Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 159: Three Treasures of the Great Wilderness


In the circle of refiners, it is a common practice to modify the refiner furnace. △¢

Each refiner has unique techniques and habits, and has very different requirements for refiners.

A sect like Tianjimen whose main business is the production of refining furnaces, while providing modification services, will not prohibit others from modifying the refining furnaces they produce.

That is tantamount to pushing out the door-to-door business.

However, there is a big problem in modifying the refining furnace by yourself. Once the modified refining furnace malfunctions, the refined magic weapon is unqualified, or even a serious accident occurs, such as the explosion of the furnace, who will bear the responsibility

Whether it is a problem with the refining furnace itself, or something went wrong during the modification, it is unclear.

Therefore, it is possible to modify it by yourself, but after the modification is completed, the refiner of Tianjimen must personally come to the door for inspection. After passing the inspection, a special approval talisman will be applied to the refiner furnace.

With this talisman, it means that Tianjimen recognizes that the modification is successful, and if any problems occur in the future, Tianjimen will also bear corresponding responsibilities.

If the test fails, Tianjimen must also point out in detail where the problem is. If the modification party is still not convinced, it can apply to the Artisan Association for arbitration.

Tianjimen receives hundreds of applications for modification approval every year, which can be regarded as the daily business of the sect.

However, most of the refitting projects in the past few years have been aimed at advanced models above Tai-6, and even Tai-2 and Type-3 are rare.

Unexpectedly, there are still people modifying the Tai A-1, and it will be put into production!

The Shanhai faction transferred a Tai'er-1 model that was about to be scrapped to the Dahuang Zhanyuan. Tianjimen also knew a thing or two about this matter, and last time it helped find the structure diagram of the Tai'er-1 model.

But at that time, everyone in Tianjimen thought that the Great Desolate War Academy bought it back to study and use it as a teaching aid for courses such as "Classic Furnace Structure".

It's a university after all. It is also normal to collect an antique smelting furnace.

Who knew that the Great Wilderness War Institute really planned to use the Tai'a Type I to refine the weapon, and even sent an application for approval in a serious manner. This is a bit too miserable, right

Tianjimen was deeply moved, and sent Jin Quan, a newcomer who just graduated from the Artifact Refining Department of Shenhai University this year, to carry out the inspection task.

Anyway, the structure of the Tai'a Type I is very simple, with the strength of the ninth floor of the Jinquan Qi Refining Period. More than enough.

Originally, this matter ended here, but for some reason, the elder Lei Yongming, the oldest senior in the sect, heard the news.

The old man is more than 180 years old this year. Although his cultivation base is only at the middle level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, his seniority is here. Many backbones and even elders of Tianjimen have grown up under his watch. Clearly, the status is naturally different.

For the older generation of craftsmen like Lei Yongming, they have personally experienced the era when Tai'a-type created brilliance. They have even personally refined the components of the Tai'a type, and the Tai'a type has long become a symbol in their minds.

The old man heard that until today, there is still a Tai A-1 model to be put into production, so he was very excited on the spot. He not only wanted to come with Jinquan, but also organized a group of top students from Tianji No. 1 Middle School to come and visit together.

In the old man's original words. It is not easy for these little bastards to see the older generation of Tianjimen, and how durable the magic weapon refined by Tianjimen is. Let them know what an honor it is to be a disciple of Tianjimen!

A new generation like Jin Quan naturally scoffed at the old man's ideas.

In his opinion, if you really have free time, it is better to organize students to visit the Artifact Refining Department of Shenhai University. What is there to see in such a ghostly place as the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy

But who told the old man to be highly respected? Even the leader dare not fart in front of Lei Yongming, what can Jin Quan do

If the old man wants to come, just accompany him, anyway, just make the old man happy.

Now the old man has been invited by Professor Yuan Manqiu of the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy to communicate, and Jin Quan's temperament is also a little impetuous, and he has no city. In front of these half-children, there is no need to hide their inner thoughts.

Just as he was speaking, the floating shuttle slowly entered the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy.

Although they were mentally prepared, the students were still stunned by the desolate scene in front of them.

"I'm not mistaken, let alone Fukong Mountain, even these houses are crumbling. Is this really one of the nine elite joint schools?"

"It's a ruin, a dump!"

"Look, there's a statue stuck in the middle of the garbage dump, it's crossed, what is it?"

The students yelled and vented their inner surprise.

Jin Quan smiled contemptuously, and pouted at the mysterious bone battle armor not far away:

"Students, this is the second thing that you will never see anywhere else. It is a crystal armor, a crystal armor refined by the Great Wilderness Institute!"

"Crystal armor?"

All the students were shocked.

Everyone is a top student in Tianji No. 1 Middle School, and they also want to develop in the direction of refining weapons in the future. Naturally, they are not unfamiliar with such a large magic weapon platform as crystal armor, and they know the difficulty of refining crystal armor.

"It's not easy even for the Artifact Refining Department of Deep Sea University to refine a new type of crystal armor, but the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness Academy also wants to refine crystal armor?"

"No wonder accidents happen, it's too risky, too radical!"

The students chattered and talked a lot.

Jin Quan and other students discussed for a while, and then said slowly:

"That's right, crystal armor is a very complicated magic weapon system. With the level of the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy, it is not enough to refine a real crystal armor. However, they are desperate to forcibly refine it. The result is that the students all have questions." I see."

"A lesson, a profound lesson!"

"Although cultivation is against the sky, on the road of cultivation, you must hold the mentality of drawing your sword all the way, slaying tigers and dragons, and killing gods and Buddhas."

"However, manpower is sometimes poor. After all, not everything can be accomplished by recklessness. The consequences of overreaching are just so serious!"

Someone stretched out his hand: "Mr. Jin, where is the third thing?"

Jin Quan sneered, and there was a chill in his eyes:

"The third thing is not a thing, but a person, an ignorant, fearless, ignorant madman, the only student in the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy."

The bold words that Li Yao uttered in Fuge City. It has already spread throughout the Artifact Refining Department of Deep Sea University.

Although Jin Quan had graduated at that time, he also heard the wind.

The refiners who came out of Shenhai University naturally have extremely deep feelings for their alma mater, and they are full of pride in the five words "sacred land of refiners".

Therefore, even though he hadn't seen Li Yao in person, Jin Quan was already full of disgust for this ignorant lunatic.

After he repeated Li Yao's bold words. All the students were shocked.

"Too, too arrogant?"

"Isn't it just that I won a city-level college entrance examination champion? What's so great, there are thousands of big cities in the federation!"

"With him alone, he wants to challenge the Artifact Refining Department of Shenhai University? It's just a dream!"

We are all passionate young people, and we don't reject ordinary lofty ambitions.

But Li Yao's declaration of war was out of touch with reality, coupled with the appalling scene of the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Institute, it was even more like a big joke.

Jin Quan smiled and said:

"Well, Teacher Jin didn't lie to you, did he?"

"The Tai'a-type refining furnace that is still in operation. The scum-like remains of the crystal armor, plus an ignorant and fearless lunatic, these are the three treasures of the refining department of the Great Wilderness War Institute. This is the only one, and there is no one else No!"

The students nodded repeatedly, and one student couldn't help sighing:

"Fortunately, I saw it with my own eyes. Otherwise, after our college entrance examination, if the score is not enough, maybe I will accidentally report to the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness Academy, and it will be miserable!"

Jin Quan laughed:

"Don't worry, everyone. This kind of thing will never happen, because by the time you fill in your volunteers, the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy has been cancelled!"

While speaking, the floating mountain slowly landed in a corner of the ruins.

Ahead is the dangerous goods warehouse that has been transformed into a refining room.

Lei Yongming, the elder of Tianjimen, came a step earlier, and was exchanging academic issues with Yuan Manqiu at the gate of the warehouse, and the two chatted happily. elated.

Jin Quan coughed lightly, squeezed his eyes, and said with a smile:

"Students, I'm about the same age as you, and I said this because I treated everyone as friends. If Elder Lei heard it, I'd be in a terrible situation! No one will tell the truth, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone laughed.

Many boys immediately shook their heads:

"Of course not. We are best friends with Teacher Xiaojin. We chat privately. How could someone spread the word?"

Jin Quan graduated from a prestigious school. The young man is handsome and has a lively personality. He is very popular in high school and is the object of admiration of many high school students. They regard him as the eldest brother and speak more casually.

Jin Quan nodded, and asked again:

"Students, although the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Desolation War Academy is extremely bad, I guess the artifact refining furnace they modified is also weird."

"However, when you are really in front of others, you still have to respect a little bit, and don't lose the face of Tianjimen."

"It's really ridiculous, keep it in my stomach, and laugh slowly on the way back, don't embarrass the master in person."

"What's more, this visit plan was proposed by Elder Lei. If you really laughed out loud on the spot, wouldn't you be disrespecting Elder Lei?"

"Of course Elder Lei is a good-tempered person, and he won't care about you kids, but when you go back to Tianji Gate, your parents will beat your ass to pieces!"

The students nodded one after another:

"Understood, Teacher Jin, no matter what we see, we must hold back!"

"Very good, everyone, get out of the car and see what kind of Tai'a-type refining furnace can be modified by the Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy!"

In high spirits, Jin Quan jumped off the shuttle with the high school students.

Lei Yongming is about 200 years old. He has been engaged in refining tools for many years. He is dark and thin, like an old farmer who has been exposed to the sun too much.

However, the silver threads all over her head were shining brightly, and she couldn't find any dim ones, which also showed a somewhat extraordinary demeanor.

Lei Yongming was in a good mood, he smiled and asked:

"Jinquan, have you explained to the students the rules of entering the refining room?"

Jin Quan nodded and said respectfully:

"It's all explained clearly. You can't mess around in the refining room, and everything must be obeyed."

Lei Yongming was very satisfied, stroked his goatee:

"That's good. Just now I talked with Professor Yuan of the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy, and found that they have a lot of ingenious ideas for the transformation of the Tai'a-type. It seems to be different from what I imagined. Don't say so much Now, please ask Professor Yuan to take us in for a visit!"

"It is we who want to ask the old seniors of Tianjimen to give us some advice."

Yuan Manqiu said with a smile, waving his fat hands to many teenagers, "Students of Tianji No. 1 Middle School, please come with me, there is a yellow line drawn on the ground, you just need to stand outside the yellow line."

Jin Quan turned his head and gestured to the students with his mouth: "Hold it, hold it back."


The warehouse door opens.

A group of people swaggered in. (Please search Piaotian Literature, better update faster!