Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 125: Big battle


"I was born in a remote mountain village in the southern part of the Federation. The transportation is inconvenient, and there are no decent industries. The economy is very backward. Most of the adults in the village go to big cities to work and earn money, leaving only the elderly and children.◎"

"My teacher is the only rural teacher in the village, an old lady with gray hair who is over a hundred years old."

"Since I was a child, I have known that the teacher is a person with great powers. She can talk to many small animals in the mountains and forests. She can also make watermelons grow quickly in winter. She can light a bonfire with a finger and bring us The little dolls warm up and eat watermelon together."

"People in the village have any headaches, and they will let the teacher look at it. The teacher always looks at it."

"Under the teacher's teaching, we little children in the mountains know that there is such a vast world outside, and there are such magical magic weapons and cultivation worlds. The teacher often holds our hands and takes us to do one game after another. The dreams let us see one after another grotesque big cities, saw many people, and ate many good things."

"After a long time, I realized that it was not a dream, but a world created by the teacher. The teacher is a cultivator, and even a magician."

"But at this time, she is dead."

"When I was fifteen, there was a torrential rain in my hometown, which lasted for ten days and ten nights, softening the entire mountain behind the small mountain village, and finally triggered a landslide in the middle of the night, bringing terror mudslides."

"The teacher happened to be helping a villager deliver a baby, and she was the first to discover the mudslide as she walked down the mountain in the middle of the night."

"The rolling rocks were mixed with the flood, and there was no time to notify everyone to escape."

"Thus, the teacher burned his life and overdrawn his psychic energy. He formed an extremely strong psychic shield, and forcibly blocked the mudslide from the small mountain village."

"Everyone escaped safely, but the teacher was swallowed by the mudslide, and her body was found ten days later. She was peaceful and kind as if she was asleep."

"Since then, I have determined to be like a teacher. I followed in the teacher's footsteps and was admitted to Tianhuan Academy all the way. I became a cultivator, and even a magic writer who can create worlds with words as I wish. After graduating, I applied to participate in the federal 'Educational Volunteer Program in Poor Areas', planning to work as a rural teacher in a small mountain village in the wilderness, and embark on the same path as a teacher."

"At this moment, I encountered a beast horde."

"Honestly, I have ten thousand reasons not to stand up, just like the teacher back then had ten thousand reasons not to block the mudslide."

"But she stood up without any reason, so I also stood up without any reason, just a little impulse in my heart is enough."

"I didn't expect to become what I am now. I had countless dreams, and none of them was reduced to a 'ghost cultivator' at a young age. How can it be possible to say that I don't regret it?"

"But there are always some things. Even if you know you regret it, you have to do it, because if you don't do it, you will regret it even more, and regret it for a lifetime."

The little blue bird chirped, and before they knew it, the two flew out of the clouds and wandered in the blue sky. Below are the magnificent mountains and rivers, and the golden sunlight sprinkled on them, coating them with a layer of brilliant outline.

The little blue bird said with some embarrassment:

"I'm sorry, Li Yao, I just became a ghost cultivator. I'm in a mess, and I don't know who to talk to, let alone how to explain to my parents—they don't know anything yet!"

"After thinking about it, you saved me, and I heard that you offended a very powerful person in order to protect us - I think you can probably listen to my nagging, so you came here rashly I'm looking for you, and I'm really sorry for wasting so much of your time."

"No no no, don't waste it, your voice is beautiful, and this world is also very beautiful, "Blue Bird" is a very wonderful movie!"

Li Yao said very sincerely.

"Really, do you really like this world?" Little Blue Bird said with surprise and joy.

Li Yao fluttered his wings and sprinted towards the sun. After a while, he closed his wings and glides freely towards the mountains and rivers.

He squinted his eyes, carefully savoring the subtle touch of every ray of wind gliding over every wing.

"Really, this world is very beautiful. I like it very much. I really hope that I can often enter the world of "Blue Bird", soaring freely with you, watching the sunset over the long river, and the wind and clouds are relaxing."

As soon as these words came out, Li Yao suddenly felt a throbbing in his soul, as if he had a subtle connection with the world of "Blue Bird".

And the world of "Blue Bird" has become clearer and more moving, and the changes in the clouds have become more abundant.

Wei Qingqing's eyes lit up, and she murmured: "Student Li Yao, you have become the first reader of "Blue Bird"!"

"Reader?" Li Yao was taken aback.

These two words obviously have a deeper meaning beyond the literal.

Wei Qingqing nodded:

"That's right, the cultivation method of our phantom writers is different from that of ordinary practitioners. For you ordinary practitioners, the main method of cultivation is to devour and use psionic energy."

"But we fantasy writers need to create one work after another, use the works to impress people, let readers have a wonderful spiritual connection with us, have spiritual resonance, and continuously increase their strength in the resonance."

"The more readers, the deeper the feeling, the stronger the resonance, and our strength will become stronger and stronger."

"My other two works are best-selling youth genres, and both have many loyal readers. The spiritual resonance they bring is the source of my strength."

"And this "Blue Bird" is a purely literary work. Few people like to read it. You are the first 'reader' who resonates with me. It is because of your touch that the world of "Blue Bird" becomes clearer than before. , mellow, complete."

"It's my luck to have a reader like you. After I have new insights and write a new chapter of "Blue Bird", I will definitely invite you to enter the world of "Blue Bird" again, and let's explore the infinitely wonderful world of the cloud together , classmate Li Yao!"

Like all literary young women, Wei Qingqing was very happy when her works were loved by others, completely forgetting the fact that she had just died. Flapping delicate wings, dancing around Li Yao.

Li Yao blushed. He didn't expect that a vulgar person who only knew about maintenance would resonate with a pure literary work.

After thinking about it, he had another question:

"Xiaoqing, if we talk about readers, the more sympathy they arouse, the stronger the magic writer's strength will be. Isn't it true that the magic writer who writes best-selling books takes advantage? Because there must be hundreds more readers of best-selling books than pure literature. A thousand times."

"In theory, yes." The little blue bird nodded.

"Then why do you still want to write pure literature like "Blue Bird"? Pure literature is difficult to write, and no one reads it. It neither makes money nor improves strength. Wouldn't it be good if you have time to write more best-selling books? ?”

Wei Qingqing smiled slightly, looking at the fairyland among the clouds in the distance: "Because... I like it!"

After the little blue bird flew away, Li Yao thought about this literary young woman not a few years older than himself. The more you think about it, the more interesting it becomes.

He activated the crystal brain and searched for "green orange".

This is Wei Qingqing's pen name.

Jingnao was slightly shocked, and quickly searched for two works.

As Wei Qingqing said, the two youth novels she published are very popular, have many readers, and have a high number of clicks on Lingwang.

The first book is called "The Young Sovereign Falls in Love with Me", and the cover is a handsome, sunny and handsome boy. Staring affectionately beyond the light curtain.

Li Yao shivered coldly, and turned to the brief introduction.

This story is about the suzerain of a big sect because of a practice accident. Unfortunately, he went mad and turned into a vegetable, and his only seventeen-year-old son had to shoulder the heavy responsibility and inherit the sect.

The heroine is an ordinary person who goes to work in an enterprise affiliated with this sect during the summer vacation. Because of a coincidence, she regards the young suzerain as a migrant worker like her. The two slowly became acquainted.

The young patriarch inherited the great cause at a young age and his cultivation level is still low. Naturally, there are many forces in the sect who are not convinced. There are usually too many intrigues and intrigues. Feeling depressed, it's rare to find such a girl who is as pure as water. I don't know his identity yet, so I naturally get close to her and gradually develop love.

After that, there will naturally be a lot of lingering love and hatred, entanglements of grievances, and some plots where the elders of the hostile faction use flying swords to plot against the young suzerain, but are discovered by the heroine and help the young suzerain block the sword.

Although Li Yao couldn't figure it out, how could an ordinary person discover the flying sword shot by a cultivator, and even if he did, how could he respond in time - but these are details, not a big deal.

Anyway, in the end, the young suzerain and the heroine broke through many obstacles, and the lovers finally got married.

At this time, the father of the young suzerain, the old suzerain who had gone mad and turned into a vegetable, suddenly woke up. He firmly opposed his son marrying an ordinary person.

And the heiress of a certain sect who claimed to be the fiancée of the young suzerain also appeared in front of the heroine...

The story ends here abruptly. If you want to know how things will develop in the future, you have to wait for the sequel to be published.

"Uh… "

After a few glances, Li Yao gave up his plan to study it carefully, dragged down the light curtain, and read the second book.

The second one is called "The Domineering Master Falls in Love with Me", the plot is similar to the first one, the only difference is...

The "I" in "Fall in Love with Me" is a boy.

Of course, "Overbearing Head" is also a tall, cold and strong man.


Li Yao closed the webpage like lightning, rubbed his eyes vigorously, tears streaming down his face.

He gave up the idea of further spiritual communication with Wei Qingqing.

At least in these two fantasy worlds, he will not enter even if he dies.

"Let's talk more about pure literature, student Xiaoqing." Li Yaoxin said.

At this moment, there was a whistling sound of waves higher than the waves overhead.

Li Yao didn't pay much attention at first, there were military camps all around, and it was normal for some military war shuttles to fly around overhead.

But soon, he realized that something was wrong—the whistling sound stayed above the medical tent, and the sound became more and more violent and arrogant.

It's like there are dozens of military battle shuttles hovering around the medical tent!

With a twitch from the corner of Li Yao's eyes, he carried the Black Wing Sword and Dusky Star Rock behind him, moved his limbs a bit, maintained his best fighting condition, and jumped out of the medical tent in two steps.

The big battle in the sky made him stunned for a moment. (Please search Piaotian Literature, better update faster!