Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 158: A group of high school students came


From that night onwards, Li Yao began to cultivate crazily in order to bully Ding Lingdang severely one day.

Anyway, all kinds of theoretical classics have been memorized fluently, and the rest is to constantly explore in practice and use experience to digest and absorb various obscure and difficult theories.

He simply reduced the time he spent studying theories in the Tianlian Pagoda, and spent several hours a day fighting against the invisible undercurrent in the depths of Lan Xinghai.

While the body is fighting against Lan Xinghai, the brain is also running crazily, using Xiaotiansha algorithm, corona nine calculation, mustard seed algorithm... to construct bubble shapes one after another.

To face Ding Lingdang, a humanoid tyrannosaurus, it is not enough to rely on simple air bubbles.

Gradually, Li Yao's control over the aura rose to a whole new level. What he simulated was no longer a simple bubble, but a medium bubble inside a large bubble, and seven or eight small bubbles inside a medium bubble. Bubbles piled on top of each other, like an invisible armor, firmly protecting the whole body.

Even so, it was difficult for him to get cheap from Ding Lingdang.

Ding Lingdang is a genius in martial arts, often in the form of bubbles that Li Yao worked so hard to construct. She can see through reality and figure out a way to break through just a few tens of seconds of contact.

Immediately afterwards, what is Ziyang Palm, which is Feihong Fist, and what else is Golden Lightning Finger, Fierce Tiger Killing, Meteor Strength... thirty or fifty kinds of ↗long↗wind↗literature↗xue, c→fx miraculous skills and unique skills will be overwhelmed Brain smashed over.

Even if Li Yao's load-bearing capacity is improved again, and he can wear seven or eight pieces of battle armor and two large shields made of pure steel, it will not help. He will be blasted out in a maximum of ten or twenty seconds.

In the first ten days of crazy training, he never lasted more than a minute and a half, and his best score was 1 minute and 29 seconds.

Fortunately, in the first few tens of seconds. Before Ding Lingdang figured out the structure of his bubbles, every punch he punched would be divided into dozens of forces, which were blasted into different acupoints, triggering "Thousands of Tempering".

"Thousands of Tempering" is indeed the first body tempering secret technique of Bailianzong, after mastering the mystery of buffering and forcibly withstanding the inhuman pain. Li Yao found that his body was changing at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming stronger and tougher, as if what was dormant under the skin was not muscles, but bundles of thick steel bars.

Every time he was beaten by Ding Lingdang, his body became stronger and he was able to withstand heavier blows.

From the eleventh day onwards, he gradually reduced the number of battle armor, from the initial seven or eight pieces to four or five pieces. Two or three pieces.

Li Yao was pleasantly surprised to find that with the reduction of armor, his speed has increased rapidly, and his ability to resist attacks has been crazily strengthened by "Thousands of Tempering". The best time, he persisted under Ding Lingdang's indiscriminate bombardment for two minutes!

On the 30th day, Li Yao could barely withstand Ding Lingdang's attack for three minutes by virtue of his crystal brain-like computing power and his strong physique cultivated in "Thousands of Tempering".

Ding Lingdang was extremely surprised by his changes. I am more and more satisfied with his training as a partner, and the two of them train once a day in the morning, noon and evening. Although Li Yao was still completely suppressed, at least he would not be instantly killed, and occasionally he could struggle a little.

Originally, Li Yao thought that such a high-intensity martial arts practice would definitely affect the progress of weapon refining.

The result was unexpected.

Every time Ding Lingdang is trained as a partner, his brain is particularly active and his thinking is particularly quick. Many difficult problems that could not be solved at ordinary times were all easily solved.

Many flashes of crazy ideas were even kicked out by Ding Lingdang during the battle.

It seems that the human body and brain complement each other.

When the body is strong, it will in turn stimulate the brain to become stronger.

Not to mention Li Yao's crazy calculation of Ding Lingdang's attack routes in a super-awake state. A pretty scary brain exercise in itself!

In this way, Li Yao not only earned a lot of credits from Ding Lingdang, but also made great strides along the way, and passed several extremely difficult professional courses of the refining department, and his total credits approached the 10,000 mark.

Before you know it, the first semester is coming to an end.

Li Yao finally completed the final plan and prepared to modify his first refining furnace.

He made a plan to complete the Tai'a-type refining furnace at the end of the semester, and he would not return to Fuge City during the winter vacation, so he would take advantage of the quietness of the school to refine some handy magic weapons.

When the next semester starts, you can score points like crazy!

For three whole days, Li Yao locked himself in the warehouse, staring blankly at the wreckage scattered all over the place.

Under his gaze that could melt steel, every piece of cold wreckage seemed to have life, struggling, jumping, and dancing.

When dawn came on the fourth day, Li Yao stood up, took a deep breath, and finished the whole set of gymnastics. Then he slowly moved his wrist and made a "click" sound.

In the early morning seven days later, a large and luxurious shuttle car slid into the sky of Raging Waves City.

There were more than 20 teenagers aged 17 or 18 sitting in the car, their curiosity couldn't be extinguished by the bitter cold wind, they were startled and chattering.

"Wow, with so many floating mountains, the Great Desolation War Academy is worthy of being one of the nine elite joint schools. Although it ranks last, its strength should not be underestimated!"

"Look, there are two practitioners practicing their swords in the sky, it's too fast, you can't even see their shadows!"

"I don't know if the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Desolation War Academy we are going to visit later has such a magnificent floating mountain, and is there any master? I'm really looking forward to it!"

"What are you expecting? It looks like you just don't listen carefully in class. The Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy is the worst among the nine majors. Moreover, there was a serious accident just half a year ago, and the entire floating mountain was blown up. It's simply horrible!"

"No way, even the Floating Mountain was blown up, so what are we going to visit?"

"Mr. Jinquan, you just graduated from the Artifact Refining Department of Shenhai University this year. You must be very well informed about the news in the artisan circle. Tell us, how is the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy? Why did Elder Lei insist on us Come to visit?"

All the teenagers turned their attention to a young man with a bit of arrogance in the corner of his eyes at the very front.

These teenagers are all senior high school students of "Tianji No. 1 Middle School".

And this young man named Jin Quan, who just graduated from the Artifact Refining Department of Shenhai University this year, is an inner disciple of Tianjimen, and he also gave students an introductory course in the Artifact Refining Department.

Tianjimen is relatively traditional. From the beginning of its establishment, it has been focusing on the research and development of various types of refining furnaces as its main business, and rarely set foot in other fields. It is an out-and-out refining sect.

Most of the students in Tianji No. 1 Middle School have parents from Tianjimen, at least they are employees of various companies under Tianjimen, and they are all engaged in work related to refining equipment.

Therefore, Tianji No. 1 Middle School is different from comprehensive high schools like Chixiao No. 2 Middle School. It is a special high school that specializes in cultivating weapon refining talents, which is a bit like a vocational school.

Every year, many students of Tianji No. 1 Middle School can be admitted to the Nine Great Artifact Refining Departments, and they have heard a little about the developments in the artisan circle, and know that the Artifact Artifact Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy is the worst among the Nine Great Artifacts.

Jin Quan sighed, spread his hands, and said helplessly:

"Students, the Great Wilderness War Academy is famous for cultivating body refiners and sword cultivators. The Department of Medicine and the Department of Art also have a certain scale. What you saw just now are all the floating mountains of these key departments. Of course, they are spectacular. gone."

"The Artifact Refining Department of the Great Desolate War Academy that we are going to visit is the worst artifact refining department in the entire Federation, and after a serious accident, there is only one teacher and one student left. Imagine what it will be like. For a moment, be mentally prepared, don't be stunned for a while, everyone is stupid and speechless, and we lose face of Tianjimen!"


All the students stood up, "A teacher, a student? There is such a wonderful major? Then what else is there to visit!"

Jin Quan suppressed his smile, pressed his hand, and motioned for everyone to sit down:

"Don't be impatient, students, this time it is our respected Elder Lei Yongming from Tianji Men who brought you out to increase your knowledge. Of course, there are things for everyone to appreciate. There are at least three things that cannot be found in other universities. , students, keep your eyes open later, don't miss it."

"In the worst refining department of the Nine, there are three things that can't be found in other universities? Doesn't even Deep Sea University have it?"

"Of course not!" Jin Quan had a strange expression, with a smile in his eyes.

"Mr. Jin, don't whet our appetites, just tell us!"

The curiosity of the students was all aroused by Jin Quan.

Jin Quan raised a finger and said slowly:

"The first thing is the only Tai'a-type smelting furnace in operation in the entire federation!"


The students all cheered up.

Tai'a Type I is a very important classic refining furnace in the history of Tianjimen.

Two hundred years ago, Tianjimen was just a third-rate sect, struggling to sustain itself in the cruel competition of many sects.

It was the research and development of the classic Tai'a-type refining furnace that made it stand out, become bigger and stronger, and rank among the quasi-first-class sects today.

Therefore, many elderly members of the older generation in Tianjimen have deep affection for the Tai'a-type refining furnace, and even call it the "treasure of the town school"!

But no matter how classic the style is, it will be outdated. With the second, third, and now the Tai'9 type refining furnaces put into use, no one has used the Tai'1 type for a long time.

Today, there are only some museums that specialize in the collection of refining furnaces, as well as Tianjimen's own sect history exhibition hall, and one or two can still be found, all of which are carefully collected as antiques.

It is still operating normally, and it is impossible to find the Tai'a-type smelting furnace that has been put into production in the entire Federation.

Unexpectedly, five days ago, Tianji Gate suddenly received an application for modification project approval from the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy.

I hope that what Tianjimen will approve is an old Tai'a-type refining furnace! (… )
