Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 143: Fire and Ice Nine Heavens


Li Yao first studied the jade slips unearthed from the ruins. ∈↗

Jade slips are an extremely special kind of magic weapon, which is specially used to store spiritual thoughts. It can often last for thousands of years. The shell is extremely strong and engraved with special talisman arrays to ensure that the spiritual thoughts contained in it will never be extinguished.

Therefore, during the big bang, many jade slips were preserved.

Most of the jade slips contained training data and refining process, which cannot be completely analyzed with Li Yao's current strength.

But the other small part is the teaching notes, experience in refining and half of the theoretical monographs written by the seniors of the refining department.

It can be said that the lofty building of the entire Grassroots Artifact Refining Theory is built on these inconspicuous "cornerstones".

But Ding Yin's jade slips are different.

Ding Yin is a knowledgeable and mainstream craftsman. His philosophy of crafting is more of an elite school, but his narration is very solid, giving people a feeling of being well-founded and flawless.

Studying the theories of these two factions at the same time, no matter which faction is talking about it, it is brilliant, but they are fighting against each other. It is like watching the peak confrontation between two masters, which makes Li Yao dizzy and dazzled.

That's not all.

In the Sky Refining Pagoda, Li Yao came into contact with the artifact refining works from the ancient world of comprehension 40,000 years ago.

The concept of ancient weapon refining is different from the two modern schools. Although they both advocate simplicity and directness, they have great differences in the winding and transformation of spiritual energy. The design and application of some core rune arrays are even completely opposite. of.

This is good, at the most intense moment of the peak confrontation between the "two masters", the third "ancient martial arts master" was killed in the diagonal stab, which fully escalated the already complicated battle situation.

Later, the situation often becomes. Li Yao was deeply impressed by a certain point of view of Ding Yin just now, thinking that this is the unassailable truth.

As a result, another statement was found in the jade slips left by the grassroots teachers, and it was supported by massive data, which was more comprehensive and concise. Indisputable, simply the truth of the truth.

Just as Li Yao nodded repeatedly, after accepting this point of view, he suddenly saw a "new" point of view that had been dusty for a long time from an ancient book from 40,000 years ago, and it looked... more concise, clear, and incontrovertible, just like One plus one equals two is unshakable!

In this way, the theoretical edifice that Li Yao built in one day may be completely broken down in an hour, and the firm belief that was erected in an hour. Even within a second it would be ruthlessly crushed.

For half a month, his theoretical foundation was shattered again and again, and rebuilt again and again. This feeling of pain and happiness is really more indescribable than the Ice and Fire Nine Heavens, and I want to talk about it.


The crazy theoretical study has come to an end, and there is only one day left before the end of the month.

It was eleven fifty minutes past midnight, one day and ten minutes later. It's time for the deadline for the first rookie list.

Now the rookie list is full of strong players, and there are many masters. Almost all of the top 100 received hundreds of credits, which means that they have learned at least 50 theoretical courses in one month.

And the top three cultivation geniuses got two hundred credits inconceivably.

Ninety percent of the people's names were followed by the three words "Qianlong Pavilion" in golden light.

They are all special recruits, they are all potential dragons, and they are all rare existences in their respective hometowns.

And Li Yao...

His name didn't appear on the rookie list at all. This month, he has been burying himself in the Sky Refining Pagoda to practice bitterly. He was so dizzy by all kinds of diametrically opposed refining theories that he almost vomited blood, and he couldn't care less about such trivial things as exams.

So his total credits are still zero.

"In Dahuang Zhanwang, the basic theory test can be conducted through the transmission of spiritual thoughts. Hundreds of thousands of thoughts can be transmitted every second, and ten minutes is enough for one test."

"There is still a whole day left, let me take these 88 basic theory courses... all down!"

Next to the ruins of the Artifact Refining Department, in a dilapidated three-story building, Li Yao sat with his knees crossed among a pile of jade slips, his eyes shining like black jade.

The black-winged sword flew lazily above his head.

Two metal puppets in the shape of spiders shuttled quickly, sorting the jade slips into categories and putting them on special bookshelves.

In the past month, apart from frantically studying theoretical knowledge in the Tianlian Pagoda, he was frantically picking up rubbish in the ruins.

In addition to the jade slips, there are also a large number of seriously damaged magic weapon components. Regardless of whether they are useful or not, as long as they are not completely turned into iron bumps, Li Yao will pick them up and race against time to repair them. Will play with dozens of components.

On the one hand, he wanted to add some belongings to the Artifact Refining Department, and on the other hand, he was also trying to apply the newly learned Artifact Refining Theory to practice, and use the facts to test which theory was the most suitable for him.

Anyway, there are endless magic weapon components here, let him squander them.

These two spider puppets, which are specially used to organize and maintain the jade slips, were repaired by Li Yao respectively according to the ancient refining concept and the grassroots refining concept. At first glance, there is no difference, but there is a small difference in the core drive array. Two different psionic transformation models are involved.

Li Yao was going to test which model had the higher conversion efficiency, consumed less psionic energy, and had a longer service life.

If enough components can be collected, and Ding Yin's jade slips can be read more thoroughly, Li Yao also wants to use the elite method to repair a puppet beast of the same model, and compare the three together to get a conclusion. in conclusion.

After a month of in-depth study, Li Yao is no longer that stunned young man who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. Although he still adheres to the ideas of the grassroots school in the general direction, he also admits that many ideas of the elite school are indeed unique. Being able to become the mainstream refining method of the Federation for hundreds of years is not in vain.

Perhaps one day, he will be able to integrate the essence of ancient weapon refining techniques and the elite school's weapon refining philosophy into the grassroots school's philosophy, and develop the unique "Demon Star Stream" weapon refining technique.

But now...

Li Yao smiled strangely, four red silk threads suddenly appeared from his forehead, and stabbed silently at the black winged sword in midair.

The moment he gushed out the spiritual threads, four black spiritual threads also spewed out from the body of the Black Wing Sword, supporting Li Yao's spiritual threads impartially.

A total of eight bundles of spiritual threads, one red and one black, wrestled together like eight flying swords, staged a battle of intestines invisible to the naked eye.

Compared with a month ago, Li Yao's spiritual thread has become thicker and more flexible, and the limit of extension has also become longer.

However, the spirit threads spreading from the Black Wing Sword also became stronger and more flexible. The two sides came and went in mid-air, switching offense and defense, and the fight was evenly matched!

Li Yao smiled slightly. Powerful spiritual energy gushed out from thousands of acupuncture points on his limbs. All of them were gathered in the spiritual roots, and a fifth...sixth...seventh spiritual thread was born.

In the end, there were as many as ten spiritual threads growing from the spiritual roots, and the limit length of each spiritual thread was at least twelve or three meters!

Ten spiritual threads are split from the spiritual root, and each thread is at least ten meters long—this is the sign of entering the second floor of the refining stage!

And that's not all!

When the ten red spiritual threads surrounded the Black Wing Sword, they suddenly folded strangely in mid-air, and each spiritual thread was twisted 90 degrees, highlighting a very standard right angle, intersecting each other, and weaving into a An impenetrable net!

Lingsi can bend 90 degrees to form a standard right angle, which is absolutely impossible to happen in nature, which proves that cultivators can manipulate Lingsi to the extent that they can do whatever they want.

In other words, Li Yao has broken through the third level of the Qi refining period!

For a month, after Li Yao digested and absorbed the huge amount of monster energy devoured on the battlefield, he stayed in the super sober cabin day and night, staying in a state of 331% brain cell activity for a long time, and his soul became more and more unconsciously. stronger and stronger.

In addition, he and Hei Yijian accidentally figured out this "spiritual thread fighting" cultivation method, and whenever they have time, they will inspire each other's spiritual threads to fight.

The spiritual threads cultivated in this way are not only thicker and more agile than those of ordinary practitioners, but also longer, faster, and tougher, and the efficiency of devouring spiritual energy is also greatly improved.

Although many children of wealthy families rely on the accumulation of massive resources, they can break through the third level of the Qi refining period before they are twenty years old.

But for Li Yao, an unknown soldier with no background, it was definitely a miracle to be able to advance three levels in a row in just one month.

Glancing at the Lingzi wall clock on the wall, it was exactly twelve o'clock. Li Yao withdrew the Lingsi, licked his lips, and eagerly logged into the Dahuang Zhanwang.

With the arrival of the end of the month, the fight for the rookie list became more intense, and the scene on the also changed. The sky became blood-red, and the exciting battle drums sounded all around, making people excited and eager to try.

With a thought in his mind, Li Yao meditated on the word "examination".

Countless streamers of light came from all directions, turning into eighty-eight blood-red diamond-shaped crystals.

Each diamond-shaped crystal contains a huge amount of spiritual thoughts, representing eighty-eight exams.

Li Yao casually glanced around, his eyes froze on a sharp-edged diamond-shaped crystal, and the blood-colored crystal immediately vibrated.

"Freshman Li Yao, are you sure you want to take the exam of "Feiyan Liuguang Body Technique Elementary Theory"?"



The bloody crystal exploded above his head, thousands of shattered bloody fragments revolved around him at high speed, turning into a mysterious scene.

Li Yaozhuo stood above the void, with the endless abyss beneath his feet, countless flying swallows flying in the strong wind, and a few transparent phantoms, using the flying swallows as "stepping stones", they displayed incomparably dexterous movements, swish swish swish swish , Reminiscent of a demon spirit in the wind.

"First of all, please use meditation to briefly describe the origin and inheritance of "Feiyan Liuguang Shenfa."

There was a light voice in the wind.

Li Yao cheered up and began to answer the questions! (Please search Piaotian Literature, better update faster!