, in the interior, the class has basically solidified. It is difficult for ordinary people who are poor and white to get ahead through hard work, let alone conquer the world with bare hands.

In the Great Wilderness, everything is possible, even a fool who knows nothing, as long as he is lucky and finds an unknown vein, he can get a priceless mining share and become rich overnight!

Not to mention the newcomers who just joined the circle of cultivators, if they kill a powerful monster, they will become famous overnight, and they will rise to the top from then on!

Therefore, no matter how harsh the environment of the wilderness is and how cruel the monsters are, fearless human beings still come here one after another, soaking this dry land with blood and sweat—whether they are ordinary people or cultivators. What they see is not a desolate wilderness, but an extremely beautiful hope!

The wheels were spinning and the train was galloping. After more than two hours, they went deep into the hinterland of the wilderness and crossed a 6,000-meter-long all-steel bridge.

Under the bridge is a thousand-meter-deep rift valley, and the magnificent scene makes all passengers hold their breath.

The journey was exhausting. After passing the bridge, there was a monotonous wasteland all the way. Many passengers closed their eyes and fell asleep. Li Yao also fell into a dream, devouring Ou Yezi's memory fragments.

After an unknown amount of time, he was suddenly awakened by a strong jolt, and heard exclamations from all around him.

Looking out of the window, I saw that the surrounding environment has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Just now the setting sun was like blood, and the sky and the earth were dim, but now it has turned into darkness. Big groups of dark clouds are like monsters with claws and claws, swooping down from the sky, and lightning bolts are like sharp claws, falling around the train from time to time, mid-air Large clusters of arcs burst out.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The rain fell as soon as it said it would. A moment ago, the world was dry, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a carnival in the wind and rain. The bean-sized raindrops hit the glass windows with such force that they rattled the windows. There is a feeling of being pierced by rain.

As the storm raged, even the crystal rail train shook slightly, like a boat struggling in a stormy sea.

Starless Night! Thunder and lightning! Storm! Lightning outlines the world into a pale hell!

"It's a thunderstorm area." Li Yao frowned.

Sure enough, a sweet voice came from the sound transmission array set on the roof: "Passengers, please pay attention, we have entered a thunderstorm area. It is estimated that we will drive in the thunderstorm area for an hour and a half. Please pay attention to safety. , Try not to use the spirit crane to pass the book, so as not to attract lightning and break down the crystal brain."

On the monster wasteland, the star magnetism is abnormal and the climate is changeable. Many weird microclimates are often formed, and the thunderstorm area is one of them.

The area covered by the thunderstorm area will be stormy in just a few seconds, with thunder and lightning, and the thunder and lightning spiritual power in the air is extremely violent. Not only will the communication be cut off, but even the spiritual thoughts of the practitioners will not be transmitted.

Ordinary cultivators dare not fly with their swords in the thunderstorm area. Even if the alchemy expert wants to break into the thunderstorm area, he must think carefully and prepare carefully.

In case the sky thunder is seduced, five thunders will strike the top, it is not a joke.

However, for cultivators who are proficient in the spiritual power of lightning, the formation of the thunderstorm area means a rare opportunity for cultivation.

Therefore, there are also many thunder and lightning monks who specialize in chasing clouds and lightning in the monster wilderness. They call themselves "Thunder Chasers".

Although the thunderstorm area is ferocious, there are defensive magic circles around the crystal rail train, and under normal circumstances it will not cause harm to passengers.

Just drive out of the thunderstorm zone. It was calm again, and the world was bright and clear.

However, today's situation seems to be a little different. The thunder and lightning in the dark clouds are extraordinarily violent, and the frequency of lightning explosions is much higher than in ordinary thunderstorm areas.

Li Yao put his nose on the car window and looked out. Just now it was the Gobi, but in an instant it turned into a black ocean.

And dark clouds rolled in midair. A large number of bubbles gushed out, as if a pot was boiling. Something is brewing, congealing, and surfacing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as if a big hole had been gnawed into the sky by a strange insect, and it was also like the eyes of a terrifying monster slowly opening.

"what is that?"

Li Yao vaguely saw some black shadows roaring out of the dark clouds with teeth and claws. Just as he was about to take a closer look, ripples suddenly appeared on the car window, which soon turned into an opaque light curtain, creating a scene of blue sky and white clouds, and oases everywhere.

"Sealed up?"

Li Yao thought to himself that the situation was developing in an unpredictable direction.

Something obviously happened outside, which would cause the passengers to panic on a large scale. That's why the train conductor lowered the light curtain, covered the windows, and sealed the train.

It couldn't be a thunderstorm.

The thunderstorm area is a common weather phenomenon in the Wilderness of Monster Beasts. Even if tourists have not seen it, they have heard of it. As long as the explanation is clear, it will not cause panic.

But something... more terrifying than a thunderstorm!

"Tap Tat Tat!"

More than a dozen federal soldiers wearing black combat uniforms, holding psychic bolt guns, and chainsaw swords slanted behind their backs rushed from the front to the rear of the car, gnashing their teeth one by one with murderous aura.

"Oops, I met a monster!" Li Yao's heart skipped a beat.

After a while, there was a faint tremor from the rear of the car.

Ordinary people may not be able to perceive it, but Li Yao is very keenly aware of it.

He tore off the carpet and lay down on the ground, with his ears on the ground, listening carefully.

"Buzz buzz!"

This is the weak vibration sound released by the defensive circle of the crystal rail train being excited to the limit. In this state, most of the spiritual energy of the crystal rail train is output to the defense circle, which spreads around the crystal rail train. A solid psychic shield.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Something slammed into the rail train.


This is the sound of an explosion.

"Crack, click, click, click!"

Several cars at the rear of the train are being torn apart!

Many passengers were puzzled by his behavior and pointed fingers one after another.

At this moment, a large number of passengers in the carriages at the rear of the car were driven by the federal soldiers to the carriage where Li Yao was.

Passengers still didn't understand what happened, and many people complained loudly: "What's going on? Why did you drive us out of the car? It's so late at night, where are we going to sit?"

The few federal soldiers who drove them were pale and silent, like a few statues.

There was cold sweat rolling down their foreheads, showing the tension in their hearts. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now follow qdread immediately WeChat public account!) ()
