Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 134: Skeleton God of War


"Get down! Get down!" Li Yao screamed, fell to the ground, and hugged his head.

It was too late, and before everyone could react, the shock wave generated by the explosion was like a stormy sea, blowing the tortoise car three to four hundred meters, smashing it hard on a small four-story building, rolling and hitting the ground again!

Even though the tortoise car was equipped with a buffer array, most of the people were knocked out of their wits and became dizzy, and several freshmen with low strength simply passed out.

Most of the people who did not pass out also had blood on their faces, broken tendons and bones, and screamed endlessly.

Li Yao was one of the few uninjured students. He crawled to the side of the drive in a snake shape and listened for a while. He made sure that the drive rune array had been completely destroyed. Climbing out of the car window, he looked at the sky blankly.

In the sky, a large hole with a diameter of tens of meters was blown out on the right side of Fukong Mountain, emitting green flames and emitting a pungent burnt smell.

A series of muffled sounds came from inside the Fukong Mountain, as if one heard muffled thunder after being huddled in bed, and the explosion was still going on.

After a while, billowing black smoke spewed out from every window and gap, condensing into a ferocious beast with teeth and claws in the sky.

The anti-gravity arrays under the floating mountain went out one by one.

Under the pull of gravity, the floating mountain tilted to the left and fell to the ground bit by bit.

Because part of the anti-gravity talisman was still in operation, different gravity was produced on both sides of the garbage floating mountain. Under the strong gravity, a small part of the floating mountain was forcibly torn apart.

Countless fragments collapsed, and there were a few dancing figures in it. Some people tried to escape by flying with their swords, but were engulfed by the ensuing explosions. The scene was horrible.

After half a minute of stalemate, the main body of Fukong Mountain finally hit the ground, setting off dust flying all over the sky, like a volcanic eruption.

boom! Boom!

During the sandstorm, three beams of green fire shot up into the sky, but a series of explosions on a larger scale occurred inside the Fukong Mountain.

Just when Li Yao was dumbfounded. Yuan Manqiu also climbed out of the shuttle with great difficulty.

Her face was covered with blood, her expression was uglier than a ghost, staring at the empty sky.

"Old Mo!"

A moment later, Yuan Manqiu uttered a heart-piercing cry, and ran wildly towards the place where the Fukong Mountain fell.

Seven days later, there was a very rare drizzle in Raging Waves City, with a sour taste in the rain.

The area where the floating mountain fell has been cleared.

In order to prevent falling accidents from the floating mountains, not too many houses will be built under each floating mountain, and the surrounding houses will also be equipped with extremely high-strength defensive arrays.

Therefore, the accident did not cause too many casualties to the residents on the ground. It's just that dozens of buildings were crumbling by the shock wave, listed as dangerous buildings, and demolished directly.

But the garbage floating mountain is completely scrapped.

After investigation by more than a dozen high-level cultivators, this accident was classified as an experimental accident.

According to the scene of the accident, Professor Mo Xuan led the whole team and was installing the high-voltage wafer reactor.

The Jingyuan Reactor Furnace is the power core of the Crystal Armor. It can compress the spar containing powerful spiritual energy by a hundred times and put it into a palm-sized furnace. Drive the crystal armor for long-term combat.

It is conceivable that once there is a problem with the wafer reactor. The spar that has been compressed to the extreme expands back to its original volume in an instant, releasing unparalleled berserk spiritual energy, destroying everything within a radius of several hundred meters.

This accident was exactly such a situation.

To make matters worse, due to the serious shortage of funds, the scale of the Fukong Mountain of the refining system is too small. The distance between its spar storage warehouse and the refining room is too close.

At the moment of the explosion, the shock wave penetrated the seven-story wall in a row. The all-metal wall and the defensive runes embedded in it were torn apart like paper paste, and the violent tide of spiritual power swept across the crystal wall in an instant. The stone storage warehouse triggered a series of earth-shattering explosions!

The entire floating mountain was almost destroyed in the big bang. Countless precious materials and magic weapons were turned into scrap copper and rotten iron, priceless experimental materials and data were buried in the ruins, and even the black bone battle armor with a completion rate of 90% was turned into a mass of molten steel slag.

Xuangu plans to return to the origin in a second.

And this is only 1% of the total loss.

The Xuanbone Project is the only hope of the refining department. All the elites have gathered, including the head of the department, Professor Mo Xuan, most of the teachers of the refining department, and experienced senior students. refining work.

They all perished in the big bang.

The tide of spiritual power swept across everything like a hurricane, every cell and every strand of remnant soul was torn to pieces.

Not to mention living people, even if you want to save a few wisps of remnant souls and transform them into ghost cultivators, it's impossible.

Even the teachers and students who were not in the refining room, as long as they were inside the Fukong Mountain, they were all affected by the tide of spiritual power, ranging from convulsions, to serious injuries, to death on the spot, the scene was appalling.

Only Yuan Manqiu and a dozen or so old students who were not very good went to welcome the new students, and they were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe.

Since they couldn't support a department at all, it can be said that the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Desolation War Academy was completely destroyed!

Seven days after the disaster.

The location where the refining department was located turned into a complete ruin.

Originally, the school was going to clean up this area, re-refine the usable resources from the ruins, and bury the unusable ones, but Yuan Manqiu abruptly stopped them.

She insisted that there are many precious experimental materials and equipment buried under the ruins, which are the hope of rebuilding the refining system, and no one is allowed to touch it, not even a single rivet.

Yuan Manqiu is like a crazy mother elephant, defending her territory without giving up an inch, and the principal can't do anything about her.

In the center of the ruins, a small statue was placed on a pedestal, resembling a half-melted skeleton of the god of war.

The bare arms opened to the sky, and the black mouth roared, roaring to the endless sky.

This is the mysterious bone battle armor under development.

It condensed the hard work and will of all the teachers and students of the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy, but it turned into steel slag in the big explosion, losing the meaning of continuing to refine.

It can only be poured into a monument. Commemorate those who died on the road of cultivation.

A solemn memorial meeting is being held in front of the statue.

Iron Fist Club, Random Blade Hall, Lancet, Ghost Painting Talisman... The student union organizations of various departments sent representatives to mourn.

Most of the teachers and all the management of the school are also gathered here.

Although the Artifact Refining Department is only the most insignificant garbage major in the Great Desolate War Academy, many teachers and students even thought about canceling the Artifact Refining Department.

But it is too cruel to let the refining system disappear completely in this way!

"Today, we gather here to commemorate some incomparably great scholars and practitioners. In order to defend human civilization and explore the infinite mysteries of the world of comprehension, they have devoted all their sweat and effort to study and practice day and night, and even paid the most Precious life and soul!"

Under the statue of the mysterious bone battle armor, Xiong Baili, the headmaster of the Great Wilderness War Academy, said with great sorrow.

Xiong Baili is also a legendary figure in the Great Wilderness War Academy. It is said that when he was young, he was a combat-type cultivator whose strength broke through the peak of the alchemy stage. Known as "Volcano"!

However, when a beast horde broke out, he fell into a tight siege, and forcibly confronted the beast horde head-on for a day and a night.

Although he had killed thousands of monsters, he had overdrawn his psychic energy and was poisoned by more than 30 kinds of monsters. His eight meridians were all corroded, his strength plummeted, and he could no longer fight.

But he didn't give up. With amazing perseverance and talent, he has transformed from a fighting type of comprehension into a management type of comprehension. And restore the strength to the middle-level realm of the alchemy stage!

Because of such a legendary experience, Xiong Baili has a very high prestige in the Great Desolate War Academy, and even those who are stronger than him are convinced of him as the principal.

It is said that Xiong Baili is very ambitious and wants to turn the Dahuang Zhanyuan into the top three super universities in the 'Nine Bigs'. At the very least, we must get rid of the current predicament of being the last of the 'Nine National Congresses'.

And his idea is to strengthen the four major majors, weaken or even disband all the garbage majors, and invest resources in the development of the four major majors.

Even so, Xiong Baili couldn't help feeling sad in the face of such a tragedy.

By the principal's side. Yuan Manqiu was dressed in black, with a pale face, staring at the wreckage of the black bone battle armor, as if he wanted to forcefully pull the wreckage off the base.

During these seven days, she hardly slept or rested, digging in the ruins like a madman. She was much emaciated and thinner, and she could vaguely see the shadow of the "Goddess of the Deep Sea" decades ago.

Seeing how completely different she was from seven days ago, Li Yao was in a daze.

In the past seven days, he has been working almost without sleep, using the expertise he cultivated in the tomb of the magic weapon, and together with Yuan Manqiu, he cleaned up the ruins and rescued many precious jade slips, books, training equipment, and treasures of heaven and earth from under the ruined walls.

Even though Li Yao had been tempered in the memory fragments, he couldn't bear it now and was on the verge of falling.

"There is only one associate professor left in the Artifact Refining Department, and dozens of students with mediocre abilities. How will we go in the future?"

Li Yao was deep in thought.

At this moment, someone poked him lightly from behind, and when he looked back, it was the new student "Huang Tong".

Huang Tong is an active member of the freshmen, with a very outgoing personality. Within a few days of his arrival, he got along with the old students and made many friends from other departments. He was very well informed.

Huang Tong winked at Li Yao: "Li Yao, have you thought about which department to transfer to, the Iron Fist Club or the Chaos Blade Hall?"

Li Yao was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Looking at Huang Tong's side, the only surviving freshmen and old students of the Artifact Refining Department gathered together. Although their expressions were very sad, they couldn't hide the longing in their eyes.

Huang Tong raised his eyebrows:

"Don't you know? By the way, you have been collecting resources in the ruins for the past few days, and you may not have heard that the Artifact Refining Department will be withdrawn!" (… )

Chapter 133 Skeleton God of War:
