Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 121: Basic practice


"That's true."

Li Yao patted his head and approved of the little assistant's statement.

Powerful cultivators can blow up buildings, flatten towns, and go crazy. Their destructive power is a hundred times stronger than Tyrannosaurus rex. If there is no law to restrain them, the world will be in chaos long ago.

The undisciplined world of self-cultivation may only stay in the middle ages where the jungle preys on the jungle forever, and it is impossible to evolve into a modern civilized society.

Suddenly, Li Yao felt a coolness in his brain. Countless pieces of information flowed into his brain like a trickle of water, but it was the "Basic Law of Cultivation" with a total of more than 700 items.

"Spiritual teleportation?" Li Yao was amazed.

The transmission of spiritual thoughts is a way of information communication that is a hundred times more powerful than words.

If communicating in words, Zhang San said: "I just had lunch."

At most, Li Si could only know that Zhang San had lunch, but he couldn't comprehend more details.

And if Zhang San transmits the idea of "I just had lunch" to Li Si's brain through the transmission of spiritual thoughts, then Li Si can know in an instant what dish Zhang San ate, and even the smell of the dish. environment, even Zhang San's mood when eating can be vaguely felt.

The amount of information contained in it cannot be accommodated in a few words.

However, the transmission of spiritual thoughts not only requires special tools, but also the brains of ordinary people are very fragile, and it is difficult to withstand the influx of a large number of spiritual thoughts in an instant, at most occasionally.

Right now, Li Yao is already a cultivator, and his psychic power has greatly developed his brain. The entire "Basic Law of Cultivation" took just over a minute. It was completely transmitted to his brain domain!

"I see!"

In an instant, Li Yao had a general understanding of the "Basic Law of Cultivation".

Contrary to his imagination, this "Basic Law of Comprehension" did not place too many restrictions on the behavior of practitioners. At the beginning, it only introduced some common sense such as the duties of practitioners and the rules of the cultivation world.

the content behind. Most of them are like "Cultivators are not allowed to kill intentionally, and they are not allowed to seduce ordinary people with mental attacks", which is not much different from the "Criminal Law" aimed at ordinary people.

If you violate the "Basic Law of Cultivation", you are an evil heretic. Naturally, secret troops will be dispatched specifically to target demon cultivators to let the evil heretics know what it means to "understand the basic law in cultivation".

Finished introducing the Basic Law of Cultivation. The little assistant of comprehension began to introduce the "psychic cultivation method" to Li Yao.

"Cultivation method" is more attractive than "basic method", Li Yao's eyes lit up immediately.

Psychic energy is the most basic energy that fills the sea of stars and the infinite universe.

There is another way of saying that everything in the universe is transformed by spiritual energy. As big as the sun, moon and stars, as small as mountains and rivers, as small as ants and bacteria, all are formed by the condensation of spiritual energy through different methods!

Cultivating spiritual energy is the only way for human beings to get rid of limitations and embark on the road of infinite evolution.

For a cultivator, psionic power is everything!

Low-level cultivators use psionic energy to temper their bodies. Strengthen the soul, break through the limit time and time again.

Intermediate cultivators. You can make your own spiritual energy and the surrounding heaven and earth spiritual energy "resonate" and produce "resonance", so as to evolve all kinds of incredible magical powers and mysteries.

High-level cultivators can use cosmic psionic energy as they wish, and develop three thousand ways and infinite supernatural powers.

in the Legends. High-level practitioners with the deepest cultivation base can even completely transform themselves into spiritual forms. Integrate with the spiritual energy of the universe, and even open up your own "small universe"!

in the Legends. In the 40,000s, the most powerful human cultivator "Emperor" transformed himself into psychics, transformed a fragmented world, and opened up a small universe called the "Lingxiao Realm", sitting alone in the deepest part of the Lingxiao Realm On the golden seat of God, it has been immortal for thousands of years!

Whoever can find the High Heaven Realm and discover the secret of the Golden Holy Throne can inherit the emperor's inheritance and become the strongest practitioner in the endless universe.

However, Li Yao always scoffed at these illusory legends, and he still looked at the basics very patiently.

"There are two kinds of psionic energy cultivation methods, one is the breathing method, and the other is the application method! To put it bluntly, treat psionic energy as money, the breathing method is to teach people how to make money, and the application method is Teach people how to spend money!"

Li Yao nodded again and again. The assistant's words were simple and easy to understand, and the metaphors were very simple, so he understood it all at once.

The method of breathing is the foundation. If you master the method of breathing, you can absorb more spiritual energy from heaven and earth. It's like a person who has earned a lot of money. Are you afraid that you won't be able to learn how to spend it

Even if you really can't learn how to spend it, you can turn it into a dime coin, and you can smash your opponent to death!

Of course, it is not so easy to "make money". Under normal circumstances, everyone has similar talents, the same levels, and roughly the same spiritual energy reserves. At this time, it is better to use and "spend money" than anyone else. .

Properly used, it is also possible to pull a thousand catties in fours and twos.

"In short, breathing method is the basis of cultivation, let me look at breathing method first!"

Li Yao concentrated his mind and continued to communicate with the little assistant of cultivation.

Absorbing psychic energy is the most important thing in the cultivation world, and the popular breathing method of the Federation naturally emerges in endlessly like crucian carp crossing the river.

However, most of the well-known and effective breathing methods belong to the major sects, and if you want to learn, you have to pay a fee.

Not to mention the frighteningly high fees, some even require joining a certain sect, or making special contributions to a certain sect before they can be taught.

And some of the breathing techniques that are cheap or even given away for free are mostly inefficient in practice, full of loopholes, and even have fatal flaws, and it is easy to go crazy when practicing.

The cultivators who released these breathing methods for free wished that someone could practice for cheap, so as to serve as their "experimental mice" and help them test the quality of these breathing methods for free.

There are also some breathing methods, which are of good quality, high in the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy, and low in price. They are even taught by famous teachers. Help practitioners get started.

The little assistant of comprehension told Li Yao that whenever he encounters this kind of breathing method, he must be careful and careful.

"These breathing techniques often have no problems in themselves, and are indeed genuine. They are even sold at a loss!"

"But they have a fatal problem—too poor compatibility!"

"After practicing this kind of breathing method, after getting started, you must practice the follow-up advanced breathing method, and even the supporting application method, and you cannot switch to other exercises."

"For example, there is a very popular breathing method "Five Tigers Asking the Heart" on Lingwang. It is released for free by the practice sect "Five Tigers" for people to download, and the Five Tigers also hold regular seminars and training camps , teaching the "Five Tigers Asking the Heart" to the practitioners free of charge, many practitioners were greedy for cheap, and spent a lot of time and energy. Sure enough, the "Five Tigers Asking the Heart" was refined!"

"At this time, the problem arises. The five tigers sect provides free downloads, only half of the incomplete "Five Tigers Asking the Heart". There are only the first seven floors, but the latter seven floors are charged. The entire book of the Tuna method released by other sects will be higher!"

"That's not counting. Because the compatibility of "Five Tigers Asking Heart Jue" is too poor, after cultivation, it is not compatible with the methods used by other sects. You can only continue to practice "Five Tigers' Soul Breaking Jue", When the time comes, you will either choose to join the Five Tigers Sect, or you can only buy the methods from the Five Tigers Sect at a high price. One knife after another, the sword is regarded as a weapon by the Five Tigers Sect. Fat sheep to slaughter!"

"If you don't want to choose these two paths, you can only choose Sangong and start over. Then practice other breathing methods."

"However, Sangong is tantamount to wasting a lot of time and effort. Moreover, if you are not careful, you will damage your spiritual roots and meridians, which is extremely detrimental to your future cultivation."

"Many cultivators feel that they are in a dilemma at this time. They regret it, but they can't turn back."

"The Five Tigers sect has transformed from an obscure sect into one of the largest and most powerful sects in the current federation within ten years by virtue of such insidious tactics."

"Although there are not many masters in the sect, a large number of low-level cultivators joined. Those who were deceived were unwilling to be reconciled, and they talked cleverly to attract more people into the water. Over time, it became a force that should not be underestimated."

"The behavior of the Five Tigers did not violate the "Basic Law of Cultivation". On their download page, there is also a feature of "Five Tigers Asking the Heart". All new cultivators, you can only pay more attention and don't be fooled."

As the little assistant of comprehension said, he brought up the download interface of "Five Tigers Asking the Heart", and unfolded the "User Notice".

Sure enough, among the densely packed small characters, there was a paragraph like this: "This exercise was created by Master Heihu, the former suzerain of the Five Tiger Sect, and there may be incompatibility with other sects' exercises. pay attention."

This sentence is caught in thousands of notes, let alone "slightly inattentive", even if you "concentrate" to check each item one by one, it is easy to slip past it all at once!

What's more, at the bottom, they also wrote:

"Five Tigers have the final right to interpret all the practice of this exercise, please download it as appropriate."

And in the comment column next to the netizen, what appeared was...

"Okay, it's really good! "Five Tigers Asking the Heart" is indeed the top breathing method in the cultivation world. It is fast, efficient, almost has no side effects, and it is easy to learn. I only learned it for a month. I just integrated it, and practiced to the third level in one breath! The most important thing is that this set of exercises is completely free, completely free! Fellow Taoists who are new to the cultivation world, why are you still hesitating, quickly download and practice with me!"

"That's right, in today's comprehension world, everything looks at money, and all cultivation sects look at money. There are not many forces like the Five Tigers who have a sense of social responsibility and are willing to contribute to the public for free!"

"What the fellow Taoists upstairs said is very good, I didn't believe it at first—how can the free exercises be so good? After hearing everyone's words, I dubiously downloaded "Five Tigers Asking the Heart" to practice, It's only been half a month, hey, my physical body has also grown stronger, and my soul has also become stronger. In the past, it was difficult to manipulate one magic weapon. Now, guess what, I can manipulate five magic weapons at the same time, and they are completely running like flying! "Five "Tiger Asks Heart Judgment" is so magical!" ()

