Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 138: The legend... begins!


After Yuan Manqiu's explanation, Li Yao finally understood.

The Examination for Registered Artifact Refiner is one of the highest-level professional qualification examinations in the cultivation world. Every year, many respected academic authorities are invited to take the examination, and a lot of natural resources and treasures are consumed in the examination.

If any cat or dog can take the exam, it's a trivial matter to waste the time of the refining master, and it's nothing to waste the treasures of heaven and earth.

Therefore, there are certain requirements for those who sign up for the exam, such as work experience, sectarian guarantee, or school recommendation, etc.

Yuan Manqiu said: "According to our school's regulations, no matter what vocational qualification exam you take, it's the same. Only when you have completed 40,000 credits can the school issue a letter of recommendation."

"Forty thousand credits?"

Li Yao blinked his eyes, he had no idea about credits, but it sounds like a lot.

Yuan Manqiu nodded: "If you don't understand the concept of 40,000 credits, let's put it this way, two talented students have emerged in our school in the past twenty years, one is Peng Hai, and the other is Ding Lingdang. Ding Lingdang spent two It took only 40,000 credits in 2009, and it took Peng Hai a year and a half, other than that, no one else could do it in two years."

Li Yao was stunned, thoughtful.

Yuan Manqiu patted him on the shoulder: "Do you understand? In short, let's not think so much. In this 10∧,≯. years, I will teach with all my heart, and I hope you will study hard, no matter what year it is. Whatever happens after that, at least everyone has fought hard, and there will be no regrets left!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to pick some components. You can assemble a crystal brain yourself. A crystal brain with powerful computing power will be of great help to your cultivation."

Li Yao followed Yuan Manqiu towards a dilapidated three-story building on the edge of the ruins.

That is the temporary teaching building of the Artifact Refining Department. It also serves as a library, dormitory, cafeteria, and practice room.

But in his heart, Li Yao kept thinking:

"Even Senior Brother Peng took a full year and a half to complete 40,000 credits? It's really exciting."

"But. So what?"

"I once said that I will definitely catch up with Senior Brother Peng. Let's start from this moment."

"In one year, I will definitely surpass Ding Lingdang and Peng Hai, the demon sword, earn 40,000 credits, and then...become a real craftsman!"

"At that time, I will be able to restart the Mystic Bone Project together with my teacher. I will refine the real Mystic Bone Battle Armor and set off a super storm in the world of comprehension!"

long after they left.

The afterglow of the setting sun slowly passed over the ruins, and the earth was gradually shrouded in darkness.

The remains of the mysterious bone battle armor stood quietly in the darkness, motionless, like a tombstone.


From the depths of the remaining eye sockets, a little star suddenly jumped out.

A star that is a hundred times dimmer than the light of a firefly.

The starlight flickered, trembling, like a faint phosphorescent fire. Will go out anytime.

Then, the second point, the third point, the fourth point...

More stars jumped out. Dotted with dots, there are a total of hundreds of extremely faint rays of light, struggling, jumping, and shining, weaving into a bunch of faint flames. He tried his best to manipulate the mysterious bone battle armor to break free from the base.

But the main body of the mysterious bone battle armor completely melted, and the steel and iron bones were all condensed together, no matter how hard these star rays tried, they couldn't move an inch.


In the end, they could only bend the little finger of the mysterious bone battle armor slightly by 0.1mm.

This action consumed too much psionic energy of Star Mang. From the depths of the wreckage came one, or perhaps a hundred, faint sighs.

Hundreds of stars flashed and hid in the deepest part of the mysterious bone battle armor.

The deep eye sockets turned into a hollow again, and the mysterious bone battle armor turned into a monument again, staring at the black ruins.

At night, dots of phosphorous fire rose above the ruins.

It was the chaotic spiritual power remaining in the big bang surging out, like fireflies flying wildly all over the mountains and plains.

In the small three-story building, Li Yao looked at the work he had just finished with satisfaction.

This is a dilapidated fixed crystal brain system, occupying an entire half of the room, and it is an out-and-out behemoth.

All the materials that make up this crystal brain were found by him from the ruins. Most of them were professional crystal brains and quasi-military grade crystal brain fragments used by the instructor. The master crystal brain is of sufficient level.

This is the benefit of joining the Artifact Refining Department. If you switch to any other department, it is impossible for new students to come into contact with such advanced crystal brain components.

And in the ruins of the refining system, there are still many precious magic weapon remains, Li Yao can do whatever he wants.

This extremely ugly large-scale crystal computer, although its appearance is unattractive, has a computing power a hundred times higher than the micro-computer he is wearing now, which is enough to perfectly stimulate large-scale divine thoughts such as the "Federal Cultivation Network".

The only flaw is that the cooling system of this large crystal brain is too large, so it has to be fixed in the room and cannot be carried around.

However, this is not a problem for Li Yao. He also modified the micro-chip that he carried with him, linking the micro-chip and the large-scale chip, and transmitting the divine thoughts to the micro-chip through the transmitter of the large-scale chip. middle.

In this way, the micro crystal brain becomes the display terminal of the large crystal brain, and all processing actions that require computing power are completed in the large crystal brain, and then the results are output to the micro crystal brain, and then displayed.

As long as he does not leave the university campus, this system can always work, no matter where he goes, he can enjoy the computing power assistance comparable to the master control crystal brain of a battleship.

"Enjoy it!"

Li Yao took a deep breath, rubbed his hands together, and turned on the large fixed chip impatiently.

Accompanied by the sound of "buzz", the huge tide of spiritual power spread in all directions, making him feel as if he was slowly being submerged by sea water, and then the whole room was immersed in colorful lights, and a three-dimensional light curtain slowly Unfolding, thousands of lifelike icons linger around him like stars, as if you are in a sea of stars.

"The computing power of a large crystal computer is powerful, and it can be so cool just by activating the light curtain. I don't know how to use this crystal computer to activate the 'Federal Cultivation Network'. Can it stimulate all magical powers?"

Li Yao fantasized about it.

But right now is not the time to play, he is going to learn more about the credit system.

One year, 40,000 credits, he must race against time.

Li Yao calmed down and stared at a very rough and wild icon in the void.

In front of the two crossed swords was a rusty but blood-stained iron fist. This is the school emblem of the Great Desolation War Academy.

With a thought, a whole new translucent world unfolded.

Li Yao has logged into the Great Desolation War Network!

The Great Wilderness Battle Network is not just a campus intranet.

On the bloody wasteland hundreds of years ago, the grassroots warriors first established the Great Wilderness War Network, through which they communicated, exchanged ideas, traded, assembled and other activities, and then established the Great Wilderness War Network on the basis of the Great Wilderness War Network. hospital.

It can be said that "Dahuang Zhanwang" is the predecessor and foundation of Dahuangzhanyuan. 50% of students' learning and cultivation can be completed through Dahuangzhanwang. Even the "Federal Cultivation Network" has absorbed a lot of "Dahuangzhanwang". The advantages are gradually improved.

"Roar! Roar!"

Immediately, the howls of monsters came from Li Yao's ears. It seems that I can smell the desolate earthy smell of the wasteland in my nose, and a wilderness scene like a red tide spreads in front of my eyes.

Countless strong men cultivated, fought, hunted, taught,

It is also a "half-step too illusory realm", the Dahuang Zhanwang is more beautifully produced than the Federation's Cultivation website.

Not only vision, but also hearing, smell and touch are simulated to the extreme.

However, Li Yao knew that it was because he used a large crystal computer with extremely high computing power, which inspired the highest configuration of the Great Wilderness Battle Network, to simulate such a perfect sound and light effect.

If he logs on to the Federation's Cultivation Network at this moment, he will also enter an extremely exciting scene. A new world of infinite mystery.

"The teacher said that after logging into the Great Desolation War Network, I will naturally know the basic rules. And how to earn credits. I don't know what to do next. Could there be a little assistant or something like that?"

Li Yao strolled in the wilderness with great interest, watching the fight between the powerful and monsters that the system virtualized in the distance, thinking about it secretly.

At this moment, a very gorgeous blood-colored crystal suddenly floated above his head. There is also the word "credit" in the crystal.

A voice sounded in his ear:

"Student Li Yao, do you want to know all about the credits?"

Li Yao nodded subconsciously, and the bloody crystal shattered with a "bang", turning into countless fragments of information, which poured into Li Yao's brain.

for a moment. Li Yao felt that there were some more things in his memory bank. After searching carefully, he actually recalled a lot of fragments about the credit system of the Great Wilderness War Academy.

It's as if someone once gave him a day and night course and explained the credit system to him in detail.

"What a brilliant mind transmission technology!"

Li Yao sighed in admiration, recalling the information that had just poured into his mind, he found that in Dahuang Academy, credits are very important things, the key to learning and cultivation.

"Walk all over the world if you have a share, but if you don't have a share, it's hard to walk." This is the true portrayal of the Dahuang Zhanyuan.

For freshmen who have just entered the university, the school provides free dormitory like a pig's nest, meals like pig food, exercise clothes like a beggar's outfit, and a little bit of practice resources the size of a fingernail.

Craving delicacies? Please pay the credits!

Want to sleep in a mansion like a palace? Please pay the credits!

Want to get more cultivation resources? Want to use advanced training facilities? Please pay the credits!

Even the professional courses offered by many powerful people need to pay a certain amount of credits to study, and if they fail to pass the exam, all these credits will be in vain!

In a word, if you want to become a real strong man, you have to do everything possible to earn more credits, and then exchange the credits for more resources, and so on, step by step to become stronger!

As the most practical university in the federation, earning credits is of course not just as simple as taking classes. It can even be said that the credits that can be earned by taking classes and taking exams are just a drop in the bucket.

The real big head is still in free trade and actual combat!
