Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 15: act recklessly


Beside a small flower pond more than 20 meters away, under the bright moonlight, stood a pair of boys and girls with extraordinary bearing. They were the "god" He Lianlie and the "goddess" Si Jiaxue from Chixiao No. 2 Middle School.

With a sincere face, He Lianlie bowed and said, "Xiaoxue, I'm sorry, I was too impulsive yesterday, I shouldn't have gone to find the garbage in that ordinary class, I didn't expect some rumors to spread, and even you were questioned by your parents, it was me Please accept my apology."

Si Jiaxue was still as cold as ice, like an iceberg that would not melt for a thousand years, and said coldly: "I can accept your apology, but I hope this matter ends here, remember, whoever I want to associate with is my freedom, then The guy is indeed an insatiable rascal, but it's not your turn to point fingers!"

"I understand, I understand, come on, let's go in and have a drink with Zheng Shao, today is his birthday, let's not get angry with a trash." He Lianlie said patiently.

"I'm a little tired, I'm going back first, you can tell Zheng Shao for me." Si Jiaxue waited for Jingnao, turned around and left without showing any face.

He Lianlie's eyes were gloomy, fixedly staring at the beauty's figure hidden behind the corridor, with a "click", cracks appeared on the bluestone slab under his feet, spreading like spider webs.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, Young Master Helian has such strong feet." A slightly exaggerated voice came from behind, it was a young man in purple clothes with swollen eyes, who seemed to be overly drunk. He had a pair of cats. Eyes like eyes, faintly emitting green light under the moonlight.

"Young Master Zheng." He Lianlie withdrew his gaze and regained his composure.

"Isn't it just a woman, so what if the Si family has some influence in Fuge City, as for making you so humble?" Zheng Shao said with a smile, and put his right hand on He Lianlie's shoulder unscrupulously.

In Chi Xiao No. 2 Middle School, anyone who dared to say that He Lianlie was "low-spirited" would probably have been beaten by him so long ago that his parents didn't even know him.

But this rich young man "Zheng Dongming" is not only the third-generation eldest grandson of the well-known Zheng family in Fuge City, but also backed by many murderous people with profound cultivation bases, and he is also an elite student of the "Second High School Affiliated to Fengshan Gate". With a root development rate of 74%, he is a strong contender for the title of "Fuge City College Entrance Examination Champion" in this college entrance examination, and his strength is faintly above He Lianlie.

Therefore, He Lianlie could only suppress his ferocity, and reluctantly said: "You don't understand my feelings for Xiaoxue."

Zheng Dongming shrugged his shoulders and dragged his voice: "Yes, how can we ordinary people understand the subtle state of mind of your great lover, Helian? Since you don't understand, why don't you go drink? Today is my birthday, don't you want to keep drinking? Putting on this bitter melon face?"

He Lianlie snorted, his face changed slightly, the two of them were about to enter the room, when several partners from Kuo Shao's circle suddenly came over with strange expressions, all of them turned purple and panted like cows.

"What's so funny, tell us to make us happy too?" Zheng Dongming asked with a smile.

"Young Master Zheng, there's a country bumpkin over there who came out of nowhere. He seems to have been reincarnated from a hungry ghost. He hasn't eaten for three years. His appearance is so ugly." A wealthy young man held his belly and laughed so hard that he was about to cramp. .

In a place like Hidden Lake Xiaojing, most of the people who come to dine are upper-class people. They pay attention to the environment and style. They regard this place as a social occasion, and eating is second.

If you want to eat Hesai, chew and swallow, there are better places to go.

Zheng Dongming said lazily: "The level of the hidden lake is not good now, and someone comes here specially to eat? It seems that next time we have a party, we have to change to a more secluded place. But even if the food looks a little ugly, it is not As for making you laugh like this?"

"No, Young Master Zheng, that guy is really exaggerating!"

Another Kuo Shao suppressed a smile, and stretched out his hand to gesture, "Such a long, bone-in barbecue, click, eat it in three bites, even the bones are ground to pieces, swallow it all, and there is no residue left Down!"

The first Kuo Shao added: "Also, also, the deep-sea overlord crab the size of a washbasin, with its shell on, was also eaten by this country bumpkin in two or three bites. Didn't you see him?" The plates that have been eaten, tsk tsk tsk, are even cleaner than those that have been scrubbed!"

Another Kuo Shao continued to shout: "Yes, I also saw him swallow a whole twenty sea urchins in half a minute, even in their shells!"

"In short, it's really exaggerated. Young Master Zheng, do you want to go and see it?" The two young masters said in unison.

"Forget it, my hobby is watching women undress, not watching men eat, Helian, are you interested?" Zheng Dongming yawned lightly.

"Not interested." He Lianlie said lightly.

The first Kuo Shao suddenly said: "By the way, Young Master Helian, that bumpkin's clothes seem to be the school pants of your 'Chixiao No. 2 Middle School'!"

"Huh?" He Lianlie was taken aback for a moment, and his face suddenly became a little ugly.

Zheng Dongming also became interested, and his eyes lit up: "Helian, although your Chixiao No. 2 Middle School is not as good as our Fengshan No. 2 Middle School, it can be regarded as a high-quality middle school with a relatively high ranking in Fuge City. ? You must see it!"

"Chixiao No. 2 Middle School is full of elites, how could there be such a starving ghost!" He Lianlie said bluntly, gave the two young masters a hard look, and strode towards the direction they came from.

Zheng Dongming winked at the two rich young men, and said silently with his mouth: "If you really misunderstood, Helian must be mad, you are asking for good luck!"

After speaking, he smiled and followed behind Helian.

Before walking into the next section of the corridor, I heard "click, click, click", like the chewing sound of swords clashing.

"This... is really ferocious enough." Zheng Dongming murmured, looking at Li Yao who was lying on the dining table munching according to the case, he was stunned for a while.

Glancing at the people around him, Zheng Dongming felt that He Lianlie was about to explode. He suppressed a smile and poked the other person's waist and eyes.

"Young Master Helian, may I ask if this... strong man is a top student of your school?"

The other two Kuo Shao hid behind Zheng Dongming, and couldn't help "chi chi" to snigger.

As if turning into a stone statue, He Lianlie remained silent for three seconds, his eyes narrowed into two sharp scimitars, suddenly his figure flickered, he stepped in front of Li Yao, and asked solemnly: "What are you doing here? "

Fuge City is huge, with a population of several million, He Lianlie couldn't believe that there would be such a coincidence that the garbage from this ordinary class just happened to go to the hidden lake to embarrass people.

He must have followed Si Jiaxue here!

Li Yao was eating happily when someone was yelling in his ear unexpectedly. He was slightly taken aback, turned his head to look, couldn't help frowning, and sneered while chewing: "I'm taking a shower here, can't you see it?"

In Nankeyi's dream, Li Yao saw a lot of powerful Gu Xiu, and He Lianlie, a small character of this level, was like a shrimp soldier and a crab general. His eyes naturally showed a touch of contempt.

He Lianlie said one thing in Chixiao No.2 Middle School, no one dared to disobey him even in the key class, but he didn't expect that the garbage in the ordinary class not only ignored his warning, but also deliberately satirized him, and his eyes were so contemptuous, which immediately made him feel angry. Burning with anger! "You rubbish, you really don't know how to live!" He Lian took a big step, spread five fingers and slapped Li Yao hard on the face!