Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 128: The raging waves of the wilderness


Raging City.

It seems strange that a town is named after "Raging Waves" in a place far away from the sea.

However, when passengers get off the crystal rail train and stand behind the huge glass curtain wall at the exit and look far away, they will find a rough "ocean".

It was on the endless wasteland, because of the gales of hundreds of millions of years, the rocks were blown on top of each other, rolling into waves after waves, like a sea of solidified weathered rocks.

This sea of rocks is black and red.

Black is the color of the rock itself.

Red is dyed by the blood of countless federal soldiers, practitioners and monsters.

The blood of humans and monsters soaked deeply into the deepest part of the rock, even if the rock was smashed, you can still find spots of scarlet in the black.

Unlike other towns in the Monster Beast Wasteland, there are no military camps stationed around Raging Waves City, and there are no towering walls to guard it.

Humans living here don't need walls, because no powerful monsters have dared to invade this town for many years.

On the contrary, the enemies of Raging Waves City need the strongest walls. Even so, it's just to save their lives for a few seconds.

There is nothing that can stop the residents of Raging Waves City, not the walls, not to mention the fangs and carapaces of monsters.

This is ↖, ≮. Raging Waves City.

This is the location of the Great Desolation War Academy, a paradise for passionate men!

Li Yao stood behind the huge glass curtain wall at the exit and looked at it for a long time, his emotions fluctuated like weathered rocks on the wilderness outside.

Behind him are hundreds of young people who are just as young and passionate, all freshmen who just got off the trains of different lines.

They looked at each other and smiled, quickly confirmed each other's identities, and everyone involuntarily puffed up their chests. As if from this moment they are an inseparable group.

They were all high-spirited young people, and they quickly became acquainted. After a while, there was a chattering sound at the exit of the station.

"I'm from Chaos Blade Hall, brother, which student union are you from?"

"Haha. I am also from Chaos Blade Hall, so I have found my family. Seeing that your arms are so thick, I thought you belonged to Iron Fist just now!"

"Look, the girl over there has so many tattoos, from the head to the tail, it must be someone who draws ghost symbols, she heard it!"

While eavesdropping on the conversations of his classmates, Li Yao was thinking about the information he had just learned from the freshman admission handbook.

The predecessor of the Great Wilderness War Academy was a martial arts exchange platform for various grassroots fighters in the Monster Wilderness. Therefore, the school spirit is free, the school rules are loose, and student self-government is advocated.

It is not the teachers who control each department, but the student union. The student union of each department has great autonomy. The teacher is only a guide. As long as the bottom line is not violated, generally they will not interfere with the operation of the student union.

Tekken will. Chaos Blade Hall, Ghost Painting Talisman. Lancet, these are the four most powerful student union organizations in the Great Desolate War Academy.

The Iron Fist Club is a student union for body refiners. All students who disdain the use of weapons and firmly believe that the body is the strongest magic weapon will join the Iron Fist Club. Constantly pushing the limit of the human body, refining the flesh and blood into an indestructible killing machine.

Random Blade Hall is the student union of sword repairers. Students who join Random Blade Hall have very superb skills in using cold weapons. Their ideal is to become a super-class sword fairy.

The Lancet is an organization of the student union of the Faculty of Medicine.

It was difficult for Li Yao to understand at first. Why does the Department of Medicine exist in the Great Desolate War Academy, and its level is very high, even keeping pace with Tiandu Medical College in the fields of surgery and field first aid.

After careful explanation in the freshman handbook, he understood.

The Great Wilderness War Academy is a martial arts university that specializes in cultivating fighters who are keen on fighting and advocating actual combat.

Of course, you will suffer various injuries in actual combat, and sometimes it is not surprising that you are only half dead. Whether the members of the Iron Fist Club or the Chaos Blade Hall, they are all a group of lunatics who are not afraid of death. Monster beasts that are ten times stronger will also rush up screaming, without frowning.

Under such circumstances, a "medical department" specialized in trauma treatment and field first aid appeared in the Great Desolate War Academy.

Through hundreds of years of accumulation and continuous improvement of the level, many serious patients who were seriously injured on the battlefield and could not be treated by Tiandu Medical College would be sent to the surgical and orthopedic hospital affiliated to the Department of Medicine of the Great Wilderness War College for treatment.

The doctors here are good at using a scalpel made of willow leaves to perform the most precise operations. Over time, "Lancet" has become synonymous with Dahuang doctors.

As for the ghost painting talisman, Li Yao was more surprised by the existence of the lancet than the Lancet. It was actually an organization of the student union of the art department.

Li Yao couldn't figure out why the Great Desolate War Academy had an "art department", and it was so powerful, leaving his beloved "artificial refining department" far behind.

Or the freshman handbook broke the mystery.

In the world of self-cultivation, there is a very mysterious supernatural power called "spiritual pattern technique", which can integrate spiritual talismans into various patterns and tattoo them on people's bodies, so that people can have powerful power without training.

Cultivators who have mastered this supernatural power are honored as "spiritual pattern masters".

The simplest example, the spirit tattoo master tattoos a beam of flames on the hand of a practitioner, which contains a mysterious and complicated fire-type rune array. Outburst, there is no need for trigger conditions such as seals and mantras.

This is just the simplest and lowest-level use of spirit patterns.

A real spirit pattern master can draw hundreds of spirit symbols in a small tattoo between inches, and completely blend into the blood, and become one with the tattooed person!

It is conceivable that the spirit pattern master is simply the strongest supporter for the body refiner.

A body refiner with spirit patterns all over his body is definitely the most terrifying existence on the battlefield. No one knows how terrifying supernatural powers will evolve after his tattoos and blood are fused!

Take the red-eyed officer that Li Yao met on the crystal rail train as an example. He is just a basic cultivator in the foundation establishment stage, so it is absolutely impossible to fly hundreds of meters into the air in an instant.

However, the spirit pattern master tattooed a pair of light wings on his back, so that at the last moment of his life, he overdrawn his vitality and inspired all the magical powers of the light wings, soaring straight into the sky. An incomparably gorgeous blow was fired!

The Art Department of the Great Wilderness Academy is a place that specializes in cultivating spirit pattern masters. It is unique in the entire Federation and can compete with similar majors in the Tianhuan Academy.

Tekken Club, Chaos Blade Hall, The Lancet. Ghost drawing talisman... These four university student unions are the pillars of the Great Desolate War Academy.

Every year, 80% of the school's education funds and resources will flow into the four student unions, and the best teachers, venues, and equipment in the school will also be given priority to the four organizations.

The remaining pitiful 20% of the resources are fought over by a dozen other ordinary majors.

There are even many radicals who believe that the reason why the Great Wilderness War Academy ranks at the bottom of the "Nine Bigs" is because it is dragged down by more than a dozen other ordinary majors. Chaos Blade Hall, Lancet Knife and Ghost Painting Talisman, so maybe the ranking can be higher!

"First of all, it is necessary to elevate the status of the Artifact Refining Department to the same level as the four major majors..." Li Yao was thinking.

At this moment, there were light footsteps behind him, and a boy with a short cut asked in awe:

"Student, your spiritual power fluctuations are so strong, you can't... you have awakened your spiritual roots and become a cultivator, right?"


As soon as these words came out, all the freshmen gathered around and stared at Li Yao very curiously.

Everyone has long heard of the "Nine Great" hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Gathering geniuses, I didn't expect to see a living monster before entering the campus!

Li Yao was a little embarrassed by the scorching eyes of everyone. He nodded and said, "That's right, but I've just awakened, and my level is very low, just the first level of Qi refining period."

"Just woke up..."

The cut-cut boy pondered for a moment, his eyebrows would jump up as if he thought of something. With a strange cry, "Could it be that you are the monster who awakened the spiritual root at the station, and then beat the third-level practitioners of the Qi refining period to a horrible level?"

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that this matter had already spread.

Now, the freshmen are all crazy!

The contest between cultivators will set off a surge of spiritual power fluctuations. Ordinary people may not be able to perceive it, but these freshmen are all masters with a spiritual root development rate of more than 80%, so they naturally sense the turmoil.

So everyone knows that at the temporary station, there was a small conflict between two practitioners.

However, most of the people were under surveillance at that time, and they didn't know the details. They only knew that it was a first-level practitioner of the Qi-refining period who had just awakened, chasing and beating a third-level practitioner of the Qi-refining period, and beat him to death. The pig's head is beaten into a pig's head or the kind of pickled pig's head that has been deboned and flattened.

On the train, everyone was discussing that the first level of the Qi refining period was too fierce, and the monster appeared out of nowhere.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a classmate, and also a freshman who just entered the Great Desolation War Academy!

For a moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Li Yao became very different, envy, worship, fanaticism, fear...

"The Great Wilderness Battle Institute is worthy of being the number one martial arts university in the Federation. Even such a fierce person chooses the Great Wilderness Battle Institute. Sure enough, I did not go to the wrong university!"

"Pressure, the pressure is too great. If you want to study with such a fierce person in the future, how can you compare with others?"

"You think too much about classmates, such a fierce person, of course, is guided by a 'professor' himself, and most of the lecturers for ordinary freshmen like us are 'lecturers', there is no comparison at all!"

"I don't know if this fierce man is a body refiner or a swordsman?"

The face of the boy with a flat-inch head was full of admiration, and he said excitedly: "This classmate, it is our greatest honor to be able to study with a master like you! I wonder if you belong to the Tekken Society or the Chaos Blade Hall?"

As soon as these words were uttered, most of the students quietly divided into two small groups.

Most of the students on the left have oily skin, reflecting a metallic luster, and each of them has huge joints, and their fists are flat. When they are clenched tightly, they look like hammers that have been tempered for thousands of years.

Most of the students on the right have sharp eyes like knives, calluses on their hands, many fingerprints have been polished, and long and short weapons are still stuck in their waists.

They are members of the Iron Fist and Random Blade respectively.
