Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 148: Miracle moment


"Crack, click, click, click!"

In the past month, he frantically unearthed treasures in the ruins, and the maintenance intensity was higher than in the magic weapon tomb in the past, and his hand speed also soared to an incredible level during the high-intensity maintenance operations!

What's more, Li Yao is now a third-level cultivator in the Qi refining period. Apart from his hands, he also has more than a dozen spiritual threads that he can use as he pleases. ∷


Ten spiritual threads protruded from the forehead, spread out in all directions, each rolled back a rivet, and fell into the storm created by both hands.

The third floor of the ordinary Qi refining period is still a low-level monk, and the strength of the spiritual thread is very low, and it is impossible to move objects.

Li Yao's spiritual thread was cultivated through continuous struggle with the Black Wing Sword's spiritual thread, it was longer, thicker and more condensed.

Although it is not yet possible to move heavy objects, it is quite easy to move some small components and rivets.

What's more, in addition to him, there is also the evildoer in the magic weapon of the Black Wing Sword to help!

"Xiao Hei, help me find some No. 7 rivets!"

Li Yao shouted while assembling.

The Black Wing Sword floated in mid-air, with more than a dozen black spiritual threads surging out of its body, as if waving more than a dozen tentacles, lightning pierced into the messy pile of components, and accurately found out the components Li Yao needed.

If an ordinary person with naked eyes stood by and watched at this moment, he would see a scene like a dream - Li Yao's hands turned into two tornadoes, and many small parts seemed to be destroyed by demons. As if sucked by the technique, they scrambled to jump into the storm!

half an hour later...


The magic weapon components scattered all over the ground disappeared, replaced by an octagonal diamond-shaped magic weapon unit, which radiated a moving luster under Li Yao's hungry eyes.

Li Yao couldn't care less about admiring it, his hands were as red as blood, as if he had just finished practicing Fire Cloud Palm.

He hastily plunged his hands into the bucket.


The ice water turned into curling white smoke.

Li Yao felt that even his bone marrow was going to burn. Ice water didn't solve the problem at all. He added another spar to the ice maker to activate the frozen talisman to its limit, and stuffed it with both hands.


The ice maker vibrated crazily, Li Yao's hands quickly condensed a layer of frost, and then were melted by the scorching heat emanating from his bones.

recondensation. After melting it again and again four or five times, Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief.

Despite the exhaustion of the body, especially the hands, every muscle was torn.

However, the spirit was extremely excited, and the real fire of samadhi was almost shot out from the eyes!

"Next is... the freezing unit!"

During the refining process of many magic treasures, it needs to drop from thousands of degrees to below zero in an instant, so as to crystallize the inside of the material and withstand the impact of the powerful talisman array.

so. The freezing unit is also very important, which determines the quality of the refining furnace.

Li Yao pinched ten fingers together, brought them to his mouth, and blew a breath of "Xian Qi", and started the second round of crazy assembly!

For four full hours, he didn't take a second to rest, and even the ice water used for cooling evaporated from the two large tanks.

Before dawn, all the assembly work of the eight magic weapon units was finally completed!

high temperature unit. Freezing unit, high pressure unit. Anti-gravity unit, strong lightning unit... The eight magic weapon units are arranged in all directions of the furnace like stars holding the moon.

Li Yao's eyes were red, and blood was about to flow from the corners of his eyes.

Without realizing it, he poured a ladle of ice water on his head.

"Calm down. I want to calm down. Now I have only completed the eight magic weapon units. The next step is the most critical part. Use the core components to connect the eight magic weapon units and integrate them with the furnace!"

"This is the most important part. Whether the refining furnace can perform at 100% depends on this part!"

Li Yao took a deep breath, filled a ladle with dozens of ice cubes, put them upside down on his head, and began to count the core components.


He blinked, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"No, why are these core components different from those marked on the structural diagram?"

Li Yao thought he had made a mistake, so he placed all the core components separately, and then inspired the structural diagram to examine it carefully. After looking at it for a long time, he was still at a loss.

"Yes, the components marked on the structural diagram are more advanced and more precise."

"But the components in front of us are relatively crude and backward, and they are not the same set of components at all—the refining style is quite similar."

Li Yao thought for a long time while resting his cheeks, all the ice cubes on his head melted, and the icy water trickled down his cheeks.

"I understand. There was an accident during the use of this refining furnace, and the core components were damaged. These components are all imitations, and the level is relatively low. Let's make do with it."

Li Yao tapped his forehead lightly.

This is troublesome, the structural diagram and the magic weapon components do not match, and the assembly flow chart has lost its guiding significance, what should I do

Wait for the teacher to come back

Li Yao immediately dismissed this idea.

Just kidding, he has assembled to this point all the way, not to mention how hearty.

It's like inviting other girls to the bed to talk about life, even taking off their pants, and then it stops abruptly

how is this possible!

"The arrow is on the string, I have to send it out, there is no structural diagram, I draw it myself, there is no assembly flow chart, I deduce it myself!"

Li Yao was ruthless, pulled out the jade slip and threw it aside, activated a blank structural diagram template, turned his mind, and through the transmission of spiritual thoughts, printed the shapes of all core components into the blank template.

Some are like three-dimensional jigsaw puzzles. It is so difficult to find out the inner connection between thousands of pieces and piece them together into a perfect three-dimensional pattern!

Fortunately, Li Yao still has a secret weapon.

"The three-hour cooling time has passed, and I can enter the super awake state again!"

Li Yao grinned, concentrated his attention, his temples bounced wildly again, as if there were endless spiritual thoughts, stirring, colliding, flooding deep in his brain!

After half an hour, I don't know how many scoops of ice water were poured on the head, and finally a brand new translucent structure diagram appeared in the light curtain.

Li Yao was dizzy and sweating profusely. He forced a bunch of muscles in the corner of his mouth to pull out a smile that was uglier than crying, and then frowned deeply.

"It's still wrong!"

"There should be no mistakes in this structural diagram, and the subsequent assembly flow chart can also be deduced. The problem is..."

"Judging from this structural diagram, even if it is assembled, the performance is far from the effect demonstrated by the original structural diagram!"

"If the performance of the real Tai'a-type refining furnace can be scored 70 points, such a make-shift thing can score up to 40 points!"

"This is not possible, the performance is too poor."

"The original Tai Ah-type is an old antique more than a hundred years ago. If it is still so good, the performance parameters are simply rotten. How to refine the magic weapon?"

Li Yao calculated quickly.

According to the structure diagram Yuan Manqiu gave him, the Tai'a-type smelting furnace can raise the temperature to 3000 degrees in one minute, and the limit temperature is 4100 degrees!

And according to the structural diagram he drew, with this pile of broken components, it takes two minutes to raise the temperature of the furnace to 2400 degrees, and the limit temperature is 2900 degrees!

2900 degrees, even the demon pills of many monsters cannot be melted!

"This is not the refining furnace I want. It must be strengthened! But a clever woman can't cook without rice, and there is no powerful magic weapon component. What can I use to strengthen it?"

Li Yao thought about it for a long time, a spark suddenly burst out from his eyes, and his forehead lit up.


"Our refining department originally had more than a dozen refining furnaces. Although they were all destroyed in the big explosion, there are still many wreckage scattered in the ruins. I picked them all up like treasures!"

"These refining furnaces were all refined in the last 100 years, and one of them is a new model ten years ago. I don't know how much better it is than the Tai'a-type one!"

"Although it has become a wreck, there are still many components that can be used. If they are all disassembled and installed on the Tai A-type, wouldn't it be possible to assemble—"

"Unparalleled super-evolved Tai'a-type refining furnace?"

Just doing what he said, Li Yao didn't even have time to take a breath, let out a long roar, and rushed towards the warehouse where the wreckage of the refining furnace was stored.

While running, he quickly calculated in his mind which components in the wreckage could be disassembled and assembled on the Tai'a-type refining furnace.

In the past month, he has studied the wreckage of these refining furnaces many times, and he has figured out every detail clearly. Without thinking about it, translucent component graphics jumped out of his brain one by one.

When he arrived at the warehouse where the wreckage of the smelting furnace was stored, four or five enhancement modification plans had already appeared in his mind.

Li Yao was pleasantly surprised to find that even according to the safest modification plan, the overall performance of the Tai'a-1 refining furnace could be increased by 130%.

If the most risky, most difficult, and most radical modification plan is followed, the overall performance can even be improved by 210%!

"Ho Ho!"

Li Yao was like a madman, a whirlwind rushed into the warehouse.

The smelting furnaces are big guys weighing several tons, dozens of tons or even hundreds of tons, and even the wreckage weighs thousands of catties. It is impossible for Li Yao to drag all the wreckage away.

He simply disassembled it on the spot, removed the components he needed, and pulled them all together with a tortoise cart.

The tortoise car was originally used to carry people, and its performance was quite backward. It couldn't carry such a heavy magic weapon at all.

Li Yao found a few thick steel wire ropes and let the Black Wing Sword pull hard in front of him.

How could the Black Wing Sword be willing to do anything? It was so angry that it jumped three feet high. Li Yao said a lot of good things, and promised to help it oil three times a day in the future, and use high-purity and high-quality crystals for the crystals it devoured. Let it be like a cow and a horse for a while.

An hour later, a large pile of magic weapon components of different styles and strange shapes were scattered around the Tai'a-type refining furnace.

"Next... the time to witness the miracle is here!" (Please search for Piaotian Literature, better update faster!