Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 113: The cultivators are here!


ps: Read the exclusive story behind "Forty Thousand Years of Comprehension", listen to your more suggestions, pay attention to the official account of the starting point (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and tell me quietly! Jiang Tao blushed and stammered:

"I, of course I didn't mean that. What I meant was... the outbreak of the beast horde was unexpected. The death of these ordinary people can only be regarded as their own bad luck. We cultivators are all the elites of society. Is it such a pity that the pillars of the world, such rare existences, just died in vain... Only, only if we survive, can we avenge these ordinary people who died!"

As soon as these words came out, the seven cultivators were speechless.

"Zhang Meng", who was still a little hesitant to come forward, couldn't help asking his wife in a low voice:

"Xiaodie, am I as shameless as this guy?"

"how come?"

Yan Xiaodie smiled, hugged her husband's neck tenderly, and said affectionately, "My husband is the most handsome man in the entire Tianyuan world, even when he is shameless, he is shamelessly handsome!"

As she spoke, she stood on tiptoe and kissed Zhang Meng's lips deeply.

Ding Yin looked at Jiang Tao indifferently, just like looking at a dog:

"Little friend, different ways do not conspire with each other. Since you are not willing to fulfill the vocation of a cultivator, please go back to your own compartment. Please be careful not to disturb ordinary people, so as not to cause panic."

"You guys are so stupid!"

Jiang Tao gritted his teeth and said with a distorted expression, "It's the bounden duty of a cultivator to protect ordinary people" and "the blood of the strong must be shed for the weak" are all old stories from hundreds of years ago. Except you fools Who would take it seriously? I don’t believe that there are only a few of us cultivators in the car, there must be many cultivators like me who are going to lie dormant until the end—this is the wisest choice!”

Wei Qingqing's voice was very soft, but firm: "I am self-cultivating. What about other practitioners has nothing to do with me. I just want... a clear conscience."

"You are simply, simply unreasonable, unreasonable!"

"Then get out of here quickly, don't babble here. Get in the way of me saving the world!"

The big fat man spat at Jiang Tao's feet, as if a flying sword was stuck straight between his legs, which startled him.

Jiang Tao's face turned from red to purple, like a piece of fresh pork liver, and his lips moved. But he didn't dare to curse back, shrank his neck, and staggered back to the No. 15 carriage.

A wounded soldier lay in his path, moaning in pain.

Jiang Tao stepped over without even looking at it.

The red-eyed officer watched coldly, and suddenly roared loudly: "Stone, gather all the brothers and take the wounded. Transfer to the No. 15 carriage!"

"battalion commander!"

A bearded man with a shaved head was anxious, "I won't leave, I want to fight to the end with you!"

The red-eyed officer gave him a hard look. He yelled violently: "Commander Shi, repeat again, gather all the brothers and form a second line of defense in the No. 15 carriage to protect the safety of the people in the entire car. This is an order!"

"Battalion Commander..." the bearded man choked up.

"Stone. Comprehension practitioners have the responsibilities of practitioners, and the federal army has the responsibilities of the federal army. I am a federal soldier, and I am a practitioner. Now is the time for me to perform my duties, and your time has not yet come! Go, stick to your post, prepare to fight, if we don't delay for three minutes, it will be your turn, remember, even if you delay for one more second, one second is fine!"

The red-eyed officer slapped the bearded man hard on the shoulder.

"Yes, Battalion Commander!"

Together with all the soldiers, the bearded man stood at attention with a "snap", saluted, and splashed water everywhere.

Afterwards, they carried the thunderbolt guns, carried the seriously wounded, and the lightly wounded supported each other, and retreated to the No. 15 carriage.

"Student Li Yao, you should go too." Ding Yin walked up to Li Yao and smiled kindly.

Li Yao stared blankly at everything.

His forehead was extremely itchy, and an inexplicable force was rushing left and right in it, as if a drill bit was piercing his celestial cap from the inside out, and his whole brain was buzzing and boiling.

"Teacher Ding, are you going to sacrifice yourself to buy time for us?" Li Yao murmured.

Ding Yin nodded and said calmly:

"Yes, after you all withdraw, we will choose the right time to disengage the armored car from the train, and you will continue to move forward, while we will always cover you and try to buy three minutes."

Li Yao said anxiously:

"Teacher Ding, even if you want to burn your life, overdraw your psionic energy, and strive to blast out ten times more psionic energy than your own load in an instant to activate the Taiyi Thunder Railgun—then there is no need to separate from the train! Overdrawing psionic energy may not be enough I will die, but if I get separated from the train, the armored car loses power, and falls into the tide of ghost-faced silver mosquitoes, I will definitely die, definitely die!"

Ding Yin sighed:

"It's not that simple, student Li Yao. In the absence of an ultra-high compression crystal box, the Taiyi Lightning Cannon is a powerful weapon that can only be used freely by alchemy practitioners. Even low-level practitioners like us burn our lives. , shattered the soul, barely drove the Taiyi Thunder Railgun, and it was impossible to aim it accurately."

"It's like a three-year-old child holding a thunderbolt gun. Even if he pulls the trigger with all his strength, he still can't hit the target a hundred meters away, can he?"

"This—" Li Yao was speechless.

Ding Yin smiled slightly and said:

"In this case, there's only one way for him to hit the target."

"It's just getting closer, getting closer, walking up to the target, putting the gun against the target's temple—no, not the temple, putting the barrel in the target's mouth, pulling the trigger hard, and getting a shot head shot!"

"So, we have no choice but to disengage from the crystal rail train. You continue to move forward, while we go deep into the interior of the ghost-faced silver mosquito tide, blasting the lightning ball from the inside out, so that we can hit it."

"Our seven cultivators have exhausted all their computing power, so we have no choice but this one."

"It's a pity that I can't compete with you again, student Li Yao. Finally, I want to tell you..."

"I really don't know the nether energy winding mode of the Nine Yin Mother and Child Sword. I haven't even heard the name of this magic weapon, so I pretended to untie the big hand in the waiting room, but it was actually to avoid you. It’s not that I deliberately kept my secrets from telling you, hahahaha, it’s a bit embarrassing, isn’t it?”

Li Yao opened his mouth. There were thousands of words in his chest that he wanted to say, but he couldn't say anything.

"Goodbye. Li Yao, I wish you to awaken your spiritual root as soon as possible, become a cultivator, and become... a real cultivator."

Ding Yin sighed and flicked his fingers slightly. Li Yao suddenly felt that his hands and feet were so weak that he couldn't move.

Ding Yin turned and left, and carried out the last overhaul on the Taiyi Thunder Railgun.

"Let's go, it's too dangerous here!"

Two soldiers dragged Li Yao abruptly to the No. 15 carriage.

With a "chi", the door between the No. 15 compartment and the armored compartment was closed heavily.

Only then did Li Yao regain his strength, struggled to break free, and rushed to the door with one step, his nose stuck to the reinforced glass. look out.

In the dark night sky, the monster giants composed of ghost-faced silver mosquitoes are getting closer and closer.

It stretched out its claws again and again, and grabbed the defensive circle of the crystal rail train.

every collision. A large group of electric arcs burst out.

The crystal rail train swayed left and right, like a solitary boat in a stormy sea.

The frequency of the monster giant's shots is getting higher and higher, but the electric light emitted by the defensive magic circle is getting dimmer every time.

After more than ten minutes of stalemate, there was a "wave", a strange distortion rippling in the air, as if something had disappeared.

The demon claws of the monster giant grabbed it recklessly.

The defensive circle was completely destroyed.

This moment. There were only seven low-level cultivators standing between the beast horde and the entire carload of ordinary people.

Among them, there is only the red-eyed officer who is a combat-type practitioner.

"It's now!"

The red-eyed officer roared. Aim at the breakaway array at the rear of the armored car and punch hard.

With a "squeak", the armored carriage swayed. Separated from the rail train.

The crystal track train is like an arrow leaving the string, its speed soars to the limit, and it gallops forward crazily.

But the speed of the armored car slowed down.

In Li Yao's eyes, the armored car seemed to have turned into a deadly sharp arrow, shooting towards the monster giant.

And beside his ears came the thunderous roars of the seven cultivators.

"Fellow daoists, let's fight side by side!"

"Slaying demons and eliminating demons, right now!"

"Cultivators are here, snakes, worms, rats and ants, come up and lead them to death!"

In Li Yao's field of vision, the armored carriage became smaller and smaller, like a small boat, swallowed by the turbulent waves composed of ghost-faced silver mosquitoes.

But at the next moment—the Taiyi Thunder Railgun roared, and an extremely dazzling arc, like a giant dragon dormant in the abyss of Daze, jumped up, opened its teeth and claws, and tore the monster giant from the middle!

The monster giant let out a deafening scream, with an extremely painful expression.

Countless ghost-faced silver mosquitoes were turned into coke by electricity, and they stagnated for a long time before re-condensing.

Taking advantage of its stagnation, the crystal rail train sprang forward for more than ten miles.

The monster giant was about to catch up, when the second lightning ball rose slowly and exploded above its head, knocking it dizzy and howling repeatedly.

The third... The fourth... The fifth...

Every time the monster giant wants to move forward, he will be held back by the arc net transformed into the lightning ball, unable to move.

Li Yao stared blankly.

At some point, some hot liquid criss-crossed his face.

He knew very well that with Ding Yin and others' cultivation level, they couldn't drive such a powerful weapon as the Taiyi Lightning Railgun, and blast out a lightning, magnetic, and electric ball that was comparable to a full-strength strike by a cultivator in the alchemy stage.

They are running psychic energy crazily, even exploding their meridians, overdrawing their lives, and forcibly arousing the Taiyi Thunder Railgun at the cost of flesh and blood!

Foundation-building cultivators like Ding Yin and Red-Eyed Officer may be able to forcibly activate the Taiyi Lightning Cannon three or five times by burning their entire lives.

However, Wei Qingqing and the others only had cultivation in the Qi refining stage, and they were not combat cultivators, and their spiritual energy reserves were not sufficient.

Perhaps forcibly blasting out a Taiyi Thunder Railgun is enough to make them burn out their lives, shatter their souls, and fall on the spot.

They are using their precious lives to fight for three minutes for a carload of ordinary people who have never met each other.

Just because they are - cultivators! (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now follow qdread immediately WeChat public account!) ()
