Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 126: An outrageous apology


Dozens of shuttle cars were suspended in midair, making deafening roars, gathering into an overbearing aura.

These shuttle cars did not use the military green paint that is common to the Federal Army, but were painted with blue and white lines, like a rolling river rushing eastward.

Each shuttle car is also engraved with a dragon-flying phoenix dancing "Jiang" character on both sides.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Hundreds of strong men in blue combat uniforms slammed onto the ground from a height of more than ten meters, causing broken stones to fly and dust to fly.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of strong men appeared around Li Yao.

His eyes were indifferent, his temperament was gloomy, and his face was rigid, like a group of puppets made of metal.

These people were filled with a domineering aura, with strands of spiritual thread lingering around them, showing no intention of restraining themselves at all.

"They're all cultivators?" Li Yao's pupils shrank suddenly.

Mobilizing hundreds of cultivators in one go, the Jiang family is indeed the most powerful in the wilderness.

"Xiao Hei, can you?"

Li Yao shook his rucksack, thinking of running away.

He has never been a person who would put his life in the hands of others and let others decide life and death.

Although Guan Xiong said that the Jiang family would not trouble him, Li Yao never believed that the Jiang family would dare to face him as a "first-class disabled soldier" in front of the federal army.

But he was still unwilling to be surrounded by hundreds of Jiang family cultivators.

Once the encirclement circle is formed, there is no way out, and they can only be slaughtered by others.

Therefore, no matter what the other party's intentions are, he must escape the encirclement first.

If the other party is really malicious, he will never just catch the fish and kill him!

"Of course!"

The black-winged sword was trembling eagerly in the backpack.

At this moment, hundreds of Jiang family cultivators suddenly stopped and did not form an encirclement circle. They just stood loosely, leaving dozens of escape routes for Li Yao.


A piece of bloody rotten meat was thrown from a shuttle, fell heavily on the ground, and let out a scream from the hole that looked like a "mouth".

A young woman wearing an ice-blue battle uniform with an extremely indifferent temperament jumped up from the shuttle and slowly flew in front of Li Yao. Suspended at a low altitude of more than two meters, looking down at Li Yao.

Her aura is as powerful as Ding Lingdang's, and her icy demeanor is somewhat similar to Si Jiaxue's.

The only difference is that Si Jiaxue is an iceberg, but she is an unstoppable ice pick.

Icebergs can't kill people, but ice picks can pierce through the heart in an instant, killing people!

"My name is Jiang Bingyun, and I am the Jiang family's itinerant inspector. I am responsible for monitoring and dealing with the Jiang family's children's violations of law and discipline. I will enforce the family law on these Jiang family scum! Are you Li Yao?"

The icicle-like woman asked, but didn't even look at Li Yao.

Without waiting for Li Yao's answer, she pointed to the squirming meatball and said coldly:

"This Jiang Tao, as a cultivator, hesitates when the catastrophe comes, and even uses ordinary people as human shields so that he can escape for his life."

"Not only did he not repent after the incident, but he also uttered obscenities and insulted many cultivators who died heroically."

"Our Jiang family is a wealthy family in the wilderness. Every bit of glory of the family is earned by countless Jiang family children who are not afraid of sacrifice on the battlefield and fought bloody battles!"

"Jiang Tao's actions not only violated the bottom line of a cultivator, but also violated the family rules of our Jiang family, bringing shame to the entire family."

"Therefore. As the patrolling envoy of the Jiang family, I enforced the family law on him, disabled his psionic abilities, beat him back to his original form, and turned him into an ordinary person. He will never be able to practice again!"

"Li Daoyou, you are a witness to the whole incident. You witnessed Jiang Tao's vile behavior. It is said that he threatened you in the name of the Jiang family. I think it would be best for you to be the witness of the execution!"

Jiang Bingyun's voice was as hard as a lump of ice that had been frozen for thousands of years, and he didn't give Li Yao a chance to interrupt at all. As soon as he finished speaking, his figure flashed, and he appeared next to the bloody mud.

"Rotten Meat" squirmed desperately, screaming:

"Jiang Bingyun, you can't do this, give me a chance, give me another chance, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, I really know my mistake!"

Jiang Bingyun took out a round emerald green jade sword from his bosom, but the palm was long and short, it looked small and exquisite, very delicate, and said lightly:

"Since it's me, you should know that there is no chance!"

Jiang Tao begged for a long time, and suddenly roared crazily:

"Jiang Bingyun, how dare you! Our Gaolinjiang family has long been separated from your Tianlanjiang family. Although you are the patrolling envoy of the main line, what right do you have to move me, a collateral person? It should be Gao Linjiang if you want to move. The itinerant inspector of our country is here!"

"That's right, it stands to reason that Gao Linjiang's roving inspector should be in charge of your matter, but they were stopped by a group of 'sand robbers' on the way, and they are in a hard fight at the moment, probably within two or three hours I couldn’t make it, so I had to do it for me.”

Jiang Bingyun said as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Tao's eyes protruded, and his voice was extremely shrill:

"Jiang Bingyun, you even dare to intercept our Gaolin Jiang family's patrolling envoy? You are too daring! If you dare to abolish my psychic power, my father will definitely not let you go, for sure!"


Jiang Bingyun responded lightly, and the jade sword flew up, spun around Jiang Tao's head, and pierced into Jiang Tao's spiritual root with a "whoosh" sound!

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

A large amount of psionic energy was ejected from the tail of the jade sword, like a straw, pulling out all the psionic energy in Jiang Tao's body and throwing it into the sky and the earth!


Jiang Tao's wailing resounded through the sky, like a ghost in the Underworld, struggling desperately in the Nine Nether Yellow Springs.

Jiang Bingyun flicked his little finger, and set up a sound-proof barrier around Jiang Tao, immediately blocking his screams.

Li Yao only saw that Jiang Tao opened his mouth wide, his eyes turned white, his whole body was twitching, white foam was gushing out from the corner of his mouth, his whole body was tossing and turning like a python struck by lightning, he was twitching constantly, and he was incontinent.

How can he look like a human being? He's not even as good as a half-dead stray dog!

Even Li Yao, the "vulture" who grew up in the tomb of the magic weapon, felt his scalp tingle and couldn't bear it.

The whole process lasted for more than half a minute, and Jiang Bingyun recalled the jade sword only when blood overflowed from the corners of Jiang Tao's eyes, nose and ears.

The strange thing is that Jiang Tao's forehead is as smooth as a mirror, intact, and there is no hole left.

Wisps of heat came out of his body, except for the occasional roll of the eyeballs, it was completely impossible to tell that he was still a living person.

"Give him back to the inspector of Gao Linjiang's family. If that old devil Jiang Hong has any objections, let him come to me directly!"

Jiang Bingyun explained a few words to his subordinates, then flew back to Li Yao, still condescending, extremely cold and arrogant.

"Li Daoyou, I'm really sorry to make you laugh. As the saying goes, there are dead branches on a big tree. Our Jiang family has developed in the wilderness for hundreds of years. In addition to the main vein, there are eight major branches, some of which will have several branches. The scum is not surprising."

"Thank you for your righteous action this time, helping the Jiang family teach this scum a lesson, and exposing his ugly face to the eyes of the world!"

"Don't worry, the Gaolinjiang family will not retaliate against you. If Jiang Tao's elders dare to touch half of your hair, they will not pay attention to our main vein!"

"In the future, if you need anything in cultivation, you can come to our Tianlanjiang family as much as possible. This is my contact information."

After Jiang Bingyun finished speaking neatly, with a light wave of his hand, a ripple appeared in the air immediately, which was a series of Linghe transmission numbers.

"Crack the space into words?" Li Yao was startled.

Exploding the air with punches and blasting ripples, this is something he can do.

But with such precise control of power, the blasted air ripples can actually form a series of numbers, such a realm is too appalling.

Jiang Bingyun, however, seemed to have done a trivial thing that he was used to, his chin nodded, and he turned and left without even looking at Li Yao.

A moment later, hundreds of well-trained Jiang family cultivators roared away in an orderly manner.

Trails of fangs and claws were left in the sky, gradually spreading.

"Jiang Family..."

"Even an apology is so murderous and overbearing. It's really not easy for a wealthy family in the wilderness!"

Li Yao looked at the sky and heaved a long sigh.

I don't know when and what month he was able to gather such a huge force, so that the name "Li Family" of Li Yao, the vulture of Fuge City, resounded throughout the Tianyuan world

Half a day later, the inspection was finally over, the crystal track train was repaired, the defensive rune array was filled with psionic energy again, a new armored carriage was installed at the back, and several combat cultivators were arranged to accompany it along the way.

The disgruntled passengers finally came alive, and the deserted little station was full of laughter.

They are about to set off, starry night non-stop, straight to the destination.

Ding Yin and Wei Qingqing came to see Li Yao off.

They originally went all the way to Rage City, but now they have to go their separate ways.

Li Yao went on to Rage City, but the two of them had to follow many ghost cultivators to a school specially opened for ghost cultivators to learn how to be a ghost with ideals, morality, faith, and love.

"Student Li Yao, don't be so sad. When we learn how to be ghosts, there will still be opportunities to meet each other. Maybe one day we can fight side by side!"

Ding Yin let out a heroic laugh in the spiritual tool prosthetic body, then took out a jade slip from his bosom, and inserted it into a port on the left side of his metal skull.

He only heard the sound of "buzzing" coming from the metal skull, and the light on the jade slip also flickered on and off.

After a while, Ding Yin pulled out the jade slip and handed it to Li Yao.

"Student Li Yao, I have read your profile and know that you are the number one student in the college entrance examination in Fuge City. You had the opportunity to join Shenhai University, but you chose the Great Desolate War Academy... Anyway, I admire your blood. I have nothing to give you, this jade slip contains some study notes I made when I was learning the art of refining, you can take it for reference, it should be very helpful for getting started!"
